aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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She's a convicted felon. She no longer can bear arms, vote, free speech, etc. AFTER a convicted felon sentence is up, some states "may" restore some of those rights.

I'd like to live in a country where laws are obeyed.

Convicetd felons are protected by the 1st amendment. That they don't have the right to free speech is an untenable position.
The article: "Ladies, Juan Martinez is NOT married."

Lady fans: Ohhhh....

The article: "Now for the bad news: he is not single, either."

Lady fans: Awww....


His daughter sings a tribute to Travis, it's on youtube. She put up a picture of her dad and mom in the video. So now I'm totally confused
this is her song "I hope you fly"
You guys most likely missed me doing the JODI ARIAS - YOUR GUILTY DANCE...:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Just jumping off your post -- not singling you out...

While I am quite pleased with this verdict, I am taken aback by some of the rowdy displays I have seen regarding the verdict. The mob outside of the courthouse when it was announced, with their hoots, cheers, arm-pumping, etc. was insulting to the justice system. That kind of behavior would not be allowed in the courtroom, and it's inappropriate outside (or probably anywhere in public).

I know, it was fueled by high emotions (and media hype) after a very hard-fought battle, but this was not a World Series game or Super Bowl or NASCAR race win. It reminded me of the mobs at lynchings, beheadings & witch burnings in more barbaric times. This verdict was/is serious business. Expressing joy and satisfaction can be done respectfully and maturely.

(Sorry to be a wet blanket, but...)

And did you notice, she refers to him as "Juan", like they're BFFs or something. She's a real piece of work.

He was the perfect Prosecutor for her. His agile mind was able to keep track of his points while having to chase her down all the trails she led him on cross examination. He knew when to let her talk and when to call her on her BS. He did a masterful job and never let her get the upper hand.
Clicking on a website does not earn the site owners money nor does mentioning it here. If you clicked through on their advertisements then yes but just a standard website, no. They do read here though so people are just adding fuel to the fire with comments. I agree with not talking about the site at all. The best thing is to just ignore it.

Exactly! Trolls feed on attention. The more attention we give them the more they are alive. If we all ignore them they won't survive. We should do the same to JA, let her die alone without any attention.
I wish I had not gone to look -- I made the mistake of reading the sentence immediately under that photo!! I can feel my blood pressure going through the roof!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell is a place too good for Jodi Arias!!!

I haven't gone to that site since the last time the posted what sounds like a similar picture & caption. At the time there was a radio personality that had similar beliefs to the ones of many at that site & his name was featured prominently at the top of their page. When they posted that picture he requested that they remove his name from their site.
Dateline NBC is on tonight. 9pm. Its about this case. Travis' friends are also on the show..

Thank you! I also noticed 20/20 has Cleveland kidnappings and Arias

My DVR is set! (Hope the hubster doesn't mind.)

9 pm EST, Dateline, NBC
10 pm EST, 20/20, ABC

Hopefully there'll be more focus on Travis and how much he is missed, than on that "thing" sitting in the jail psych ward. :please:

ETA: In watching the countless clips of JA before, during, and after the trial, not ONCE has she ever said anything that indicated she missed him AT ALL. And not once has she spoken the words, "I'm sorry." Shaking my head. :notgood:
ilovewings..I think that because both Ca and Ja had DP as an outcome. I remember NG and others stating IF Juan didn't go for the DP; the pedo, other unsubstantiated "testphony" would not have been allowed in. Wider latitude was allowed because of the DP which JSS took to avoid reversal, but within her discretion. A different trial IF it would have been only LWOP...IMO
Hi....I've theorized the same thing, but also not "wedded" to it...and never have time to spend on it or want to invite drama into my!
Per Google, he was a high-paid magician among other things; i.e., he patented the voice recognition system -1990, has a book on Amazon: <snip> - charm-the power of positive choice. The Charm...: The Power of Positive Choice (Volume 1):Amazon:Books

This '96 article is about his "Butler in a Box" which apparently fabricates & produces various voices:

In '84 he produced & marketed Mastervoice:

ETA: yeah, we're ready for our tin foil hats, most definately

I found this BBM below interesting in the 96 article.....

"Recently, the voice helping to run <snip> household was Angela. The soft-spoken, subservient Angela - who sounded a little like Barbara Eden in "I Dream of Jeannie" -was a fabricated personality that inhabited a computer called the Mastervoice Butler in a Box. When <snip> tired of Angela, he could program the box to sound like Betty Boop, a snobby British butler or a seductress."
Was it ever confirmed as to why court was cancelled? Someone help me out. Please!
While I am quite pleased with this verdict, I am taken aback by some of the rowdy displays I have seen regarding the verdict. The mob outside of the courthouse when it was announced, with their hoots, cheers, arm-pumping, etc. was insulting to the justice system. That kind of behavior would not be allowed in the courtroom, and it's inappropriate outside (or probably anywhere in public).

I know, it was fueled by high emotions (and media hype) after a very hard-fought battle, but this was not a World Series game or Super Bowl or NASCAR race win. It reminded me of the mobs at lynchings, beheadings & witch burnings in more barbaric times. This verdict was/is serious business. Expressing joy and satisfaction can be done respectfully and maturely.

(Sorry to be a wet blanket, but...)

I respectfully disagree and do not believe anyone should feel badly about celebrating the verdict.

More than just Arias killed Travis. It was a complete rejection of the despicable and grotesque defense she mounted.

It's worth celebrating.

And again respectfully, the cheering after the verdict (that was reached after Ms. Arias received a fair and just trial) should never be compared to lynchings. Ever. Lynchings occurred and still occur after a group of racists decide they can better dispense justice for the poor victim guilty only of being the wrong color or religion or what they consider to be the wrong side of heterosexual.
Wow, I was watching TLC and this lady got the judge to order that a picture of her daughter (Tori) and her grandson(Dean) who were killed by the lady's grandson biological father(Dennis), be hanged in his cell as he's serving out his sentence (LWOP) as punishment. I wonder if that's possible in JA's case. :stormingmad:
My DVR is set! (Hope the hubster doesn't mind.)

9 pm EST, Dateline, NBC
10 pm EST, 20/20, ABC

Hopefully there'll be more focus on Travis and how much he is missed, than on that "thing" sitting in the jail psych ward. :please:
I don't have cable :(
I'm still at my mom's packing up her things :(
I'll be heading back to N.C on Monday...Can't wait. I really miss my furbabies.
Convicetd felons are protected by the 1st amendment. That they don't have the right to free speech is an untenable position.

convicted prisoners do not have first amendment rights in prison - see following

Prisoners do not have a First Amendment right to speak freely.'+Rights

prisoners do not have full Constitutional rights, they are protected by the Constitution's prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment (see Amendment VIII). This protection requires that prisoners be afforded a minimum standard of living. Prisoners retain some other Constitutional rights, including due process in their right to administrative appeals and a right of access to the parole process. The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment has been held to apply to prison inmates.
Just jumping off your post -- not singling you out...

While I am quite pleased with this verdict, I am taken aback by some of the rowdy displays I have seen regarding the verdict. The mob outside of the courthouse when it was announced, with their hoots, cheers, arm-pumping, etc. was insulting to the justice system. That kind of behavior would not be allowed in the courtroom, and it's inappropriate outside (or probably anywhere in public).

I know, it was fueled by high emotions (and media hype) after a very hard-fought battle, but this was not a World Series game or Super Bowl or NASCAR race win. It reminded me of the mobs at lynchings, beheadings & witch burnings in more barbaric times. This verdict was/is serious business. Expressing joy and satisfaction can be done respectfully and maturely.

(Sorry to be a wet blanket, but...)

Americans are afforded a system of justice that others do not have. While it is not perfect, and systems and practices should be reviewed and bettered. When justice is done is should be celebrated.

Filling a stadium to watch justice being done would be equal to if not more important than watching the world series.
His daughter sings a tribute to Travis, it's on youtube. She put up a picture of her dad and mom in the video. So now I'm totally confused
this is her song "I hope you fly"
AngelaAnne "I Hope You Fly" for Alexanders - YouTube

:seeya: I believe that is Det. Flores' daughter.

Was it ever confirmed as to why court was cancelled? Someone help me out. Please!

No.....lotsa speculation, but no, nothing confirmed. :seeya:
I've always thought those were Gus's fingers. If you look at the fingers in the photo they look very similar. I think Gus Scecry had a hand in setting Jodi off. He's in this mix somewhere.
The reason for yesterdays trial cancellation is now just speculation..a few ideas have been thrown out: 1) JA through a fit and was hauled off; 2) defense tean wanted to discuss admissability of the post conviction interview; 3) JA fired her attys.....whichever is correct I ddon't know record is sealed. Court will start 10am wed 5/15 for aggravation part...sedated or non sedated convicetd murderess...JMO
JA must know by now that 95 percent of the world finds her totally disgusting. Surely,
Donovan has told JA that she has very few supporters.

Actually, I think she surrounds herself, as much as possible in jail, with people who tell her what she wants to hear. Obviously she is desperate or she wouldn't have chosen DB as a friend. Between her attorneys, expert witnesses, DB and most likely her mother she has a lot of validation and people telling her she is a victim and got a raw deal. I would guess she shuts her mind down against anyone who doesn't agree with her so she may have an idea that she is more supported then she is. Remember, she is not online, where I am sure a lot of the hate is and the people around her are probably trying to shield her in their own way.
I also think she didn't come up with this abused woman and Travis is a pedophile defense but most likely her attorney suggested it and she ran with it because it was her only hope of someday getting out of jail. I think the attorneys and experts convinced JA that she really was a victim and that Travis was a pedophile to the point where she believes it. They looked at the sex tape and heard him talk about her sounding like a 12 year old having her first orgasm and that was the first clue for them and then they read the text messages where he calls her a lot of names and there was their defense. The physical abuse was probably thrown in by JA herself to give the defense more credibility. And the people she allows herself to have contact with are all going along with it so she believes she is a victim because it suits her needs. I doubt she would have been smart enough to come up with it herself. Even in the interrogation video, when the lady officer asked her if Travis got mean with her and that is why she killed him, she was throwing her a lifeline and JA didn't grab it at that time because she thought her I wasn't there defense was still going to fly.
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