Aggravation phase #2

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Ok now this is a legitimate question, not meant with any ounce of sarcasm at all.

Jodi Ann Arias was convicted of 1st Degree Murder with Premeditation. She will never in her life get out of prison, she is there forever, either Life or about a decade before they put her to Death by lethal injection. So she is not coming out, not free, never.

Why would they act upon any suicide ideation of hers? Move her, monitor her etc. How about put her in her cell. What's the worst that will happen? She kills herself?


(I would think the Warden would be thinking, ok Room at the Inn, Cell block 7)
I will also keep your boy in my prayers. I realize his situation is much different but I had a close family member with breast cancer and know a little bit about chemo + Rad.

I realize these chemo drugs are different in a lot of situations and they are more like a "cocktail" of drugs. One of the drugs my relative got which was not part of the chemo cocktail, but was actually OPTIONAL to try and help something with the chemo was one of the drugs that really gave her a lot of pain. She was able to elect not to take this 1 drug which was really good because it was the one she had the most problem with. Cant remember the particular drug it was though.

Hope the pain goes away, but just offering that it may be a certain drug causing it. I realize that is bad anyway and he may not have an option not to take whatever the doctor is ordering. Just wanted to offer what little I know about these types of situations.

Will definitely keep him in my prayers.

My mom did radiation and is taking some weird drug for the next ten years thanks to breast cancer. She said her joints hurt so bad because of the drugs, which the doctors warned her of. :(
I really don't think JA is a borderline. I think she is a true psychopath. Everything is calculated....every tear, every smile. Coldblooded. Hard to analysis her through tests because she games them. IMO

I agree totally. Dr. Hare's book "Without Conscience" is one of the most important text books and tools used to describe psychopathic behaviour. Fits JA perfectly.

The twenty traits assessed by the The Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised PCL-R score are:

glib and superficial charm
grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self
need for stimulation
pathological lying
cunning and manipulativeness
lack of remorse or guilt
shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness)
callousness and lack of empathy
parasitic lifestyle
poor behavioral controls
sexual promiscuity
early behavior problems
lack of realistic long-term goals
failure to accept responsibility for own actions
many short-term marital relationships
juvenile delinquency
revocation of conditional release
criminal versatility

Read more:
I know one of these. Not as bad as JA but still bad. The only way is absolutely no conversation...not even about the weather. They can suck you into their world in a New York minute. :banghead:

OK she's talking about Nurmi now .. as in Does he like you? They had clashes according to Jodi .. she says ultimately he's the boss .. now it's all his fault. LOL!! Keep it coming Jodi, now it's about the writing in court .. writing notes, keeping her lawyers 'informed' pathetic, says she didn't draw .. There's one more thing .. oh pathetic .. she has a word for DV survivors .. document it! Now the tweeting on the DV T-shirts .. she assumed they were 'doing ok with govt funding etc' but it's important to JODI to be able to assist survivors. He drops a lot of people are watching: she has a last message from the messiah .. other women in a situation, document it .. just document it, just in case you know, you kill them (ok she didn't say that) she thinks things would be different if she docuemented .. to the people that hate her: she's flattered that they focus on her so much.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder!!! I can't believe Dr DeMarte didn't throw that in there with the BPD.

Doesn't her carp make you vomit? She runs the entire gamut of Cluster B but Borderline is clear. She cheated on the tests but couldn't get around Borderline. She managed to mark very low on ALL questions of anger.

I consider severe Borderline mixed with malignant narcissim pure evil. I truly feel sorry for anyone who has ever had to deal with this. I worked on a ward with dual diagnosis Borderlines. It put me out of the psych business. There is no way to describe what these people will do. There were fourteen. One was just like JA. Be afraid, very afraid! She threatened suicide all the time...even going as far as slicing her wrist and having two buckets, one each side of her bed (blood dripping). She didn't die and is still continuing her terror. After that she had a knife and was standing over another patient during the night.

They delight in making you squirm. It is their goal. They will twist your words and use them against you. You won't see it coming.

Suffice to say, anyone who has to deal with this depth of manipulation will be affected in some way. Jodie will be a BIG problem in jail. It will be to everyone's benefit for her to do to death row. Keep everyone safe. She is a power keg and can go off at any minute. She was biding her time these past five years because she thought she would get off. Now that she hasn't, she has nothing to lose.
BBM~ Yes~ Jodi had a "freak-out". She lost and her "No Jury will convict me" scheme did not work.

Can't remember, but did the jury see the interview in which Jodi said that?
psychopathy is one of the axis II personality disorders....well..clinically most clinicians will use Antisocial Personality Disorder. If you ask about psychopathy being a diagnosis this is the one they use that is closest to the definition of it. All Axis II overlap in criteria and some people have more than one. Those are fun to work with :banghead:

Manipulations and threats of suicide as a way to manipulate are most common in Borderline and Narcicisstic disorders (of course i am not a professional so its my opinion formed from work and some school) the most strongly. Ted Bundy, IIRC, had several personality disorders. JA,iMO, could very well have both antisocial/psychopathy and Borderline going on. Regardless, any of them are miserable to work with (for me) and sometimes rather scary.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

I hear Malignant Narcissism is just a theory and was not included in the DSM this time around. I think they should rethink the opposition, and have Jodi Arias be the basis for including it.

Social psychologist Erich Fromm first coined the term "malignant narcissism" in 1964, describing it as a "severe mental sickness" representing "the quintessence of evil". He characterized the condition as "the most severe pathology and the root of the most vicious destructiveness and inhumanity".[3] Edith Weigert (1967) saw malignant narcissism as a "regressive escape from frustration by distortion and denial of reality"; while Herbert Rosenfeld (1971) described it as "a disturbing form of narcissistic personality where grandiosity is built around aggression and the destructive aspects of the self become idealized".[4]

I'm just a psychology junkie, but seems legit to me after watching this trial.
Fox is just baiting folks. Throwing out the line to see who nibbles.

What will the murderer do next? Will she have her mom or granny go on the news shows..too late for donoman. Nothing will surprise me ...wanna stay a step ahead so that I won't be shocked by her. She is so icky.
I think all the media hype has unlocked Jodi's Narcissism and its been fed to the extreme and she's coming down from her narcissistic supply. But I've personally always believed she was a Narcissist, with psychopathy and borderline traits so I could be wrong.

I think she wasn't expecting the Jodi Show to be as big a deal as it was.I think it was a pleasant surprise for her. I think it was apparent, after she got on the stand, and was informed at all the hype she could no longer control herself with her weird, seemingly damning behavior in court because she was so aware of the attention she received by every move she made. "Did Jodi flip off the camera today?" "Why is she doing that." "Jodi, Jodi, Jodi.." Gag.. She's so driven by it, she put her defense on the back burner. That interview was the beginning of act two.

I think what happened is, when she did her planned interview to refuel her narcissism, she didn't expect to be put under psych watch. Instead of getting her posse to fill her in on the Jodi Obsession, she's silenced for days. No more supply. Not from the media (at least that she can enjoy), her friends, inmates... I think she actually had a break down, and I like thinking she's absolutely miserable/mentally unhinged right now. So for that reason I hope I'm right.

"The three usual reasons for a narcissistic injury are (p.44):

The threat of losing the primary source of narcissistic supply, be that a job or a relationship
A failure of old strategies to work, for example, someone challenging their power or trying to take control away from them
An unexpected situation in which their "robust sense of self dissolves and they become desperate"
Lerner says that after an injury, narcissists may self-medicate with drugs or alcohol or make a mad dash to find alternative sources of attention and admiration. But mostly, they become enraged that others don't go along with their entitled demands. They strike out like a despot whose subjects threaten a revolution. They may be up-front with their rage or be more passive aggressive about it. "
You called it right. JA said in her interview that she was actually FLATTERED that so many peeps hated her. She said that meant they "HAD HER ON THEIR MIND.
Can't get much more narcissistic than that.
How do you become someone who you know, inserts the needle?

Interesting.. I just found this...

"Although some doctors and nurses do help in executions, lethal injection in many states is carried out by paramedics, technicians or other prison employees who do not have special training in anesthesia"
Ok now this is a legitimate question, not meant with any ounce of sarcasm at all.

Jodi Ann Arias was convicted of 1st Degree Murder with Premeditation. She will never in her life get out of prison, she is there forever either Life or about a decade before they put her to Death by lethal injection. So she is not coming out, not free, never.

Why would they act upon any suicide ideation of hers? Move her, monitor her etc. How about put her in her cell. What's the worst that will happen? She kills herself?


(I would think the Warden would be thinking, ok Room at the Inn, Cell block 7)

It's a good question...But her trial is not yet over. She's made statements that FORCE the system to have her evaluated and they're acting in keeping with protocol. They have no choice. They're doing what they're obliged to do...Keep her safe and alive. Dr. D was incredibly OFF THE MARK tonight stating that she wouldn't be there unless they had diagnosed her for something. No. Nuh nuh. She voiced a potential issue and they had to ask for an evaluation. She is in the psyche unit so that they can now assess if she is suicidal or not.

JA did not freak out. She gave a stupid interview. Most likely she even knew that it would end up with her naked in a taco suit with a "day off".

My mom did radiation and is taking some weird drug for the next ten years thanks to breast cancer. She said her joints hurt so bad because of the drugs, which the doctors warned her of. :(

OT: Have her docs offered her anything for the pain? As an RN I am an advocate for patients to have as pain free a life as possible! There is no excuse for pain that is "bad"!
Fox is just baiting folks. Throwing out the line to see who nibbles.

What will the murderer do next? Will she have her mom or granny go on the news shows..too late for donoman. Nothing will surprise me ...wanna stay a step ahead so that I won't be shocked by her. She is so icky.

All below have been respectfully snipped and all posts appreciated.

After yesterday and today, I think she'll be medicated to the hilt. With Nurmi sitting as far away as possible. Like in Europe.

I would think she has been at least been prescribed an anti-depressant up until now and very possibly intermittent treatment with sedative/anti-psychotic medications to treat bouts of anxiety/mood swings/mania etc. as the need arises. With her circumstances and personality type, this would appear to me to be pretty run-of-the-mill. In prisons here, most inmates are treated with a mild anti-depressant and mild sleeping tablet for the duration of their sentence.

Like in Europe.

Please elaborate? (*quizzical eyebrow waggle*) <--- Ah, I get it, now. In Europe and up past my bedtime :)

I'm not saying she won't eventually implode... I don't think she has yet, though. In her mind .. she still has much "work" to do... and by "work" ..I mean manipulation and machinations and destruction. She is in manifesto mode until it's ALL done and she is sentenced.

I'm wondering if yesterday's verdict and the personal conviction apparent in each jury member, caused a minor break from the 'Jodiland' she has created. It has been all business up to now and not really dealing with reality as it is. Yesterday must have really brought home that she has no sympathy, no supporters. She did have an idea (????) that sympathy was 50/50 in her favour. (I can't remember where I saw that). I think she was very shocked by the verdict.

"So if it's First Degree come down right away - if it's second degree I will wait after sentencing."

Arias' designed her plan for after the verdict (a truly mental unstable person would not be in such an astute frame of mind). Arias wanted to do the interview right away because it was part of her post verdict plan to continue manipulate.

It wouldn't surprise me too much if we saw a completely different personality type appear now. Yesterday was a big speed-bump and may have been a factor in her melt-down today, once she had a chance to come to terms with it and grasp the reality of the situation.

Whoever she is and whatever she's done, she can't possibly have been living in reality for the past 5 years. That's more a comment on human nature in general as opposed to her specifically. It is by no means an excuse, by the way, just an observation on how any human mind might deal with these circumstances from the crime itself forward.

I could even imagine there are some people that commit crimes like this and can convince themselves of varying degrees of truth after the fact. This type of behaviour, though abhorrent, is fascinating to me.
OK she's talking about Nurmi now .. as in Does he like you? They had clashes according to Jodi .. she says ultimately he's the boss .. now it's all his fault. LOL!! Keep it coming Jodi, now it's about the writing in court .. writing notes, keeping her lawyers 'informed' pathetic, says she didn't draw .. There's one more thing .. oh pathetic .. she has a word for DV survivors .. document it! Now the tweeting on the DV T-shirts .. she assumed they were 'doing ok with govt funding etc' but it's important to JODI to be able to assist survivors. He drops a lot of people are watching: she has a last message from the messiah .. other women in a situation, document it .. just document it, just in case you know, you kill them (ok she didn't say that) she thinks things would be different if she docuemented .. to the people that hate her: she's flattered that they focus on her so much.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder!!! I can't believe Dr DeMarte didn't throw that in there with the BPD.

We've been singin' that NPD song since this thing started, Mrs. G. I was also disappointed that it didn't feature prominently in Dr. D's diagnosis. She is as narcissistic as they come.
Anyone else have a problem with the questions and demeanor of the TV interview after the verdict? It really sounded like the interviewer was making Jodi the victim with his questioning. Let's not forget she's a murderer. Was Charles Manson asked 'how do you feel about your mom?" Why give her more airtime? Let TA's family enjoy the rest of the day for pete's sake.
It wouldn't surprise me if Jodi gave Troy a list of questions to ask. I didn't like that he went along with her BS that the jury soundly rejected with its verdict. One question in particular had to do with her finding blood on her hands at the Hoover Dam and would she have done anything differently after the discovery. Too many softball questions for a convicted murderess.
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