Aggravation phase #2

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I really don't think JA is a borderline. I think she is a true psychopath. Everything is calculated....every tear, every smile. Coldblooded. Hard to analysis her through tests because she games them. IMO
Originally Posted by bricka
The chick who is playing JA in the made for TV movie (which is now called "The Jodi Arias Story) is on Access Hollywood talking about and they show some footage of the filming and she said she was initially attracted to it because of the "love story."

The love story?

I can't even imagine how awful this movie is going to be.

The Lifetime movie has already been brought up in this forum. I would think the Alexander family attorney would contact Lifetime and tell them how hurtful their movie will be. Lifetime movies are terrible anyway, but bricka is not the first one to post about the movie. At least Lifetime changed the name from "Dirty Little Secret".

I know one thing, she might regret making this movie.
I know it took me a good 25 years to not be creeped out by Eric Roberts (His role in "Star 80", the Dorothy Stratten story), until he did was in Dark Knight and I finally got over his creep factor.

BTW, she also played a "Krelboyne" in Malcom in the Middle for a few episodes, she was cute on that show.


  • K.JPG
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Bottom line: CKJA wants to get rid of this jury. After all, she said she is praying for them. We know that's trouble since she was really mad at Travis, spiritually speaking. I'd be shaking in my boots if she was praying for me.

So this is a ploy that maybe she can manipulate this jury and get a different one by postponing court in hopes this one crumbles
"A Deal is a Deal"

I am in shock. I listened again. Sick, I just have no words?

What was the deal .. he said something about not using something previously didn't he .. as in if he didn't use the footage he could have the first interview post conviction .. does anyone remember that?

'Never before seen parts' on Greta NOW .. ETA I think we've seen these .. Murkier aspects OMG I despise this woman. OMG shut up Jodi .. she can't tell nobody believed her .. that much I like.
Give her time to kill herself. I don't think Sheriff Joe is going to let anything happen to JA under his watch. He is too high profile (not in a good way). Plenty of inmates kill themselves or get killed. Guards don't care. YouTube Ashley Smith Canada. She was 19 and crazy and the guards looked on while she hung herself. That is an extreme case, outside of the US. But I know that here in the US, esp. Texas, guards will turn their backs to a lot of things. The dust has not even settled yet. Jeffrey Dahmer wished for his own death, just like JA. Dahmer got his wish and IMO the prison guards helped him get it.:moo:

Link for Texas guards "turning their backs on a lot of things". Thanks
Jean says Jodi is in the psych ward under suicide watch and being constantly watched.

Now I'm feeling sorry for her.

AHHHHH Molly stop it! I assure you she is not really suicidal! I have dealt with many suicidal people over the years (patients) SHE is faking it. She has said no less than 101,255 times since the age of 9 that she will do it.


The sad reality is that we are all human, and our human feelings will surface and even though we know she is a cold blooded murderer that would just as soon stab you and kill you...we have moments where our conscious says, help her.

Ok then we need to say Stop it! She is not really in that kind of pain, there is something wrong with her, she can't feel that real kind of pain, only for herself. SHE is mad that she was convicted, mad at Mr Martinez, mad at each one of the Jurors and mad at Travis' family because they came everyday to that court for their brother and they WON and she LOST.

Now the dirty work, she needs to accept her punishment which she brought upon herself. SHE made the decision to do this now must accept the consequences.

So just picture Travis and his headstone and flowers and how terrified he was when he felt the burning piercing first stab into his body and he had no idea what was happening...

(what scares me the most about someone that is suicidal is they may give no hint, or one so subtle we miss it and they do it. There is no more empty feeling than to think we missed a sign and could have helped someone through that dark hour, sometimes with just a word, a sign they are not alone)
"A Deal is a Deal"

I am in shock. I listened again. Sick, I just have no words?

Incredible! I really can't believe my ears. It's as though she just turns on a little dictaphone and out comes whatever she thinks will sound impressive. But the only impression I get is that these words are premeditated to give her control of her environment and no one better mess up her plans. Still she couches it in her "just a girl who can't say no" fascade when she says she really doesn't want to do this, but she gave her word dontcha know, so what's a girl to do? She gave her word and a deal is a deal good heavens, gotta go through with it because her word is her bond doncha know.
"So if it's First Degree come down right away - if it's second degree I will wait after sentencing."

Arias' designed her plan for after the verdict (a truly mental unstable person would not be in such an astute frame of mind). Arias wanted to do the interview right away because it was part of her post verdict plan to continue manipulate.

Can someone please send this to Dr. Drew?

It seems as though many posters here know how to get information to the correct people - Dr. Drew needs to hear this. He believes that Arias is having a true mental collapse (if it were untrue his peers would be able to see that Arias is manipulating them).

I sent it to him just now. WOW!!
I have to vent here about Jodi's request the Alexander's video tape what they have to say to her. I say NO!

As a victim myself I feel all victims should have more rights than the person on trial especially after getting M1.

Where does she get off thinking she should be in charge, that her rights come first? It should be up to the Alexander family whether or not they want to take the stand and or not. If they want to look her right in the eye and have their say then that is how it should be. Not up to Jodi.

It is satisfying and Travis family deserves that. It can be scary, the person that murdered my dad sat thru the trial saying nothing until me and my girls took the stand. He got up, tried to charge at us while threatening to kill us. He was subdued and taken away. The judge and everybody in the room apologized. The defense lawyers came over to me and apologized on their knees.

Scary? Aggravating? YES, but I would not give up that chance I had to look him in the face, in the eyes and have my say!

Proven murderers should never have more rights than the victim's families do. Unfortunately it seems after all these years later that the murderer does have more rights than my family.

Sorry just needed to vent! My heart goes out to the Alexander family, their lives have been forever changed by Jodi. Stay strong....
Someone's gotta let Jodi and her mom know....

this ain't no shopping trip for prep schools...


With her notoriety, GP would be a dangerous place for JA. A lifer would love to go down in history as 'the one who offed JA'. That's why a lot of high profile convicts are segregated. She's going to have her own lil condo, though. With two appliances. and a ticking clock :)
Was JA was using reverse psychology in this interview about the DP and it backfired on her getting her in the psych ward? Or was it part of her plan to get to the psych ward?
OH holy Jesus? I'm sorry, but this is so DISTURBING? This woman is a calculated killer. Thank god she was convicted. Her tone of voice is shocking me. Arranging this interview? THIS is not an abused woman, this is a sick cold blooded killer. Again, tie her to her chair with chains, i'd tape her mouth so she doesn't spit, and let all the family confront her.

AND mostly, I'm anxious to hear what this Judge says to her when she sentences her? Judges often give a little speech and I am really anticipating what she will say. They have a poker face during the trial but that is their moment to verbally beat the daylights out of her.

SOMETHING tells me this Judge will go the route of "I sentence you to Death by Lethal Injection. You committed a heinous unimaginable crime against an innocent man and you have destroyed his life, yours, your family and his family and friends." blah blah.. give it to her good.

end it with "Nobody believes you, you are a liar, and again, nobody believes your stories and by the way they are stupid.. You're not even a good liar or story teller.. now, go to your cement cell and no pencils for you"

and in closing... the Judge should say.... And your hair is greasy, too! Blech!
OT: If you all have prayers to spare, whatever your Higher Power, would you keep Rosemary Pierce's son in them? IIRC, he is undergoing chemo presently and NO child should ever have to go through that. EVER. Thank you...

Zuri, I will keep Rosemary Pierce and her son in my prayers. I do believe in the power of prayer. In fact, one of the most interesting conferences I went to was members of the scientific community discussing the power of prayer.
Jean says Jodi is in the psych ward under suicide watch and being constantly watched.

Now I'm feeling sorry for her.

Why? No reason to have sympathy for this freak. She's manipulating, she knows exactly what she's doing, and that's all she knows.
Dr. Drew needs a psychiatrist. Really.
I have to shake my head at him. He gets so worked up. I bet his poor patients are left feeling like they have to comfort him. He needs to take a vacation. Or a Xanax.
The judge denied the motion for impact statements via video and Jodi couldn't handle that she would have no control over what the Alexander's family would say and flipped out. That's my second guess. Travis' family was escorted out by deputies. I bet they had to take Jodi out strapped on a stretcher.
I agree. I thought first off - that stretcher is for JA. She's gone off the deep end and needed the straps to contain her. I hope she said something in front of the jurors that stick with them.
I know one thing, she might regret making this movie.
I know it took me a good 25 years to not be creeped out by Eric Roberts (His role in "Star 80", the Dorothy Stratten story), until he did was in Dark Knight and I finally got over his creep factor.

BTW, she also played a "Krelboyne" in Malcom in the Middle for a few episodes, she was cute on that show.

OMG, yes! He was super extra creepy in that movie. I still don't like him.
What was the deal .. he said something about not using something previously didn't he .. as in if he didn't use the footage he could have the first interview post conviction .. does anyone remember that?

'Never before seen parts' on Greta NOW .. ETA I think we've seen these .. Murkier aspects OMG I despise this woman. OMG shut up Jodi .. she can't tell nobody believed her .. that much I like.
So his (Fox's) part of the deal was to NOT release an interview (or parts) that they had had. Well, really, that is quite disgusting. What are they holding back?

They are now "officially" holding me back from ever clicking on their link again.


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