AB's involvement?

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Where do you stand on AB's involvement?

  • AB was completely clueless until the afternoon Zhra was reported missing

    Votes: 9 2.4%
  • AB was oblivous until the morning of the fire

    Votes: 5 1.3%
  • Ab was not involved with Zahra's death but completely involved in disposal

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • AB was soley responsible for what happened to Zahra and her disposal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AB killed Zahra

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • AB was involved in the death and cover up of Zahra.

    Votes: 71 18.9%
  • Adam and Elisa were both equally complicit

    Votes: 94 25.1%
  • AB contributed to death by negligence; Involved in cover-up *except* for disposal

    Votes: 14 3.7%
  • AB contributed to Zahra's death through negligence and was involved in the cover up and disposal

    Votes: 138 36.8%
  • Leaning towards AB was in denial- but all depends on what was found in the house.

    Votes: 15 4.0%
  • Other: Not sure how AB is involved. Can't condemn him for Zahra's demise, as yet...I need more infor

    Votes: 35 9.3%
  • I think AB was involved and so was EB...

    Votes: 12 3.2%

  • Total voters
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This quote touched me so personally! I think thats why I personally love WS so much. Everyone is so different but so much the same. We are the same in we all see a horrible misjustice done to someone in this case a 10 yr old cancer surviving pistol of a little girl that has touched us all so much.
You deal with it by backing away and regrouping, I on the other hand am here as soon as I get up and its one of the last things I do before bed at night.
I as well as most if not all of you cannot fathom doing this to a child. I wish there was a way I could make it never happen again and im sure everyone here agrees with this.
I honestly dont think AB had anything to do with this. Maybe its because I couldnt do anything to hurt my chidren. I just think he was way too willing to trust EB. I think she is an evil hateful woman who didnt,doesnt give a D*** about anyone but herself.
I dont pretend to understand how a woman gets a man shes been intimate with for 10 yrs to say hes her brother let alone get her kids to go along with it.I just think someone like that could get someone in he** to buy hot chocolate. I also dont understand why a abused person will run to the abuser and stand up for that person but it happens all the time. I think if AB saw the signs of abuse when he questioned Zahra she stood up for EB.
I know the dogs hit on both vehicles and the wood chipper. Le ruled the wood chipper out as blood on the motor from a cut from a worker. Whos to say the blood or hit on the work vehicle wasnt the same senerio. I honestly dont know but its a possibility.
All of which I see involving AB as knowing anything can so simply be explained away. I have been accused of searching or reaching to find him innocent. The search and reach wasnt very hard. I think hes a simple guy with simple thoughts and people are putting way to hard of thoughts into his simple life.
I think EB did this I think she masterminded it. I think there are people she can get to do things normal people wouldnt do. Im not at all sure if she didnt have people help without them realising they were helping. I can see her saying to someone I have a bag of bad meat stinking up my refriderator wil you throw it out on your way,and them having no idea it was part of Zahra. JMHO...PS I love reading everyone elses ideas!

In response to the part of your post I bolded above westside, your comment regarding EB getting her ex to go along with the "brother act" has me curious. Not to go off-topic here but - even though I'm not convinced (yet) that AB isn't involved - if I were to look at someone else as a potential accomplice, he would definately be the one. I cannot help but wonder what EB and her ex's game was - why they would lie to AB about this unless there was an alterior motive(s). What that is/was I don't know but there's something stinky/hinky about it. JMO ~
just catching up on this thread...


I just curious, what do you make out of that 911 call then? Do you really think that AB didnt know the ransom note was fake? Not attacking, just curious what your take is on those things that are so convincing to me.

I apologize, I only noticed this question from you today.

My thoughts on the 911 call are pretty much my thoughts of the type of person that AB was. Awkward doing what he thought was what a man was suppose to do and that was to provide for his family. I do not see him as maternal, again the only word i can come up with is awkward. EB was a master at manipulation

Greeting-not sure here if he did not believe that Zahra was missing but it struck myself as being more awkward

Broody- I do not believe this thought came from AB but EB to explain why she was spending so much time in room, not coming out etc., I believe she is a master manipulator. Brooding is quite an old fashioned way to say going through puberty.

This also tells me that he was uncomfortable with discussion about things like that, again awkward for him

I do not believe that AB was very social, in fact probably quiet

In my mind referring to the prosthesis it would be something I would mention as with my daughter when I want to know where or how far she has probably gone I follow the trail of the prosthesis/crutches

If i recall the initial information that came out on MSM AB had been away prior working. This i would not find unusual as that is how it is in my household

One thing I do note is that AB called I believe it to be the Hickory chief by his first name Tom from very early in the investigation (this was in the interview). This is one man that struck me as being a very genuine human being. So it showed me that AB was able to relate to him. Not sure if this was the good / bad cop or just again simply the type of person I myself saw at the press conferences

I agree with your assessment that this whole situation was extremely awkward for AB...I know many men who would allow women to completely take over in a situation with a pre-adolescent daughter gratefully. I could completely get him "chuckling" with unease when mentioning "brooding" and EB taking complete advantage of his discomfort by using this as an excuse for him to basically let her completely take charge of his suddenly "difficult" daughter.

No matter what, I still can't excuse him or condone his behavior in that it seems clear he would have to have blinders on to not know she was being physically and emotionally abused...But men have been in denial and much worse when manipulated by women- and apparently she was a master manipulator and no match for him.

All this is MOO and I hope I'm right...I can't allow myself to believe he ever knew the extent of this situation or fully participated until proof is shown...I still hold him morally responsible no matter what but the part of me that wants to deny the extent of evil in this world will need proof...
I agree with your assessment that this whole situation was extremely awkward for AB...I know many men who would allow women to completely take over in a situation with a pre-adolescent daughter gratefully. I could completely get him "chuckling" with unease when mentioning "brooding" and EB taking complete advantage of his discomfort by using this as an excuse for him to basically let her completely take charge of his suddenly "difficult" daughter.

No matter what, I still can't excuse him or condone his behavior in that it seems clear he would have to have blinders on to not know she was being physically and emotionally abused...But men have been in denial and much worse when manipulated by women- and apparently she was a master manipulator and no match for him.

All this is MOO and I hope I'm right...I can't allow myself to believe he ever knew the extent of this situation or fully participated until proof is shown...I still hold him morally responsible no matter what but the part of me that wants to deny the extent of evil in this world will need proof...

This is just a thought. Not really sure if I accept it really. My own reasons. The fights that was said they had, could have been over him standing up for Z. I think the man was stuck. I don't want to go into intellectual reasons why I think this but I am thinking it.
I agree with your assessment that this whole situation was extremely awkward for AB...I know many men who would allow women to completely take over in a situation with a pre-adolescent daughter gratefully. I could completely get him "chuckling" with unease when mentioning "brooding" and EB taking complete advantage of his discomfort by using this as an excuse for him to basically let her completely take charge of his suddenly "difficult" daughter.

No matter what, I still can't excuse him or condone his behavior in that it seems clear he would have to have blinders on to not know she was being physically and emotionally abused...But men have been in denial and much worse when manipulated by women- and apparently she was a master manipulator and no match for him.

All this is MOO and I hope I'm right...I can't allow myself to believe he ever knew the extent of this situation or fully participated until proof is shown...I still hold him morally responsible no matter what but the part of me that wants to deny the extent of evil in this world will need proof...

Agree that he knew that things were happening. Where i sit on the fence is how far did he indeed go with it. That is where i stumble with this and i am not sure if LE is really crossing the t's or dotting the i's because of being an austrailian citizen. I think they removed, examined everything they possibly could in the vehicles, house etc., not necessarily that they always found something but to make sure they did not miss anything. Then i flip to the fact they sure turned this case from missing to homicide very quickly. Man i must be tired lol I have never seen myself go back and forth on something like this as much as i have with this case MOO
Wow, there's a lot of great thoughts on this thread. I go back and forth on AB's involvement, but the things we do know about him say a lot about who he is -

Having the cojones to falsify information to the government for Zahra's passport, re ED - she said he used her maiden name to get around getting her signature / permission. Not to mention the fact that he cruelly kept Zahra and her mother apart for years, including when they thought they may lose her.

Reading the accusation of AB driving the car that chased and attempted to drive EB's nephew and GF off the road, threatening with a taser - going to her mother's house where their baby was staying - does not sound like a meek, lil pussy cat to me. It would have to take someone who had a real mean streak to go along with something like that. These are adults, not adolescents, who forget that a car is a huge piece of machinery - capable of causing death...

EB and AB fighting, so violently that it knocks their adjoining neighbor's picture off the wall! (At the apartment) taking their physical fighting out to the parking lot / drive way. Sounds to me that AB could stick up for himself OK. Since these same neighbors also didn't know they had a child in the place - I don't have the feeling that their fight's were over Zahra. (MOO)

(If Adam was miserable here - I do believe asking Mom for a 1 way ticket home for him and Zahra was an option he could have and should have used - which makes me think he was not miserable here at all).

The 911 call and subsequent interviews has me scratching my head - none of the neighbors saw AB go looking for Zahra (according to MSM).

Paraphrasing AB here: How ya doin'?

My daughter is missing...

911 - Your WHAT?

Yeah, my 10 yr old daughter is missing... blah blah, she's been all broody lately, ya know. Not coming out of her room except when she wants something... (When does a 10 year old not want something?)

We had a lot of drama here last night - a fire, kidnapping threat / ransom note (on my boss's daughter) and all - but I didn't need to check on my daughter at that point (or any point, really) cuz her mom said she was alive at 2:30 in the morning - even tho I hadn't seen her since Thursday and my bosses daughter is AAW - so it seems the kidnappers set a small fire in my backyard and gasoline spill in my vehicle, to cause a distraction, so they could kidnap my daughter... (No emotion about this - but note that there was drama AKA an emotional situation at 5:30)

Evidently this kidnapper knew A & EB weren't going to check on their child's welfare - WAIT!? How did the kidnapper even know there was a child in the house, no one else did?

First interview - Adam talks about Zahra being missing with dry eyes - when he starts talking about not speaking with EB since the phone call / arrest (he didn't specify) that's when he starts the boohoo act and "Tom" looks at him like he's a moron. AB may have related to "Tom" but "Tom" was not feeling the love for AB, if the look on his face is anything to judge by.

Next interview - he hadn't seen Zahra, 100%? Out of bed? (Yeah, AB - 100% SAW YOUR DAUGHTER ALIVE AND WELL?) That would be Tuesday...

Reporter: Don't you mean Thursday?

Oh, yeah (chortle) thanks...

I can't find the morning show interview that AB did - didn't he say she was always smiling, always happy (As apposed to broody)?

Even after saying he believed Zahra was alive - not one time did he appeal to anyone to bring her back. No message to Zahra saying 'I love you and miss you, I want you to know we will find you and bring you home, to your family.'

They had a dog and a puppy in the yard and Zahra was at the house, pretty much 24/7, being home schooled and all - yet she was never outside, playing with the puppy or the dog.

EB made Zahra leave her cat behind when they moved - does this speak to EB knowing Zahra's days with them were also coming to an end? Either way, it is just mean and cruel to do this to a child, who had already lost so much.

I believe abuse killed Zahra, whether it was a beating, injuries from a prior beating, because her cancer had returned or all three; I'm still on the fence and it really doesn't matter. We know there was abuse, we know there was neglect - including medical neglect and failing to provide an education.

Abuse / neglect - one in the same to my way of thinking.

I think it's very likely that in addition to dotting those i's and crossing those t's - LE is waiting for the GJ to return the first week of December. I truly hope that we will see his arrest and more charges for EB at that time.
AB was involved in all this up to his eyeballs.

That's my opinion, I'm sticking with it.
Wow, there's a lot of great thoughts on this thread. I go back and forth on AB's involvement, but the things we do know about him say a lot about who he is -

Having the cojones to falsify information to the government for Zahra's passport, re ED - she said he used her maiden name to get around getting her signature / permission. Not to mention the fact that he cruelly kept Zahra and her mother apart for years, including when they thought they may lose her.

Reading the accusation of AB driving the car that chased and attempted to drive EB's nephew and GF off the road, threatening with a taser - going to her mother's house where their baby was staying - does not sound like a meek, lil pussy cat to me. It would have to take someone who had a real mean streak to go along with something like that. These are adults, not adolescents, who forget that a car is a huge piece of machinery - capable of causing death...

EB and AB fighting, so violently that it knocks their adjoining neighbor's picture off the wall! (At the apartment) taking their physical fighting out to the parking lot / drive way. Sounds to me that AB could stick up for himself OK. Since these same neighbors also didn't know they had a child in the place - I don't have the feeling that their fight's were over Zahra. (MOO)

(If Adam was miserable here - I do believe asking Mom for a 1 way ticket home for him and Zahra was an option he could have and should have used - which makes me think he was not miserable here at all).

The 911 call and subsequent interviews has me scratching my head - none of the neighbors saw AB go looking for Zahra (according to MSM).

Paraphrasing AB here: How ya doin'?

My daughter is missing...

911 - Your WHAT?

Yeah, my 10 yr old daughter is missing... blah blah, she's been all broody lately, ya know. Not coming out of her room except when she wants something... (When does a 10 year old not want something?)

We had a lot of drama here last night - a fire, kidnapping threat / ransom note (on my boss's daughter) and all - but I didn't need to check on my daughter at that point (or any point, really) cuz her mom said she was alive at 2:30 in the morning - even tho I hadn't seen her since Thursday and my bosses daughter is AAW - so it seems the kidnappers set a small fire in my backyard and gasoline spill in my vehicle, to cause a distraction, so they could kidnap my daughter... (No emotion about this - but note that there was drama AKA an emotional situation at 5:30)

Evidently this kidnapper knew A & EB weren't going to check on their child's welfare - WAIT!? How did the kidnapper even know there was a child in the house, no one else did?

First interview - Adam talks about Zahra being missing with dry eyes - when he starts talking about not speaking with EB since the phone call / arrest (he didn't specify) that's when he starts the boohoo act and "Tom" looks at him like he's a moron. AB may have related to "Tom" but "Tom" was not feeling the love for AB, if the look on his face is anything to judge by.

Next interview - he hadn't seen Zahra, 100%? Out of bed? (Yeah, AB - 100% SAW YOUR DAUGHTER ALIVE AND WELL?) That would be Tuesday...

Reporter: Don't you mean Thursday?

Oh, yeah (chortle) thanks...

I can't find the morning show interview that AB did - didn't he say she was always smiling, always happy (As apposed to broody)?

Even after saying he believed Zahra was alive - not one time did he appeal to anyone to bring her back. No message to Zahra saying 'I love you and miss you, I want you to know we will find you and bring you home, to your family.'

They had a dog and a puppy in the yard and Zahra was at the house, pretty much 24/7, being home schooled and all - yet she was never outside, playing with the puppy or the dog.

EB made Zahra leave her cat behind when they moved - does this speak to EB knowing Zahra's days with them were also coming to an end? Either way, it is just mean and cruel to do this to a child, who had already lost so much.

I believe abuse killed Zahra, whether it was a beating, injuries from a prior beating, because her cancer had returned or all three; I'm still on the fence and it really doesn't matter. We know there was abuse, we know there was neglect - including medical neglect and failing to provide an education.

Abuse / neglect - one in the same to my way of thinking.

I think it's very likely that in addition to dotting those i's and crossing those t's - LE is waiting for the GJ to return the first week of December. I truly hope that we will see his arrest and more charges for EB at that time.

BBM Yes, he said that, just re-watched that interview the other day, added it to EB/AB list of lies too!

Great post LCoastMom.
i came across this link. It is a radio interview with Brittany Bently and her mother Kim Drum. If you scroll down the page to the bottom right you can hear the interview.

Mods i apologize in advance for one posting this if i should not of and 2 if i posted it in the wrong spot

Hi Allusonz - The source for your link seems fine, as it seems to be a podcast from a MSM reporter.

I am not 100% sure which thread it is best suited for, though. If you feel the story is interesting enough, you could start a thread on this interview.

It is an interview with BB and her mother about EB's alleged drug involvement, I believe.

Any one else have any suggestions where this interview is best placed?

ETA: I have asked the other mods for feedback, and will return with a decision shortly.
This thread is getting rather long, so I started a part II, with a new poll.

Please continue here:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=120774"]AB's Involvement ptII - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
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