After the trial

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I have never followed a case like this before. This one grabbed me by the throat and would not let go for many reasons. First, I live in Orlando, very near many locations that came up early on. Secondly, I have a beautiful daughter who's name is Caylee (spelled differently) and I could not imagine ever harming a single little hair on her head, or her younger sister's. ( The thought has been in my mind alot lately though, because both are in their teens and are driving me crazy..kidding!)
I came from a very dysfunctional family, and always promised myself that I would never in a million years treat a child as I was, and that they would know, by my actions, words and example how much they were loved and wanted. My husband and I have done our best to fulfill that promise. One day, I will be able to face God and feel that while not perfect, I took extremely good care of the children He lent me.
How will I feel when this is all over? Very sad, because a beautiful child was ruthlessly murdered, and tossed away like garbage. What would she have been when she grew up? Doctor, lawyer, Indian Chief? Actress, painter, scientist? We will never know. Such a profound waste of untold possibility.
This case has made me very disconcerted about our legal system. I would expect that all people are treated as innocent until proven guilty, and given a rigorous defense. However, what we have seen in this case is the opposite. I boggles my mind the way these people have lied, changed stories, not answered questions, wasted valuable police and court time, and for what? To sell a book? To promote your center at a University? To be a guest on Geraldo?
Where is the innocent victim in all of this? This little child? Safe in Heaven, I believe, and maybe she is also here: in words on these many threads, and in the hearts of those who have followed her story "from day one". I don't believe anyone here will ever forget her.
I wish I was as articulate as others here, and I hope I have been able to convey my thoughts well enough.
Beautifully said. I do believe Caylee is with each and every one of us.
I had a long post but decided to stick to the KISS principle and just keep it simple so....

Justice is served when those guilty of a crime are punished for that crime.

To me it is that simple, nothing more and nothing less. What the perps family might feel is not important nor is what the victims family might feel. The seeking of justice is for the victim and the perp, not their families.

You break the law, any law, and there are prescribed punishments. You run a red light, you get a ticket. You kill someone intentionally and with malice, you get LWOP or death based on the criteria set forth to support the death penalty.

Justice is not revenge even though I hear that a lot. Justice is the application of our laws and the punishment of those who break them. Justice is played out in the courts, revenge is taking matters into your own hands.

No matter how her family feels or how Caylee might have felt, or how we feel, if it can be proven in court that Casey is guilty of this crime and the jury finds her so and she receives the prescribed punishment for the crime, then Justice will have been served for the death of Caylee Marie Anthony.

I agree. I never understood the "revenge" argument. Makes no sense. The death penalty won't bring a victim back...neither will life in prison...neither will setting them's a red herring.
After the trial... IF, there is a trial, and I still believe a plea might happen first.

CA will march on, proclaiming KC "Mother of the Year," keep her head in the sand, and likely make the talk show rounds for a while talking about the travesty of justice that has her daughter behind bars for... the rest of her life? Or on death row... She might even get a court date herself, but we shall see.

GA will head out looking for greener pastures.

LA, marry?

Websleuthers, Hopefully we will see justice for Caylee prevail, and hopefully not, as sense of vengeance or jubilation as there are already so many people damaged, likely for life by this matter, and little Caylee is gone and that is the biggest tragedy of all, and I can find no jubilation in any of it.
If KC is acquitted, I will feel great sadness that our court system will have failed so terribly. KC is very damaged, and belongs in prison for life. I don't believe she can be rehabilitated, her delusions run too deep.

In my opinion KC will NEVER lead a normal life if she is released from jail - well-adjusted, law-abiding people will have nothing to do with her because her background of lies and stealing is well-known and she cannot be trusted, any monies she makes from her "story" will quickly be blasted through, and she and CA will return to hating each other in even more venomous fashion.

All of this is just my opinion, and I agree with others that this story will forever haunt me, not just because of KC, but because of ALL of the players and their antics.
I agree. I never understood the "revenge" argument. Makes no sense. The death penalty won't bring a victim back...neither will life in prison...neither will setting them's a red herring.

I think the LWOP/DP is to keep her from reoffending. KC is already talking about having another child or adoption when she gets out. How sad would that be? Next time it would not be reported if she suddenly came up with a missing child. jmo
I had not thought of it that way. I have always thought of the death penalty and LWOP as punishment and or revenge and I guess in a way I still do, but it does make it easier knowing it keeps them from reoffending and I had not looked at it that way before.
After the trial, I hope obstruction charges are filed against Cindy and George. IMO

ITA. At least towards CA. The said thing is, if KC is convicted they will have to live knowing not only did their daughter kill their granddaughter, but the entire world knows that they were accomplices in covering up the murder. I think that will hurt a lot more than any charges that can be filed against them. Especially CA, since she can not bare for things to look anything other than "perfect" from the outside looking in.
If Casey is found guilty of murdering Caylee and sentenced to death or life with out parole, how are you going to feel?
What if she is found not guilty, stranger things have happened look at OJ Simpson.
I was thinking about this the other day and as much as I despise Casey, I honestly think no matter what the verdict is I am going to be saddened and just plain sick. No matter what the verdict is, it will never be justice. If she is sentenced to death, Caylee will still be gone, Casey will be facing the needle, George and Cindy will lose their daughter Lee will lose his sister, when in reality they already have but you get the point.
If she gets LWOP all the above still apply yet it will be at the tax payers expense.
If she is found not guilty, Caylee will still be gone, Casey will never find a job, constantly be facing threats, George, Cindy and Lee will forever have a broken family.
Is there really justice in this case or any case for that matter?

I'm 1000% sure Casey will not be found not guilty. I don't care about Casey's life (she could be fed alive to a pack of lions and I still would not care). I don't care about G & C and what they are going thru, cry me a river, they are NOT the only people to loose someone to murder.

I really hope she gets the DP. IF she is found not guilty ( which is likely NOT going to happen) it will not change the fact that SHE is the one who murdered Caylee.
[quote="butterfly1978]If Casey is found guilty of murdering Caylee and sentenced to death or life with out parole, how are you going to feel?
What if she is found not guilty, stranger things have happened look at OJ Simpson.
I was thinking about this the other day and as much as I despise Casey, I honestly think no matter what the verdict is I am going to be saddened and just plain sick. No matter what the verdict is, it will never be justice. If she is sentenced to death, Caylee will still be gone, Casey will be facing the needle, George and Cindy will lose their daughter Lee will lose his sister, when in reality they already have but you get the point.
If she gets LWOP all the above still apply yet it will be at the tax payers expense.
If she is found not guilty, Caylee will still be gone, Casey will never find a job, constantly be facing threats, George, Cindy and Lee will forever have a broken family.
Is there really justice in this case or any case for that matter? [/quote]

When a guilty verdict is reached, Justice would be served! The Anthony family lost Inmate Anthony long, long ago...

I don't see how ICA would be acquitted, found not guilty, there is too much stacked against her...she will be found guilty, JMHO...

I don't care about anyone other than Caylee Marie, the true victim in this horrendous case. Whatever the prisoner gets, she will deserve. It's horrible that her entire life, she has not been held responsible for her actions, so the good State of Florida will make this her first! What a way to learn, eh! Seems what her parents failed to do, Florida will make sure she is held responsible for her actions...she had a choice, precious Caylee had none!

The SA's are passionate about their role in getting justice for Caylee and I trust them to get the job done right. They will reign victorious for Caylee Marie...

I have no choice between LWOP or death by lethal injection. I'd care less if she is put to death, at least I know, she will never reoffend, she will never reproduce, she will never breathe a free breath, I'm okay with that. IF she gets LWOP, she will adapt just fine, we will continue to hear of her cause, she may even marry in prison, we will continue to hear her parents lie with their parent of the year BS...that won't change a thing other than not walking the streets. When this is over, this prisoner will eventually fade into the one will care, as long as justice gets served! JMHO

I would love if the entire Anthony clan were arrested for obstruction of justice, tampering with evidence/witnesses, that if they too are found guilty, the blood money stops rolling in...then not one person from the Anthony family can profit from Caylee's death...that is what angers the hell out of me...they continue to use Caylee in death...they even had the nerve to argue over what to do with her remains...:furious: Seems to me, this family didn't deserve to have a loving grandchild for they refuse to be her voice...sometimes when you don't deserve something, it does get taken from you. This was a heinous, cruel killing...all for freedom from parental duties and jealousy for those who loved Caylee...too bad the love for Caylee wasn't strong enough to protect her from a self centered, narcisistic, evil mom, Caylee did not have to die! If ICA didn't trust her parents to raise her child, she could have given her to someone who would. There are plenty of married couples who cannot get pregnant, they would have loved to raise a healthy, happy Caylee...JMHO

My heart hurts for Caylee and only Caylee, since she had no choice in what her so called mom chose to do to her...she is America's Sweetheart...I too fell in love with a child I never had the pleasure to meet. Being a grandmother to three beautiful granddaughters, I don't understand what could bring a person to that point of no return. How do you feel so much anger and rage against an innocent angel to malicously take her life?

As long as Inmate Casey Marie Anthony is found guilty, any sentence will do...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
If by some strange occurance where ICA is set free, would her brother or SIL allow her around their child (if they have one?)? I wouldn't trust my beloved pet to be in ICA's care...the stigma will follow her for the rest of her days. Unless she has face reconstrution surgery, change her name, she will always been referred to as a "child killer"...:croc:that will never escape her...JMHO

No one in their right mind would allow her around any children, ever again...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I do NOT say this lightly or in jest, and I will duck any brickbats that come my way, but a case could be made that in order to ensure she is not able to reoffend and harm another child, she should be mandatorally sterilized.
Think about it: if she receives LWOP or a lesser sentence (God forbid) and maybe forms a relationship with a male within the walls of prison, gets pregnant and has another child, the whole mess starts over again. Obviously she would not be able to keep the child within the prison, so who does it go to? The A's? Lee?
While I find the enforced sterilization of women disturbing, I think an ounce of prevention in this case is worth it.
Ducking now...............
This is my 4th or 5th case that I have followed start to finish, and I am hoping to make it to the end on this one (I have just gone thru major surgery for cancer and have about 6 weeks until I can do chemo). I was very active in the beginning of this case, and believe the A's are well aware of what happened.

Based on the evidence we have now, KC should be found guilty. If she isn't, it will be because the jury will be made up of people that can't understand circumstantial evidence.

At the end of the day, and even at the end of the trial, Caylee is still gone. Casey can have her celebrity jail life all she wants, it won't bring Caylee back. That is what hurts the most. Why does the waste, the huge waste get to keep on breathing? I can't wait until she has to answer in the afterlife. She'll be burning for sure there, and that's the only thing that gives me some sense of peace.

Plus, I will be relieved she's convicted. I will be relieved that another narcisstic sociopath paid for their crimes. I can't make the two that manipulated me and then dropped me when they had no more use for me pay for what they did to me, but at least I know others like them do pay, especially for a heinous murder of an innocent child. That'll be one more off streets and not victimizing anyone anymore.

Personally, if for some unfathomable, miraculous reason she's not convicted, I don't think she's going to last long after walking out of the courtroom. JMO.
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