Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

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So, I watched the Geraldo "special" last night because I wanted to see the entire post conviction interview she gave-- did you all hear the part where she said her defense team did not bother to find witnesses that saw her bruises--and they did not think the picture she had on her hard drive of Travis chasing a little naked boy (while Travis was holding a Bible) was significant to her pedophilia accusations, so they did not use it?

Come on-- if the defense knew these people, or this evidence was out there and credible, they would have used it.

She is so delusional.

Nurmi is getting thrown under the bus--now everything is going to be HIS fault. Just one more person for her to blame.


Start Smoking JODI!!
Absolutely agree. She should not be allowed to disengage in any discernible way. Can't quite get a feel for the judge--I had thought she was running a tight ship, but then I read that actually she has not and has favored the defense. Does this mean that she is not exercising the right to control JA , or is said control totally up to the DT? JA and JW need to quit playing tic tac toe or whatever those two have been scribbling.

Another question: Suppose JA feigns this or that illness or crisis every time she is supposed to appear? How would that be handled? How long could she stall? Has there ever been an aggravation phase in which the convicted did not appear?

The judge can waive her right to appear but only if Jodi asks that she waive it. I know for some ptoblem defendants they set up a closed circuit TV in an area outside the courtroom so the defendant can view the proceedings without disrupting them.
This woman wants to blame everyone else in her life for all her misfortunes and the fact that she is now facing death and just doesn't understand that she is her own worst enemy. The gas cans, along with the closet, SUNK her.

She's even about 7 feet tall and could look at that picture in Travis' closet at eye level!:floorlaugh:
My brain is still stuck on subcutaneous box turtles.

Because it was :floorlaugh: it needed to be brought over. This was in response to the Arias implants costing $300.

Well, I have to admit that once I saw that the implants looked like a couple of subcutaneous box turtles, I didn't question the cost of the surgery very much.
She's even about 7 feet tall and could look at that picture in Travis' closet at eye level!:floorlaugh:

I think she was pre mirroring dr. Demarte on that one who IS that tall- well not 7 ft but you know..
Man, Juan's closing was brilliant! Rewatching it right now and he's at the part where he goes "Yeah the camera being in the wasmachine is important BUT (blindsides the defense) the most intriguing thing is that there was NO blood on the wasmachine or the bleach bottle. The defendant cleaned herself up before she left TA's room! Fog? Fight and flight? Yeah right!"
I'm not a mother nor have one but I'm honoring my mother today by filling it with random acts of kindness in her name, starting with the Dutch Bros drive thru. It's my tradition but this yr pulling my brother in to it. :). It feels good.

Enjoy your day Katie... I am going to spend some time with my dear friend ...her daughters murderer is spending his day in Angola prison doing hard is always a tough day for has been 5 yrs and when I see the havock that sicko has wreaked on her life it just makes me ill!

The aftermath of these tragedies just radiates in waves. My son and our sweet Kaitlin were like brother and sister.He does not speak of it often, but it is day a few months ago I was whining about something in my life not being fair..he said to me, " nooooo....what is not fair is what that jerk did to Kaitlin" . It just never goes away.That monster took away an innocence my son had and forever jaded the way he views some things in life.
Because it was :floorlaugh: it needed to be brought over. This was in response to the Arias implants costing $300.

What are $300 implants? They hit you in the head with a hammer and shove in two of those exercise ball ball foot pumps? :floorlaugh:
Enjoy your day Katie... I am going to spend some time with my dear friend ...her daughters murderer is spending his day in Angola prison doing hard is always a tough day for has been 5 yrs and when I see the havock that sicko has wreaked on her life it just makes me ill!

The aftermath of these tragedies just radiates in waves. My son and our sweet Kaitlin were like brother and sister.He does not speak of it often, but it is day a few months ago I was whining about something in my life not being fair..he said to me, " nooooo....what is not fair is what that jerk did to Kaitlin" . It just never goes away.That monster took away an innocence my son had and forever jaded the way he views some things in life.

<3 you
Thank you for posting that...seeing him alive and happy and vibrant is just heartbreaking.

I am so glad the jury found CMJA guilty of murder one. May she rot.

No attention, no interviews, no make up, no one to listen to her BS except her appellate lawyers, no audience, no being on tv.

Can't wait til she's alone in her cell just waiting for the needle.

..........PLUS she is No longer an *ALLEGED KILLER*......she is one

Welcome! Great Q. And I do not know. I was surprised that JM was allowed to accuse many of the experts of lying. That is a huge charge to me...., the witness may be incompetent, bias ect. but to accuse them of lying was one of the reasons I am not a fan of JM. But the judge is this case also baffled me becuase I found no sense in her overruled/sustains on either side. I'm sure lawyers on this thread could see the rational..but I could not.

This was attributed to the fact that they had given a different accounting of what they were testifying to, to JM in December 2012 prior to them taking the stand. The truth is either they lied to him in December or they were lying on the stand. Either way they lied at some point. I find it hard to believe an expert would go to that extend to give a false report. You can see one mistake but there were many with both experts. And now it seems to be the "norm" not to give a written report. I really think the court needs to submit a report to at least the defense attorney which would be provided to the prosecution in discovery. It's manipulative, pretty much what Jodi was doing with the experts. Too much power in the defendant's hands when they have already proven they are abusive with the power they had when they committed the crime.
I agree with all posts. I still think that whatever she was called out on the day she had to return to AZ to be back in chambers was instrumental as to what JM was allowed to say in closing arguments and the DT had to sit and take it and were never allowed to object. Whatever was discovered on ALV sure had JSS "ticked". She was quite snippy Can't wait until all those meetings are unsealed.

Ugggghhhh. I could have sworn I bookmarked the site I want to speak to regarding ALV. It was called something like psychology and the law, and its a blog where these two professions intersect, and evaluates the situations according. They had an entire write-up with regard to ALV's CV and Juan's attacks on its validity. This particular post spoke specifically about ALV's claim to have 4 "published" works cited on her CV. It was a fascinating read, and the person writing the blog detailed how far ALV misleads on that part of her CV.

I'd really love to quote it, but without the source I know I shouldn't. Does this sound familiar to anyone?????

One point that was made that I feel is ok to restate, is the psychologist writing this piece believes the reason ALV was never "caught" before is bc in all her years of work her credentials were never challenged. When someoner provides their experience at a conference or other speaking engagement, NO ONE questions it...not so obviously in a court of law.

IMO this illustrates a concept I've contended from the beginning...ALV is a SELF PROCLAIMED expert, and while decades of in the trenches experience means a great deal...other than a Master's that experience is all she has. There is no certification for her experience, and clearly listing every speaking engagement she has made over the years, along with "published" works is the only thing that validates her career.

Whew...didn't mean to go off, but her demeanor and bias has enraged me!!!
Enjoy your day Katie... I am going to spend some time with my dear friend ...her daughters murderer is spending his day in Angola prison doing hard is always a tough day for has been 5 yrs and when I see the havock that sicko has wreaked on her life it just makes me ill!

The aftermath of these tragedies just radiates in waves. My son and our sweet Kaitlin were like brother and sister.He does not speak of it often, but it is day a few months ago I was whining about something in my life not being fair..he said to me, " nooooo....what is not fair is what that jerk did to Kaitlin" . It just never goes away.That monster took away an innocence my son had and forever jaded the way he views some things in life.

I did not know your story. I'm so sorry. Peace for you, your friend and your precious son.

Agree no child should have his level of adult understanding of the world. :hug:
I'm pasting a link to a very old post here on WS and something interesting that was in it:

&#8220;by JadeLeighWalker May 27, 2009 12:28 PM EDT. I wouldn't say I know Jodi, but I have met her several times, in the summer of 97' I was able to witness her "handy work" first hand. She had a prior relationship with a man I was visiting in Yreka, CA. While I was on my way up to see him she broke into his home and cut the telephone wires, and there were a few times during my visit that she would peep through the windows and watch us in the house. When she was properly introduced to me she seemed so nice that you totally forgot all the bizarre things she was doing. And what struck me was, she made no attempt to hide what she was doing...either that or she just wasn't very good at snooping.&#8221;

I stumbled on this same comment by Jade Walker and another by her using the name Jadeburnham...both were posted as comments following ABC's airings of 48 Hours in 2009 and 2010.

There have got to be a lot of stories out there about Ms. Fruit Loops which have not seen the full light of day.

:eek: :eek: :eek:
I will be shocked if Jodi is actually in court on the 15th. I think she has more shenanigans up her sleeve.

I agree. She is still in control. And this will not stop when she is given the death penalty. I've finally accepted the fact that she will be acting like this until the day she dies. And as long as we give her attention, it fuels the fire. I'm guilty of this by watching the trial on TV, participating in this forum, and talking about it with my friends. But I vow, once the death penalty comes down, I'm outta here.
What are $300 implants? They hit you in the head with a hammer and shove in two of those exercise ball ball foot pumps? :floorlaugh:


I think the board decided last night that Arias lied ... shocker ... to Darryl about how much they really cost.

They still do look as if she got them mail order so she could insert and inflate herself.
I'm not a mother nor have one but I'm honoring my mother today by filling it with random acts of kindness in her name, starting with the Dutch Bros drive thru. It's my tradition but this yr pulling my brother in to it. :). It feels good.

In this video, several photo of Travis with his beloved Mom-mom, the grandmother who raised him
Katie, today I was thinking of Mom-mom as Travis called her, and what an amazing woman she was to take in the children and give them not just somewhere safe but love and attention. CLEARLY, by the way they all turned out, she was indeed what Travis called her, "HIS ANGEL". What an amazing tribute to her life that they all are so sweet and grounded and humble and smart. For all of the Grandmothers who raise their grandchildren, or help to do so, I love you!! For all of the Aunts or dear friends who help fill a void.....I love you. For all of the big sisters....who mean so much, I love you.

One does not have to birth the child to matter in their life. I know you mattered in your sister's life and we ALL can see that you are an ANGEL in your brother's life, so HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO YOU, friend.

unrelated....Please see that Katie DJJ, and Dr. Drew see this, it is a very young Travis, on his mission. ( Again, we can thank the grandmother for getting him involved in church and keeping him out of trouble at that tender age ).

In Memory of Travis Alexander - YouTube
So who is to be more aggravated......her (JA) or US for being made to wait??

Here is a little gift for JA to play while in the ward....LOL


:floorlaugh: :jail: :floorlaugh: :jail:
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