"Aha" Moment Predictions [MERGED]

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IMO,No,because she could have given that info at anytime in the last 3 years ,instead of staying in jail.It would also require ICA to take the stand.

Yes but remember she was trying to protect the family. What if George said he would kill Ca and Lee and then himself ???
Okay, the only way to explain away the 31 days and KC's jovial/partying pictures is that KC believed Caylee was safe with a trusted person. How does JB explain that Caylee was safe? Zanny's not gonna work, so it has to be someone.

The only explination for the 31 days is that ICA knew Caylee was dead. They keep saying over and over "Why didn't she report her daughter missing for 31 days?" --- Simple...because she knew she wasn't missing.

The thing I don't understand is...if the DT is going to try to claim ICA was too scared to tell her parents or that she was threatned or whatever, why did they try to get any mention of the 31 days excluded? Seems like that would help their theory of poor ICA being too terrified to tell anyone.
Well, we are maybe a day away from hearing the "aha" and "that makes perfect sense" reason for her behavior in that 31 days...if we are to believe Mr. Baez. Then again, he could delay his opening until after the State presents their case. Doubt he'll do that.

So, after jury selection and questioning, I'm thinking they're going to somehow point to her fear of her parents for why she didn't report Caylee's death, accidental or not. But I can't get over how NO ONE will be able to state she was acting any different than usual. If I was devastated over the death of my innocent child, I'd be a hot mess. The emotions wouldn't be able to be contained and I would go about my business (thieving and otherwise, LOL). Nope, don't think that's gonna really work.

Or...going along the theory that well, she wasn't worried about Caylee because she dropped her off with someone she trusted, and therefore thought she was fine. Okay, but for 31 days she (KC) didn't want to see/talk to Caylee? Nope, that doesn't fly right to anyone that could muster parental emotions.

I'm still not seeing where JB and crew are going to go, where it is remotely reasonable to think "I can see why she did what she did."

Guess he'll be famous for being a media hound (my nice name for him in respect for WS, LOL)...and having a dud of a "reason."

I wonder if he would be batty enough to say she has a multiple personality disorder caused by her upbringing and the "evil" Casey did it? Therefore the happy ICA in the 31 days pictures, why, she never even knew her daughter was missing! Isn't there also something about no psychologists testifying at trial but only during sentencing phase? Would that keep out psychologists during the trial that would be able to say no way was this the case? I don't know.

Of course there's only one ICA, and she is certainly evil.
I wonder if he would be batty enough to say she has a multiple personality disorder caused by her upbringing and the "evil" Casey did it? Therefore the happy ICA in the 31 days pictures, why, she never even knew her daughter was missing! Isn't there also something about no psychologists testifying at trial but only during sentencing phase? Would that keep out psychologists during the trial that would be able to say no way was this the case? I don't know.

Of course there's only one ICA, and she is certainly evil.

That's very likely - after hearing the "brain development" phrase during jury selection.
My aha moment was when I re-read the TL depo dated 2008.10.14

this is the one where LE is driving with him and talking.
To the spot describing where Casey's car was and her stuffed white JANASPORT back pack.
He says he remembers how angry he was at her[ cma] for runnung up his bar tab at FUSION and babbling about wanting to be a singer & what a good singer she was, he said she was very drunk.
Also he mentions her sitting up on the bed" crying" while watching the
Father's Day Caylee GG-granpap video where they are singing.Dry crying no tears?

I said AHA?
maybe she was saying what a good singer CAYLEE WAS/not is?
Also saying CAYLEE wanted to be a singer?

Why would Casey all of a sudden tell people[ while very drunk at a party]
that she wanted to be a singer and sings very well?

You have to say?
Coincedence or an AHA moment of truth?
plus he said her tears over the video do not even come close to the real crying and sobbing when he told CASEY he might stay in NY.
who agrees/ I do hope the STATE has caught that singing remark..
I think it means something if other people saw and heard her and say yes she said CAYLEE could have been a singer there you go...
and motive was TONY said he only wanted boys...
I wonder if he would be batty enough to say she has a multiple personality disorder caused by her upbringing and the "evil" Casey did it? Therefore the happy ICA in the 31 days pictures, why, she never even knew her daughter was missing! Isn't there also something about no psychologists testifying at trial but only during sentencing phase? Would that keep out psychologists during the trial that would be able to say no way was this the case? I don't know.

Of course there's only one ICA, and she is certainly evil.

There was a psychiatrist on Nancy Grace a few nights ago that said she thought ICA had multiple personality disorder. The DT won't be able to bring that into the guilt phase of trial, because they are not calling any psychiatrists/psychologists during that phase. They are calling one during the penalty phase, however, IIRC. They may use this as a mitigating factor. That said, I seem to remember reading somewhere that the psychiatrists that tested ICA made no DX.

Edit: Just wanted to mention that although the DT is not calling the psychiatrists during the guilt phase, the State DOES have them on THEIR witness list. I think that points to the State not being particularly worried about what these psychiatrists have to say.
BUMPITY BUMP BUMP!!! I'm assuming that our "AH-HA" moment is only moments away!! Is it sad that I'm almost giddy? Okay, "giddy" isn't the right word . . . . it's way too frivolous for the seriousness of the situation.

I guess I've just waited SUCH a long long long time to hear what KC's excuse is. It's finally her time, through her attorney. What will he say? The suspense is almost over.
I am not even going to try to get on the trial thread. I had been booted off all though the "George molested Casey by night and she had to pretend it didn't happen on the play ground."

Can you believe it? It was an accident and George and Cindy and LE are under the bus. Will there be an investigation into the allegations of sexual abuse by George and Lee?

LE did not care that Casey was molested by George and they still only investigated Casey.

Jose is saying that George puposely distanced himself from Caylee's death. Who is going to believe a liar? Especially if they claim sexual abuse. Jose says George threw Casey under the bus to save himself. LDB told you about Casey taking gas. Casey did what she always did, George knew she wasn't working, all part of the facade. No one cares. What he does on the 24th of June, George reports the gas cans missing. This is an ex detective. There is no detective who is going to come out and investigate, who would report gas cans missing? Who? George Anthony would, and the reason why will come to light six months later.

on the 17th dect wells comes to the house and asks to look around the back yard. George says yeah but does not mention the gas can fight, here's your ****ing gas cans, he does not say anything about that but from the first night George was telling anybody and everybody that car smells like a dead body but he did it in secret he went to talk to LE alone so Casey wouldn't hear it she is already in jail. He waits two weeks before mentioning these gas cans and how they were stolen...

wow. Bus big yellow bus.
There was duct tape with the remains. Three pieces that were the same, is it a coincidence that not on the pipes or repairs the only place this duct tape is on is on the gas can. The one George reported missing, is that a coincidence or is there more to the story here.

On aug first or second, George is at Publix for his granddaughter he knows is dead, but a news crews is filming him, Two different news crews and behind him hidden behind the donation jar. Casey has been in jail for two weeks. All you have to do is follow the duct tape and it will lead you to who put Caylee's remains, or maybe it won't I will tell you in a moment. LDB says only casey had access to the duct tape. he was at that command center he was home, and the only piece of evidence that connects Caylee's remains to the home was duct tape. the gas cans, you cannot deny it you can see it you can feel it and...

LDB: objection
HHJP: continue

JB: ...and this will lead you to the answers you need.

Most important you will hear evidence while passing out flyers, George met Kyrstal and they became close, they had an affair. He then began going to her house and visiting her and one day before Caylee's remains were found...
George will deny the affair but he cannot get around the guard at the gate who will say she saw him many times. Krystal said George broke down and cried and said, it was an accident that snowballed out of control. this is before Caylee is found, this is when he is passing out flyers. George carried around this guilt for months, until he decided to take his own life. The police found him and we never got the answer in his suicide note. A lot of insinuations but no concrete answers why he has all this information and isn't telling anyone.

We are not nor will we ever say George killed Caylee and the reason is simple it is not true it was an accident and how easy it is to say there is something sinister this is an accident that snowballed out of control. This is not a murder case this is a tragic accident that happened to disturbed issues. Unresolved issue. The media and the bizarre stories that just go on and on...

Is anybody out there...I really feel sick. This is making me ill. Anyone? :candle: Now he is bringing up Kronk. Oh goddess.
Wow. Jose is saying that Kronk hid Caylee. Saying he is "morally bankrupt" saying mr Kronk thought he had a lottery ticket.

Oh my, oh my...
MOO. RK put CA in the woods....where did he get the remains? KC sat in jail all these months rather than tell the truth? Would you believe this story? I wouldn't.
Jose is showing that Caylee was not in the woods but on the side of the road. He has a big poster board to show the jury.

Jose is trying to say that Caylee's body was right off of the side walk and if her body was there people would have found her. He says LE, horses, dogs...they never saw...screaming child in the woods...helicopters were deployed and they searched everywhere but found nothing.

TES searched the first week of nov again they searched LE also searched but there were no reports. Only we could find was Orlando LE searched never OCSO. They announced they were all over that area but it was probably under water. They get a hydrologist to show you how underwater this area was, it turns out is was only ten days wet and the rest of the time completely dry well not completely dry but dry.

Roy Kronk...right down the block everyone is talking about it and there are five or six trucks outside the house and one of the other guys with Kronk says this would be a good place to dump a body and Kronk says yeah, he goes to take a pee and Kronk says hey I see a skull and they say, yeah. But they get distracted by a snake...

boy I can't type out any more of these lies right now but I am glad to be on here again with other people. This is hard to handle.
I guess it is safe to say we are all totally speechless! We knew the bus was heading George's way, but I definitely didn't expect what we saw today. Wow!
Nope, didn't get an "AHA, now I get it!" feeling or thought.


Promised too much, JB, that you just couldn't back up. Oh how a gag order would have been good these last 2 years.

Alleged SA of KC by GA starting when she was 8 does NOT mean we "get it" regarding the death of Caylee.

Alleged SA and other dysfunctional family issues also doesn't explain her ugly coping (LOL) for those 31 days. Nope. She wasn't heartbroken, shocked, and emotional wreck...or scared, etc. Nah, she was able to continue to shop with OPM (Other People's Money, haha), movies, tats, Fusion, etc. NOPE - an accidental death/saw GA carrying her, etc. does NOT match what her actions were those 31 days.

No "Aha" for me, more like an "OMG"-- all shock, and made no sense. mo
No shock, no awe, no aha, just ugh.

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