aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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Watching Dateline reminds me, why does JA have access to so many different pairs of glasses? I can count at least 4 different frames that she wears throughout the trial.

I have a job and I'm lucky I can pay for my one set a year!
LOL! It is shameful how long I'll substitute paper towels....I'll push it so far that I put the number of a near-by plumber in my phone just in case!

So does that mean I'm not crazy or a heathen?:floorlaugh:
We're gonna get it here again late this evening after it leaves you guys. Tomorrow is "my" Monday *Sigh* Good timing as Tuesday will be "my" Friday. So, she better not jack with my scheule....again. I REALLY feel sorry for the jurors.

From now on, want me to call you the day before what you are gonna get? :giggle: Just keep the snails... please! :)
Watching Dateline reminds me, why does JA have access to so many different pairs of glasses? I can count at least 4 different frames that she wears throughout the trial.

I have a job and I'm lucky I can pay for my one set a year!

I wondered that too at the beginning of the trial. It's like she was "trying on" looks for the camera which I think is just highly likely given her superficiality.
I'm wondering why Sam and Tanisha never looked at each other, never hugged when the verdict came in. They have been through hell together.

And the brother on the end. Did not look at ANYONE. I think it may have created to much emotion. Sometimes I need to be left alone when I get hyper-emotional, and when someone says "are you ok?" I will burst into tears uncontrollably, since I hold back for so long. I believe this may be the case.

They are not giving the DT ANY reason to point the finger at them, considering this trial is not over. No risk of being removed for good when there is punishment phase the next day.
Please not on my account. I can seriously fight my own battles. And I do know how to ignore a person, in cyberspace and in real life. That's the best way I think.

I admit it, I am thick but who is this Keifer person?
KCL I really appreciate all the information you have been able to share with us that are not able to attend or have to work. You are our hero!

Thank you tons!
We've got a few days until next hearing .. I've been thinking about strategies the DT could have used that wouldn't have involved trashing Travis, would have fit the facts including JA's multiple stories, and may have worked better .. Purely hypothetical of course but any ideas?

Mee too! And I am not kidding... she should have gone for insanity. That may have been more believable.
This Perryville where JA will be going looks scary. A couple of years ago a woman was placed in a cage outdoors in 107 degree temp. She was only supposed to be there for two hours, but someone left her out there past that and she died in the cage in the blazing sun with burns on her body.

I would wish that kind of fate for CMJA but won't because you know her family would sue the State of Arizona Corrections Department or who ever for millions!
I'm not going in to all of it publicly as he vented to me twice about it. But his feelings are clear and venomous I will tell you that. And he turned some of it on me as well which is the only reason I'm speaking publicly about it at all. After those crappy remarks he made about me to my face, I'm done with him after 20 years of friendship. I was holding on to it for dear life but he threw down a hammer and I walked away.

He basically told me my life was in ruins as evidenced by the fact I was attending the trial, that I was a "completely different person" from the one he once knew and that was not a compliment. He's anti DP so I'm telling you, DP opponents turn on murder victims' families eventually, considering them the "enemy" and judging us for having the audacity to hold these murderers accountable. Like the entire death penalty is our fault. And he's jumped the shark right in to that place.

I cut the cord that day and could say a whole lot more of what I know of how far gone he is in terms of bias but I don't really want to give it any more energy. I guess I got stirred up today reading his article claiming yet ANOTHER BS inaccuracy as fact.

I will say this, Kiefer is the one who EMBELLISHED in a story saying Juan was walking out of court daily to throngs of media and "fans" when in reality he walked out that door a total of ONE time during the entire trial for about 10 min and was asked to give some autographs and photo ops. That was IT. He also claimed Nurmi and co had to leave a side door with security which is a BALD FACED LIE. I walked out the front door with that DT many many days and they waltzed, unescorted right past the media trucks to their cars.

It's disturbing to me to read these bald faced LIES reported as fact.

Oh and Kiefer was one of the few media I went up to (before I realized how far he'd gone with his bias) reporting the ALV approach on Sam thing and he sneered at me "what do you want me to do, have her arrested?" and of course NEVER reported on it yet caused a lot of trouble talking to her "friend" about her "ER visit". He was totally sympathetic to her. Ugh, it all makes me ill. I know way more but gonna stop myself now.

BBM - So does that mean that his life is in ruins as evidenced by the fact he was attending the trial?

I have a lot more respect for someone that spends their time helping bereaved families through the most difficult time of their life than I do for someone that spends their time trying to save convicted murders from the DP. There are many people that would TRY to help the Alexander family get through this awful experience but most of us have no idea what to do or say to someone that has gone through something as horrific as the Alexander family has. I really don't care what Kiefer's opinion is as to what condition your life is in. You have the heart of an angel & an incredible strength that may have made this tragedy a tiny bit easier for the family to get through. Bless you.
I think it is quite simple. I saw it in the CA case. People have such hatred for her, that the very air she breathes is unjust. I tend to think that is also why people post pictures and videos of her over and over... hoping to "catch" her in something that nobody else has. It is obsessive...

This is why I find people complaining about her interview hypocritical. The public craves any opportunity to catch her in something.

IMO of course....

I really do agree with you, Softy. I think that many people, myself among them, are fascinated by how someone's thinking processes can seem to be so different from their own; hence the fascination with any possible clue that might lead to some kind of satisfactory explanation. I think it is part of the basic hardwiring we possess as predators in terms of pattern recognition -- we are programmed to focus on things that seem out of place.

I borrowed BritsKate's decoder ring for this post. :cow:
Mimi is shivering at my feet poor baby. Hates the thunder too!
brika..think the dear tax payers of AZ can be thanked for those glasses, if real prescription ones....but I suspect they are plate glass and bought in the commissary with all her donations..or JW toss aways
I've said this before (several times), the crime of passion defense would have served her better than the load of carp her and her DT tried to push to the jury. Admit everything and throw yourself on the mercy of the court. But her extreme arrogance wouldn't let her do that. It was never going to be HER fault. And I think she is just arrogant enough to have thought right up until the verdict was read that she could walk away from this. She's frightening.

Dr. DeMarte said it, and Juan hammered it home in his closing argument. She will NEVER accept responsibility for anything that happens in her life. There's a bus out there that's getting pretty crowded underneath from all the people she's thrown under it.

Very well said. I've pondered on this point a lot because Jodi is constantly spinning her story, making herself a victim of circumstance. But she will never, EVER, except even a sliver of personal weakness or responsibility.
Watching Dateline reminds me, why does JA have access to so many different pairs of glasses? I can count at least 4 different frames that she wears throughout the trial.

I have a job and I'm lucky I can pay for my one set a year!

Really? I thought they were all the same. She could select up to four different frames and those are what she came up with? Oh Jodi, honey, just cause your in jail doesn't mean you have to totally let yourself go...
BBM - So does that mean that his life is in ruins as evidenced by the fact he was attending the trial?

I have a lot more respect for someone that spends their time helping bereaved families through the most difficult time of their life than I do for someone that spends their time trying to save convicted murders from the DP. There are many people that would TRY to help the Alexander family get through this awful experience but most of us have no idea what to do or say to someone that has gone through something as horrific as the Alexander family has. I really don't care what Kiefer's opinion is as to what condition your life is in. You have the heart of an angel & an incredible strength that may have made this tragedy a tiny bit easier for the family to get through. Bless you.

Thank you Lisa. All I know is he kept reminding me how he had to be there but it was my choice. I really had no idea how much he was judging me until he lifted the curtain.

yet there he is in beautiful Switzerland on a travel assignment and choosing to do an obscure Canadian radio show about this case (nothing to do with his job btw).
All right, lil' buddy. Define "radical feminist" so that I may properly collate your argument.

Well, in my mind - chicks who supported Valerie Solanas.

BUT I think people like ALV think it's cool to take a general concept like
"women are oppressed by the patriarchy which organizes society into a complex of relationships based on the assertion that male supremacy"
(basically quoted from Radical feminism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
and then apply it to an individual case, like JA's, as if it is a reasonable explanation for JA's behavior.

ETA: It's like being pissed-off-by-the-MAN-by-proxy
I really do wonder about ALV at times and if she's done any introspection since her testimony. I know, probably not, but, unlike Samuels who was obviously a hired gun, I did think she sincerely believed Jodi was abused and wasn't privy to a lot of the info we knew.

Her beliefs aren't based on rationality or professional training, it is a religion to her.
she lies about everything....she is incapable of telling the truth

That's where I'm at. Dude coulda asked her specifics about the crime...but she wasn't going to tell him (or anyone) the truth. She'd answer however she did on the stand and spin it into her abuse/pedophilia/hypocrite nonsense.
So it didn't really matter what he was watching her answer that was amazing.

I think he did a good job overall
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