aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #4

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I should add, she can say the mitigating factors are she was abused and beaten by Travis for the three months they dated, and she almost died 4 times so this time she thought he would do it for sure, so she killed him.

That's about all she can say, and that won't work either the Jury just said we don't believe your fictional tale kid...

You know what I wanted Troy to say in that interview? After he heard that Jodi was just gonna repeat the same lines that WE"VE ALREADY HEARD A MILLION TIMES, she SHOULD have said "Jodi, Jodi, Jodi...why are you still lying? Jodi you know your stories are just outrageous right? Jodi, you know no one believes you, right?" That's what he SHOULD have asked, not typical easy questions.
Nope, I agree with you. I've said before here that while I do not believe she was a "gorgeous" woman, she definitely had that indefinable "something" that sucked so many people in and whatever that "something" was is evident in the photos before the murder.

She wasn't a "photographer" in my amateur photographer opinion. :D BUT she understood light and she understood where to find the light in order to capture the most flattering shot of herself, even if it took her all day long to get it.

This photo is not the best photo of Arias but it's a good example of Arias understanding where the light is for her:
Have you ever noticed that so called photographers always have the most flattering pictures of themselves? Who is taking their photos? I'm sure all of you have friends on facebook who change their profile pictures daily. I am always snapping photos of others but have none of me. lol
This photo is not the best photo of Arias but it's a good example of Arias understanding where the light is for her:

It may just be me, but why are we posting HUGE pictures of Jodi...taking up bandwidth?
I'm personally sick of looking at her... JMO

There is an option on your control panel to turn off images. :)
Absolutely what was in Travis' heart was good and loving, and God knows this. Travis loved God, and God loves Travis, and has him very near.

It's what was, and still is, in her heart that's black, evil and malignant.

She is a dark evil person! She fears not even satan himself. There is not a timid shy bone in her body. She implied to the jury that she was shy sometime ago when discribing herself.
Have you ever noticed that so called photographers always have the most flattering pictures of themselves? Who is taking their photos? I'm sure all of you have friends on facebook who change their profile pictures daily. I am always snapping photos of others but have none of me. lol

Looking for the light all the while, living inside her was pure evil and darkness! She never found the right light.
idk. i do not think the teeth were photo shopped my teeth are doing the exact same thing - years and years after my teeth were straigntened because the teeth were still crowded in my mouth and my wisdom teeth started to come in

The same thing happened to me. My teeth have started to noticeably shift a bit and I was having chronic pain in a back tooth. Turns out it was actually a malpositioned wisdom tooth that was yanked just yesterday. My mouth is pounding today and I am not a happy camper. I'm not sure why, but somehow it's all Jodi's fault.
Have you ever noticed that so called photographers always have the most flattering pictures of themselves? Who is taking their photos? I'm sure all of you have friends on facebook who change their profile pictures daily. I am always snapping photos of others but have none of me. lol

That would be me, lol. I will take pictures of everything and everyone. But I'd never set the timer to take photos of me.

There is a woman with a blog I followed. We all loved a particular boutique. :D She would post photos of herself in the various outfits from this boutique and other stores and these were some of the most beautiful photographs. Crisp, clear and interesting. Even though every single photo was of HER, lol, there was still interesting detail in the framing and I was amazed.

She said that it took her a long time to figure out self-portraits but she said she didn't trust anyone else to take the best pics of her.
Have you ever noticed that so called photographers always have the most flattering pictures of themselves? Who is taking their photos? I'm sure all of you have friends on facebook who change their profile pictures daily. I am always snapping photos of others but have none of me. lol true about the daily (hourly?) picture uploads, which I don't get at all. I'd rather see pictures of what you're having for lunch than another selfie....I know what you look like, you're lunch on the other hand...this is new information.
Okay.So I'm I'm spending my day discussing Jodi's teeth.Ewww.
I have seen the light. I'm going cold turkey. That's right. signing off right now. And I'm not coming back until Wednesday. I mean it.
But I just gotta say one more thing: I really think her years in jail have taken a toll on her overall appearance.
That's it. I'm outta here. Does anyone think I can last till Wednesday?... Never mind- I'd hafta come back to find out. So this is it. really.

See you all on Wednesday.

well, maybe just a little quick lurk.
I know you wish me luck, but I can't come back till Wednesday to find out if you do, so I'll just assume that you do.

Hahahah. I thought I was the only one who freaked out when she smiled with her teeth. Her eyes look so dead, it's all just creepy and somehow, it makes her look even more batpoopcrazy.
I don't think JA would have been good enough at Photoshop to do that, I think her teeth have actually moved position .. she had braces at one point .. they're looking bad now hey?

The color white also makes things look bigger (as black makes things appear slimmer), I think her natural-colored teeth just look different than when she could whiten them.

She's also lost weight and likely not spending her Comm money on the most nutritious foods so she might be suffering from a little calcium deficit but, I don't think anything has happened to them except they're back to their normal, non-whitened shade.
mentioning photos....who always took the pics of Jodi and Travis together? true about the daily (hourly?) picture uploads, which I don't get at all. I'd rather see pictures of what you're having for lunch than another selfie....I know what you look like, you're lunch on the other hand...this is new information.
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: loling on what you had for lunch comment!
Didn't the DT file a motion ( denied) in Feb to the Arizona Supreme Court of Appeals to have the death Penalty removed? What next?


"What next?"

Why, to canonize St. Jodi of Arias, Pedophile Slayer, of course!

(She regrets that she has but one life to give to keep 12 year-olds safe from imaginary harm.)

What a vile, disgusting creature is CFDMJA.
Didn't the DT file a motion ( denied) in Feb to the Arizona Supreme Court of Appeals to have the death Penalty removed? What next?

i found this, it looks like when they asked to have the death penalty removed in feb was based on the motion they filed about prosecutorial misconduct, talking about the hughes' texting juan w/ helpful info, but it was denied, i can't find this new motion they filed now, but they are prolly trying to base it off some other circumstance now - imo??
doesn't this entire pic look photo shopped?? like she may not even be in the snow?


What's wrong with her upper lip? It almost looks like someone tried to draw on a skinny little moustache.
The color white also makes things look bigger (as black makes things appear slimmer), I think her natural-colored teeth just look different than when she could whiten them.

She's also lost weight and likely not spending her Comm money on the most nutritious foods so she might be suffering from a little calcium deficit but, I don't think anything has happened to them except they're back to their normal, non-whitened shade.

:floorlaugh: I hadn't noticed her teeth as much as when she smiled at nurmis not liking her comment.:floorlaugh:
i'd really like to know why this was kept out? how could her hard drive not be an important part of this case, and HOW was this kept out?

I'm thinking it probably had *advertiser censored* on it. That would be prejudicial, IMO. If they had allowed that, Juan would have had a field day with that. Remember when the jury asked the question of Melendez were there any pics of children or *advertiser censored*, etc. found on the computers? and she said NO NOT PERTAINING TO MR. ALEXANDER"S COMPUTER.
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