Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #6

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Purple....but I am not sure she even knew what the ribbon was for. JMO

Well, I don't think that Jodi got too many of her IQ points from Mom, but at least Sandi has not shown a mean, angry streak.
Today's happy thought:

Whether Jodi gets the DP or LWOP... she'll still be in a tiny prison cell for the rest of her life, regardless of how long or short that is.

Maybe Jodi really wants to forego the next phases of her trial and wants the death penalty. That way Jodi has the last word and that is what the narcissistic murder likes!
Love Love the Good will stores I got a new pair navy blue dress shoes for $2
And I find clothes that fit me better than the stores and they are name brand new.
Juan Martinez knows the laws, he will know how to proofread the statements the family plans to give, and indeed they WILL be allowed to give them. Jodi will have to sit through it. Halleluja is all I can say. Justice has and will be SERVED.

God is with that family, they WILL have their say and the whole world is going to hear THE TRUTH about their beloved brother, AT LAST. This is the day, like Chris Hughes said where they will DECIDE, Jodi Arias , we are completely liberated from your evil and hold on our lives. Now it is our turn to talk and you will sit there and for once in your sorry life, face us, you evil witch.

Alone in your cell for the rest of your life you can replay it over and over again, while we go on with our families, to live and grow our children and prosper and keep our brother's name alive. You, like OJ and every other murderer will fade into obscurity, forever scorned.

Travis' legacy fund will prosper and do good work for charity well into the future. He will live in our hearts, and touch lives by inspiring us to continue on his path. Our children and their children after them will be proud to be a part of the Travis Alexander Legacy Foundation. You will become whatshername who nicks herself in prison every few years for attention. Even HLN is already on to the next.


What a great post. :rockon::rockon::rockon:
I just don't know how people can judge the parents because Jodi is a murderer. We know what kind of psychopath she is and I bet that nothing would have helped her. They tried to get her under control and could not so she split. I don't know how I would act in court if my child was on trial for such a brutal crime. I have nervous laughter issues. I have had it since I was a kid. The more serious trouble I was in the more I smiled.. Inside I was not thinking it was funny but my defense was to smile..

I don't know this woman. But I think that sitting in trial day after day and having your child tell the world you beat and mistreated her and still sitting there and supporting her, is an amazing feat. I think she loves jodi desperately and can see that her daughter is just broken somehow.

I don't like people blaming parents for the crimes of their kids without merit. I think that this must be excruciating for her.
She tried to sell the fake pedo letters to the NE.

Sorry, that was a line in the sand for me. Daughter or not.

Per Beth Karas Facebook

Apparently there's a closed hearing happening or about to. I saw Steven and Samantha Alexander enter the courthouse. Shortly after, the defense's mitigation specialist arrived carrying clothes on a hanger. I'm now outside the courtroom. It's locked. Flores just arrived. #jodiarias

:seeya: Thanks for the link ...

So ... the defense's mitigation specialist arrived carrying clothes on a hanger ...

:waitasec: omg ... I wonder IF she will be "dressing" Jodi ... can you just imagine ... :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

I have no sympathy for the mother. The interrogation tapes shows she knew something was wrong with her from her teenage years. Her buying into the domestic violence defense by wearing blue ribbons. And she is apparently not squeamish when it came to the photos. I find it strange that someone that close to the case would just look at them without flinching or averting their eyes. Even JA pretended to look away disgusted. Inappropriate behavior all throughout the trial.

As for the grandmother.. well its her grandchild. Bringing her in at all (with or without the wheelchair) was to garner sympathy. If JA had not dragged this out for years, maybe we all (and the jury) would have had a chance to see Travis' grandmother get justice while she was among us.

I'm surprised there's not a motion for the defense that "Ms. Arias would like to be referred to as 'Her Majesty' henceforth".
Kind of OT but I think you guys will appreciate this:

Yesterday, I had to participate in a telephonic administrative hearing because my son's father is fighting having to pay child support. He is abusive and is always trying to work the system.

Since I was representing myself, I decided to channel my inner Juan and asked some hardball questions and was able to expose some of the jerk's lies! It was so hard not to end my questions with, "Yes or no!"

Apparently, his attorney (how can he afford an attorney when he supposedly can't afford child support?!?!?!) was channeling his inner Nurmi because he actually said, "Let's back up" a couple of times. I truly had to stop my self from chuckling. LOL.

These things helped me get through what was a terrifying and anxiety-inducing experience for me. It's never fun or easy to face an abuser.

Hope everyone is having a great day and is ready for TOMORROW!
I just don't know how people can judge the parents because Jodi is a murderer. We know what kind of psychopath she is and I bet that nothing would have helped her. They tried to get her under control and could not so she split. I don't know how I would act in court if my child was on trial for such a brutal crime. I have nervous laughter issues. I have had it since I was a kid. The more serious trouble I was in the more I smiled.. Inside I was not thinking it was funny but my defense was to smile..

I don't know this woman. But I think that sitting in trial day after day and having your child tell the world you beat and mistreated her and still sitting there and supporting her, is an amazing feat. I think she loves jodi desperately and can see that her daughter is just broken somehow.

I don't like people blaming parents for the crimes of their kids without merit. I think that this must be excruciating for her.

I have sat in court when my relative was in trouble (the same one with the mental health issues). I can say that although what he did was NOWHERE near what JA has done (stole things, assaulted someone, public intoxication), I cried. I cried for the older woman who had her jewelry stolen and sold on the street so she can never get it back. I also cried when they were sentenced because although he deserved to pay a price for his crime, I know he will not get the help he needs in jail or prison. I cry because it is a vicious circle that will be on repeat endlessly.
I will be there to show him I love him, but I will NEVER support what choices he makes. I will not try to help him cover his tracks, lie, or abuse or use anyone. Anyone, family member or not, who does these things for a person who committed a crime (and ESPECIALLY one with mental health issues) is enabling that person to justify their actions and go out and do it again. They need the TRUTH to be told to them, over and over again, whether they like it or not.
What is going on and why is there a hearing today?
JA's mom, SA said ?in post arrest interview? that JA's friends called SA and expressed that JA needed help.

Has it been reported whether or not SA and/or JA's father ever sought professional help for JA while she was under their roof and/or still a minor? TIA
I really think that SA's use of the word friends was just a bad word choice. I actually think she was called by people knew Jodi and were ticked off at her. I doubt Jodi ever had friends who cared enough to call in the middle of the night.
The ribbons mom and GM were wearing are PURPLE. Supposedly in support of DV victims.
What is going on and why is there a hearing today?

Status hearing. Probably to see if trial is going forward tomorrow and so the Judge can address any Motions filed since the conviction.
I think we have all heard, HEARD that she was a heavy note taker and already has a book deal (JA 'mother') Yes that same woman who wields the horrific wooden spoon. Good think JA wasn't raised the way many people of her mothers generation were in america and that was with a belt. I think she courts the media; her mother, just like her daughter. There was something very unsettling about her G'mothers behavior in court. Even more than her mother and aunt.
Approx 1 minute until David Lohr's interview about the Arias case... If you tuned in to the radio show earlier, hope you didn't get scared away by the political discussion... I promise David's segment won't be about Benghazi... :blushing:

I called the number they are not helping me! Can somebody get me live feed again as the feedthat was giving is not working.

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
BBM and snipped by me

I agree. Lately DD has some strange ideas and advice that roll out of his mouth.

What about the male therapist that was on his show last night (cannot remember his name) ?? He said he believes Jodi does NOT have any of the conditions that everyone has labeled her with in the past 4-5 years. NONE OF THEM. He thinks she is a spoiled brat! What?????? :lol:



He claims noone knows about her past. Neither does he. In fact he should view the tape of Sandy talking to Det. Flores. She told him the first thing she did was ask jodi if she killed Travis when she heard he was dead. I think its safe to say that none of us on this board would be asked that question if we had an ex that was killed.
Status hearing. Probably to see if trial is going forward tomorrow and so the Judge can address any Motions filed since the conviction.
Thanks so much; I was listening to OJ's hearing in the background and just saw this.

Until Tomorrow Peeps. I hope it's the end of the line for JA.
Well... I got excused from jury duty..The baliff said it would be a lengthy trial and I declared it a hardship as I am sole provider for my son and myself, I get home and my son says to it be a huge trial and you could have written a book and made a bunch of money haha

Caroline Kennedy just got selected for jury duty in NYC. Some sort of crack/meth selling case
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