aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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IDK, but last night watching DD he came unhinged at Mark Longeyelash. After commercial break, Mark was gone, (as in "poof") DD did a short rant about Mark, when it was he (DD) that lost it.

BBM: Yes, it was embarassing for DD but it seemed like he went over the top at Marky Eyelashes because he felt Marky wasn't respectful enough of Mental Health professionals treating a (possible faking/manipulative) JA in the Psych ward.

Then when Marky Eyelashes returned, DD made some awkward comments about Marky and a knife that another guest had and Marky calmly shook his head at DD.

Marky handled himself like a professional but I think DD needs a vaca from all this JA and the va-jay-jay!


The victims need to be told before hand that she's a psychopath and that they are incapable of feeling remorse. Anything they say will be going in one ear and coming out the other. They can release their emotions, but don't think it will affect Jodi one iota. JMO

Everyone NEEDS to read this blog! We can protect ourselves and those we care about by education!

Psychopaths: (the short list!)
How they manipulate and deceive
Their emotions, what do they feel
Their relationship cycle: idealize, devalue, discard
Why they don't let go of their victims
Do they fall in love
Love bombing, sex and flattery
As lovers
Don't tell me that. I've been waitin' to see that gal do the funky chicken for four months. I would mortgage my house for a front row seat.

I'm not gonna tell you for how many minutes I pondered the question "What would I want more, to win the lottery or see CMJA's shock belt go off?"

The answer is non-zero; I will admit no more.
Wow, leave for 24 hours and I might as well have been gone for 24 days the way these threads move. So, I think I have the basics of what happened after the interview that Jodi gave 20 minutes after her M1 conviction:

1. No aggravation hearing took place on Thursday 5/9/13
2. Aggravation hearing postponed until Wed 5/15/13.
3. Joe Arpaio has Jodi moved to psych ward and under suicide watch ; competency evaluations to be conducted
4. Rampant speculation about what prompted her move to psych ward; was it the post-conviction "I would rather get death penalty than LWOP" because "longevity runs in my family"; or did she go ape ***** in the courtroom
5. In the midst of all this commotion, some nut job takes to twitter & makes bomb threat against Maricopa courthouse
6. Nut job claims he will never be arrested; and is then promptly arrested
7. Jodi's phone message to Fox reporter asking for interview asap if M1 comes down has been released causing Sleuthers' hinky meter to ratchet up to all time high
8. Speculation here has it that Nurmi does not like his client "10 days out of 10" since the interview
9. Jodi may or may not be looking for new legal representation; who wants to dump who is up for debate
10. DT has filed motion to hear victim impact statements via video; in other words Jodi doesn't to be in the same room with the Alexander family when they finally have their say

Do I have this right? Did I miss anything. TIA

right on the money LOL
It's coming.
According to a link I followed on the ST vs JA, either way she will be in a very small cell by herself for 23 hours per day. She has to take her meals in that cell. She can have no physical contact with anyone ever. I don't know how her mother thinks she will be able to help other inmates.?

I guess she will get to go outside to a small fenced in area one hour per day six times a week.

Yes, I saw that video also. Former prison official said she will automatically go to a high security area which is the 23 hrs day, etc. However, depending on how she does, she could be moved to medium security at some point later.

I understand the "behind bars" interviews, but didn't this happen at the Courthouse? That's what I don't get.

Also the sheriff canceled his scheduled interview with Nancy Grace at the time JA was giving her interview. hmmmmmm
Do you mean the Nancy Grace visit to Maricopa? This is it

The very first inmate she interviewed said JA told the inmate that she cut Travis up and scattered his parts across the desert

Because thats DEPRAVED and gives her more status among the inmates. She is a hideous opportunist and will be top dog no matter if it's a pile of maggots.
In a nut's hell. Props on the succintness.

Wow, leave for 24 hours and I might as well have been gone for 24 days the way these threads move. So, I think I have the basics of what happened after the interview that Jodi gave 20 minutes after her M1 conviction:

1. No aggravation hearing took place on Thursday 5/9/13
2. Aggravation hearing postponed until Wed 5/15/13.
3. Joe Arpaio has Jodi moved to psych ward and under suicide watch ; competency evaluations to be conducted
4. Rampant speculation about what prompted her move to psych ward; was it the post-conviction "I would rather get death penalty than LWOP" because "longevity runs in my family"; or did she go ape ***** in the courtroom
5. In the midst of all this commotion, some nut job takes to twitter & makes bomb threat against Maricopa courthouse
6. Nut job claims he will never be arrested; and is then promptly arrested
7. Jodi's phone message to Fox reporter asking for interview asap if M1 comes down has been released causing Sleuthers' hinky meter to ratchet up to all time high
8. Speculation here has it that Nurmi does not like his client "10 days out of 10" since the interview
9. Jodi may or may not be looking for new legal representation; who wants to dump who is up for debate
10. DT has filed motion to hear victim impact statements via video; in other words Jodi doesn't to be in the same room with the Alexander family when they finally have their say

Do I have this right? Did I miss anything. TIA
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Hope that helps. Also, while I'm here:

- We still don't allow nicknames for the convicted premeditated murderer, even though she has now been convicted of felony and premeditated murder (or for anyone else, while we're at it), AND

- I hope you all have a wonderful weekend with plenty of opportunities to enjoy the springtime, your friends, your families, and your favorite pursuits!


Thank you for the most useful post I have read in years.
Wow, leave for 24 hours and I might as well have been gone for 24 days the way these threads move. So, I think I have the basics of what happened after the interview that Jodi gave 20 minutes after her M1 conviction:

1. No aggravation hearing took place on Thursday 5/9/13
2. Aggravation hearing postponed until Wed 5/15/13.
3. Joe Arpaio has Jodi moved to psych ward and under suicide watch ; competency evaluations to be conducted
4. Rampant speculation about what prompted her move to psych ward; was it the post-conviction "I would rather get death penalty than LWOP" because "longevity runs in my family"; or did she go ape ***** in the courtroom
5. In the midst of all this commotion, some nut job takes to twitter & makes bomb threat against Maricopa courthouse
6. Nut job claims he will never be arrested; and is then promptly arrested
7. Jodi's phone message to Fox reporter asking for interview asap if M1 comes down has been released causing Sleuthers' hinky meter to ratchet up to all time high
8. Speculation here has it that Nurmi does not like his client "10 days out of 10" since the interview
9. Jodi may or may not be looking for new legal representation; who wants to dump who is up for debate
10. DT has filed motion to hear victim impact statements via video; in other words Jodi doesn't to be in the same room with the Alexander family when they finally have their say

Do I have this right? Did I miss anything.

And JA writes....

Dear Diary:
Nothing eventful to write about lately.
Same ole' same ole'
I cannot see how any protocol could allow for something like that to happen with a convicted murderer, whether awaiting transport or not. It's obviously a security problem of the first order to allow anyone into the area with the inmate to begin with, but how that could happen is just beyond me unless LE was actively involved in facilitating the event. :stormingmad:

Here's a link which might be helpful re: media and prisoner interviews:

Some excerpts:

Access to Inmates

Media representatives may correspond with inmates through the mail as outlined in Department Order #914, Inmate Mail
Media representatives who wish to schedule a telephone interview with an
inmate shall contact the Communications Director or designee during business
hours, and in a reasonable period of time prior to the requested time, to schedule the interview. The appropriate Department staff member shall process the request in a reasonable period of time in order to allow the requestor to conduct the interview as approved.
One-on-one interviews between media representatives and inmates may be
conducted with prior approval of the Director as outlined in this Department
Conference calls of any kind between a media representative and inmates are not permitted.
Unless authorized by the Division Director for Offender Operations, inmate phone interviews with the media shall be limited to 15 minutes.
The Department retains the right to decline inmate interviews.

Inmates shall sign an Audio/Visual Release, Form 207-2 and/or the Inmate
Interview Request, Form 207-1, prior to contact with a media representative,
except when such contact is made through the mail in accordance with
Department Order #914, Inmate Mail. Additionally, an Audio/Visual Release is not required for inmates who are filmed as part of file footage and whose names are not associated with the photograph or video.

This was planned well in advance by CFJA to cover all of her bases. Contrary to what she says in the interview, the verdict was not completely unexpected given that this interview was only supposed to take place in the event of a M1 conviction.

There is no way of knowing whether or not the DT had advance knowledge of this, but given how networks operate, I'd be inclined to say that JW and KN knew of this as a possibility but thought that they had convinced JA out of doing it.
About an hour or so ago, Dr Drew twittered that Jodi said she doesn't want to face Travis's family in court because she doesn't want to be reminded of the man who abused her. I have no idea where he heard that but she just keeps sinking to new lows. JA's bottomless pit of lower and lower despicable depths.
Do you mean the Nancy Grace visit to Maricopa? This is it

The very first inmate she interviewed said JA told the inmate that she cut Travis up and scattered his parts across the desert

I (MOO) think that was the original plan. Cut him up in the shower, then wash all the blood down the drain. When he bled all over the place, that option was out the window. If we could go back and look in the rental car while it was in Jodi's possession, we would have probably seen a hack saw, plastic bags, canvas totes, etc. I'm not a psychopath, so I don't know what all would be needed to carry this out, but I'm sure Jodi does. I still think the gas cans were for more than getting her in and out of Arizona with no record of her being there. My mind just can't go in the same places Jodi's can.
JMO but I think that Sherrif Joe's hands are somewhat tied re: requests for media interviews. What he does have control over is the safety of his inmates. I believe he used that rather self serving statement about wanting DP over life and ran with it. Had her locked up tight as a drum- notice no mom visit allowed last evening. And those on suicide watch do not have access to the no no nope not allowed....
if somebody [ anybody sorta] is due to be on the death row lineup and the person wants death now? and then gets put in a psych ward? Like the Craigslist killer all she needs is a plastic bag ..just they have those there? just askin...:}
after watching the interview--its my belief that it was -- jodi doing what (jodi thinks) she does best. Lying! all lies!

I really dont think it occurred to her that saying she wanted the death penalty would be considered a suicide threat! She is not happy in her padded cell with her paper smock, having eyes on her 24/7. (MO)

so, jodi, if Death is what you really me....get on the stand next week and tell us how you premeditated your heinous deed - how you took the gun and the knife with you to Mesa....i dont really care to hear how much Travis suffered...because i already know that every second, for him, felt like an eternity....then ask the jury to give you the Death Penalty.
When you sit on Death Row, refuse all appeals. That should make the journey from the DR cell to your date with the needle - just a few years

then maybe, just maybe, I will believe you!
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