I shouldn't be surprised any more but still, it continues to astonish me that she is so devoid of humanity that she cannot lie effectively. She doesnn't understand that a normal person forced into killing in self-defense - especially a loved one - would CARE. Would mourn, would feel extreme sorrow at having had to commit such an act. Would certainly try to convince a jury and prosecutor of their sincerity instead do feeding their own ego by sparring and smirking. I think she can only fake normal behavior in very small bits. She constantly needs someone to emulate so she can play a role. She has no idea how very weird she came across during her initial media sweep where she was pushing the ninja story but failed to emote. Or even really talk about Travis at all; it was all about her. I shiver at her creepy, faux-serene smile as she recounted what a great person he was. Not a tear, let alone a hint that she had ended his life ( though it was obvious she was lying. She has no idea how OFF her portrayal was).
A sociopath can only imitate what they have seen. It's one of the reasons they are so into movies. Their minds are constantly scrambling (lol) for more data. Seeing more emotions in more situations.
The most difficult thing for them is to produce an appropriate response instantly in an unfamiliar situation. This is why JA hides her face when she knows she is supposed to cry. She knows her act is not that good and others will notice. You notice she did not cover her face when she ACTUALLY cried when hearing the verdict. I saw that she had trembling chin, brimming eyes, downturned mouth, all the symptoms of the only spontaneous emotion she can demonstrate dependably--sadness for herself.
It is not hard to understand that a person can be born so defective. We don't question it when children are born missing limbs or with deformed features. Why would we be surprised to find that the brain is occasionally defective.
Genetics sometimes come in clusters. My sociopathic son had other abnormalities, such as incorrect vessel placement in his kidneys, polynoidal dimple/cyst and an insanely high IQ (which I consider a health risk). When he was six weeks old, he once cried for ten straight hours with no possibility of comforting him. Doctors suggested I enlarge his urethra. Yup--they were guessing.
Throughout human history mutants have been killed to keep them from reproducing. In Jodi Arias case, it's justified on that basis alone- keep her from reproducing or hurting anyone else.
On the stand, she constantly spoke of him in the present tense, which i still cannot understand.
We will never truly be able to figure her out. She is fake, a bad copy of a human. A bad replica. Is a person born completely defective like that? I have a MORBID FASCINATION...