Aggravation phase #2

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And I thought I was weird for watching icky medical procedures on YouTube. I'll take the lipoma removals ovee her lol.

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Girl, watching ALV voluntarily is the psychological equivalent of cutting.

You KNOW you are hurting your soul--why do it?

Must be because it feels so good when you stop.
I wondered the same thing about needing to only make collect calls.

In most jails, inmates can get a phone account with a PIN assigned to the inmate. If money is put in the account, the inmate uses it without having to call collect. If they don't have money in their phone acct, they can call collect.
Her relative says her attorneys "bumbled" her case????


Look at the thing that had to work with.

She LIED. She got to tell her "tale" about DV, pedophilia, self-defense. She was given every opportunity for her laywers and her to put forth her "defense". NO ONE believed her. The jury did NOT believe her "story" Her big fat mouth did her in. And of course the prosecution case of pre-med.

I have just been nosing around the Arias Camp's blogs and facebook and twitter accounts and it seems they are all black balling the Defense Team. The Arias family is saying CKJA didn't have adequate counsel now. UNREAL! Don't cha know its the DEFENSE TEAMS fault she is a MURDERER! It never ends with this chick does it? WOW.
From watching trials is NEVER!EVER! admit you did it! Even if they have evidence, statements, witnesses etc.. Forget about "making peace with a higher power" or anything else! OJ, Casey, Drew Peterson ......taught me that...
And as for MS ARI *advertiser censored*..... She is never going to shut her big mouth, she knows she is big news, hell she even has a reality show HLN after Dark, dedicated 3 hrs to the almighty HER!
And we feed into it ! But pe prepared she is ALWAYS Going to give interviews from her cell to trash Travis! She is happy she didit , she won over him! He can never travel, marry, have a life because she won! Nothing else matters to her except that she is able to impart her words of wisdom about how evil Travis was! She survived! The only thing I can hope for is that karma has a big fat gift for her !
I have just been nosing around the Arias Camp's blogs and facebook and twitter accounts and it seems they are all black balling the Defense Team. The Arias family is saying CKJA didn't have adequate counsel now. UNREAL! Don't cha know its the DEFENSE TEAMS fault she is a MURDERER! It never ends with this chick does it? WOW.

It is kind of funny considering how they were singing their praises all along, pre-verdict.
All of this is manipulation. The so called relative with a brand new twitter and fb account which are open, if they were so worried about the accounts being closed down why not make them private?
Because they're not worried, they want the media to get hold of that info to try and cause a problem with the next step in the process. Also I wouldn't be surprised if she hopes to use her now "delicate" state of mind to prevent her from having to listen to the victim impact statements.
Good Morning,

As of the last I saw yesterday court was cancelled to resume Wednesday. I see by the above post that Dr.Horn is not available M & T so what happened yesterday? Any reasons given?

Lots of speculation but nothing official.
there is something on the docket for today...does anyone know what it is? TIA
OT: They are lifting the final piece of the WTC spire. I have chills.

I saw that and don't understand why they had to build the tallest building in the Western hemisphere. I wouldn't work there.
Interesting that JA would only agree to the interview if she was convicted of Murder First. I believe that is because she wanted to use her "Jedi mind-trick" of asking for the death penalty.
Wonder if Jodi requires wrist and ankle restraints as well as an abdominal belt or straight jacket that is tied to the bed frame. Nevermind, she would probably enjoy that!
I have just been nosing around the Arias Camp's blogs and facebook and twitter accounts and it seems they are all black balling the Defense Team. The Arias family is saying CKJA didn't have adequate counsel now. UNREAL! Don't cha know its the DEFENSE TEAMS fault she is a MURDERER! It never ends with this chick does it? WOW.

:floorlaugh: Of course it is the Dt's fault!! no one would accept it was travis's fault, so therefore it must be KN and JW fault because it sure as heck isn't jA fault. That reporter from Fox probably tricked her into leaving that voice mail in Feb, so it is his fault too.
I wonder if there has ever been an negitive event in Jodi's life where she said "This is my fault, i caused this to happen'. We have all had moments like that in our lives. Sadly, I bet Jodi never has
I went and looked at the actual FB page. If the post is true, I guess the Arias family doesn't believe in following the judges orders. If everyone else was put under a gag order than they were too! I wonder of the Kovanna person will get into trouble.

Was there a gag order actually issued or is this speculation? I know Katie DD and KCL were told not to talk to the media about what they heard/saw in the courtroom yesterday. But was an actual gag order issued??
I just checked out that "Kavonna Arias' FB page. It's new, but she claims the old one was banned because of threats towards Nancy Grace. That sounded fishy, but there are pics on there of Jodi, and who Kavonna claims to be herself, that I haven't seen before...though I don't go out of my way to look for pics of JA.


That pic looks like Dan Freeman's sister Desiree?
Looks like it is from a phone conversation. I wonder who posted the convo and if it can be confirmed that individual is actually a relative of JA. Very interesting though.

If she does get new lawyers, how long are the going to be given to get 'familiar' with the case? ugh

At this stage of the game, and as protective as Judge Stephens has been of the record, I don't see the DT being granted their wish if they are wanting off the case or even if the murderer wants them off the case. Not now, not after $2M plus wasted on defending the murderer.
I wonder what little secret that Tony or whatever guy had on Jodi that he had to keep to get this "exclusive". I don't like him.

I asked a similar question last night. Why would she tell him something in confidence and then what, test him? to see if he kept his word and THEN she would give him the exclusive if he did? Maybe it is something she hopes he WILL eventually put out there? I mean, it's not like they are BFFs and she just had to get something off her chest to him? I think something is up with that because why even say anything about it at all? I guess maybe just to keep people tuning in to see if he spills? Strange...
That pic looks like Dan Freeman's sister Desiree?

Does it? I've never seen a pic of DF's sister.

Here is the caption 'Kavonna Arias' put with that picture.

"They make her seem so morbid and sad, which couldn't be further from the truth, she always smiled, and made others smile. Here is an old pic of us before she met Travis"
Good Morning Team Travis!

I haven't looked back yet, I know it was time for me to take a voluntary evening off. Chris Hughes tweeted this about 3 hours ago.

Chris Hughes ‏@cshughes 3h
#JodiArias voicemail to Fox reporter Troy Hayden to set up post-verdict interview. … #coocoocachoo

I have a question....I thought inmates could only make collect calls. So how was she able to leave a voice mail? Was she using someone's phone to call direct? Something is smelling fishy and it isn't rotten fish. Anyone????
I could be completely wrong so this is not a rhetorical question, but I thought they got one call per week?
Was there a gag order actually issued or is this speculation? I know Katie DD and KCL were told not to talk to the media about what they heard/saw in the courtroom yesterday. But was an actual gag order issued??

The proceedings from yesterday were sealed and everyone in the court was told not to speak to the press. From the wording all the TH's were using last night, i was under the impression there was a gag order on what happened in court yesterday. I guess I could be wrong, but that was absolutely the impression I had listening to all the news last night.
Interesting that JA would only agree to the interview if she was convicted of Murder First. I believe that is because she wanted to use her "Jedi mind-trick" of asking for the death penalty.

IIRC she said if it was second degree or manslaughter she would wait to give the interview after sentencing .....
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