Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

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Happy Mother's Day! A special shout out to mine....who, before having my own son, I put through a living hell.

I am having trial withdrawals.....can't wait until Wed. Hell it will probably be "Migraine Wednesday" if that continues to run the show.

I am so behind on reading all the posts. I am getting mentally and physically exhausted with dealing with Kyle's cancer. My heart goes out to anyone who has had cancer and their family members who have had to watch them suffer.

I have to shave his head completely today. I am so tired and don't want to have to return to the hospital tomorrow....but you do what you have to do for your kids.

HUGS to you!
Tanisha "Just had to visit the gravesite to tell my bro WE DID IT, we got justice. Next step the ultimate Justice here on earth. I love you Travis!"

So, we are not aggravated friends, we are elated! We did it! Justice has been SERVED!!!! Halleluja. Thank you Jesus. Wednesday Juan Martinez is going to be on FIRE!!!! Happy Mother's day, we know Travis is with his Mom-mom in Heaven now.

Aww, I really admire Tanisha and Samantha for sitting there ever day listening to their brother being called all sorts of things by the defense.
I see Tanisha wants the death penalty for Jodi.
Just one more thing the jury needs to get rght.
I will be shocked if Jodi is actually in court on the 15th. I think she has more shenanigans up her sleeve. Can they force her? Can they proceed without her? She absolutely does not want to face the Alexander family after being convicted. She is no longer in control (not that she ever was but now even she realizes it) and she can not stand that.

Jodi sealed her own fate. She sucked on the stand. Regardless of whose idea it was to put her there, she didn't have to come across as an ice princess. That was her own doing. She is not one bit likable. Her attitude was " Yeah, I did it. So what?" She deserves the death penalty and she will get it.

It's probably time for Jodi to have another migraine and require a day off from court to recuperate. She definitely has more antics up her sleeve and said as much in her post-verdict interview: "I have a plan." Mark my words, Jodi is up to something, and it probably isn't good. :moo:
What I got from the whole interview is that SHE STILL DOESN"T GET IT. She DOESN"T GET that NO ONE BELIEVES HER. Even after the verdict, she STILL doesn't get it. She still thinks that she can work her manipulation on people, that she can fool people with her fake-cries and attempts at appearing normal....she DOESN"T SEE that everyone can see through her now.

What I gather from that is that she is surrounded by supporters who don't tell her the truth. Her mom, aunt, and family feed her disconnect from reality, her attorneys feed it, reporters feed it, her one friend Donovan feeds it, her fellow inmates feed it. Everyone has their own motivations, but what that leaves is a dangerous, manipulative woman who now has no limits b/c there is NO ONE TO PUT HER IN HER PLACE. She thinks she's the Queen Bee everywhere, and all this attention is doing nothing for her in the long run except putting her closer to Death Row.
IMHO the evidence shows Jodi Arias lies so effortlessly because her very existence is one big lie. She's an empty vessel with no core personality/identity who survives by attaching herself like a parasite to other people's personas. In essence hitching her broken down, skanky wagon (self) to shining stars like Travis Alexander. Whether he inadvertently or purposely pulled back the curtain exposing what a fraud Jodi Arias is she couldn't stand the light. She brutally and with great rage murdered him and continues to savage his reputation every time the media shines the spotlight on her.
Happy Mother's Day! A special shout out to mine....who, before having my own son, I put through a living hell.

I am having trial withdrawals.....can't wait until Wed. Hell it will probably be "Migraine Wednesday" if that continues to run the show.

I am so behind on reading all the posts. I am getting mentally and physically exhausted with dealing with Kyle's cancer. My heart goes out to anyone who has had cancer and their family members who have had to watch them suffer.

I have to shave his head completely today. I am so tired and don't want to have to return to the hospital tomorrow....but you do what you have to do for your kids.


1. She probably put the mother's curse on you. The old; "I hope you have one just like you!"

2. Are you aware there's a cancer support thread here to help with and offer a sympathetic ear to those who are going through, or have a loved one going through cancer? Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

You're right! He always asked open ended questions. How could we possibly forget his constant reminder to not elaborate, just answer:

"Yes or No??"


Did I ask you if he asked open ended questions!?
I'm a first time poster, and I'd like to say hello to everyone. I've been following this case from the beginning, and my brother, daughter and daughter's boyfriend all follow it as well as a couple of friends. I'm from Canada, and it's interesting to see how differently things are done in the U.S. There seems to be a lot more transparency, and journalists provide much more background info on criminal case players than they do here.

I've been lurking for a while and find this to be a very fascinating, informative and fast moving forum. I am way behind on pages I want to read- can't keep up!

Jodi was unbelievably cool and calculating when she set up the post verdict interview on Sunday- planning to be interviewed if the verdict came back M1. Listening to her voice mail to Troy, and watching the interview, particularly the part where she talks about having no mitigating circumstances was enlightening to me. In the interview, she played the part of a somber woman who has accepted her fate- the fate of being sentenced to death for murder when in (her) reality she killed Travis in self defence. But some of the things she said, in her faux appreciative way, were:

- She loves her mother, who is a saint, and she (Jodi) hasn't treated her well
- The defence came up with the plan to claim self defence, and she took the stand because the defence advised her it would be best strategically
- She has had conflict with Nurmi because she had different ideas on how to handle things, but Nurmi is "the boss".

But she's clever, because she doesn't criticize him for saying he doesn't like her 9 days out of 10, and that she recognizes they work hard. Manipulators will do this sort of thing so that they can be perceived as reasonable, and maybe even gullible. But in her last comment she indicates (paraphrasing) that she can only speculate as to what "angle" they're going to try for her at this point.. as if she has merely been a spectator in this trial and has not had any control or input at all. Her demeanor in the interview makes me think of the waif borderline. She's presenting herself as helpless and at the mercy of her DT:

I think her plan is to pretend to want the death penalty, and to try to manipulate the system in any way she can so that she can get the death penalty, because then the state will pay for her defence. I think with the interview, her supposed wish for death and/or the DP, and statements about her DT; she's setting up to claim that she had incompetent representation and their "spin" on the best way to present their case was something she was not on board with, but went along with because she didn't know any better. I know she has been strongly opposed the idea of being perceived as having mental health problems before, but she is desperate now and might be embracing that position because she is out of alternatives. Her comments where she speaks of death being the "ultimate freedom" are calculated to generate an impression of mental health "difficulties". I feel that her positive comments about her mother were related to strategy and future appeals.

I realize that the chances of her winning in the future are slim, but she has nothing to lose, and she is relentless by nature anyway.

Just decided today to stick my toe in the water. Thank you Websleuths, for all that you do. I hope you all have a nice day!

The mental exercise "the dock, Juan, JA with a gun"? Trick question...

Juan would get the drop on her (really, a prosecutor who doesn't carry a gun? Pfft!), shoot her in her leg ("Oh, owie, that stings!"), she would fall to the ground, her fake teeth would go flying across the dock, her contacts would pop out, he would recognize her and say "aHAH, Ms. Arias!" (extenuating the last name with a most pronounced Spanish accent), JA would wince "Nooooooooo! But I'm a GRINGA!!!", start melting on the dock and her slime would fall into the sea, a ring of dead fish bobbing to the surface as the slick ever widened..................and all that would be left would be her $300 implants.
The End

I think 32 Mother's days has finally gotten the better of me :facepalm:

1. She probably put the mother's curse on you. The old; "I hope you have one just like you!"

2. Are you aware there's a cancer support thread here to help with and offer a sympathetic ear to those who are going through, or have a loved one going through cancer? Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Did I ask you if he asked open ended questions!?

1. You nailed it!

2. I did not. Thanks Steely!

Did I ask you if he asked open ended questions!?

That's what I interpreted when you posed the question and left it dangling there for me to figure out so yes, you did ask me if he asked me open ended questions and if you're going to take that tone and posture and try to scramble my brain I'm going to do my Cousin It impression and cry through my nose behind my hair.

I'm a first time poster, and I'd like to say hello to everyone. I've been following this case from the beginning, and my brother, daughter and daughter's boyfriend all follow it as well as a couple of friends. I'm from Canada, and it's interesting to see how differently things are done in the U.S. There seems to be a lot more transparency, and journalists provide much more background info on criminal case players than they do here.

I've been lurking for a while and find this to be a very fascinating, informative and fast moving forum. I am way behind on pages I want to read- can't keep up!

Jodi was unbelievably cool and calculating when she set up the post verdict interview on Sunday- planning to be interviewed if the verdict came back M1. Listening to her voice mail to Troy, and watching the interview, particularly the part where she talks about having no mitigating circumstances was enlightening to me. In the interview, she played the part of a somber woman who has accepted her fate- the fate of being sentenced to death for murder when in (her) reality she killed Travis in self defence. But some of the things she said, in her faux appreciative way, were:

- She loves her mother, who is a saint, and she (Jodi) hasn't treated her well
- The defence came up with the plan to claim self defence, and she took the stand because the defence advised her it would be best strategically
- She has had conflict with Nurmi because she had different ideas on how to handle things, but Nurmi is "the boss".

But she's clever, because she doesn't criticize him for saying he doesn't like her 9 days out of 10, and that she recognizes they work hard. Manipulators will do this sort of thing so that they can be perceived as reasonable, and maybe even gullible. But in her last comment she indicates (paraphrasing) that she can only speculate as to what "angle" they're going to try for her at this point.. as if she has merely been a spectator in this trial and has not had any control or input at all. Her demeanor in the interview makes me think of the waif borderline. She's presenting herself as helpless and at the mercy of her DT:

I think her plan is to pretend to want the death penalty, and to try to manipulate the system in any way she can so that she can get the death penalty, because then the state will pay for her defence. I think with the interview, her supposed wish for death and/or the DP, and statements about her DT; she's setting up to claim that she had incompetent representation and their "spin" on the best way to present their case was something she was not on board with, but went along with because she didn't know any better. I know she has been strongly opposed the idea of being perceived as having mental health problems before, but she is desperate now and might be embracing that position because she is out of alternatives. Her comments where she speaks of death being the "ultimate freedom" are calculated to generate an impression of mental health "difficulties". I feel that her positive comments about her mother were related to strategy and future appeals.

I realize that the chances of her winning in the future are slim, but she has nothing to lose, and she is relentless by nature anyway.

Just decided today to stick my toe in the water. Thank you Websleuths, for all that you do. I hope you all have a nice day!

:welcome6: and please continue to post!
You're right! He always asked open ended questions. How could we possibly forget his constant reminder to not elaborate, just answer:

"Yes or No??"


Open-ended questions: Designed to encourage full, meaningful answers using the subject's own knowledge and/or feelings. Example: "What do you think about gun control?"

Close-ended questions: Encourage short, single-word answers. Example: "Do you work this Thursday?"
I'm a first time poster, and I'd like to say hello to everyone. I've been following this case from the beginning, and my brother, daughter and daughter's boyfriend all follow it as well as a couple of friends. I'm from Canada, and it's interesting to see how differently things are done in the U.S. There seems to be a lot more transparency, and journalists provide much more background info on criminal case players than they do here.

I've been lurking for a while and find this to be a very fascinating, informative and fast moving forum. I am way behind on pages I want to read- can't keep up!

Jodi was unbelievably cool and calculating when she set up the post verdict interview on Sunday- planning to be interviewed if the verdict came back M1. Listening to her voice mail to Troy, and watching the interview, particularly the part where she talks about having no mitigating circumstances was enlightening to me. In the interview, she played the part of a somber woman who has accepted her fate- the fate of being sentenced to death for murder when in (her) reality she killed Travis in self defence. But some of the things she said, in her faux appreciative way, were:

- She loves her mother, who is a saint, and she (Jodi) hasn't treated her well
- The defence came up with the plan to claim self defence, and she took the stand because the defence advised her it would be best strategically
- She has had conflict with Nurmi because she had different ideas on how to handle things, but Nurmi is "the boss".

But she's clever, because she doesn't criticize him for saying he doesn't like her 9 days out of 10, and that she recognizes they work hard. Manipulators will do this sort of thing so that they can be perceived as reasonable, and maybe even gullible. But in her last comment she indicates (paraphrasing) that she can only speculate as to what "angle" they're going to try for her at this point.. as if she has merely been a spectator in this trial and has not had any control or input at all. Her demeanor in the interview makes me think of the waif borderline. She's presenting herself as helpless and at the mercy of her DT:

I think her plan is to pretend to want the death penalty, and to try to manipulate the system in any way she can so that she can get the death penalty, because then the state will pay for her defence. I think with the interview, her supposed wish for death and/or the DP, and statements about her DT; she's setting up to claim that she had incompetent representation and their "spin" on the best way to present their case was something she was not on board with, but went along with because she didn't know any better. I know she has been strongly opposed the idea of being perceived as having mental health problems before, but she is desperate now and might be embracing that position because she is out of alternatives. Her comments where she speaks of death being the "ultimate freedom" are calculated to generate an impression of mental health "difficulties". I feel that her positive comments about her mother were related to strategy and future appeals.

I realize that the chances of her winning in the future are slim, but she has nothing to lose, and she is relentless by nature anyway.

Just decided today to stick my toe in the water. Thank you Websleuths, for all that you do. I hope you all have a nice day!

Welcome Peanut2 - so glad you stuck your toe in the water - I really enjoyed your post and hope you will continue sharing your thoughts and opinions.

FYI - in case you aren't aware - tonight is Tricia's True Crime Radio - I hope you can tune in!

:seeya: DT
This is kind of old (pre trial) but it is a handwritten letter JA wrote to the judge BEGGING to keep Nurmi from withdrawing from her case. I thought after reading it, that it was NOTE WORTHY, hope you guys do.

Thanks, I read one page, but there's no way I'm reading five of that (word I got timed out for) writings.

I'm a first time poster, and I'd like to say hello to everyone. I've been following this case from the beginning, and my brother, daughter and daughter's boyfriend all follow it as well as a couple of friends. I'm from Canada, and it's interesting to see how differently things are done in the U.S. There seems to be a lot more transparency, and journalists provide much more background info on criminal case players than they do here.

I've been lurking for a while and find this to be a very fascinating, informative and fast moving forum. I am way behind on pages I want to read- can't keep up!

Jodi was unbelievably cool and calculating when she set up the post verdict interview on Sunday- planning to be interviewed if the verdict came back M1. Listening to her voice mail to Troy, and watching the interview, particularly the part where she talks about having no mitigating circumstances was enlightening to me. In the interview, she played the part of a somber woman who has accepted her fate- the fate of being sentenced to death for murder when in (her) reality she killed Travis in self defence. But some of the things she said, in her faux appreciative way, were:

- She loves her mother, who is a saint, and she (Jodi) hasn't treated her well
- The defence came up with the plan to claim self defence, and she took the stand because the defence advised her it would be best strategically
- She has had conflict with Nurmi because she had different ideas on how to handle things, but Nurmi is "the boss".

But she's clever, because she doesn't criticize him for saying he doesn't like her 9 days out of 10, and that she recognizes they work hard. Manipulators will do this sort of thing so that they can be perceived as reasonable, and maybe even gullible. But in her last comment she indicates (paraphrasing) that she can only speculate as to what "angle" they're going to try for her at this point.. as if she has merely been a spectator in this trial and has not had any control or input at all. Her demeanor in the interview makes me think of the waif borderline. She's presenting herself as helpless and at the mercy of her DT:

I think her plan is to pretend to want the death penalty, and to try to manipulate the system in any way she can so that she can get the death penalty, because then the state will pay for her defence. I think with the interview, her supposed wish for death and/or the DP, and statements about her DT; she's setting up to claim that she had incompetent representation and their "spin" on the best way to present their case was something she was not on board with, but went along with because she didn't know any better. I know she has been strongly opposed the idea of being perceived as having mental health problems before, but she is desperate now and might be embracing that position because she is out of alternatives. Her comments where she speaks of death being the "ultimate freedom" are calculated to generate an impression of mental health "difficulties". I feel that her positive comments about her mother were related to strategy and future appeals.

I realize that the chances of her winning in the future are slim, but she has nothing to lose, and she is relentless by nature anyway.

Just decided today to stick my toe in the water. Thank you Websleuths, for all that you do. I hope you all have a nice day!


Good first post!! :thumb:

The main rule here is no disparaging emus.
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