Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

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I don't have an exact count of how many times Nurmi has motioned to dismiss the death penalty but he has done this several times (four? five?) with this court, once or twice before trial began, and once as an emergency motion filed with the state supreme court. All, including the emergency motion were denied.

I believe it is normal/routine for defense to motion for dismissal of the DP but I am not sure it is typical to do it so often for the same case. But I do not claim to know everything so maybe it is.

At any rate, the state supreme court denied Nurmi's DP dismissal motion at least once already. I suspect a new motion to be filed there very soon, and I expect that will be denied also. JMO.

Here is the filing date:

Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court *** Electronically Filed *** 05/13/2013 8:00 AM

So he is at it again. :denied: :denied: :denied:
To piggy back off your quote, I have been trying to think of the one thing (given all these traits) that if I could, say to her, that would cut her to the core. Not the usual, you are hated, you are despicable...she's use to hearing that.

Just the one thing.............that would shake her being. I cant figure out what it would be. :banghead:

"A five year old could sketch a better tracing than you've ever managed to create..."
If you have ever seen Jodi's art, go look at the one of the black and white mixed color of the butterfly. Sketched flowers in the background. Look carefully, its a hand about to crush the butterfly and kill it. That's what it looks like to me. A hand, 4 fingers (missing the bent finger...which probably fell off)

Shouldn't that hourglass be running out of time now?
If you have ever seen Jodi's art, go look at the one of the black and white mixed color of the butterfly. Sketched flowers in the background. Look carefully, its a hand about to crush the butterfly and kill it. That's what it looks like to me. A hand, 4 fingers (missing the bent finger...which probably fell off)

i think that is suppose to be the womans hair - maybe she could only trave the butterfly, but didn't have a template for the womans hair??
Was this already posted?

May 12, 2013 at 9:13 am

Counsel for the Defendant moves to dismiss the death penalty option.

Apparently the Defense is back with their silly motions...

1:16 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant, Counsel for the Defendant,
Counsel for the State and victim next of kin present.
Discussion is held.
IT IS ORDERED continuing the aggravation phase from this date to 05/15/2013 at 10:00

I am both curious and sad that one of Travis' siblings had to share space with that monster!

(I need a bit of Mom help (lol) I live in a valley filled with pollens and mold so I have felt for the past week and a half that it has just been my allergies acting up...I have been on my zyrtec-D, mucinex and good old dependable Vicks Vaporub! I cannot take in a full breath, cough up gross green goop in the morning/night, but during the day just have an unproductive, annoying cough. Is there anything else I can try over the counter? I have been quite sick lately (endocrine system) and have been on some seriously strong steroids which you would think they would help me to breathe, but all they do is make me grumpy and puff me up?!?)
I'm beginning to think that JA has a personality disorder unique to herself. Literally rolling BPD, ASD, narcissistic disorder, histrionic disorder, sociopathy, psychopathy anda few others into a whole new disorder. I think they should call it Arias disorder.

I totally agree. She is in a class of her own. But, all of those personality disorders kinda overlap. So I'm not sure if "borderline" means that she has many characteristics of many personality disorders. I think you're right though. She is definitely a mixed bag of tricks. Totally off-the-wall-whacko!

She thrives on attention and the belief that people (all of us) are interested in what she thinks or feels. I suddenly feel absolutely NO interest in her at all anymore. I have been able to let it go and any control she had over me for the last several months. I feel REALLY good about that.

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of us .... :seeya: I have two sons (37 & 35), five grandchildren (from 12 down to 2) and I feel so blessed. :heartbeat: :winkkiss:
The bpd person in my life came to our grandmothers funeral with ALL her somewhat newly acquired tattoos in full view.
I thought my mom and dad and everyone else was going to faint.
My dad even asked her if she had a 'wrap' to put on.
It was quite embarrassing. Not a shred of modesty.

I don't mind tattoos...but have some decorum at funerals, court, etc.

It's just a dash of the things we've dealt with .

Ha I just made a comment about that! No respect for court proceedings. She knew sitting on the front row with Sandy that she would be on tv.

It reminded me of a funeral I recently attended of a family member. The mother was all tat'ed up and wearing sleeveless clothes so she could show everyone her new tattoos. She said she was tired of hiding them from everyone. I guess a funeral (to her) is a coming out thing? The funeral was for her child.

I think someone should tell her she's turned into a comedy show and people only watch her interviews to have a good laugh at her ridiculous lies and see what new BS she comes out with, then we all roll about and have fun at her expense and look forward to her next day in court.

I could only watch the first few minutes of this "skit" before I had to turn it off. I didn't find it funny at all and feel they not only made a mockery of 4 dead Americans killed in a terrorist attack at a U.S. embassy, but also made a mockery of Travis Alexander, Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight.

I found it disgusting that they found humor in other people's misery and heartbreak. I haven't watched SNL in many many years and plan to never watch that show again. There is NOTHING funny about the Bengazi hearings or Travis Alexander's death or those poor girls, Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight being kidnapped, raped for years and held hostage. I was appalled by it.

I completely agree. along with finding it disgusting, it also felt like a cloked dig at Americans in generally, who could only find interest in holding their government accountable if someone like Jodi were dragged into it. We probably deserve it.

Sent from my SGH-S959G using Tapatalk 2

I had to watch it a couple of times because I wondered if I had been watching what everyone else was watching.

Please, no flames. I'm not an insensitive person but I found it hilarious and on point.

If you only watched the first couple of seconds, then you missed the scathing satire.

In my view and involving politics only to the extent that Jodi Arias was included and that the clip has upset so many here.

It seemed to me that there was a shocking lack of interest by the media to what happened there. Keeping politics out completely, thereby shortening my whole position, during and leading up to the hearings before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, there seemed to be absolutely no interest from the mainstream media, despite four Americans (Ambassador Stevens and the three Navy Seals) dying there. In fact, during those hearings, the journalists present were pretty much SLEEPING until graphic details about how the Ambassador was left in the burning consulate. Skipping over American response and massive displays of finger pointing, it seems that Benghazi really wasn't about politics, it was a massive display of criminal incompetence, maybe worse.

Has anyone heard any of the details from the rescue mission? Does anyone know off the tops of their heads why the rescue missions were told to stand down?

Ending the explanation of the position here because I can't hold politics at bay beyond this point BUT, the point IN MY VIEW of the skit on SNL was to BLISTER the appropriate people for how things were handled there and why there seemed to be a "cover up" and why on earth don't the American people know exactly what happened in the weeks before the attack (Ambassador Stevens begging for more security) and why there seemed to be a media "black out" of the event and the subsequent hearings.

Arias was brought in to make the point that if JODI ARIAS had been a part of the hearings, then most definitely there would have been media coverage and most definitely, everyone in America would know what they know about Benghazi, Libya. So in the skit, the speaker was trying to get Arias to testify to what she knew about it (he had an agenda but again, this brings in politics so ...) and there were multiple objections because she's Jodi Arias, what does she know about it.

An objection from a senator was that the sole purpose of Arias being there was to boost ratings. The speaker said, sure but then we'll get the media coverage that these men who were killed deserve.

When Arias was sworn in swearing to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and she hesitated, everyone :rolleyes: .

But the sharpest point made was when Arias was asked when she was informed about Benghazi and she responded, "This morning" and she then asked if it was still going on. When they explained it happened last September she said, "Who did it?" When she was told, "Ansar al Sharia" her response, "If you know who did it, why are you having these hearings?"


So I understand why people may be offended but SNL has always been known for biting satire. Some appreciate it and others don't. I really do not believe this was meant to be insulting, disrespectful or dismissive.

I thought it was the opposite: shining a light on what SHOULD have been the focus, not what actually was the focus and the irony was that it took a convicted murderess to make this point clear to a bunch of stuff politicians.

Again, no offense intended and I respect the opposing opinions of my fellow WSers.
Hi all! Lurking since the beginning of this farce of a trial and decided to jump in! Just watched the verdict again and wondering if the convicted murderess has to comply with the admonition to the jury to not to "do" any media?
To piggy back off your quote, I have been trying to think of the one thing (given all these traits) that if I could, say to her, that would cut her to the core. Not the usual, you are hated, you are despicable...she's use to hearing that.

Just the one thing.............that would shake her being. I cant figure out what it would be. :banghead:

My feeling is she doesn't like being called 'insane' or 'crazy'... if she grew up with her dad always telling her she was messed up or crazy, I think that could be why it was so important for her to not go with an insanity plea, and to show how 'smart' she was. I get the feeling it is very important to her to defy her father. I think he saw her manipulative and defiant behavior from the beginning, and rather than holding her and telling her they would work through it, I think he took the approach of 'ignoring the behavior' hoping that would make her stop. Unfortunately, I only think that caused her to become more defiant and act out more to get his attention. I think she felt her art, her music, her beauty, etc were never enough, and when he wouldn't react she began to project onto other men, and started the whole push/pull game. As she got older it would have contributed to her BPD.

JA is used to manipulating sympathy and attention; laughing/belittling JA to her face and acting like she is crazy or not making sense would upset her. When people can't see TA as the abuser or as the 'meanie' and feel sorry for her, it makes her angry. She is supposed to get the sympathy not him. It translates back into that fight for her fathers attention at all costs.

Just thoughts...
Watching HLN about the Mickey Thompson murder. The man behind the hits on Thompson andbhis wife got two consecutive lwop sentences. They said a phrase that made me think of JA-that he wasn't caught because he was stupid.....but he was caught and convicted because he thought LE and everyone else was stupid.
I know ppl love to say JA is dumb....she isn't a genius but I think she has intelligence. Yes she did dumb people do dumb things all the time, but she isn't stupid. Her arrogance was her downfall.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Don't even bother. It was insensitive to say the least, to the four men who were murdered in Libya, to TA's family and to the survivors of the horrible kidnapping.

It was not funny at all.

Wow, no joke that wasn't funny in the slightest. They were originally trying to take potshots at FNN, but then veered off to random nothingness. Except for dropping names of the victims and perps in re Benghazi and the triple kidnapper, which they TRIED to make funny less than a week after capture saying he had a lot to say, or something to that effect.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.
And when I'm at the Beach office of mine, I can walk to Alyce LaViolettes office. I assure anyone the shelter there can do fine without Jodi. I must say the city of Long Beach is one of the tightest knit communities, many people stay near the beach, have successful businesses there and give back tons of money to all of these causes (Mercedes Benz of Long Beach for one) i know of them for another fund raiser I was doing the media for (they gave over $140k in gifts etc) And i see them as a sponsor of a couple shelters. That is so nice to see, along with other generous donors.

I would hope they would not want their name near hers

i went back and read about the t shirts and it actually states
"A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi." and the payment goes to Aimee Lantz, the same woman who is collecting all the support funds for jodi - SO ALL the $$ goes to just an induvudual person there is no company or non profit entity set up at all - is this even legal?? not only is she making money off of her criminal story, but she is saying that the $$ is for charity, but they don't have a charity set up??

btw i would link the info saying this, but it is at that crazy other website :)
1:16 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant, Counsel for the Defendant,
Counsel for the State and victim next of kin present.
Discussion is held.
IT IS ORDERED continuing the aggravation phase from this date to 05/15/2013 at 10:00

I am both curious and sad that one of Travis' siblings had to share space with that monster!

(I need a bit of Mom help (lol) I live in a valley filled with pollens and mold so I have felt for the past week and a half that it has just been my allergies acting up...I have been on my zyrtec-D, mucinex and good old dependable Vicks Vaporub! I cannot take in a full breath, cough up gross green goop in the morning/night, but during the day just have an unproductive, annoying cough. Is there anything else I can try over the counter? I have been quite sick lately (endocrine system) and have been on some seriously strong steroids which you would think they would help me to breathe, but all they do is make me grumpy and puff me up?!?)

Hate to say it, but I had those EXACT same symptoms last September. I let it go for a few weeks until I could not even lay down at night because I felt like I could not get air in my lungs. My DS and DH did an intervention and forced me to the emergency room and they kept me in the hospital for 5 days with an acute asthmatic attack. My lungs were 'compromised' from that green gunk and
my oxygen levels were at 90%, instead of the desired 98%.

So I would go to an urgent care facility as soon as possible and get a nebulizer treatment and some antibiotics for the green meanies. It costs about 40 to 60 bucks or so at ours here. And they will check your oxygen level and your lung capacity to make sure it is OK. :hug:
Hi all! Lurking since the beginning of this farce of a trial and decided to jump in! Just watched the verdict again and wondering if the convicted murderess has to comply with the admonition to the jury to not to "do" any media?

Welcome Peaches!!
1:16 p.m. Court convenes in chambers with Defendant, Counsel for the Defendant,
Counsel for the State and victim next of kin present.
Discussion is held.
IT IS ORDERED continuing the aggravation phase from this date to 05/15/2013 at 10:00

I am both curious and sad that one of Travis' siblings had to share space with that monster!

(I need a bit of Mom help (lol) I live in a valley filled with pollens and mold so I have felt for the past week and a half that it has just been my allergies acting up...I have been on my zyrtec-D, mucinex and good old dependable Vicks Vaporub! I cannot take in a full breath, cough up gross green goop in the morning/night, but during the day just have an unproductive, annoying cough. Is there anything else I can try over the counter? I have been quite sick lately (endocrine system) and have been on some seriously strong steroids which you would think they would help me to breathe, but all they do is make me grumpy and puff me up?!?)

Hi, I don't have bad allergies, but usually have some kind of mucus that I just can't get rid of EVER after a cold, so my doctor prescribed Fluctinose (sp.??)'s supposed to help if you spray in nose every day.
Hate to say it, but I had those EXACT same symptoms last September. I let it go for a few weeks until I could not even lay down at night because I felt like I could not get air in my lungs. My DS and DH did an intervention and forced me to the emergency room and they kept me in the hospital for 5 days with an acute asthmatic attack. My lungs were 'compromised' from that green gunk and
my oxygen levels were at 90%, instead of the desired 98%.

So I would go to an urgent care facility and get a nebulizer treatment. It costs about 40 bucks or so at ours here. And they will check your oxygen level and your lung capacity to make sure it is OK. :hug:

Everyone that I know are having a terrible time this year with allergies. I agree with katy, go get some help with it.
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