aggravated waiting for the Aggravation phase #4

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I'm sorry I left off your name..I did not know how to quite bring over the whole quote. I hope I did not offend you by leaving that off. I do agree though that it was a "soft." interview
No. Not offended at all. I knew it was me :floorlaugh:

ETA I still don't see the point to this soft interview and my other thoughts still stand
YES! It was his way or the wrong way and you kept choosing the wrong way. lol

They are master manipulators. If you aren't paying attention, you'll carry the weight of the entire "relationship" whatever it may be, on YOUR shoulders.

Fortunately, I was old enough and had enough experience with my job to know when I was right. I'm a big believer in compromise, but when it comes to the finances of your business, it's easy to get completely lost if you don't follow some rules. I'm not talking about anything criminal -- you just have to make sure you know exactly what you're spending and make sure the client gets billed or you can go under really fast. But he couldn't see that.

I was able to get out really quickly and although my friend was annoyed with me, he didn't make a big issue of it.
I actually hadn't considered that. I was focused so much on her disinterest and deadness of soul that I forgot about the sadistic side of her personality that really would take pleasure in being front and center to witness how much anguish she's caused these people. It would reinforce her godlike feelings.

Maybe that's why the DT wants it on videotape: they know she won't be able to hide her smirking and obvious pleasure if it's "live."

I think you may be right about that.

Minor4th wrote about this long ago when Jodi was on the stand. She said she thought Jodi's sole motivation for going to trial was to make Travis' friends and family suffer. I've never forgotten that post, it was that good. I should try and find it again and post a link.
I just wanted to put up a link to JA filing for victim impact statements to be done on video.
I don't think there is any way that JSS will grant this motion, since the Alexanders have been nothing less than dignified and a class act through the entire ordeal. NEWS/defensemotion.pdf

OMG - she's no Jeffrey Dahmer or Green River Killer (remember those outbursts)? The Alexander's, along with TA's friends, are nothing but religious and respectable. Is she afraid is gonna say MEAN things to her? You bet they are. What is she looking for wine and roses?

Stand up and take your punishment you convicted murderer. Please JSS, don't approve this motion!

My prayers are with the Alexander's.


Brought over from last thread:

Originally Posted by Hatfield
I felt the same way. There had to have been some more underlying serious issues during her childhood that we are not privy too.

Everyone of my friends including me went through the pot/parents pissed routine, and most of us ended up just fine. I think...LOL
Hi Hatfield,


Think about the immediate interview after the verdict. She planned that years ago. She NEEDED to be interviewed if M1 was her sentence immediately before the aggravation phase. She needed it to make sure the jury got wind of her wanting "death: before their decision. Again she is playing them--I hope they see thru her plan and actually give her what she 'say's" she wants.
I mean really how can this idiot think death will be her final freedom--like God will know she "Had" to kill TA.......and things will just be hunky dory in the afterlife. Maybe she will get 100 virgins to play with. (BBM)​

I just wanted to comment on the virgin part. I have always wondered what the heck those poor virgins did to deserve to spend eternity with whacked out homicide/suicide bombers. I never understood. I'm hoping that they are actually "made over virgins" like Jodi that are sent to spend eternity with those who kill indiscriminately. That's what they deserve. Think what will happen if one of them treats Jodi with the disrespect they show women on this earthly plain.:scared:
I have no problem whatsoever with Troy Hayden getting and doing the interview with her. Why on earth would I? He's nailed the interview of a lifetime. And how hard he hit her with questions doesn't hit my radar either. I don't have any expectation of Troy being my voice, asking questions I 'have a right' to ask. To be perfectly frank, I would love to spend a few minutes talking to her. Just to get a personal feel for how twisted she is. I would have loved to do the same with Manson. I am fascinated by these people who are clearly an aberration. Hayden is a journalist. This case is worldwide. He nailed an exclusive. If we all heard that he had the chance and said no, we would have been like WTH??? She is using him and he's taking advantage of her for his career. His personal feelings for her don't matter to me at all. I was glad to see the side of her that exposed itself in the interview.
Interesting she asked if any weaponS were used...plural...

Here is the link to the latest dribble of interview from our local fox affiliate, where CKJA states that she has no mitigating factors to present according to Nurmi.

She prattles about her nonsense and the mitigation part comes at 2:40 in the video. I suggest you scroll up to that point.

she is still going on about how the State wouldn't settle, like it's some civil law suit. :banghead:
She said previously that she didn't want to mention wanting to die so she wouldn't be put on suicide watch yet that is all she keeps saying in the most current interview.

Yes. I said last night that her explanation on the stand of what her "no jury will ever convict me" only proves she knew exactly what would happen if she gave any indication of being suicidal.

She wants to control everything, including this next phase.

She needed more time to get her game face on. She was shaken to her core by the verdict. Her prearranged interview was only an absolutely worst case scenario so that she could slow down the process. She expected manslaughter and she fully expected to walk in a few years.

NG had it so right when she described the pleading, forlorn look she gave each juror as they were polled: "was she trying to mind control them? YOU WILL CHANGE YOUR VERDICT."

Here is the link to the latest dribble of interview from our local fox affiliate, where CKJA states that she has no mitigating factors to present according to Nurmi.

She prattles about her nonsense and the mitigation part comes at 2:40 in the video. I suggest you scroll up to that point.

IMO she wants sympathy by saying KN told her she has no mitigating factors but all she mentions are "victim" type factors....she must not have any examples of any good she has ever done!
Poor JA, they joked mamma didn't hit her hard or enough....that I can agree with!
Here is the link to the latest dribble of interview from our local fox affiliate, where CKJA states that she has no mitigating factors to present according to Nurmi.

She prattles about her nonsense and the mitigation part comes at 2:40 in the video. I suggest you scroll up to that point.

Ughhhh -- she's just gonna keep on portraying herself as the poor little victim of Travis Alexander. Unfortunately, this isn't the end of it. She's going to continue to smear him for as long as she can. That's just how evil she is.

Yes, too bad you didn't go off into the night, Jodi. You would have saved a lot of people, especially Travis, a whole heck of a lot of grief. Instead you took the 1,000 mile trip to kill him. You sicken me.


I'm sorry I left off your name..I did not know how to quite bring over the whole quote. I hope I did not offend you by leaving that off. I do agree though that it was a "soft." interview

that's the only reason she did it. if he'd asked her anything really hard, she would have ended the interview. he did it on her terms.
that's one of the problems i have with it. she didn't say anything new that i know of, but all i know about it i read here.
i went back to school at 33 and got a degree in journalism. studied ethics, etc. i have very conflicted feelings about giving somebody like her a platform. i guess my bigger problem is that this happened while the trial was still in progress, and because of what she said about wanting to be 'free' (dead), she's now on suicide watch, and this could be why the trial stopped thursday so she could undergo a psych evaluation. i don't know that for sure---about the evaluation---but a lot of people besides me think that may be what's going on.
so his big scoop may have impacted this trial. i just wish he would have waited until the penalty phase was over. but that's obviously not what SHE wanted so he went ahead with it.
There is a reason she wants them to record what they have to say to her and I jump around as to why.

For appeals, would they be able to use those tapes in any form or would she be able to re watch them if there is an appeal. I think she gets off on hurting Travis's family. If she will be able to see those tapes over and over again then I think that could be part of her motive. If they are just spoken words then she may not get the same jolly if she just reads what was typed out.

She is just so odd the way she does things so its hard to tell what she is doing it for but there is obviously a reason for this madness. Is it for control, for the jolly of it all, it is b/c she can not look at their faces (since they do all look alike) and basically see Travis say those things to her or could it be she can not face the faces that look like Travis knowing dang well what she did?
Interesting she asked if any weaponS were used...plural...
I'm not sure if everyone is aware of this but this is a great red flag. Not because she asked about multiple weapons but because grammatically and naturally people when they generally know there's item/s involved use the plural and if not, they use the singular form.
It seems to me that the tendency is to use the plural when asking about the possibility that certain known entities have their location at a particular place.

Are there any keys in that drawer?
Are there any students in that classroom?
Are there any books on the shelf?

But the singular might be used when asking for a confirmation about the existence of at least one such item, as if there were some doubt about its very existence, thus:
Is there any student willing to sing a Mozart aria in front of the class?
You must need glasses. Take a look at that table once again. Now, tell me. Is there any apple on that table?
Is there any bird that is known to have no feathers?

The sentences in the latter group may be stated in the plural as well.
Minor4th wrote about this long ago when Jodi was on the stand. She said she thought Jodi's sole motivation for going to trial was to make Travis' friends and family suffer. I've never forgotten that post, it was that good. I should try and find it again and post a link.

If you watch her testimony from the very first day when she took her seat, it was as if she were giving a Lifetime Achievement Award acceptance speech.

Juan's cross examination was just a challenge to an award she'd already won.
i need trial to be on 7days a week because i seem to go and and spend money i don't have when they are on break :facepalm: took my 4year old wallpaper shopping for his room and he choose spiderman which cost me more than £100 (About $150) :sigh: im a mug :floorlaugh:

what have i missed :seeya:
The Alexander family was so dignified and respectful during the entire trial proceedings, I cannot imagine any inappropriate or uncontrolled outbursts during the sentencing hearings. Another ploy to delay the inevitable for JA. The only uncontrollable outbursts I can foresee is from JA herself. Her rage is going to explode.

I watched the clip of the verdict being read several times and here's what I saw: clerk pronounces guilty and there's an audible gasp from either Sam or Tanisha, immediately cut short. Now of course Jean C. later breathlessly reports in her best JVM voice that it was a "shriek." It was absolutely not.

What angered me was Willmott's reaction. She frowns and shoots an annoyed look of disgust back over to the Alexander side of the gallery.

It wasn't an outburst, it wasn't uncontrolled, it was a single, quick, involuntary gasp. Just one, from one person.

I suspect Willmott is behind the motion. This family continues to be put through hell and back. Their grace and dignity throughout this trial is beyond admirable.
I have no problem whatsoever with Troy Hayden getting and doing the interview with her. Why on earth would I? He's nailed the interview of a lifetime. And how hard he hit her with questions doesn't hit my radar either. I don't have any expectation of Troy being my voice, asking questions I 'have a right' to ask. To be perfectly frank, I would love to spend a few minutes talking to her. Just to get a personal feel for how twisted she is. I would have loved to do the same with Manson. I am fascinated by these people who are clearly an aberration. Hayden is a journalist. This case is worldwide. He nailed an exclusive. If we all heard that he had the chance and said no, we would have been like WTH??? She is using him and he's taking advantage of her for his career. His personal feelings for her don't matter to me at all. I was glad to see the side of her that exposed itself in the interview.
BBM. What new side do you think we saw that we hadn't seen before?
I also hope she is made to wear her hair up in in ponytail so there will be no hair curtains. I want her to look them straight on.

How ticked off do you think she was she last night to find her story didn't lead on 20/20?

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