I bet she's trying to delay it by firing her attorneys. That would cause a long delay and it was ensure that perhaps this jury (who convicted her) wouldn't be able to hand down a death sentence.
It was Travis Alexander's murderer's choice to give that interview. I realize that the person that interviewed wanted the "breaking news" interview - however, I do wish that as a reporter he would have contacted the State Prosecutor's Office to get information about the dangers - if any - of airing it shortly after the verdict was rendered.
Travis Alexander's murderer was not forced to do the interview - she arranged the interview. It takes a sane person to arrange an interview with the media - in other words, Travis Alexander's murderer cannot have it both ways:
Crazy - In a Fog - Unable to Control her Thoughts and Actions, and, Capable - Working to secure an interview after the verdict - Of Sound mind.
Arranging the interview - again, IMO, shows how Capable, of Sound Mind, and Aware Travis Alexander's murderer is.
If Travis Alexander's murderer would have babbled, saying things such as "the alien chip in my head is brown worm code seven and I knew that I would be found guilty but as the blue man planet indicated in the seventh day I did not see premeditation fog, blog, logs," then there may be a reason to have her evaluated.
However, what we saw 20 minutes after the verdict was rendered - was sane Arias - the manipulative Arias - the Arias so in control that apparently the Mesa Jail cannot control her, her attorneys cannot control her, the court cannot control her, human emotion cannot control her - Nobody controls Arias except herself - that is not insane - it is the person that she is, and, shows the depravity of her as a person and the extreme danger she is to society.