Adam Baker's Timeline.

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I no longer know where to put this, so I'm going to stick it here as it does apply to AB's statements regarding timelines. If a mod thinks it needs to be moved elsewhere, feel free to do so.

Here we finally have a reporter daring to ask AB a hard question, and a darned good one, imo.

Adam: Was told Zahra was in bed. Zahra normally went to bed early. I checked every night. From what I could tell she was in bed. It looked like she was in bed. There was something in bed.

Reporter: Did Elisa ever tell you not to go in there?

Adam: No. (pause) Ummm, she's known...well, she knows that if Zahra's asleep I'd open the door, check that she's in there asleep, and then go have a shower after work.

Reporter: What did you see when you would look in the room?

Adam: It would look like Zahra was in bed.

Reporter: Something under the sheets?

Adam: Yep.

Reporter: When you made that 911 call that morning, you said that you had last seen her at 2:30 that morning.

Adam: No. I said "we". Lisa checked on her.

Reporter: Lisa told you that.

Adam: Yeah.

Reporter: You did not?

Adam: No. I was asleep.

Reporter: When was the last time YOU saw Zahra?

Adam: What I thought was Thurday night.

A couple of interesting things stand out to me in this interview. 1). The reporter's excellent question regarding whether or not Elisa ever told Adam not to go in there, and Adam's response. He answers no rather quicky, then seems to see the point behind the question, and stumbles (imo). So Elisa Baker murders his child, stages her room to appear as though Zahra is lying in her bed for several days, and yet, she isn't the least bit concerned about Adam Baker going into the room? 2). Adam clearly says that he checked on Zahra EVERY night if she was in bed when he got home from work. Until we get to the late evening of Oct. 8 . This particular night/morning he doesn't check on his daughter. How come? What made this night different from every other night when he got home from work?

He was also asked about the last time he saw Zahra out of bed. Unfortunately, that's sensitive information that he can't answer, so again, huge gap in our timeline.
dont know if this is the right place for this....
AB has been asked several times when the last time he physically saw Zahra. His response every time is I cant answer that it might hinder the investigation.(not exact quote) I think he has proof to when he last saw her and it will show Zahra couldnt have died when EB said she did. JMO
I am sorry but I would have to hear some kind of explanation about why he lied about the time he last saw his only daughter before I can consider him wholly separated from the horrendous events taking place.
Did AB not say in one of those very first interviews that he "100 percent" saw Zahra up and about on Tuesday which the reporter then questioned him on as to whether he meant Thursday? A correction that he then agreed with?

How can he say that he "100 percent" saw Zahra up and about on any day that week if the TOD really is closer to Sept 24th? :waitasec:

IMO the thing about genuinely seeing Zahra 100% was an unfortunate choice of words in the circumstances because what with the dismemberment and everything it leads to the question, when did anyone last see, say, 20 % of Zahra.
Did AB not say in one of those very first interviews that he "100 percent" saw Zahra up and about on Tuesday which the reporter then questioned him on as to whether he meant Thursday? A correction that he then agreed with?

How can he say that he "100 percent" saw Zahra up and about on any day that week if the TOD really is closer to Sept 24th? :waitasec:


Exactly. He says he saw her up and out of bed on Tuesday (Oct. 5), reporter asks, "You mean Thursday?", and he agrees with her. Thursday would have been Oct. 7th...just 2 days prior to Zahra being reported missing. If we are to believe Adam Baker, then we would have to believe that Zahra died sometime between the time he saw her on Oct.7th and the time Elisa told him she was missing on Oct. 9

If we want to try to piece together a timeline from these statements, it poses ALOT of questions.

1). If Elisa Baker killed Zahra, dismembered her, scattered her remains in at least 2 dump areas, discarded and replaced her mattress, cleaned, and painted rooms, over the course of roughly 2 days, where was AB when all this occurred? Oct. 8 was a Friday, so he could have been at work during the day. But he certainly came home from work at some point that evening. Is it possible that Elisa could accomplish everything that was accomplished prior to AB returning from work that day? I don't think so.

2). If we are to assume she could somehow manage to do all this and cover her tracks prior to AB returning from work on Oct.8, what vehicle did she use to haul off one mattress and haul in another? If AB is at work, he has the "company vehicle" correct? She drove a compact car.

3). We know that cadaver dogs hit on the company vehicle that Adam Baker drove to work. If he had the vehicle during the day on Oct.8 , then how do we explain cadaver dogs hitting on the vehicle, and blood evidence being found on the interior console? Assuming Elisa is the only one involved here, we would have to believe that she loaded something with cadaver scent into his company vehicle, took it without his knowing, and also returned it without his knowing. When would this have occured? And where did Elisa stash whatever object this was, without Adam finding it, until she could slip into his vehicle in the dark of night and dispose of it?

4). There is also the issue of whether or not she and Adam attended Octoberfest on Oct. 7 or 8 (I can't recall exact date). I admit, I've never been able to get any sort of handle on this version of events, so I'm just going to throw it out there and let you guys try to deal with it however you see fit. She claims they were there, he says they weren't, local rumor has it that they were spotted there without Zahra. Who knows?

5). When was the old mattress discarded? And do we know from the sellers cell phone records when the new mattress was purchased and picked up? I've never seen that info...has anyone else?

6). And finally, we have EB's cell phone pings from the areas of the disposal sites on Sept. 25 (?). If Adam Baker saw Zahra up and out of bed on Oct. 7, then what was EB doing at the disposal sites nearly 2 weeks prior to Zahra's death?

I have nothing to offer that we can use to put together a reliable timeline for Adam, but if we going to try to do so from his statements alone, then I think a reasonable place to start would be to try to figure out the answers to some of these questions.

Exactly. He says he saw her up and out of bed on Tuesday (Oct. 5), reporter asks, "You mean Thursday?", and he agrees with her. Thursday would have been Oct. 7th...just 2 days prior to Zahra being reported missing. If we are to believe Adam Baker, then we would have to believe that Zahra died sometime between the time he saw her on Oct.7th and the time Elisa told him she was missing on Oct. 9

If we want to try to piece together a timeline from these statements, it poses ALOT of questions.

1). If Elisa Baker killed Zahra, dismembered her, scattered her remains in at least 2 dump areas, discarded and replaced her mattress, cleaned, and painted rooms, over the course of roughly 2 days, where was AB when all this occurred? Oct. 8 was a Friday, so he could have been at work during the day. But he certainly came home from work at some point that evening. Is it possible that Elisa could accomplish everything that was accomplished prior to AB returning from work that day? I don't think so.

2). If we are to assume she could somehow manage to do all this and cover her tracks prior to AB returning from work on Oct.8, what vehicle did she use to haul off one mattress and haul in another? If AB is at work, he has the "company vehicle" correct? She drove a compact car.

3). We know that cadaver dogs hit on the company vehicle that Adam Baker drove to work. If he had the vehicle during the day on Oct.8 , then how do we explain cadaver dogs hitting on the vehicle, and blood evidence being found on the interior console? Assuming Elisa is the only one involved here, we would have to believe that she loaded something with cadaver scent into his company vehicle, took it without his knowing, and also returned it without his knowing. When would this have occured? And where did Elisa stash whatever object this was, without Adam finding it, until she could slip into his vehicle in the dark of night and dispose of it?

4). There is also the issue of whether or not she and Adam attended Octoberfest on Oct. 7 or 8 (I can't recall exact date). I admit, I've never been able to get any sort of handle on this version of events, so I'm just going to throw it out there and let you guys try to deal with it however you see fit. She claims they were there, he says they weren't, local rumor has it that they were spotted there without Zahra. Who knows?

5). When was the old mattress discarded? And do we know from the sellers cell phone records when the new mattress was purchased and picked up? I've never seen that info...has anyone else?

6). And finally, we have EB's cell phone pings from the areas of the disposal sites on Sept. 25 (?). If Adam Baker saw Zahra up and out of bed on Oct. 7, then what was EB doing at the disposal sites nearly 2 weeks prior to Zahra's death?

I have nothing to offer that we can use to put together a reliable timeline for Adam, but if we going to try to do so from his statements alone, then I think a reasonable place to start would be to try to figure out the answers to some of these questions.


Good questions! As to question six, maybe she was prepping the disposal sites? That would definitely show premeditation. Is the 25th the only day of questionable pings? It seems like the only day brought up.

For question 3, I can kind of see her asking to borrow the company car to go to the store, bring whatever it was she was disposing with her, dispose it, go to the actual store and buying meat, and if he asks about a red stain in his car or something, she'll say it was the meat she bought at the market, that it leaked on the console from a hole in the packaging because that is where she put it or something like that. He probably just took her at her word if she truly did this behind his back and he didn't know. Or if he knew something was wrong, he chose to ignore it and go with what she said.

Of course, a friend of mine has a company car with a company gps tracker on it, so he can't use it for anything but business. I don't know how techie a company for a tree cutting company would be, though.

And you'd think it would bother him that LE is saying she died in September, but he's saying he saw her in October. Yet that doesn't seem to register on him at all for some reason. And he's been upset with cadaver dogs hitting on his company car either.

Anyway, to me, it's sounding more and like this was not only planned, but planned well in advance of when it happened, which is just terrifying. I just don't know how much AB was in on it or if it totally happened behind his back.
Good questions! As to question six, maybe she was prepping the disposal sites? That would definitely show premeditation. Is the 25th the only day of questionable pings? It seems like the only day brought up.

For question 3, I can kind of see her asking to borrow the company car to go to the store, bring whatever it was she was disposing with her, dispose it, go to the actual store and buying meat, and if he asks about a red stain in his car or something, she'll say it was the meat she bought at the market, that it leaked on the console from a hole in the packaging because that is where she put it or something like that. He probably just took her at her word if she truly did this behind his back and he didn't know. Or if he knew something was wrong, he chose to ignore it and go with what she said.

Of course, a friend of mine has a company car with a company gps tracker on it, so he can't use it for anything but business. I don't know how techie a company for a tree cutting company would be, though.

And you'd think it would bother him that LE is saying she died in September, but he's saying he saw her in October. Yet that doesn't seem to register on him at all for some reason. And he's been upset with cadaver dogs hitting on his company car either.

Anyway, to me, it's sounding more and like this was not only planned, but planned well in advance of when it happened, which is just terrifying. I just don't know how much AB was in on it or if it totally happened behind his back.

One of the things that bugs me the most is trying to nail down the exact time the old mattress was disposed of and the exact date the new mattress was purchased and picked up. According to what AB has said, he checked on her every night that she was sleeping when he got home from work (except, apparently, the night prior to her being reported missing), and she was in bed. Or what appeared to be her was in bed anyway (ahem). Now, if that statement is true, then there had to be a bed in her room for him to see her lying in, correct? If there is any kind of gap between when the old mattress was disposed of and the time the new mattress was purchased and put into her room...well, these statements just wouldn't add up, would they?

Unfortunately, I can't pin down the dates of the disposal of old mattress and purchase of new mattress, so this doesn't nothing what so ever to help us with nailing down a timeline for AB. :banghead:
Dar posted a new article today in media where KB was reiterating that Adam worked long hours.

The Catawba County Social Services reports they went unannounced to the house on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 6:18pm and talked with Adam, Elisa, and Zahra. Why was Adam at home at that hour IF he worked such long hours?

IMO, his and KB's lies are going to catch up with them.
Dar posted a new article today in media where KB was reiterating that Adam worked long hours.

The Catawba County Social Services reports they went unannounced to the house on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 at 6:18pm and talked with Adam, Elisa, and Zahra. Why was Adam at home at that hour IF he worked such long hours?

IMO, his and KB's lies are going to catch up with them.

Yeh, AB must work longer hours than anyone because a lot of people work long hours but they still go in their child's room and look at them sleeping. Do we know when AB started the job for the treeservice?
Yeh, AB must work longer hours than anyone because a lot of people work long hours but they still go in their child's room and look at them sleeping. Do we know when AB started the job for the treeservice?

IIRC, the neighbor in the trailer park, Greene was his last name, is the one who got ab the job Wouldn't that put it at the time they lived in that place It is where Zahra was made to walk up the hill by wsm/eb.
IIRC, the neighbor in the trailer park, Greene was his last name, is the one who got ab the job Wouldn't that put it at the time they lived in that place It is where Zahra was made to walk up the hill by wsm/eb.

Oh thanks. I didn't remember hearing that. There were neighbors somewhere who said they heard lots of yelling, cussing and fighting too. Seems the complaints to family services may have started before he started to work his 'long hours'. Iirc someone reported the 'walking the hill' abuse. So AB had just been working a few months at this job. Did he have any other job before this. If he didn't he had quite a few months where he was home most of the time. jmo
Oh thanks. I didn't remember hearing that. There were neighbors somewhere who said they heard lots of yelling, cussing and fighting too. Seems the complaints to family services may have started before he started to work his 'long hours'. Iirc someone reported the 'walking the hill' abuse. So AB had just been working a few months at this job. Did he have any other job before this. If he didn't he had quite a few months where he was home most of the time. jmo

Sorry, I don't remember about any other jobs he had. I just remember reading about the neighbors in the trailer park and that the one man who witenessed the abuse w/his fiancee said that he got ab the job. I just can't find that specific link about the job. Perhaps someone else has it handy. When I do find it I'll post it, hopefully that will be sooner rather than later.

As I'm looking for it I am reminded that a lot of people saw what was happening. I just wish they had spoken up MORE! this link
Jacie is correct, it was the neighbor in the trailer park who helped AB get the job, I recall that from the interviews. So the next thing to do is get the timline of the moves figured out. I thought there was a residence between the trailer park with the hill and the 21st street address. If I am correct, that would give us at least an idea of how long AB had been working for Mr. C.

If I am not mistaken, this also may be the same trailer park where AY (ex to EB and f/k/t AB as her brother) lived. The relationship (whatever it consisted of) with AY soured around Februrary 2010 so I imagine the move occurred shortly thereafter? Definitely going to have to revisit the many moves thread to figure this out.
Jacie is correct, it was the neighbor in the trailer park who helped AB get the job, I recall that from the interviews. So the next thing to do is get the timline of the moves figured out. I thought there was a residence between the trailer park with the hill and the 21st street address. If I am correct, that would give us at least an idea of how long AB had been working for Mr. C.

If I am not mistaken, this also may be the same trailer park where AY (ex to EB and f/k/t AB as her brother) lived. The relationship (whatever it consisted of) with AY soured around Februrary 2010 so I imagine the move occurred shortly thereafter? Definitely going to have to revisit the many moves thread to figure this out.

Thanks, I just can't find the link that says that specifically. From this info, it is when they lived in Sawmills, I don't know if that is a town or a trailer park.

"[XXXX] who lived next to the Bakers for about a year in Sawmills, said Elisa Baker would force Zahra to walk long distances on her prosthetic leg, threatening punishment if she slowed down.

xxxx's fiance, Bobby Green, said he sensed Elisa Baker "was jealous of Zahra because she got more attention from Adam, her dad, than Elisa did."

ETA: In the myriad threads that I have just searched looking for this info, there was something that I thought of and I don't remember reading anything about it. In the Hickory house, the bathroom cabinet/sink was removed, possibly by LE. It made me think, because of spatial issues and the fact that eb said Zahra fell into the sink cabinet; Zahra didn't have a wheelchair for the times when it was too painful to walk on her prothesis because of sores, i,e,; when eb made her walk up htta hill in the trailer park. [hope this makes sense to someone besides me]
Jacie is correct, it was the neighbor in the trailer park who helped AB get the job, I recall that from the interviews. So the next thing to do is get the timline of the moves figured out. I thought there was a residence between the trailer park with the hill and the 21st street address. If I am correct, that would give us at least an idea of how long AB had been working for Mr. C.

If I am not mistaken, this also may be the same trailer park where AY (ex to EB and f/k/t AB as her brother) lived. The relationship (whatever it consisted of) with AY soured around Februrary 2010 so I imagine the move occurred shortly thereafter? Definitely going to have to revisit the many moves thread to figure this out.

They moved directly from the trailer park on Phillip Lane to the house in Hickory. Prior to the Phillip Lane trailer, I believe they lived in the apartment on Congress Street (the one with the attic).

Here's the map with addresses and dates that Writer7 put together for us on the SAR thread.,-81.502075&spn=1.207953,1.977539&t=h&z=8
So that would mean the job with Mr. C was a recent one, only months old most likely.
Thanks, I just can't find the link that says that specifically. From this info, it is when they lived in Sawmills, I don't know if that is a town or a trailer park.

"[XXXX] who lived next to the Bakers for about a year in Sawmills, said Elisa Baker would force Zahra to walk long distances on her prosthetic leg, threatening punishment if she slowed down.

xxxx's fiance, Bobby Green, said he sensed Elisa Baker "was jealous of Zahra because she got more attention from Adam, her dad, than Elisa did."

ETA: In the myriad threads that I have just searched looking for this info, there was something that I thought of and I don't remember reading anything about it. In the Hickory house, the bathroom cabinet/sink was removed, possibly by LE. It made me think, because of spatial issues and the fact that eb said Zahra fell into the sink cabinet; Zahra didn't have a wheelchair for the times when it was too painful to walk on her prothesis because of sores, i,e,; when eb made her walk up htta hill in the trailer park. [hope this makes sense to someone besides me]
A couple of things are interesting here. First, EB allegedly being jealous of AB paying more attention to Zahra than to her. The same AB who didn't even bother to go into his daughter's bedroom to say good night to her in the time frame LE has established around her time of death? The same AB who can't even remember when he last actually saw his daughter (and not a "lump" in the bed)? Secondly, did Zahra have a wheelchair? I understood she had crutches however don't recall anything mentioned of a wheelchair or that any part of the house had to be made accessible for one. :waitasec: MOO

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