aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #3

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'zactly. The Jodi-was-growing-pot-and-I-searched-her-room story is so dumb.

I bet Jodi's manifesto is the real eye-popper. I suggest we start a collection so we can offer some cash for it. LOL.

I'm all for that. We need a copy for sure.

I've shared my story before of my futile attempt of pot growing as a high school kid.

I had this very elaborate growing system in my room that I thought was fool proof. The only noticable trace was a single cord that came up to the outlet from the carpet behind a desk that was never moved.

Well, one day while I was at school, my Mom decided to clean too good...LOL She spotted the plug and yanked on it and it directed her along the wall and by the time she hit the 3rd extension cord, she was in my closet and the end led to a very large suitcase. When she unzipped the suiltcase, I could only imagine her HORROR as she spotted the 3 fully developed pot plants with a flurescent grow light that was attached along the top of the suitcase.

I knew I was a gonner when I came home and there was a huge fresh pot leaf on the kitchen table. :floorlaugh:
We can go on and on and on and on but we will never know.
Oh ok thanks! Do they get a pillow?

No idea what it's like in Estrella, but, again, my friend who did a month here (in Harris County Jail) said you get a blanket, no pillow, but, weirdly, they make them sleep on top of the blankets so the guards can look in and easily see what they're doing.

Jail systems and protocols are pretty uniform these days so it's probably similar. Oh, he also said he was issued a newer, "fluffier" mattress and sold it to one of the long-timers for a weeks worth of Swiss miss, lol!
It's 1:43 am in Berkeley. I'm wired from the work week. I think I'll do something wild and crazy and treat myself to a pay per view movie. I'll probably pass out in the first 20 minutes......LOL. G'nite sleuthers.
It is with a spirit of humility that I would ask that if I am in any way referenced during Travis' memorial at the team breakout, that my implied innocence is taken into account.

With humble gratitude,


1. :floorlaugh: 2. We saw that :floorlaugh: 3. :floorlaugh:

She's kidding right?

Haha! I swear that woman could have had a career in show biz as the female Carl Pilkington.
Yeah, it very well could be something like that.

I was kind of wondering along the lines of not necessarily abuse, but just wondering how close and affectionate mom was during those first few years. The earlier article made a point to state one of the reasons is no bonding or bonding issues in the first year of life, so was just wondering along those lines. Maybe it was a tough couple years financially even, and no time or chance to bond because mom had to work a lot or something.

But I always wonder if genetics comes into play too sometimes.

Not sure what article you refer to but JA had just as much chance to succeed and graduate high school but she refused to follow the rules - Her mother didn't want her dating BJ and her father caught her doing who knows what. She defied any sort of discipline at that age and was able to quit school, de-edify her parents, and move in with BJ with no barriers. Her parents put her on some sort of punishment when she ditched school in Yreka. She ignored them.


Oh my - this just get me another TO but honestly - do you REALLY think someone "gets" BPD like "getting" a cold? Do you really believe anyone with a Web Site in which she says she is international but only "exclusively by phone"? Do the words - charlatan, con man, quack, even come to mind?

Hate JA if you must but please do not waste time referencing a pretender of this magnitude.

Alls I know is the traits described sounded just like JA. Not sure about the author or their credentials. Someone posted it earlier and I found it very interesting.
I'm so happy we got Justice for Travis in Phase I

I have got to sign off now - Might see some of you from across the pond tomorrow but will see all y'all regular homies for sure.....

Stay safe everyone !
"More Evidence of Abnormal Brain Functioning in Psychopaths"

"......actually do appear to have some capacity for emotional responding, but also have an uncanny capacity to ‘compartmentalize’ or wall-off emotion when it suits them, or to simply not let emotion enter into the equation of their moral decision-making."


Oh my - this just get me another TO but honestly - do you REALLY think someone "gets" BPD like "getting" a cold? Do you really believe anyone with a Web Site in which she says she is international but only "exclusively by phone"? Do the words - charlatan, con man, quack, even come to mind?

Hate JA if you must but please do not waste time referencing a pretender of this magnitude.

I don't see any research suggesting it is genetic. If not genetic it must be acquired somehow.
The Commissary List at Maricopa. Apparently that there's no prices is unfair on the prisoners. Poor them - not!

Thought of another message to put on the postcard...

"Since you have been away from the news for a few days, when you get out, you will be surprised to learn that the public attitude has dramatically changed in your favor since your interview. You will be pleasantly surprised to see how the majority of people now support you".

snicker snicker ---- she'll be in for a nice surprise when she gets out. :floorlaugh:
Originally Posted by Mrs G Norris View Post
Lost his damn mind ... what does he have against Juan anyway? Seems personal.

I'm guessing it might go back to when Juan Martinez prosecuted the Phoenix Suns' nutritionist Doug Grant whose wife died in her bathtub.

I get the feeling Grant had many supporters in the Valley who thought it was an accident. Perhaps Michael Kiefer was one of them.
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