Advertisments are Coming....

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DNA Solves
For some reason, I think that picture could not only bring money but make people find religion again.


I am all for ads! You have been so generous for so long. I read here long before I was registered! And I will click on the ads, I promise!

Thank you so much for Websleuths. It is by far the most accurate, most well read forum on the net with very intelligent posters! It has done so much for missing persons and children! Look what was accomplished for Tawney and her family!

A heartfelt thank you, Tricia! And thanks to all the mods here who do such a great job!

I switched from Google Ads to Six Apart Media recently simply because I have slightly more control over what ads I see on my sites, and the payouts are also a little higher. Almost double, actually in my case. It has paid for my hosting for several months now. is the link. Pretty nice folks and I also felt like it was the least I could do to support the folks that created my blog software and keep it free.
hey there!

I do cafepress for my band and make no money :(
Maybe because this site is more popular nationwide, you can make more money than me.

I belong to a musicians' site and pay $2.00 per month through paypal to have access to the "member" sections.
I think that would be fair in this case too.

Plus, the ads are more profitable so lookin' forward to the first advertiser on board!!
I have no problem with the ads. Go for it! I'm used to them from Court TV, which no longer exists.

You've got a fabulous board going on here. And I still have my old nic!

I think we need to take up a collection just to buy Tricia and the mods some aspirin and Tums...They must be going through the stuff like candy at this point :)
Wanted to ask--I don't know if I had not paid attention before but I noticed more recently the "bookmarks" at the bottom of the page..the question I have is: will it help if we use those links under bookmarks? tia
Wanted to ask--I don't know if I had not paid attention before but I noticed more recently the "bookmarks" at the bottom of the page..the question I have is: will it help if we use those links under bookmarks? tia

No, there were just added for your benefit. We get nothing from them.

The ads are coming...really they are.

CC in hand for T-Shirts and Coffee Mugs...Not paypal for me though, I don't have an account.

I think ads are allright. But I do not undersand why not accept donations. It is better to depend on the members who contribute to this forum anyway, than advertisers. I do not think some feel bad if they are not able to donate, unless the donors list will not be made public.

But of course, principles are everything...
Hi Still Going Strong,

Thank you for bringing this up. :)

I have owned true crime forum(s) since 2003. Forums For was the first then came WS in 2004.

Accepting donations brings about all kinds of problems. What if someone donates a large sum then I have to ban them? If someone donates a large some they could also feel they have a right to do things their way. Not saying they would but it would be human nature to feel like you had the right to have something your way if you paid for it.

I also made the promise to posters long ago that I would never charge for posting. If I ask for donations some might feel uncomfortable because they are not able to donate.

Having advertisers takes care of several things.

First and foremost we should make enough to get a big honkin' server. The biggies cost about 500 a month. I think.

Second, I can pay all the other bills associated with the forum. Software, technical help, legal issues. Last year a legal issue cost over 2 thousand dollars to deal with one problem.

Also, I can pay my bills. Recently divorced has left me recently broke LOL. I have tried to find jobs and I do have two now. Both part time. Having ads can help me survive and make the forum stronger at the same time.

I would love to be able to pay the wonderful people behind the scenes who literally work day and night on WS. They ask for nothing. It would be so wonderful if I could at least pass along something for their hard work. There are a number of people who none of you know about that have helped us in ways you can't imagine.

Last but not least, I would love to be able to have a "Websleuths Reward Fund" to stir up interest in cold cases, sponsor a search and rescue dog...the list of good things we can do goes on and on and on and on.

I am doing my best to truly pick advertisers that match Websleuths. You all will like the first one we have coming up. :)

No matter what, you will always be able to post and participate in Websleuths for free. I wish I didn't need to have advertisers. I use to be able to pay everything and more but not now.

Ok, back to work:blowkiss:
I would be willing to donate to a"Websleuth's reward fund" for some of my pet cold cases.

I'd also buy websleuth's cups and t-shirts.

And I'll click on google ads. I just bought two books today from Amazon. If I could have linked to Amazon from here, I would have.

Let us know what we can do that will help the most.
I would be willing to donate to a"Websleuth's reward fund" for some of my pet cold cases.

I'd also buy websleuth's cups and t-shirts.

And I'll click on google ads. I just bought two books today from Amazon. If I could have linked to Amazon from here, I would have.

Let us know what we can do that will help the most.

The first advertiser we are going with will not be the kind were you just click and get credit. You will need to click on the banner and purchase something. We will get a percentage.

It will be a fun advertiser. Just perfect for us:)
Yes my friends, we will be offering a "Websleuths Sleuthers Store" with all kinds of items.

This is a different project than from the advertising. Another wonderful Websleuth member is doing the leg work for us. Should have something in the near future.

Here is a list of the items you have all requested for the store;

Bumper Stickers
Candles Scented
Candles Flame-less
Christmas ornaments

I think that's it. If you can think of anything to add to the list put it on this thread and we will see what we can do.
Hi Still Going Strong,

Thank you for bringing this up. :)

I have owned true crime forum(s) since 2003. Forums For was the first then came WS in 2004.

Accepting donations brings about all kinds of problems. What if someone donates a large sum then I have to ban them? If someone donates a large some they could also feel they have a right to do things their way. Not saying they would but it would be human nature to feel like you had the right to have something your way if you paid for it.

I also made the promise to posters long ago that I would never charge for posting. If I ask for donations some might feel uncomfortable because they are not able to donate.

Having advertisers takes care of several things.

First and foremost we should make enough to get a big honkin' server. The biggies cost about 500 a month. I think.

Second, I can pay all the other bills associated with the forum. Software, technical help, legal issues. Last year a legal issue cost over 2 thousand dollars to deal with one problem.

Also, I can pay my bills. Recently divorced has left me recently broke LOL. I have tried to find jobs and I do have two now. Both part time. Having ads can help me survive and make the forum stronger at the same time.

I would love to be able to pay the wonderful people behind the scenes who literally work day and night on WS. They ask for nothing. It would be so wonderful if I could at least pass along something for their hard work. There are a number of people who none of you know about that have helped us in ways you can't imagine.

Last but not least, I would love to be able to have a "Websleuths Reward Fund" to stir up interest in cold cases, sponsor a search and rescue dog...the list of good things we can do goes on and on and on and on.

I am doing my best to truly pick advertisers that match Websleuths. You all will like the first one we have coming up. :)

No matter what, you will always be able to post and participate in Websleuths for free. I wish I didn't need to have advertisers. I use to be able to pay everything and more but not now.

Ok, back to work:blowkiss:

Hi back :blushing:
You do magnificent job and this is a great forum. I am sure it requires lots of effort, time, money and energy from you to keep this board up and running. Thank you, you are a star Tricia :gold_crown:

I believe many would like to contribute, maybe not large sums, but little something that may help without having any agenda that may cause later problems.
You obviously want to do things your way, maybe you are right. Hopefully you will be changing your mind about this. Many forums operate this way - accepting donations and still have ads. This shoudn't be an obligations of course and all forum members should remain equal whether they have donated or not.
Sorry about the divorce :( and stuff, I am sure you will find a better guy.:blowkiss:
Make a deal with you...When the ads get up and running and the finances are all squared away, I will set up a Websleuths Cold Case reward fund. Don't know the particulars yet but we can figure it out later.

When we set that up then I will ask for donations to the reward fund.

Sound Good?
make a deal with you...when the ads get up and running and the finances are all squared away, i will set up a websleuths cold case reward fund. Don't know the particulars yet but we can figure it out later.

When we set that up then i will ask for donations to the reward fund.

Sound good?

ok :)
Be sure to put candles and perhaps the flameless ones for those of us with curious pets in the Sleuth's Shop. I would love to see an X-mas ornament. Thank you for this wonderful site. I had no idea there was anything like this until a few months ago when I got my first computer. lol now I can't stay off!
Trish, you might put mousepads on the list of WS items.
Can't wait to purchase some of the stuff!
I like the idea of a WS reward fund too.

thanks for EVERYTHING :blowkiss:

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