Advertisments are Coming....

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm sorry you're going through a rough time in your real life right now Tricia; gentle hugs to you.
Along with the google ads, I really like the added suggestions of t-shirts, coffee mugs etc. I also like Peace9274's idea of being able to donate anonymously.

Thank-you for everything you do.
I've been lurking for a few years and recently got up the nerve to actually join.

Just want you to know that I am behind you 100% and know you are the best.

A big heartfelt THANK YOU for all you do and for your integrity.
I agree with all of the above! The Nancy Grace and Greta show folks would be crazy to pass up an opportunity to advertise here and should definitely be contacted. Amazon,, Overstock, eBay, sites related to police/fire/emt equipment, Barnes & Noble, BooksAMillion....all good potential sponsors. And with the recent growth in membership and (guestership!) the time to go after them is now.

Just to throw another idea into the mix, I do a lot of sewing and crafting and would be happy (once I get my back in working order again) to make some things to donate to a WS store. Or how about an eBay Websleuths seller account, where donated items are auctioned off via eBay...or to keep it all in the family, our own auction on the board for donated items (set a time limit and let everyone bid by posting up til the cutoff), with all proceeds going to WS's operating costs.

I bet we have a lot of crafty/artistic types here -- sewing, needlework, scrapbooking, painting, woodworking, photography, sculpting, graphics, and a lot more. If others are like me, we'd probably all enjoy not only donating our own things but buying others' creations as well!

Just brainstorming a little. I love this site and so appreciate the tremendous dedication and effort you put into it, Tricia. "Impressed" doesn't even begin to describe my opinion of what you've created and worked so hard to maintain here. This site is truly a GIFT to all of us!

Heartfelt thanks to you and your staff! :blowkiss:
Tricia, I for one would like to thank you for this wonderful home on the net. This is an amazing site with amazing people on it. I also truly commend you for wanting to keep this a free site - by selling to advertisors you can still control your own piece of the world without someone else telling you how to do it.

But I would say get an online store - one where you can get merchandise
such at tshirts, cups, mugs, hats - I know I would be a customer along with
everyone else. That too is advertising - but in a different way.

As others have said - whatever you need from your posters you let us know.
From the bottom of my heart - I also say thanks.....

I've only been a member for a month but this is really a great place. I hope you consider posting an address where we could send donations to help you out, anonymously, of course - but I understand if that's not the way you want to go. Good luck with everything, and I hope you get through the difficult period you are in right now. Hold on.

Thanks very much for your work,
Hi All,
Just a quick heads up.

Due to my financial situation I will be adding advertisements soon to Websleuths.

Please don't freak out when you come on and see them. I am going with Google ads for a while and am continuing to try and get major advertisers on the site too. When that happens the Google ads will disappear.

What I really want is one major sponsor for the whole site. That is my goal.

I will do my best to make sure the ads are not obnoxious or distracting.

Please understand this is a last resort. I have owned and operated forums using my own money since 2003. My life has had a drastic change recently (divorce) hence the advertising. I am not doing this just to make money. I am doing it to be able to live.

Please, You all have such good hearts and I know there are those who want to send me money. PLEASE NO. I will not accept donations.
I don't want anyone to feel obligated in any way shape or form. If I ask for donations there are those who can't donate and they might feel uncomfortable. Also, if someone makes a large donation then gets out of hand on the forum it will cause issues if I have to ban them.

Websleuths and Forums for (my sites) will always remain free. Over my dead body will any money be charged for posting.

So please be patient with me. I am doing this Google ad thing myself. Since it is technical there is a good chance you may log on to Websleuths and find that is only available in the language of an early Swahili tribe. I can make mistakes like that. Really, I can.

I am so proud of you all. Keep up the good work.

PS. If any major networks, companies or really rich people want to advertise please email me We have GREAT BIG NUMBERS on WS. You won't be sorry.

I'm very sorry to hear of your situation Tricia. I have been through divorce myself and it definitely isn't an easy thing to go through emotionally, mentally and certainly financially. I would be happy to donate to WS but I understand your position on donations. I think the ads are a fabulous idea, and well worth any frustration or minor annoyance they may cause anyone, if it eases your financial burden. Thank you for keeping this site up and running and for everything you and all the mods do!! :blowkiss:
I've been here silently for the last 5 years and appreciate you and this site so much. It's the first place I go to get updates on current events. I know you don't want money - but maybe sell T-shirts or items with logos on them?
Thanks for the great site - back to lurker mode.

I *LOVE* this idea and I would buy one in a heartbeat!! :)
What a GRAND idea, I would buy a few.

(I know you said no so pretend I did not write this, I would pay a monthly fee to stay on this site! Lurker for years and always felt like you kept trash out)

I agree with this - I would also pay a monthly fee for this site! And I agree, it would help keep some of the trash out - then again I honestly haven't seen any nastiness going on here to speak of. The mods do a fabulous job of keeping it at bay!! :)
Maybe you should look into advertising here. I use them a ton to get info on people who are brought up here. I really hope there are no "you won a free iphone" type talking ads..those things drive me nuts. Don't feel guilty, I truly hope you make a hefty profit off of this site and retire to a beautiful home. You provide a great service to us WSers, which also happens to do a good thing in this world, and you deserve to benefit from your hardwork. If you do decide to go the T-shirt route let me know if you need help with designs..I haven't done anything professionally but I have been making graphics for my friends and I since highschool for various school events and theme nights. Maybe you could start a thread for pro-bono graphics for merchandise, choose the ones you like best and then have people vote on the ones they would most like to see.
Thanks for the heads up Trish. I completely understand you gotta do what you gotta do. We all have to eat.
I am amazed at how long you have carried this board out of your own pocket. I just want to tell you how much I appreciate this board and it's about time that you get some "help" in maintaining the board.

Appreciate ya!
Bless your heart. I wish there were something we could do to help. I am so sorry for your personal troubles. This is such a wonderful place. You and the moderators are scrupulously fair to everyone whether newbie or oldbie, we appreciate you so much. If advertisements are the way to go, well then that's what you have to do. It surely is little enough to tolerate to keep such a place as Websleuths up and going. God Bless.
Hi All,
Just a quick heads up.

Due to my financial situation I will be adding advertisements soon to Websleuths.

Please don't freak out when you come on and see them. I am going with Google ads for a while and am continuing to try and get major advertisers on the site too. When that happens the Google ads will disappear.

What I really want is one major sponsor for the whole site. That is my goal.

I will do my best to make sure the ads are not obnoxious or distracting.

Please understand this is a last resort. I have owned and operated forums using my own money since 2003. My life has had a drastic change recently (divorce) hence the advertising. I am not doing this just to make money. I am doing it to be able to live.

Please, You all have such good hearts and I know there are those who want to send me money. PLEASE NO. I will not accept donations.
I don't want anyone to feel obligated in any way shape or form. If I ask for donations there are those who can't donate and they might feel uncomfortable. Also, if someone makes a large donation then gets out of hand on the forum it will cause issues if I have to ban them.

Websleuths and Forums for (my sites) will always remain free. Over my dead body will any money be charged for posting.

So please be patient with me. I am doing this Google ad thing myself. Since it is technical there is a good chance you may log on to Websleuths and find that is only available in the language of an early Swahili tribe. I can make mistakes like that. Really, I can.

I am so proud of you all. Keep up the good work.

PS. If any major networks, companies or really rich people want to advertise please email me We have GREAT BIG NUMBERS on WS. You won't be sorry.

I fully support you putting some ads up and don't know how you managed without them!

And thank you so much for providing us with a fantastic place to get together!

This site is awesome, a place where grown ups get together, freely exchange ideas, and maybe even learn something.

At the beginning of the Caylee/Casey saga I was blogging on a different site, in addition to trolls, the other bloggers were abusive to anyone who had an opinion that was different from the tide. As the days wore on ideas have been coming from further and further out in left field, encouraging protestors and hateful comments about the A family.

Thank You for maintaining this site and it's intergrity.

I think this is WONDERFUL! The ads won't bother me if that's what needs to be done....heck, I just appreciate all that you and the Mods do so much! I am behind you guys 100% on this!

Also, I'd buy a t-shirt, mugs, a bumper sticker or whatever to help support WS..

Thanks for all you do Tricia!! :)
Ohhhh--what a great idea!!! There is a site, I think it is Cafepress, where you can have an account made up and do your logo etc, and people buy directly from the site and you get the profits. What a great idea!!

Tricia - I'd buy T-Shirts and coffee mugs in a heartbeat!
Watu wote wamezaliwa huru, hadhi na haki zao ni sawa. Wote wamejaliwa akili na dhamiri, hivyo yapasa watendeane kindugu.

Yes, I knew it. You speak Swahili. When I first spoke to you you had that Swahili twang. Now, the truth is out.
Understood. I appreciate all the hard work that you have put into this! I have been a "lurker" for a bit and recently a new member, only because of problems with my ISP. Gotta love that! Anyways, I can handle a few ads! Gotta do what ya gotta do. Keep up the GOOD work! :) I have nothing but good things to say about you and the site, so I will end it here! :blowkiss:
Thank you everyone. You are so sweet and encouraging.

Always remember, without the wonderful modators who work on and off 24/7 on Websleuths, we would not be the board we are today.

I want to assure you that Websleuths is not in danger of shutting down. There is a plan in place for someone to take over Websleuths if I can no longer handle it or I get hit by a flying band of wild :woohoo::woohoo: 's
This person knows exactly what WS is all about and would make WS even bigger and better than it is right now.

We are working on getting Cafe Press set up too. This will be a really fun thing as well.

I know some of you have offered to help in different ways and believe me, there is a good chance I will be taking you up on your offers. I am not proud anymore.

I never dreamed I would find myself in this situation. Like most of you I have worked my whole life. Never been rich but was having no problem with the bills on the boards. Legal bills that go along with it, travel expenses, printing expenses, all of it no problem.

Then, reality hits. It's like a hurricane. You know it's coming. You just don't know the damage until after it is over.

Many of you have been there and are so kind to offer your words of support. It means the world.

Thank you again,

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