AB's involvement?

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Where do you stand on AB's involvement?

  • AB was completely clueless until the afternoon Zhra was reported missing

    Votes: 9 2.4%
  • AB was oblivous until the morning of the fire

    Votes: 5 1.3%
  • Ab was not involved with Zahra's death but completely involved in disposal

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • AB was soley responsible for what happened to Zahra and her disposal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AB killed Zahra

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • AB was involved in the death and cover up of Zahra.

    Votes: 71 18.9%
  • Adam and Elisa were both equally complicit

    Votes: 94 25.1%
  • AB contributed to death by negligence; Involved in cover-up *except* for disposal

    Votes: 14 3.7%
  • AB contributed to Zahra's death through negligence and was involved in the cover up and disposal

    Votes: 138 36.8%
  • Leaning towards AB was in denial- but all depends on what was found in the house.

    Votes: 15 4.0%
  • Other: Not sure how AB is involved. Can't condemn him for Zahra's demise, as yet...I need more infor

    Votes: 35 9.3%
  • I think AB was involved and so was EB...

    Votes: 12 3.2%

  • Total voters
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In the beginning I thought Adam Baker was only involved in the cover up. A couple of weeks ago I began to believe he actively contributed to her death. Now, I don't have any doubt. It's only my opinion but I firmly believed he helped to murder her.
In the beginning I thought Adam Baker was only involved in the cover up. A couple of weeks ago I began to believe he actively contributed to her death. Now, I don't have any doubt. It's only my opinion but I firmly believed he helped to murder her.

We seem to have come to the same conclusion, Dar. Which makes this case all the more disturbing to me..if that were even possible.
In the beginning I thought Adam Baker was only involved in the cover up. A couple of weeks ago I began to believe he actively contributed to her death. Now, I don't have any doubt. It's only my opinion but I firmly believed he helped to murder her.

Seeing what was left behind in Zahra's closet says it all to me. :cry: MOO
Yesterday, I voted Other. Glad the OP made the poll so a vote could be changed. AB & EB are equally complicit, imo.
I think that Zahra was neglected, and for that... both parents should be put on trial.

(PS- I am one of those "dreamers" and can't bring the thought of the worst has happened.)
Seeing what was left behind in Zahra's closet says it all to me. :cry: MOO

Not being snarky at all, and not directed to you specifically, but... I'm just confused about all the comments regarding the clothes in the closet being discussed as a sign of guilt. There are probably many 10 y.o. girls who don't have many clothes. Maybe she had t-shirts and jeans/pants in drawers, not hanging up. Or there could have been a whole hamper-full of clothes that had not been laundered yet. Anybody ever thought of that?
I guess I just don't get the significance of the number of clothes hanging in the closet. Someone help me out here!
Not being snarky at all, and not directed to you specifically, but... I'm just confused about all the comments regarding the clothes in the closet being discussed as a sign of guilt. There are probably many 10 y.o. girls who don't have many clothes. Maybe she had t-shirts and jeans/pants in drawers, not hanging up. Or there could have been a whole hamper-full of clothes that had not been laundered yet. Anybody ever thought of that?
I guess I just don't get the significance of the number of clothes hanging in the closet. Someone help me out here!

Thank you for this, there are a lot of children that dont have a room full of toys and clothes, there are a lot of poor children. As fas as leaving them there..my mom and dad have passed and I kept a few of their things not closets full. I think most people believe this to be a sign of him being aware she is not coming back and with what the police are saying I believe that too. I dont think he has any doubts of her being gone for good but neither do I and I didnt hurt her.
Not being snarky at all, and not directed to you specifically, but... I'm just confused about all the comments regarding the clothes in the closet being discussed as a sign of guilt. There are probably many 10 y.o. girls who don't have many clothes. Maybe she had t-shirts and jeans/pants in drawers, not hanging up. Or there could have been a whole hamper-full of clothes that had not been laundered yet. Anybody ever thought of that?
I guess I just don't get the significance of the number of clothes hanging in the closet. Someone help me out here!

I don't consider the amount of clothes left in her closet significant. I do find it surreal though that the only visible sign (to us anyway) of this child ever having even been in that house, is just a handful of clothes and some stickers in the bottom of her closet. I'm sure LE carted out ALOT of Zahra's stuff and I simply missed the pics of them doing that, but why leave those few clothes hanging in her closet. Why not take them as well? Just seems strange to me. And, while it's true that we only have a handful of pictures of the inside of the house, I can't find a single thing in any of those pics to indicate that a child ever lived there, except for her closet and a few kids stickers stuck to her bedroom wall. Not hand drawn kid pics on the fridge in the kitchen, not childrens dvd's, not a little girls hair barret laying on the floor of the bathroom, nothing.
Let me get this straight. He is driving a truck around with

“Zahra has been abused daily by her mother; who is now in jail and is a suspect in her disappearance.”

written on the back?? How unbelievable stupid! :doh: He was with her daily. Does he really think that we can't put two and two together? He is announcing to the world that he watched his daughter be abused by EB on a daily basis and did nothing to stop her. IMO

ETA: There is just no responsibility with this man. He is as deluded as EB is. He seems to think he is going to get away with this by pointing fingers at EB while completely excusing the fact that he is her father and lived under the same roof.

There was no one in that house who cared at all about this little girl. No wonder she was so upset when she had to get rid of her cats. They probably showed her more love and devotion then her own father. IMO

No, no, remember - he was at work! Hmm why does this sound so familiar? That's right, Haleigh's sperm donor, RC, had the same lame excuse and it worked for him! He turned it into a mantra.

These two make me sick.
I voted equally complicit. I'd also vote for them to receive equal punishment. As long as it's the harshest sentence which can be imposed by law.
I'm worried because without a COD, these evil people could get off with lesser charges!
Not being snarky at all, and not directed to you specifically, but... I'm just confused about all the comments regarding the clothes in the closet being discussed as a sign of guilt. There are probably many 10 y.o. girls who don't have many clothes. Maybe she had t-shirts and jeans/pants in drawers, not hanging up. Or there could have been a whole hamper-full of clothes that had not been laundered yet. Anybody ever thought of that?
I guess I just don't get the significance of the number of clothes hanging in the closet. Someone help me out here!
I wasn't referring to the number of clothes in the closet, just the fact that things belonging to Zahra were still in there after he and family had been inside the house. IMO, if he were totally innocent and facing eviction, he'd want to get all her things out of there as soon as possible. MOO
How could any family member enter that house and believe AB had ZERO involvement is way beyond rational comprehension!
Let me get this straight. He is driving a truck around with

“Zahra has been abused daily by her mother; who is now in jail and is a suspect in her disappearance.”

written on the back?? How unbelievable stupid! :doh: He was with her daily. Does he really think that we can't put two and two together? He is announcing to the world that he watched his daughter be abused by EB on a daily basis and did nothing to stop her. IMO

ETA: There is just no responsibility with this man. He is as deluded as EB is. He seems to think he is going to get away with this by pointing fingers at EB while completely excusing the fact that he is her father and lived under the same roof.

There was no one in that house who cared at all about this little girl. No wonder she was so upset when she had to get rid of her cats. They probably showed her more love and devotion then her own father. IMO

Wow, now he's switching from THEY took her leg (in the 911 call) to accusing his wife of abusing his own daughter daily? He went from leading the police to think his daughter was abducted by one or more people to blaming his wife (easy enough since she admitted to writing the ransom note)? He's breaking down and will really mess up what he says and then the police will arrest him soon enough.

I'm also very suspicious since he told the police about the prosthetic leg being taken in the 911 call and then the leg is found near a road. That makes me think that he planted it there to be easily found even though it took some time for LE to find it. He was, in my opinion, leading LE investigators to look for the prosthetic. Maybe he was leading investigators away from where Zahra actually is and maybe Zahra is not near where her prosthetic was located. MOO
I'm worried because without a COD, these evil people could get off with lesser charges!

Caylee has an unknown COD, her mother is charged with MURDER. With the right evidence, murder charges are brought without any physical remains.

If that house revealed what it looks like it revealed - someone is going down hard - let's hope and pray LE is putting together air tight charges and the guilty party/ies are charged, tried, found guilty and sentenced accordingly!
From the day I voted until today....I have never changed my mind.
Both of these evil saddist people (AB/EB) are involved in the murder of Zahra.,JMOO
May justice be served for Zahra by her birthday Nov.16th.
AB was involved. If EB was abusing the little girl HE allowed it to happen, perhaps she did so after seeing him abuse her so much. The thing is this little girl just didnt happen to fall into abuse with EB.. if so then AB would of not let it happen. He was abusing her also.

I think he very well knew what was going on. I do think she was perhaps sick and from what I do not know. It could be from physical abuse, neglect, illness that was not treated. IMO they KNEW she was hurt in someway and left her there in that room not allowing her to come out. I seriously doubt there will be a reciept of any medication if in fact she has been sick a few weeks. They negelected her and kept her locked away.

She may have passed weeks before. The dismemberment of her body done in stages and at each stage clean up and some things in woodchipper such as rags, towles. I suspect the bones were discarded at different locations and various times.

AB is more creepy than EB to me. He is non caring. Do they really think they can get out of this. IF they had one ounce of decency they would at least tell the truth. Shame on AB for concealing ZB from her mother. WHat a selfish pig he is
I think (also hope and pray) that tomorrow will bring us some new news. Start of a new week, elections are over so maybe just maybe we will have a new charge of Murder in the first degree on both EB & AB.
I think (also hope and pray) that tomorrow will bring us some new news. Start of a new week, elections are over so maybe just maybe we will have a new charge of Murder in the first degree on both EB & AB.
My thoughts exactly, I am hoping today will bring charges against them.
Zahra deserves swift justice.
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