Aggravation phase #2

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Bottom line: CKJA wants to get rid of this jury. After all, she said she is praying for them. We know that's trouble since she was really mad at Travis, spiritually speaking. I'd be shaking in my boots if she was praying for me.

So this is a ploy that maybe she can manipulate this jury and get a different one by postponing court in hopes this one crumbles

That's why her family said "Hope jury did not hear that", she is setting up for another jury.
Why? No reason to have sympathy for this freak. She's manipulating, she knows exactly what she's doing, and that's all she knows.

Because the Jodi Show is over! She has to face her accusers! The victims! She is officially shamed! Judged! It's way too much for her to bare. Her brain is on overload, desperate to hold her self-creation together! Humpty Dumpty has fallen! the Tower card from the tarot has been exposed! She is a ruined human being and there is nothing good to salvage.
I don't think Jodi is going to harm herself but she's going to let the cat out of the bag because she's all pent up with the fact no one believes her & her fake Jodi act is over and that means for good, goose is cooked and so on. At least 12 jurors don't believe her, 3 in waiting probably don't either & the three relieved of duty. She's been seen by many as to who she really is & that has to be a panic moment for her. We might see the stun belt in action, hopefully?

Her family coming out of court with one of them saying "glad the jury didn't see that" could be Jodi in a rage or could be one of them flipping off the family or someone else?

Could any of this today be because of the grim dude on twitter and his tweets about a bomb at the courthouse today that was arrested? hmmm Sorry if this has already been posted & answered. I did see JVM at the new jail & Jodi's mom.
OT :)

:D I have a chi mutt who totally keeps my big, tough guard dog under his paw, trembling. It's hilarious! He reminds me of Juan :ROFL: Both my big guy and little guy are great and loyal and my bestest buds :)

Hey, Boycie wants to come play with your kids. :)
Why should they worry about a juror seeing the interview ? Seriously, the murderer said worse, much more explicit, things when she testified for 18 or 19 days. All this junk about the DT and now the family constantly accusing the jurors of ignoring the Judge's admonishment is old and very tired. A 7 officer escort for the Alexander family and the murderer's interview don't seem to add up for some reason, at least nothing I can come up with.
I am dying to know what really happened in chambers. I missed what the family said about the Jury ignoring their admonishment. Any links out there? Thats amazing! I did think JA may have jumped on this interview to scold the jury on why they were wrong in M1 premeditated! She probably believes they watch everything and she is yet the victim again. She was not interested in the interview with a lesser verdict, only if M1 was the verdict. She attacks JM, blames everybody insisting she successfully tarnished his memory. Blah blah blah....
So his (Fox's) part of the deal was to NOT release an interview (or parts) that they had had. Well, really, that is quite disgusting. What are they holding back?

They are now "officially" holding me back from ever clicking on their link again.


Also, Troy just said on Greta that he was getting a few negative tweets. (Imagine that)

The tweets said - Can't you let the Alexanders have at least ONE day without spotlighting Arias?
Troy's reply - Jodi wanted it released immediately.

Well - alrighty then. Much more clear now.
I've been saying this to myself for quite some time...even when she was killing him, he never tried to hurt her.

Also, juan should let the jury in on the idea that she had to have showered after the murder with Travis's dead body lying at her feet. Someone mentioned this a week or so ago, and I was horrified. But after thinking about it i realized that she had to have done it. There was no other way for her to not track blood all over the house.


But the blood wouldn't have been in the shower right?

Where did she shower? Did he have more than one full-bath? He had to have...
Anyone else have a problem with the questions and demeanor of the TV interview after the verdict? It really sounded like the interviewer was making Jodi the victim with his questioning. Let's not forget she's a murderer. Was Charles Manson asked 'how do you feel about your mom?" Why give her more airtime? Let TA's family enjoy the rest of the day for pete's sake.

He had to agree to ask the questions she gave him. That was "the deal". It gives them ratings and he is the only reporter she will talk to in exchange.
BBM~ Yes~ Jodi had a "freak-out". She lost and her "No Jury will convict me" scheme did not work.

I don't think Jodi is going to harm herself but she's going to let the cat out of the bag because she's all pent up with the fact no one believes her & her fake Jodi act is over and that means for good, goose is cooked and so on. At least 12 jurors don't believe her, 3 in waiting probably don't either & the three relieved of duty. She's been seen by many as to who she really is & that has to be a panic moment for her. We might see the stun belt in action, hopefully?

Her family coming out of court with one of them saying "glad the jury didn't see that" could be Jodi in a rage or could be one of them flipping off the family or someone else?

Could any of this today be because of the grim dude on twitter and his tweets about a bomb at the courthouse today that was arrested? hmmm Sorry if this has already been posted & answered. I did see JVM at the new jail & Jodi's mom.
You're gonna have to get in line, Steely. There are an awful lot of folks who want to see that particular version of the Electric Boogaloo.

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Maybe the Electric Slide too???
My heart just breaks for both families.
So much heartache, so much loss.
Thank you jurors and prosecution team for moving justice forward!
Jodi, my humaneness hurts even for you. I am sorry that you hurt someone beyond my comprehension!!! I so wish you had the conscience to realize and accept and repent for what you have done!
My heart weeps for your soul.
I really mean that.
My day has been insane. Kyle was in constant pain. His surgeon ordered x-rays be taken because he has not been in pain since he started chemo. Sooo I have not been able to read anything.

Can someone sum this up for me? She is on suicidal watch :rolls eyes: so therefore court was cancelled? So this is still running the show? WTF?! What a conniving little b**tch!

O/T......thank you ALL for the well wishes, you will never know how much they mean to me.

I will also keep your boy in my prayers. I realize his situation is much different but I had a close family member with breast cancer and know a little bit about chemo + Rad.

I realize these chemo drugs are different in a lot of situations and they are more like a "cocktail" of drugs. One of the drugs my relative got which was not part of the chemo cocktail, but was actually OPTIONAL to try and help something with the chemo was one of the drugs that really gave her a lot of pain. She was able to elect not to take this 1 drug which was really good because it was the one she had the most problem with. Cant remember the particular drug it was though.

Hope the pain goes away, but just offering that it may be a certain drug causing it. I realize that is bad anyway and he may not have an option not to take whatever the doctor is ordering. Just wanted to offer what little I know about these types of situations.

Will definitely keep him in my prayers.
You're gonna have to get in line, Steely. There are an awful lot of folks who want to see that particular version of the Electric Boogaloo.
When we were doing roll call this afternoon, I SPECIFICALLY called the seat by the stun button!!! And it sounds like I would have been able to actually USE IT today!
Sigh - I'm first in line for Wed, too. lol
Media said deputies were in and out of court room - then Arias family comes out and says they hope the jurors didn't "see that" and the Alexander family comes out surrounded by 5 deputies?

It's possible the deputies have bonded with the family and simply wanted to escort them to their cars. :twocents:
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