aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #4

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What's wrong with her upper lip? It almost looks like someone tried to draw on a skinny little moustache.

I looks like a pasted on mouth from another photo
Hahahah. I thought I was the only one who freaked out when she smiled with her teeth. Her eyes look so dead, it's all just creepy and somehow, it makes her look even more batpoopcrazy.

Another ovious thing her eyes they seemed cross eyed alot?
What's wrong with her upper lip? It almost looks like someone tried to draw on a skinny little moustache.

Oh wait, I see what you're talking about...she's penciling in her lip liner just below her natural lip line to cut the fullness a bit.
I think I did see her grandparent's house had a ramp for a wheelchair, but it was shown real quick on either Dateline or 20/20 last night, or maybe I imagined it. It's a quaint little house you might see on a holiday card or in a ALV fairy tale fantasy.

It was on the 20/20 interview. But the ramp is probably also for her Dad when he visits. I feel bad for her dad, because he looks really sick.

On another note, the twits from the JAII site have someone in Facebook and when the names of the jurors are released they're going to have him check their the Facebook pages of the jury. They now are after the jury......I hope Juan knows that, because it's illegal to harass a member of the jury. :stormingmad:
oh dear god she is tweeting again :(

Jodi Arias ‏@jodiann_arias 47s

"If you give me any problem in America I can trace it down to domestic violence. It is the cradle of most of the problems..." -Salma Hayek
Ok, so i'm reading a motion filed for the DT to remove the DP, which was denied.

Then why on mother earth does she say she wants death?
What's wrong with her upper lip? It almost looks like someone tried to draw on a skinny little moustache.

All I see is Snidley Whiplash! You have to be old to know who that is..... :floorlaugh:

oh dear god she is tweeting again :(

Jodi Arias ‏@jodiann_arias 47s

"If you give me any problem in America I can trace it down to domestic violence. It is the cradle of most of the problems..." -Salma Hayek

Lololololololol you know, I'm starting to think she really believes she was abused. Too much time with ALV explaining to her how many victims don't even realize the relationship is abusive until it's over.
During the interview JA said that she and Nurmi had clashed a few times. That they got along fairly well in the early part of his representation of her. She also said that she had certain ideas etc but that Nurmi was 'the boss'. That's not how it works. She is the client and has the say so..... I wondered when she said it if that's just her current installment for the upcoming 'ineffective representation of counsel' claim for a new trial...

It's just her typical way of deflecting bad attention off herself. See, their whole strategy for the trial was HER idea, and it didn't work. So now she's trying to say that she had no part in it, that it was someone else' idea and she had no part in it. Whenever it's something not good for her or about her, she lays in on others. SHe did this numerious times during cross, when Juan would ask her why she's saying these lies if it doesn't benefit her (after she would say she wasn't doing it to benefit her case). And then she would say, "oh I'm only answering the quesitons that were posed to me by my attorneys." As if she had no idea what was going on, she just up and one day took the stand and Nurmi started asking her a bunch of questions. If you see any documents before the trial began, everyone sees she was and is in total control of her defense.
You're right that she's the client and she has the say-so. All the TH defense attorneys also have said that. She's just lying. Basically any idea that is good or has worked she attributes to herself, and all others she blames on others.
DT asked JSS to remove the death penalty from consideration..... DENIED!

But, ............ but,............ I thought she wants the DP!:chicken:

Was she fibbing? :liar:

She put this family through he!!. She doesn't think they're going to stop now does she? :silenced:

She's going to get what the judge and jury decide, within the law.

She got her say, now she's done talking and at the court's mercy.

She deserves the same sort of mercy she gave Travis.

None! Nada! Zilch!

:justice: For Travis! :justice:

End of story,
It's just her typical way of deflecting bad attention off herself. See, their whole strategy for the trial was HER idea, and it didn't work. So now she's trying to say that she had no part in it, that it was someone else' idea and she had no part in it. Whenever it's something not good for her or about her, she lays in on others. SHe did this numerious times during cross, when Juan would ask her why she's saying these lies if it doesn't benefit her (after she would say she wasn't doing it to benefit her case). And then she would say, "oh I'm only answering the quesitons that were posed to me by my attorneys." As if she had no idea what was going on, she just up and one day took the stand and Nurmi started asking her a bunch of questions. If you see any documents before the trial began, everyone sees she was and is in total control of her defense.
You're right that she's the client and she has the say-so. All the TH defense attorneys also have said that. She's just lying. Basically any idea that is good or has worked she attributes to herself, and all others she blames on others.

I want to see the interview where she blames Nurmi for talking her out of the ninja defense.
I just saw the interview, and technically, she doesn't have any mitigating factors. You don't mitigate a Self Defense claim. The Judge might ask if they have anything to say before sentencing and basically all they can say is "she didn't commit 1st Degree Murder with premeditation your honor, the Jury is wrong, so we are still asking you let her go, she is innocent.

In a Self Defense Claim you are saying you broke no law, you should not be in prison... poor ol' innocent you walked in and you were attacked, so i guess you say don't put me to death because i'm innocent!

Funny thing is, in her TV interview she says she would rather get death than LWOP - even though she is "innocent due to self defense". She forgets that most who are "innocent" proclaim their determination to appeal until the "wrong" conviction is righted - they don't ask for death for a crime they don't believe they committed.
This photo is not the best photo of Arias but it's a good example of Arias understanding where the light is for her:

It may just be me, but why are we posting HUGE pictures of Jodi...taking up bandwidth?
I'm personally sick of looking at her... JMO


Personally I think she looks like a rat. Beedie eyes, pointy long nose, bucky teeth, little ears, greasy fur... You get the idea.
When this trial is over, we are all going to have to burn our hard drives and just buy new laptops and desktops because if our browsing history is ever searched, we're all going to jail. :floorlaugh:

Especially the searches on Urban Dictionary ... shudder

Man, you aren't kiddin'.
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