aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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Hope that helps. Also, while I'm here:

- We still don't allow nicknames for the convicted premeditated murderer, even though she has now been convicted of felony and premeditated murder (or for anyone else, while we're at it), AND

- I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with plenty of opportunities to enjoy the springtime, your friends, your families, and your favorite pursuits!

Good Day Fellow Sleuthers - Wow!!! I think I went into an emotional coma after the verdict was read. I fell asleep around 6 pm verdict day, and slept until 4 am this morning. The longest stretch I was awake was for about 4 hours. Thursday, I woke around 9 pm and looked up YouTube for new video, panicked because there were none, then jumped to the threads, figured out court was cancelled and went back to sleep. Now I am starting to play catch up. So this morning, the news said Mja was in a Psych ward. Oh how de-edifying for her!!!! LOL There was an argument between Mja and her DT post-conviction but prior to her interview. Crazy tweeter is locked up after being found in an AZ hotel with weapons. Court to resume next Wednesday 5/15.

Is that all the highlights of what has transpired post-verdict??? TIA for any answers, I have so much house work to catch up on and can't be here long.
"convict interviews in prison" and hit "videos." I got 130,000,000 results

Interviews with convicted people behind bars happen all the time. All the time

While I agree that convicts give interviews, I think she should have been prevented from doing so until this trial was over.

I wish that I could feel certain about this, but Judge Stephens seems to have placated the defendant and the defense team throughout the trial. I don't know whether JSS felt sorry for Jodi or was yet another individual who allowed Arias to manipulate her, but I felt that Judge Stephens allowed Jodi to run the show. Maybe JSS doesn't think that Jodi deserves the DP, or even LWOP, and will sentence Jodi to LWP in 20 years. :moo:

I think she saw a very strong case and was confident that she could prioritize protecting the verdict from appeal without undermining the state's case. (She was right.)
Fox did a video where Troy mentioned that he forwarded JA's VMX audio to him from Sunday to the sheriff's office.

I just don't understand why the Sheriff let her get away with that. Perhaps he did it to let her hang herself so to speak, and maybe the Sheriff spoke to JM to make sure he was aware as well. All that said, for someone who apparently prides himself on his tough jail etc etc, why let a convicted felon do something like that? I don't get it. They should have made her wait til the trial is over
What was Arias going to do to him if he didn't release the interview immediately? Sue him? He already broke the "trust" between them by reading aloud a letter from her. Part of the letter he READ ON TV said that he would promise to never reveal the contents of that letter - yes - the exact same one he was reading out loud on national TV!!
So much for her trusting "this reporter" with further interview and his reputation for prospective interviews with others dumb enough to believe him.
Double breach of ethics in my book.
Uh oh the word liar and cold blooded killer type things may have made their way onto some of my posts, are those no no's? can i go edit that out and not get another time out?

snip for length...

- We still don't allow nicknames for the convicted premeditated murderer, even though she has now been convicted of felony and premeditated murder (or for anyone else, while we're at it), AND

- I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with plenty of opportunities to enjoy the springtime, your friends, your families, and your favorite pursuits!

Oh, I agree. Humiliation is one of the most immediate triggers for narcissistic rage. Narcissists spend virtually all of their time managing how others perceive them. The humiliation of a conviction struck at the core of her internal facade, behind which she is nothing but a hollow shell. Such an assault, in her mind, is tantamount to a physical assault on her life, and she feels justified in striking back with lethal force, if necessary, to remove the threat. Her tears are real, but in my view, they are likely tears of rage. We already know how she handled perceived humiliation in the case of Travis. Now we see what she has in mind for all of us, since she imagines herself in the center of a cosmic conspiracy.

I"m sure we will shortly hear of references to Christ's persecution. Adoption of messianic language is entirely consistent with her obvious group of PD's. She's alluded to her unjust persecution already, but I predict a religious cast soon.


If she is serious about waiving mitigation, it is because she fears the humiliation of being rejected once again after more grovelling at their feet.
I wonder after Arias is moved to this big crime prison and placed in her cell, will she ever see herself in a mirror again ?
In all this talk about Jodi's interview; Jodi's voice mail to interviewer; Jodi's change in venue; Jodi's psych evaluation; Jodi's wardrobe -- will she wear stripes or won't she?; Jodi's mother visiting the jail -- did officials refuse her visit or did Jodi?; Jodi's attorneys maybe being asked to be removed as counsel; etc., the person who this is all about has gotten lost -- Travis Alexander and that's exactly what Jodi wanted. It was her goal and she has achieved it, thanks to the media. It infuriates me. I'll be glad when she is locked away and is seen as a has-been. A has-been that no one cares to hear a word from.
Do you know when that airs yet? I thought it looked quite interesting and I dont despise nancy as much as jean c or jvm :facepalm:

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus
Do you mean the Nancy Grace visit to Maricopa? This is it

The very first inmate she interviewed said JA told the inmate that she cut Travis up and scattered his parts across the desert
I agree wholeheartedly. For me, this is and always has been about justice for Travis and his family. She couldn't stand the thought of the spotlight off her for even a few hours. She continued to lie and bash Travis - and this reporter and his station participated. :twocents:

As much as many here find it distrubing, TV stations aren't under any obligation to censor their reports so they don't offend someone.

The First Amendment is still alive and as much as some people seem to think only those with selective thoughts are allowed to express them, Jodi has 1st amendment rights too. As does the news station.

If the public could censor news stations.....who would be in charge? Who gets to decide?

Anyone that watched that interview is on thin ice complaining about it being aried. IMO
While I agree that convicts give interviews, I think she should have been prevented from doing so until this trial was over.


I am listening to her prior and post interviews on HLN. I think the post interview would be great for Juan to show to the jury.
"wow, funny how we all hear things differently."

This never ceases to amaze me. Case in point - the verdict and the number who voted "Premeditated" and those who voted "Premediatated and Felony". There had to be at least 30 comments/questions posted either giving incorrect information about the count or asking for clarification. (And in this case it was easy enough to find the correct information.)

But I am constantly amazed at posters who watched the very same thing as I did broadcast on a TV show and then they post something that does NOT reflect what was just said! A sore subject, but a recent example: "Jodi said in her post-conviction interview that Travis wanted to have sex with a twelve year old girl." No, that is not what she said. She said, "Travis FANTASIZED about having sex with a twelve year old girl". Both statements are UNTRUE - but they are distinctly different statements.

I don't know what causes this type of "mishearing". Is it that people somehow hear what they want to hear?

It has led me, along with "eyewitness" testimony, to question any "she said/he said" testimony in a trial. Because I have seen lots of very well intended folks here on line who are posting things that just were NOT said!
Originally Posted by leebee52 View Post
Didn't you love how Gus based his belief on JA being abused by TA from spending 5 hours with her in a trailer or something eavesdropping on her phone call with TA? What a loser.

IIRC, JA spent TWO DAYS with Gus in his trailer!! This is what shocked me. He did state that he could hear Travis yelling at her before she took her phone outside, but he couldn't hear what TA said.

First of all what was she doing spending TWO days in that trailer??? I can't remember when it happened or whether she and Travis were together, but I do remember Gus said she called him . said she was upset, and he invited her to get away for a while and come stay with him.

If Travis did indeed call her, he was either angry because she was staying overnight with Gus; or he was angry because he had discovered something bad she had done - hacking bank accts. or email accts. Searcy said she was shaking like a chihuahua. She knew she did something bad...or she would never have left Mesa to go to Vegas! Could also be that she was selling her 'talents' to Gus! JMO

'Mobile home' dontcha know? Otherwise I agree. Gus inserted himself for some reason to benefit Gus the Grifter, er, Magician.

What a find!! Invention - YouTube
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