Aggravation phase #2

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It's just been filed. There has been no ruling yet and i doubt she will get her way.

Well color me confused. I read the motion - thanks Beagle - but it acts as if victim impact statements may affect the jury. Yet here's the code:

It shows that such statements are made at sentencing, which the judge does after the jury reaches its decision. I don't get it. AZLawyer, where are you?

I've got to be wrong guys. I don't want to mislead anyone! I'm finding lots of articles about victim impact statements affecting juries. I'm not sure when they would occur though, since sentencing is after the jury deliberates and renders a decision on the penalty. Hmmm.
Again, I ask, if the felon wants the death penalty, why does it matter what or how the Alexanders give their statement ?

It shouldn't. This all smells fishy. I don't put anything passed this DT. Apparently JA thinks she will not get a fair trial if the Alexander family has outbursts. What was heard from specifically the family members was not imo outbursts.
If she really wants the DP then she can waive all rights to all the phases determining her sentence. She is full of it!

She may be just pulling all this to create appeal issues, she is arguing with Nurmi. She is throwing wrenches to screw up this trial! I bet she is enjoying some nice meds in her new psycho ward.:jail:
No, we're going to a little B&B in the country for a long weekend, not back 'til Tuesday.

For heaven's sake, Schuby, you're diverting the cause of Justice.

Well, have a good time. Try not to think of us weeping in front of our computer monitors. It's okay. Really.
I take it the DT wants a chance to edit what will be allowed by the impact statements. That is just stupid and the motion is a waste of paper and time! Judge is gonna say: Denied!

As long as Nurmi is getting paid in six minute increments, he'll keep filing motions for Jodi Ann.
I watched her for the first time today. yeah, shock I know.
to me, she appears as a hyped up chiguagua. I cant stand little yappy dogs....I have a big *advertiser censored* german shepherd :) no offense to those who like those dogs, but that is exactly how JVM appears to me.

LOL, funny you mention appears like a hyped up chihuahua! JVM owns 2 of them and often takes one of them on her show when she does her animal segments! The woman is loud and hyper, that's for sure. :)
You guys, she didn't threaten suicide. She said she'd prefer the death penalty to LWOP. There is a big difference!

Falls under "Suicidal Ideologies", I would rather die" and she has a history of claiming she would have or tried to kill herself, including her suicide letters to her family.
I hope you're not trying to tell me what a great guy he is.
AIRING to ALL, JA's continued trashing of Travis was unforgivable to me. Travis' family has been through more than enough grief, without this particular "award winner" giving her yet another public platform to spew her venom. Can it, Troy.

I still refuse to watch her spew more carp. Haven't seen the interview. I am not interested.
Not going to happen. Arizona has "Victim's Rights", Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule #39. The Alexander's have shown more than restraint, adhering to Courtroom rules and decorum. JM has probably already given the guidelines they need to follow when putting their victim statements together. They have done NOTHING to warrant this motion.
I have faith that JSS will deny the motion.

They have been heartbreakingly're right. They've given no reason at all for JSS to think there is some risk involved in letting them speak in court live.
I think Sheriff Joe did the right thing here, even though I don't believe she would have tried to commit suicide, if she HAD it would have robbed everyone of justice and he had to move to have her watched just in case. Although I WISH to god they could have done a quicky competency eval overnight and had her in court by 1pm wearing the awesome anti suicide garb ..
I'm a big animal advocate too. I don't have my own show.

JVM shouldn't either. She's embarrassing.

I'm still trying to figure out how she got her own show. Sounds like before all she was....was an alcoholic.
No, we're going to a little B&B in the country for a long weekend, not back 'til Tuesday.

So THIS is why dr. Horn isn't available until Wednesday!!!!

You hussy, you!

Have fun! :seeya::seeya::seeya:
The chick who is playing JA in the made for TV movie (which is now called "The Jodi Arias Story) is on Access Hollywood talking about and they show some footage of the filming and she said she was initially attracted to it because of the "love story."

The love story?

I can't even imagine how awful this movie is going to be.

Ya…it's a love story. Kinda like PSYCHO was a love story. :gasp:
Falls under "Suicidal Ideologies", I would rather die" and she has a history of claiming she would have or tried to kill herself, including her suicide letters to her family.

Fair enough if you're evaluating her as suicidal. I still don't think her plan in that interview was to be placed on suicide watch. There are easier ways to do that than through a nebulous interview.
So I am to assume butchering Travis wasn't hard for Jodi but listening to the Family is :banghead:

She said last night that they all look alike and she can't look at them because that reminds her of the abuse. I guess that's her excuse (yeah right).

But she can study their faces and draw them. :banghead:
Great! Now all she has to do is threaten suicide any time she wants to change the schedule, upset the proceedings... :banghead:

It will only happen this once, after she's evaluated, they'll probably just put her on tranquilizers and the show will go on!:facepalm:
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