aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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KCL may I say MAY know more than she is saying......she is totally law abiding and has much respect for the court system. I love KCL!!!!!! She would never do anything to cause any trouble for the Alexander Family so she is keeping quiet. I believe JSS called each juror in either to ask if they had heard the ruckus in the hall with the murderer or if the delay til Wed would work for them. IMO

Could they have been called in one at a time to ask them if they had watched Fox News the night before?
Yeah and the interviewer wanted the glory of being the first to do so! He referenced when he was saying I was the one that did the first interview (me) blah blah , I was not impressed. I think inside edition and 48 hours did a better job.

He just let her get away with spewing lies..not a real hard hitting interview. Whats the point in it? We didnt learn anymore then her days spewing on the stand...
Oh jeez, I am just sick about what I saw on the "forbidden" site. I have no idea why I went over there, but let my just say there is a picture that I have not yet seen with the words "Justice has been served", and it is not a pic of CMJA.

Had to vent, mad me nauseated.
I must say Sleuth, your doing a wonderful job in regards to Mr. Searcy.LOL

Give your doggie a smoochie for me.

No problem. I gave him two, and told him, "Your'e little...and you're lovely." LOL We do that a lot around here.

It is a mighty struggle with that guy, and several others involved in this case. I find him particularly objectionable.
Jodi's whole suicide watch is because she is ashamed and embarrassed of being convicted of M1.
She is mainly doing this to protect her family. moo

I have doubts as to whether CFJA has shame. Wouldn't one need to feel convicted {guilt} to feel shame? Also, I see nothing to suggest she protects anyone but herself, after all she did accuse her parents of abuse. As far as defending her family to TA, akin to "my dad can beat up your dad" mentality, bragging.:twocents:

She's a toughie to figure out fo so.
ElleElle said:
I know some peeps are offended by him interviewing her, but, imo that's his job! That is every reporter's dream to get an interview like that. And the way Jodi sneakily set it up.
People in some occupations like journalism or Defense Attorneys have that ability to sell their soul and their grandmother if need be to get that scoop or defend that defendant. Others in those occupations wouldn't cross those boundaries. I couldn't a job like that. Na ah.
Originally Posted by leebee52 View Post
Didn't you love how Gus based his belief on JA being abused by TA from spending 5 hours with her in a trailer or something eavesdropping on her phone call with TA? What a loser.

IIRC, JA spent TWO DAYS with Gus in his trailer!! This is what shocked me. He did state that he could hear Travis yelling at her before she took her phone outside, but he couldn't hear what TA said.

First of all what was she doing spending TWO days in that trailer??? I can't remember when it happened or whether she and Travis were together, but I do remember Gus said she called him . said she was upset, and he invited her to get away for a while and come stay with him.

If Travis did indeed call her, he was either angry because she was staying overnight with Gus; or he was angry because he had discovered something bad she had done - hacking bank accts. or email accts. Searcy said she was shaking like a chihuahua. She knew she did something bad...or she would never have left Mesa to go to Vegas! Could also be that she was selling her 'talents' to Gus! JMO

Did Gus get JA started in PPL?
Hearing "guilty" 1st degree murder shocked her back to reality and removed the fog! At that point it was, "rut-roh"!

I'm just waiting for the day when she announces that upon hearing the verdict she went into a fog that has lasted through the interview and any subsequent abhorrent behavior; and therefore she is entitled to appeal the sentence.
if she were loose, hed'd be another travis in the making. she can really charm some folks

I had those exact thoughts. Is this woman that mesmerizing that she just melts these guys to the point they throw common sense out the window? He is sympathetic to her and did NOT ask the hard questions. Ex: She says she's the only one who knows what happened. He should've responded, "Then what about your FOG where you claim you DON'T know what happened?" Yep, if she were out, he would probably be the type being stalked. Why is he allowing her to play him like a Stradivarius!
I don't get that either. She's a convicted murderer. As soon as proceedings were done, she should have been shackled and returned to her holding cell. I guess they do things differently there.

She manipulated the tough sheriff arpaio:floorlaugh:
Good afternoon WS.

Have we gotten any more info about yesterday or is the media still guessing?
I think it was a reporter, on the elevator. She asked if he was testifying and he said, "apparently not...something happened in the court room."
It was a woman interviewed by JVM who saw Dr. Horn at the elevator and told him they had a friend in common (she did not mention who the friend was). She said he had a folder in his hand and she asked him wasn't he headed to court (since he was on the way down). He said it appeared not, there were problems... or something to that effect. I saw her on the interview but I suppose she could be making it up.
I don't understand all the complaints about Jodi having been interviewed - i think it is great! Let the B#$% keep talking as much as long as she wants until sentencing. Let her trash TA some more! Let her get up and give a statement, in front of our wonderful - no - juanderful - jury and trash TA with the family sitting right there. I am sure they will agree with me on this - every time she opens her mouth, she digs that grave just a little bit deeper. Every word she says that offends me, that offends you or that offends TA's family, OFFENDS THE JURY. And they are allowed to hear all of it, if Martinez so desires... let her talk! If you don't want to hear what she has to say, don't LISTEN. I haven't. But I am so, so glad she's digging her grave with every word she says.

Juan Martinez was great, I think we all agree. But let me tell you what else I think - Juan had A TON of help in convicting JA - the help he had - 18 DAYS OF HER LYING BS ON THE WITNESS STAND. Let her TALK!

Hi Elmomom,

I agree with what you are saying.."Let her hang herself."..What I don't agree with is that this convicted monster, has the freedom to just set up a nationally broad-casted interview, as though she is some kind of movie star. I think these actions make a mockery of our correctional system and it seems now, that it is well deserved.
you can't. You have to refresh for your browser to get new messages.

You can go to your CP and change the number of posts that appear on a page.. That is what i did, that way you do not have to refresh as much to view posts..Hope this hint helps !
I do not get it! This woman apparently was perfectly free to arrange her own interview??!! I didn't realize, until I listened to this recording, that she...herself...Set this up! What a joke our correctional system is! Perhaps, someone in jail, pending a trial and still not found officially guilty/not guilty, should maybe have some rights, but that witch walked right out of the guilty verdict....A convicted murderess...and walked down the hallway, to give a prime-time, nationally broadcasted interview...Arranged by herself, for herself....I wonder if the bailiffs laid a red carpet down for her to walk on too. :stormingmad: Don't these monsters have any rules? The rest of us sure do!

I don't think she was free to arrange it. Sheriff Joe had to sign off on it.
I disliked both Dr. Samuels and Alyce LaViolette and have said as much many times. At their respective ages, both were set to retire and accepted this gig to make some money and get some time in the national/international spotlight of the very high profile case of Jodi Arias. That said, their reputations have been forever tarnished because of their insistence on believing - or pretending to believe - their conniving, cunning, lying, manipulative client.

Dr. Samuels website was taken down shortly after he testified, and it's doubtful that he will ever be asked to testify as an expert witness in the future. Reviews of LaViolette's newly-published/revised book have been scathing, her once highly regarded reputation is likely gone for good, and she will probably not be invited to speak on behalf of victims of domestic violence. Perhaps these two expert witnesses sought to win a big payday by testifying for Jodi Arias, but they lost their good names and stellar reputations. In that regard, they are victims of the convicted murderess. :moo:
Both ALV & Dr. Samuels could have refused to testify for this murderer.
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