aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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They are live breathing human beings and to deny that seems disingenuous. Hate them if you will, but they are human beings. Like all of us, they are free moral agents responsible for their actions and their consequences.

Trouble is, they get a free pass on the consequences. They can slander, malign anyone without any fear. You only had to watch the Casey Anthony trial and now this one, to know they are totally irresponsible. The only person
guaranteed the presumption of innocence is their client- everyone else is fair game to any vicious attack they feel inclined to make.
does he have a twitter of FB that I can cuss him out on?

Just sayin'.

Please not on my account. I can seriously fight my own battles. And I do know how to ignore a person, in cyberspace and in real life. That's the best way I think.
Dateline is on. Started at 9:eek:o. Eastern Its called Obsession Jodi Arias story

I just watched was very well done. I just wish someone would do a show on Travis highlighting what a wonderful soul he was.
My DH & kids come home and attempt to tell me about their day at the dinner table while eating franco american out of the can.
I'm in the living room watching HLN & chasing fast moving threads on here on WS.
They call out to me about their day....
baseball strikeouts, crew race times, contractor jokes..

But good ol' mom (during one of the thousand annoying HLN commercials) gets up and stands in the door to the kitchen and talks about:
Jodi... lies, autopsy photos, evil,manipulation, more lies, premeditation
ALV, Suitcase Sam's wheels rolling through throw up, and the death penalty.

You know what my nickname is..
snl - debbie downer i can't have children! - YouTube

this is just silly. your family is much more important than this trial or any of the people involved in it. this trial will soon be over with and your will still have your family but you won't be able to get back the time you could have spent with them but didn't because of being fixated on this trial. stop. remember what is most meaningful in your life. do not lose sight of your family. please.
I didn't realize you were in the Austin area too! Loving the rain! My dogs and the thunder.... not so much! :)

We're gonna get it here again late this evening after it leaves you guys. Tomorrow is "my" Monday *Sigh* Good timing as Tuesday will be "my" Friday. So, she better not jack with my scheule....again. I REALLY feel sorry for the jurors.
Lock up has the psych ward of some prison on now...cutters being aired..hmmm wonder if JA will adop cutting behaviors???? Doubt it it just might sting....
I think ALV walked in there with a radical feminist axe to grind; she could give a rat's :behind: about JA.
After all this and the later released clips on Greta... Frankly I have to say I'm further deeply disturbed at JA's and her supporters embrace of the concept that if someone is a jerk and doesn't give you what you want = DV.
I think ALV walked in there with a radical feminist axe to grind; she could give a rat's :behind: about JA.

All right, lil' buddy. Define "radical feminist" so that I may properly collate your argument.
Please not on my account. I can seriously fight my own battles. And I do know how to ignore a person, in cyberspace and in real life. That's the best way I think.
I was being a bit facetious. But he does sound like a real jerk.
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:eek:mg I choked on my TV dinner! Because I am not cooking I might miss something. I'm stocked on TV dinners. I FINALY went to one of my many cancelled appointments. I did blood test, physical therapy and stopped at the grocery store for a week supply of TV dinners and POLYGRIP so I don't loose my teeth when I scream. At the screen. I was even out of toilet paper! I'm tired of using paper towels!! And no I'm not a heathen! But I'm sure acting like I am . Maybe I Need to be in a psych ward my self. Imagine your friends, calling and knocking on your door! To get no answer ! shhhhh. Maybe if im quiet theylll go away :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:Till they go away lol all because they are Worried about me.
I have just as bad as you do!

LOL! It is shameful how long I'll substitute paper towels....I'll push it so far that I put the number of a near-by plumber in my phone just in case!
Lock up has the psych ward of some prison on now...cutters being aired..hmmm wonder if JA will adop cutting behaviors???? Doubt it it just might sting....

BPD's are famous for self destructive behaviors like that.

I think Jodi Arias departs from that and in to sociopathy where that's concernned. She would rather impart suffering on others than herself.
Thanks for answering. I think she was doing both. That's what I was trying to understand, though, whether it's the idea that she lied that got the reaction from you, or something more specific. I don't get upset by anything she does, so I'm trying to figure out what's upsetting about it to others. A younger colleague was talking with me about this case and she was kind of relieved to find out that Jodi doesn't make me really, really angry. She thought she was the only one. So now we're trying to figure out whether there's something wrong with us and, if so, what it is. lol

I think it is quite simple. I saw it in the CA case. People have such hatred for her, that the very air she breathes is unjust. I tend to think that is also why people post pictures and videos of her over and over... hoping to "catch" her in something that nobody else has. It is obsessive...

This is why I find people complaining about her interview hypocritical. The public craves any opportunity to catch her in something.

IMO of course....
We've got a few days until next hearing .. I've been thinking about strategies the DT could have used that wouldn't have involved trashing Travis, would have fit the facts including JA's multiple stories, and may have worked better .. Purely hypothetical of course but any ideas?

I've said this before (several times), the crime of passion defense would have served her better than the load of carp her and her DT tried to push to the jury. Admit everything and throw yourself on the mercy of the court. But her extreme arrogance wouldn't let her do that. It was never going to be HER fault. And I think she is just arrogant enough to have thought right up until the verdict was read that she could walk away from this. She's frightening.

Dr. DeMarte said it, and Juan hammered it home in his closing argument. She will NEVER accept responsibility for anything that happens in her life. There's a bus out there that's getting pretty crowded underneath from all the people she's thrown under it.
BPD's are famous for self destructive behaviors like that.

I think Jodi Arias departs from that and in to sociopathy where that's concernned. She would rather impart suffering on others than herself.

My own theory is that she may be a sadomasochist.
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