Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #6

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It's now about 10PM. (Sorry, I've been trying to coax my scared cat out from under a back stair- so far unsucessfully!)
I do understand that with LWOP the prisoners have some rights, and that these might be much more than I deem reasonable, or feel happy about. We have a mass shooting murderer here- our first, Julian Knight, 1987- who was granted a minimum sentance, (under the laws as they existed then), who has spent public time, money and energy on all sorts of crap, and is now seeking parole, (which he will never get), and it makes me sick to the very stomach. The thought of Jodi enjoying anything- television, good food, anything at all does the same.
Now I do need to give the matter some gritty thought, this has been really confronting for me, so please excuse me if it sounds like I am rambling...
If Jodi had run to Australia, she wouldn't have been extradited until the DP was off the table. Here, it is generally thought that the DP is less than civilised. (Austalia started it's white history as convict colony, and my state, Tasmania, as the "prison" for that colony and some of the true stories would make your blood curl) The ladies I work with, who are in their twenties, thought I must have been mistaken that any state in the USA still had the DP. (When I talking about this trial and it's outcome)
"Are you sure", they asked.
I am full to the brim of respect for the Alexander family, the courage and dignity that they have shown leaves me in awe, and I am aware that at least one sibling is in favour of the DP, and I think this is important.
Still- what if, by studying Jodi in the future, something can be learnt about people like her, that does good for the rest of the community? What if there is new technology to map her brain/ study her biology/ oh, do something with her that can actually help the innocent?
Dying seems pretty easy too, not like years and years passing by without any real hope or purpose. Harder on her family than her. It would certainly stop her being a threat, but I'm not completely convinced of the punishment value. (I know what I'd rather)
I really do have to think about this, don't I? My teaching was basically that it is an unpalatable, but inevitable responsiblity of a community to have to punish and care for people who are for all intents and purposes beyond redemption, but Jodi has made me question this!
I was having withdrawels and thinking I was going to miss something important.
Good Morning all, one day closer to Wednesday!
Time for bed, but couldn't resist one more trip around the blogs . Found an interesting read by crime writer, Camille Kimball: "Jodi Arias and Mitigation". Jodi has less remorse than a serial killer!

Also, most interesting is a post in the comment section by a nurse, "NANCY B". She gives the best theory to date, in my opinion, as to her interpretation of the stab wounds and why and how she believes JA tortured Travis.

Comment section: Nancy B May 13 @ 10:23 a.m. and 10:31 a.m.

Nite all!

Jesus :crying:

Given this woman's insight, I wonder if it might be better for juan to call a trauma specialist rather than dr. Horn (of course getting to see dr. Horn is never a bad thing.)

Also, you just know that the DT will remind the jury that all of dr. Horn's "patients" are already dead! But then again, calling the ME in these circumstances may be typical. :confused:
:Good Morning WS friends

I could not get on this morning. The website was down.:scared:
I had JA's twitter up but lost it and can not find it now If anyone has it please PM me. Thanks
So much for being suicidal. The most recent tweet I saw was asking that all donations be made to the JAII site. All others were fraudulent. The site had almost 60,000 followers since its been back up since yesterday. I still think ifollowers are peeps just checking to see what she is tweeting...not actual followers as I doubt she has many. Maybe she needs more colored pencils.
If you get the Twitter account info please PM it to me.

It's now about 10PM. (Sorry, I've been trying to coax my scared cat out from under a back stair- so far unsucessfully!)
I do understand that with LWOP the prisoners have some rights, and that these might be much more than I deem reasonable, or feel happy about. We have a mass shooting murderer here- our first, Julian Knight, 1987- who was granted a minimum sentance, (under the laws as they existed then), who has spent public time, money and energy on all sorts of crap, and is now seeking parole, (which he will never get), and it makes me sick to the very stomach. The thought of Jodi enjoying anything- television, good food, anything at all does the same.
Now I do need to give the matter some gritty thought, this has been really confronting for me, so please excuse me if it sounds like I am rambling...
If Jodi had run to Australia, she wouldn't have been extradited until the DP was off the table. Here, it is generally thought that the DP is less than civilised. (Austalia started it's white history as convict colony, and my state, Tasmania, as the "prison" for that colony and some of the true stories would make your blood curl) The ladies I work with, who are in their twenties, thought I must have been mistaken that any state in the USA still had the DP. (When I talking about this trial and it's outcome)
"Are you sure", they asked.
I am full to the brim of respect for the Alexander family, the courage and dignity that they have shown leaves me in awe, and I am aware that at least one sibling is in favour of the DP, and I think this is important.
Still- what if, by studying Jodi in the future, something can be learnt about people like her, that does good for the rest of the community? What if there is new technology to map her brain/ study her biology/ oh, do something with her that can actually help the innocent?
Dying seems pretty easy too, not like years and years passing by without any real hope or purpose. Harder on her family than her. It would certainly stop her being a threat, but I'm not completely convinced of the punishment value. (I know what I'd rather)
I really do have to think about this, don't I? My teaching was basically that it is an unpalatable, but inevitable responsiblity of a community to have to punish and care for people who are for all intents and purposes beyond redemption, but Jodi has made me question this!

IMO the DP is LWOP in isolation more or less. People die on death row from natural causes more often than they get killed by the state.

JA seems to think DP is getting off easy because she won't live a long life in prison. She is WRONG.
Hello you guys!

Guess what? One week ago today 12 intelligent and brave jurors convicted that creature JA of first-degree premeditated murder! JA is trying to get the focus off of that marvellous verdict but she can't succeed. (Nothing goes right in her world, haha.) Thank God this jury got it right! :loveyou:

Tomorrow we start the next phase which will be even more humiliating for JA. I cannot wait! I haven't done my dance in a while so here I go...:dance::skip:
JA is at it again having her friend Donovan, or someone, posting on twitter asking her donations to be sent to a link posted. They say any other source is fraudulent.
I am so happy to know he has someone that loves him dearly and he loves them very much as well.

He is a good man who deserves a good woman.


I know, he deserves the best since he fights so hard for the victims without the huge salary most attorneys receive. :rockon:
Ohhh glad to know they safe now. This trial has educated so many of us to the real dangers of stalking when the stalker is a woman.

Yea, DD keeps arguing his point that Jodi would ONLY get admitted under the psych diagnosis unless she really was. Hasn't he seen this woman lie, lie, lie and continue to lie? He acts like a dr. would be able to see the manipulation and only admit her if she actually needed to be.

Uhhh Dr. Drew, this is Jodi !! :stormingmad:

Was so happy to see his guest expert shut him down last night :lol:
I'm watching the Betty Broderick movie and documentary and I'm even more grateful that this jury got it right. Apparently common sense is hard to find these days! :scared:
I wish NG could have done that interview with JA...she would have done it right! No softball questions there. That will never happen, but I can dream.

True, but they would've needed to put restraints on NG so she couldn't have...well, you know! :floorlaugh:

“I find it really hard to believe what happened, knowing her,” convicted arsonist Donvan Bering said. “Never, ever have I seen her raise her voice, seen her yell, seen her do anything. So when I’m sitting there in court, it blows me away because I’m sitting there knowing the person that I know, seeing her and talking to her and see how much compassion she has.” - Donavan Bering


HOLY CRAP!!! that was scary!! DB should also be thinking about how she slaughtered Travis.
I know, he deserves the best since he fights so hard for the victims without the huge salary most attorneys receive. :rockon:
How suicidal can she be if she is directing people on where to send money? I don't know why her supporters can't see right through her. She is manipulating them from her cell...using them until she has no more use for them. No use in figuring them out. I guess they need a cause. Wish they would direct that need to something more useful.
Good Morning Team Travis!! Go Joe!! He is ensuring no more TV interviews for ja. Don't mess with Sheriff Joe!! I love that she is sitting in a solitary cell. A prelude to Death Row. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Yipeeeeeeeeeee. Let's give that man a medal, or better yet one of TexMex's homemade meals!
Another great read from Crime Writer, Camille Kimball

This will give everyone their Juan fix for the day! :takeabow:



I agree, cricket, this is a great blog. I really appreciated the point of view that Troy really did the prosecution a favor by giving JA a 'softball' interview. She basically could have said anything at all, and she never expressed any remorse at all for anything, except a mention of her mother. Nothing about Travis or his family.

I also appreciated the explanation by the poster Nancy explaining what Travis probably went through -- in the sense that if this is explained to the jury, I think they will find the aggravating factors necessary to give her the maximum penalty.
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