Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

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Are u guys familiar with the Stephanie Lazarus case?
SL was obsessed with her college bf. SL became a cop. He fell for another chick. SL stalked him and threatened new chick. She had a freak out. He had one last roll in the hay with SL. He married new chick. SL decided to confront new chick and murdered her. SL felt better and moved on with her life - got married to someone else, had kids. SL got away with it for ~20 years until DNA tech could be used.
AND.. was a high ranking and widely respsected officer with LAPD.
Dad does seem to have checked out on his daughter a long time ago, probably when she was 14 and he became aware of her habitual lying. I can actually believe that he smacked her a few times that morning following her all-night out, when he asked her repeatedly where she had been and she kept replying- "I don't remember." No doubt with that infamous smirk of hers.

I can also believe that he was always emotionally distant with his whole family, rigid in many ways and controlling, that his wife felt very subservient to him and followed his lead when it came to disciplining and parenting CMJA, even when she knew better. I'd bet too that the rage CMJA has consistently directed at her mother across the years is in some part based on what she processed long ago as her mother's emotional betrayal of her.

I think all that, but in the end feel no sympathy for any of them. What kind of person drops his wife off to speak with police detectives accusing his daughter of murder, then drives away?

But...... So what if her father was emotionally deficient, if he indeed was. I'm in my 50's and have rarely met anyone my age who had a father who was huggy-loving and emotionally there for his kids. Big deal. 99.99999% of us lived through it without becoming psychopathic killers. Daddy didn't make her do it.

And her mother? So what if she felt controlled and subservient or whatever else. I feel the same contempt for her that I do for George Anthony. Sandi Arias knew something was very wrong with her daughter, and it was her responsibility as a mother/parent to get her daughter help. Moreover, it was her moral and ethical responsibility to the community to get that help because she knew her daughter had a pattern of becoming violent when she was enraged... witness hitting her little brother with a baseball bat and the kicks she aimed at her own mother, and I'd guess many more incidents we know nothing about.

I'm sure I sound harsh and judgmental, but no apologies; these opinions are hard earned. I grew up with 4 brothers. One was the real deal genius, unlike CMJA, and even as kids we all knew he was odd and different. My mother ignored his screams for help for years. For example, when he was 13 he went through a phase that lasted for months during which he would only communicate to any of us via cartoons he drew, in his locked room, which he would slip out under his door. We, his siblings, were instructed by my mother to dismiss this as quirkiness, and to not ask about it or discuss it with her or anyone else.

By the age of 16 my brother had come rather completely off the rails. He began slipping notes under our doors threatening suicide. My mother's response was to arrange a 3 week vacation in Greece with her boyfriend, and within a week of those notes, she was on a plane, flying out of the country. Her parting gifts to me were three.

First I was told to postpone my plans to move out (I had already lined up an apartment and a job a long long distance away) Two, I was told that I was responsible for taking care of my brother. The last gift was a blank check- literally-- to be filled out to the psych hospital of my choice when the time came, which she had to be hoping would be while she was out of range of any responsibility, a point made clearer by the fact that she didn't provide me with a contact number in Greece.

So, at the grand age of 18 I had a crash course in the vocabulary of psych wards and treatment options. I learned what it felt like to see someone you loved have a complete breakdown, and I learned, at 18, what it felt like to have the responsibility for making sure that a loved one didn't kill himself or hurt anyone else, what it felt like to call for help at that point in crisis when he had to be committed to a psych hospital, what it felt like to give permission for many treatment options but to refuse, in the face of doctors' insistence, to allow shock therapy, because the library books I had read advised against that barbarity, what it felt like to agonize if I had made the right choices... an agony that lasted for many many years afterwards.

I always knew that what my mother had done, not done, and what she asked of me was horribly wrong. It was only when I became a mother myself that I realized, in every cell of my body, how utterly unfathomable it is for a mother to not want to do every last thing, always, 24/7, to take care of her child. To insist upon that sacred right and obligation, if need be. To fight tooth and nail and claw to do the right thing, if need be, even if the right thing isn't obvious or easy, even if doing the right thing for your child means huge emotional and/or financial sacrifices, even if means fighting that child every inch of the way to get help.

In my mind, Sandi Arias failed her daughter, pure and simple. That doesn't make her responsible for what CMJA is or what CMJA has done, but IMO, it makes her unworthy of sympathy or compassion. She sure won't get any from me.
This is worth dissecting. She claims memories are coming back, but when asked about them said she did not want to say. Just as in her first interviews after being arrested she did not want to tell the whole story.

This leads me to think she hangs out tidbits of information either for more interviews and/or her new trial. She is going for an appeal and already preparing her new "story" of what happened so her can further attempt to mold the new information that came out at trial to to her new story.

She now knows the prosecutor's case and she is smug and arrogant enough that she thinks her new story with her recovered memories will get her off.

The narcissist will never give up. She will fight to the end.

Law of supply and demand.
As long as there are gullible reporters out there who think they have a scoop, there will be newer versions of the Jodi story.
We're on version 4.0 aren't we, at present?
Not sure if this is misandristic or misogynistic...
I kinda get the impression women are better at murder (more sneaky, tend to plan and clean up) and the advent of better forensic techs (like DNA) have enabled LE to catch them.

I was definitely being sarcastic.

I don't think women are any better at crime, I think people had a very hard time believing they committed them. Remember how shocked everyone was by Mary Kay Letourneau? Turns out teachers having sexual relationships with their students is incredibly common. And even though they get caught, lose their jobs, destroy their marriages, they go right on doing it. SMH
No I do not see her as being medicated at all. I see her trying very hard to see what they are talking about. Maybe it is just me but I honestly can say from what footage of the trial I have seen I never say her look drugged.

There's been a few times when her eye lids seem to be too heavy and I've wondered about it. But in this clip, ALV looks like she smoked a bowl during the lunch break. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Lazarus was liked by everyone, she was hard working, not a grifter.
This is what makes the Lazarus' story extra-scary IMO.

I don't buy that "dead eyes" thing. That's what everyone says AFTER they know the person is a murderer.

Maybe not "dead eyes" so much but there is something interesting about the eyes of some of these perps. Is that lazy eye syndrome super common? I don't know anyone in my family or any acquaintances who have that. I do recall once meeting one person with an eye like that but he was not a killer, was actually a very good person.

I wonder about that eye that JA has considering her obvious behavioral and possibly mental issues, because JA's lazy eye reminds me so much of Casey Anthony's lazy eye. Both are lying narcissistic women who have shown they are capable of murder.

Coincidence? Maybe...
I was definitely being sarcastic.

I don't think women are any better at crime, I think people had a very hard time believing they committed them. Remember how shocked everyone was by Mary Kay Letourneau? Turns out teachers having sexual relationships with their students is incredibly common. And even though they get caught, lose their jobs, destroy their marriages, they go right on doing it. SMH

You know I think she is still married to that kid? (Though a man now I suppose.)
I call them "shark eyes": Blank, cold, hollow, lifeless, yearning for their next kill.

I see her more with the eyes of a hawk or another predator. She's constantly looking for an in or and out, depending on what she needs. She watches others so intently that she violates their space, like she did with JW. When the jurors come in she steps away from her Defense Team so the jury can see her. And then those eyes search for who is weak or sees her with sympathy. Too bad she didn't find a juror like that. She watches the side bars like she's trying to read the judge's lips. She must know what others are saying about her...I'll bet that part really drives her nuts.
I don't think anything can top the skateboarding gang that rolls around flipping around and removing license plates. Ever.

Umm and reinserting the screws for her so that she can reattach them later after leaving arizona.... :floorlaugh:
There's been a few times when her eye lids seem to be too heavy and I've wondered about it. But in this clip, ALV looks like she smoked a bowl during the lunch break. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

LMAO! I never want to see that womans face again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know I think she is still married to that kid? (Though a man now I suppose.)

I just googled her, and, yeah, apparently they're still married. Eight years and counting.
Not sure if posted already, but message on site that listed JA's art now says "All art work is sold." Early last week it was all available.

Can't prove it but two things come to mind: Dior's lawyers said they were going to send her a cease and desist letter regarding copyright infringement re: the Natalie Portman ad. Maybe she got the letter, lol. Since everything she "drew" was someone else's art, perhaps she had to take it down or face a legal fight. And since she's indigent and taxpayers won't cover her legal costs in a civil trial, then she had no choice. In any event, BUSTED!

2) It was taken down because Son of Sam laws are now in effect and she can't profit from her work while in jail.

Or maybe a combination of the two.

This has most likely been discussed before, but I was on the main Arias myspace last night and noticed one of her friends was 'Jodi Arias', so I clicked that and looked at the photos.
Quite a lot of the photos have a '' watermark on them. The account was also accessed in 2009, after the convicted murderer was incarcerated, so who last had access to this account?
Uploads of her brother and sister in 2009 with a website watermark on them?

Can anyone make any sense of what is going on there?

There is also a media link also which I will paste here. It has not been attached as a sub thread is there is not that much interest in the case yet but there will be! You should have seen Andrea on the stand with her co conspirator trial.. she was unbelievable! Unbelievable! cray cray and she now lives within 2 miles of me!

Some of the links are older and have been broken.

Rusty Sneiderman Murder - Wife Arrested and charged - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Rusty Sneiderman Murder - Wife Arrested and charged

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LMAO! I never want to see that womans face again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She was quite the study in face reading.... There were times when she looked totally lost. She's probably great to talk to in an intimate setting like therapy or something. But on the stand she just came across as a fish out of water.
Naptime for me. :eek:fftobed: Only one more day until court. Does it start in the morning? Or is it a 1 p.m. start again?
I was definitely being sarcastic.

I don't think women are any better at crime, I think people had a very hard time believing they committed them. Remember how shocked everyone was by Mary Kay Letourneau? Turns out teachers having sexual relationships with their students is incredibly common. And even though they get caught, lose their jobs, destroy their marriages, they go right on doing it. SMH

Sorry. I should have said I wasn't really responding/arguing with your post; it just inspired me.

Articles like this:
give me the impression that women tend to use more covert methods to kill, which makes me think they must be harder to catch.

Anyway, it's just an impression; no peer reviewed studies to back it up or anything.
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