"Aha" Moment Predictions [MERGED]

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I think it could be as simple as KC taking the stand and crying about the 'accident.' It wouldn't be 'aha!,' but it would be, 'oh my gosh!!'

Close enough?
Can't think of one Ah Ha moment, they've been used up, I think. Unless the white dog surfaces. Maybe one of them, other than ica, will go off their nut on the stand and make an excited utterance all over again right at the height of trial.
Maybe they are going to point to Caylee's father, identify him and then say KC gave the baby to him to watch???

I don't know.
I think it could be as simple as KC taking the stand and crying about the 'accident.' It wouldn't be 'aha!,' but it would be, 'oh my gosh!!'

Close enough?

That would be an OMG moment, to see Casey take the stand. That would shock a lot of people, me included. But I do think it might happen--if they are desperate enough.

The thing is, Baez has said the 'aha' moment was going to come in the first moments of HIS opening statement. I just don't think he has figured out what to say yet.
I wonder, and I know this is sheer lunacy, but I wonder if Baez might claim that Caylee is still alive. I know the state would be able to prove otherwise, but that would be a shocking thing for him to say in his opening statements. "My client couldn't have murdered Caylee because Caylee is still alive!" It would definitely shock the courtroom at that moment.

It's either that, or he's going to make some other outrageous claim that will shock the courtroom at that moment though it can be proven otherwise later. Still, it will get people talking, and the jury won't be able to ignore it.

Maybe they are going to point to Caylee's father, identify him and then say KC gave the baby to him to watch???

I don't know.

Oooh. Or do something like this. Holy Moly would that be a shock worthy moment. I would hope the SA would have prepared for something like that, though. I thought LE said they were satisfied they knew who the father was or something like that. I wouldn't put it past Baez to try something like that, though. Or maybe point to Jesse? Or some other friend? There's no telling what he will do, maybe even get a person to say they are the nanny?

I definitely think he's going to go for shock in the moment. He doesn't care if it will be disproven later on. He just wants the moment of shock that the jury can't ignore.
Casey - "Surprise, Surprise" (on video tape at jail)!

Baez - "AHA, AHA" (on TV Tape)!

I have the feeling his big "AHA" moment is going to turn into an "Ahahahahahaha!" moment as everyone in the courtroom bursts into laughter. And he'll just stand there, wondering what is so darn funny.

You beat me to it! I promised myself I would in all fairness read through all of the comments before posting anything - because commentors here come up with clever and interesting ideas.

But with all due respect...I did chuckle through each one...thinking...mmm - nope! I think all he is going to get is Ahhhh (so that's what's he's trying) ..Hahahahahaha!
Casey left on 6/15 w/o Caylee
When she came home on 6/16 Caylee was dead – GA had accidently let her drown
Casey let GA talk her into disposing of body and GA promised to give Casey $$ to get away from CA and start a new life away from CA
Casey went on with her life – trying to drown her sorrow with Activity - never intending to come home…..was biding her time til leaving town to new life / while waiting for money GA had promised her
CA found KC and in a panic she made up the Zany story
(supported by KC request for private meeting with GA and KC saying “don’t worry I haven’t said anything”)

Could someone convince me that this happened? I think not!

Would also explain GA's suicide attempt. He is also very afraid of CA so I can see them saying he went along with keep the truth quite while they all searched for the remains. GA was the only one that showed grief in the early days and was willing to believe KC had done this.His letters to KC were all in the context of "I love u no matter what" " I forgive you" etc. I don't see how the defense will get around that part.
There was no murder therefore his client is innocent.

Though that still doesn't explain those pesky 31 days.

(PS- I'm just hoping that Baez can make it through his opening without tripping over his words...that would be an aha moment for me.)
I'm not postively sure but, I don't think there is ANYTHING he could say to explain to me as an "Aha" moment why she did not report HER child missing for 31 days. Nada, zilch, nothing. The rest of the evidence just makes that opinion more concrete. DT has nothing and they know it. If they want to save her life at this point, she needs to confess.
Try as I may....I can not anticipate a true "aha" moment.

IMO the only answers offered, should we ever hear them, would be better catagorized under "HAHA" moments.

HaHa...they are kidding right?

HaHa...nice try.

HaHa...you've got a bridge to sell us?

Nope....I just don't see any "aha" moments on the horizon.
Both Jose and Cheney seem to have developed a friendship with KC. They love their roles of protectors/knights in shining armor! In the beginning especially, whenever JB spoke of KC you could tell he thought we should "like" her as much as he does! It's one of the reasons I have felt that JB & KC have/had a "thing"....JB is projecting his high regard for her. Trouble is, there are very few people who share his admiration of her. He has no aha thing....only that (according to him) KC is "nice".
Both Jose and Cheney seem to have developed a friendship with KC. They love their roles of protectors/knights in shining armor! In the beginning especially, whenever JB spoke of KC you could tell he thought we should "like" her as much as he does! It's one of the reasons I have felt that JB & KC have/had a "thing"....JB is projecting his high regard for her. Trouble is, there are very few people who share his admiration of her. He has no aha thing....only that (according to him) KC is "nice".

Building on your post.......perhaps JB's personal "aha" moment is what he hopes the jury will appreciate in their judgement of the evidence.

The problem is....those are two diametrically opposed perspectives in the case.
I don't think there is anything that I have not yet heard that will give me an 'Aha!' moment. BUT I am wondering if the DT's 'Aha!' moment will be whomever is going to be thrown under the bus. Who will it be? George? Tony L? Jesse? Amy? Ricardo? Roy Kronk? ? ? ?

I keep thinking about the rare duct tape and the posters bearing the same. And Casey telling Amy that her dad may have run over something (in explaining the decomp smell.)

I think the pregnancy that ICA was so upset about is going to tie into his theory somehow.

Although he has been talking a lot about the OJ Simpson trial lately and comparing ICA trial to his. Maybe OJ did it.. I know that would cause me to say AHA now I understand..
I beginning to think there will be no "aha" moment in opening statement from the DT - it will be all about how there is no evidence to convict KC of anything - nor will there will be an "aha" moment when the DT challenges the evidence the SA presents - I don't think they will "challenge" it as in it isn't true but will focus on "that doesn't mean KC killed Caylee" - I don't think there will be an "aha" moment when the DT presents their "side" - I don't think they will present their "side" - I think they will claim the SA has not proven the charge and hope for a deadlocked jury - it won't quite be "the defense rests" without putting on any witnesses - but any witnesses they do call will be no more effective than resting their case without calling a single witness.

If there is any "aha" moment from the defense at all then I think it will be when KC is convicted and JB & CM realize that saying on TV there is no evidence doesn't make it so.
I think the only "aha" moment that could come from JB's mouth would be ...."yes, it's true my client did murder her daughter Caylee Marie Anthony and she deserves the death penalty " But we know that won't happen, but it's the only scenario that would cause a "aha".
I wonder, and I know this is sheer lunacy, but I wonder if Baez might claim that Caylee is still alive. I know the state would be able to prove otherwise, but that would be a shocking thing for him to say in his opening statements. "My client couldn't have murdered Caylee because Caylee is still alive!" It would definitely shock the courtroom at that moment.

It's either that, or he's going to make some other outrageous claim that will shock the courtroom at that moment though it can be proven otherwise later. Still, it will get people talking, and the jury won't be able to ignore it.

Oooh. Or do something like this. Holy Moly would that be a shock worthy moment. I would hope the SA would have prepared for something like that, though. I thought LE said they were satisfied they knew who the father was or something like that. I wouldn't put it past Baez to try something like that, though. Or maybe point to Jesse? Or some other friend? There's no telling what he will do, maybe even get a person to say they are the nanny?

I definitely think he's going to go for shock in the moment. He doesn't care if it will be disproven later on. He just wants the moment of shock that the jury can't ignore.

Oh, I know what he can do!! He can say Caylee was a twin and KC gave the first baby to the father to raise. Then, she gave him Caylee to watch, but the psychotic father murdered Caylee's twin and threw her body in the woods to teach KC a lesson.

He ran away with Caylee and has never been found. So, Caylee is still alive and KC is not a murderer. :waitasec:

THAT would be a shock.
ah-ha moment....JB might say casey was hanging out at unsavory places, with drugs all around, casey passed out, the baby wandered into another room , where some kids were experiencing making/using chloroform and ingested it. casey being the understanding sole that she is, understood it was an accident and decided to stage a kidnapping to keep everyone else from being charged, and she was scared of cindy so She partied along with her friends to show them she was going to "stay true" and not rat them out.....
Yeah I know far fetched....but all I can think of, that makes casey not the murderer
JB has dropped enough hints lately that " you have to look at the family history, upbringing, etc."- words to that effect and then the whole shrinks or no shrinks testifying thing, his AHA has to involve the whole family and ICA's whole life story (edited to make HER the victim, of course). Accident gone wrong, fear of her parents-psychologically she couldn't handle that her parents would toss her out on her own if she admitted Caylee died in her care, their treatment of her made her emotionally remain a child, and we all know how kids will make up stories to avoid punishment, yada, yada, yada.....


Personally I think he'd have a better chance and a real AHA moment if he went with "aliens have been abducting ICA for years, they actually made her pregnant with Caylee-thus no biodad, then the aliens abducted Caylee and cloned her, the clone they left with ICA died, and that's the body found in the woods, they threatened to come back and take and torture her and CA and GA if she ever told, then mindmelded her so she'd forget that Caylee was even missing, but gave her a back up story (false memory) to explain the abduction if she ever remembered, which she did when confronted by CA--see! she was protecting her family, they were in danger, just as she told them."......AHA, now I understand!

Emerging from lurking to try my hand at this! I think that it will be some version of the dreck we've already heard.

JB: "Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, it is true that my client lied. She lied about ever having a nanny for her child. She made up the "Zanny" name because she was so ashamed of losing her job at Universal and didn't want anyone to know. In truth, my client was caring for her daughter all that time while she was unemployed. Of course, because she was such a good mother and had no childcare, she couldn't look for another job. Then, on that horrible day in June, Caylee was taken forcibly from my client. The kidnappers told Casey that if she said a word to anyone, called the police, or even ACTED differently, that she would never see her daughter again. In fact, her entire family would be killed. So, she carried this horrible burden privately, suffering in silence as she carried on with what looked to others like a "normal life." Once the police and the media got involved, Casey made up the ZFG name and told other lies in the hope that the kidnappers would not follow through on their threats. Sadly, it appears that they did. And brave, noble Casey has kept her silence all this time to protect the rest of her family."

(The camera pans over to Casey, who is softly dabbing tears from those big doe eyes. CA and GA are nodding knowingly)

Casey is subsequently acquitted and Judge Perry awards her with her "Mother of the Year" and "Daughter of the Year" awards. She plays herself in a Lifetime movie of her life and goes on to host a talk show (interviewing other noble people like herself) on the Oprah Winfrey Network.
The end.


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