Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #6

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G&A mom, I cannot imagine what anyone going through chemo like. I am so sorry! I hope you will be cancer free from now on.

Thanks, Curious. I am and have been for a very long time. Something I don't think about much these days, but Rosemary's son has reminded me of it.
Re LWOP meaning JA will spend the rest of her life alone in a cell, here's what the AZ prison site says under Inmate Classification, section 801:
1.3.1 Death Sentence – maximum custody.
1.3.2 Life Sentence 0-2 years served – maximum custody.
1.3.3 Life Sentence 2-5 years served – no less than close custody.
1.3.4 Life Sentence more than 5 years served – no less than medium custody
I think it's only those under maximum custody who are quarantined in single cells alone with no mingling allowed.
I am a brain cancer survivor, also!(yeah....waving my white flag.) Like I said in my previous post... I cant even bring myself to comment on her posts, I just feel so horrible for her and her son...

Hi Rosemary :seeya: (in tears now)

I can't bring myself to comment either. I don't know why. I suspect I would say things that aren't helpful. I wish there was something more practical we could do . . . .
Please tell me someone else caught that bit on Dr. Drew last night with another one of Travis' buddies. The guy was talking about TA telling him he wanted to get rid of Jodi, and they went to some PPL thing for a "Arias-Free weekend". The guy is going through pictures of Travis years later and notices HER in the background with a big ole smile!
Holy Snikes, it was SO creepy!
If you have ever seen "The Grudge" that is what it made me think of.
When Sarah Michelle Gellar is going through all those pics of Bill Pullmans character with that creepy stalker/soon to be ghost in the background of every single one! :scared: *SHIVERS*

GAH!! How did I miss that?? I watched DD last night! Thanks for pointing that out. She is soooo creepy.
There's been much criticism about the reporter Troy who interviewed JA. I totally disagree. Nancy Grace does not let her guests speak & brings every comment back to herself, usually whilst near to hysteria. The best thing Troy did is to let her talk & hang herself & she did that beautifully, giving JM plenty ammunition for the next phase. She repeated her accusations, but all that did is reinforce she is unrepentant & made everyone dislike her even more. If he had gone in all guns blazing she would have shut down & played the victim.

My biggest problem with him is WHEN he released the interview...not the content EXCEPT giving her another venue to trash Travis. He could have edited that part out IMO. He gave her a way to trash Travis AGAIN. Things she couldn't say in court. She slaughtered Travis and is hell bent on causing as much pain as she can to the Alexander Family until she is shut up permanently. It doesn't matter that we and billions others hate her, what we see and's what the jury hear and see. I hope she can't restrain herself and goes ballistic in court. I so want to see her in restraints.
I have been out to Phoenix many times. Sure wish I could have got out this year :banghead: Anyhoo we were in a resteraunt on one of our trips and there were a group of girls sitting at a table who had on the "pink t shirts" I cant remember what was printed on them but something indicating Tent City. I wondered if they were on a "field trip"????? Hearing Estrella so much as of late I remembered I have a golf shirt from Estrella Mountain golf course. So on Court days I have my wooden spoons lined up. My Sherrif Joe tshirt I purchased and now I have my Estrella Mountain shirt to wear as well :floorlaugh: Oh and Estrella Mountain Golf Course is beautiful but many signs posted beware of Rattlesnakes. How fitting :scared:
Prayers to all of you who have had children with illnesses or illnesses yourselves. I'm seeing quite a few posts like that this morning. :(

I was home with my daughter yesterday who was sick, just with a bad cold. That alone breaks my heart. I can't imagine going through much, much worse. You're very strong women!!
Thinking more about that post conviction interview:

Obviously she shows no remorse, nor any taking of responsibility, we all got that. Something else stuck out in my mind. The part where she said something to the effect that she hopes Travis' family can find peace, THEN she says something like "They can remember him the way they want to." WTH? That stuck out in my mind.

Sort of gives you a reasoning in her mind for the murder. She was jealous, he told her it was over, he was looking for a good Morman girl to marry, she was not it. She had it in her mind that she put in all this work to get him, to pretend to be all that she was not, to run other women out of his life, she was going to be the "good Morman wife" and she was not going to let anyone ever think his choice was anyone but her. Appearances are her only motivation for doing just about anything, including these self promoting interviews. She wanted the world to think he wanted to marry her. Hence the ring too. She didn't care if the world thought strangers killed him, ex-gf's killed him, nothing mattered but that appearance that she was his choice for a good wife, and that she can go on fooling herself with that thought and telling it to any and all. How messed up is that thought process? Maybe I need more coffee.

Oh it's messed up all right. Also did you get the part where she was talking about how he's a hypocrit, how he espoused these moral values but led another life...told Troy to look at his text messages, emails, etc.? It's just like you said - she feels totally justified in killing him. Like, hey look world, I got rid of another hypocrit for guys should be thanking me, not locking me up, doncha know?? Thing is, she didn't seem to mind it when she was with him...she actually liked his "naughty" side, she had NO PROBLEM with him having sex with her, in fact she wanted it to be even "dirtier." So basically what she's doing is making herself believe her defense, even when she knows it's a lie. How much more ****** up can she get??
My biggest problem with him is WHEN he released the interview...not the content EXCEPT giving her another venue to trash Travis. He could have edited that part out IMO. He gave her a way to trash Travis AGAIN. Things she couldn't say in court. She slaughtered Travis and is hell bent on causing as much pain as she can to the Alexander Family until she is shut up permanently. It doesn't matter that we and billions others hate her, what we see and's what the jury hear and see. I hope she can't restrain herself and goes ballistic in court. I so want to see her in restraints.

Hannibal all the way.:floorlaugh:
When Jodi gets the DP, she already has her appeal lined-up. moo

If she gets the DP, she will immediately waive all of her appeals because she wants her " freedom" sooner than later. Pffffffffft.
JA is at it again having her friend Donovan, or someone, posting on twitter asking her donations to be sent to a link posted. They say any other source is fraudulent.

Just goes to show, ALL of the parasites around Jodi are only interested in their paychecks. It's all about what they can get from their associations with her. I also wonder if Sandy A. is selling her notes....
Oh the movie (A Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story) is so scary! She snooped, stalked, damaged her ex husband's property and finally murdered him and his love all the while not caring about her kids at all!
It's exactly the sort of wife/mother JA would have been had she been able to marry and breed. Thank GOD she has not! With a wife like that a husband would have no peace, not for a second!
How could that jury have convicted Betty of only second degree murder! The jury comprised I heard. Shame!

I think Betty Broderick is the poster child for Borderline Personality Disorder. Worse than Jodi in some ways.

Her first trial ended in a hung jury, so I suppose we should be grateful for the final verdict. Always felt desperately sorry for her children.

BTW, I don't think her husband behaved very well, but in the end it hardly mattered. No getting away from somebody with BPD. Whatever he did was going to fail.
Oh it's messed up all right. Also did you get the part where she was talking about how he's a hypocrit, how he espoused these moral values but led another life...told Troy to look at his text messages, emails, etc.? It's just like you said - she feels totally justified in killing him. Like, hey look world, I got rid of another hypocrit for guys should be thanking me, not locking me up, doncha know?? Thing is, she didn't seem to mind it when she was with him...she actually liked his "naughty" side, she had NO PROBLEM with him having sex with her, in fact she wanted it to be even "dirtier." So basically what she's doing is making herself believe her defense, even when she knows it's a lie. How much more ****** up can she get??

Exactly. She wants to force herself to believe it all, and wants to force others to believe it all.

To say that his family can remember him the way they want to is just horrid. All they will remember when the good times come to mind, is those horrible crime scene photos and the crazy ***ch that did it. She must know that. So, she wants to plant her own made up reality as a memory for them, and for her. That is some screwed up stuff.
snipped & BBM

Can someone shut her up? It will be a good day when the media stops covering this trial and this murderer and moves on. Our curiosity will die also and finally she will left with her lying self.

The way this works is that the only people who can shut Jodi up are the public and that's by not tuning in. Curiousity needs to die first, then there will be no media attention.

It's guaranteed that the more people watch, the more they comment, the more this stuff airs. Commercial news stations are in it for profit and profit alone, if Jodi sells ad time becasue people will watch, it will continue.
Oh the movie (A Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story) is so scary! She snooped, stalked, damaged her ex husband's property and finally murdered him and his love all the while not caring about her kids at all!
It's exactly the sort of wife/mother JA would have been had she been able to marry and breed. Thank GOD she has not! With a wife like that a husband would have no peace, not for a second!
How could that jury have convicted Betty of only second degree murder! The jury comprised I heard. Shame!

Hi Rose:seeya: I haven't seen the movie, but it sounds like it's showing part of the story only. Have you watched Deadly Women with Candice Delong? It was one of the shows Candice appears on...anyway, Candice presents both sides of the story. Betty's ex husband and new wife Linda tormented Betty. Linda as much told Betty she was ugly, old, fat and stupid. I believe they drove her over the edge and Candice says as much. I feel sorry for Betty, in that I don't believe she would have gone crazy if Dan had handled the affair/divorce a different way. Not an excuse to kill in any way, but definitely a mitigating factor towards receiving 2nd degree.
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