CONVICTION OVERTURNED AK - Kent Leppink, 36, murdered, Hope, 2 May 1996

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DNA Solves
Here's some information regarding the listed attorney changes for Mechele's defense:

It appears that the Office of Public Advocacy is taking over this case perhaps. One reason which may be the case is explained below (copied from their site):

"Representing Adults in Criminal Cases

In cases where the Public Defender Agency has a conflict, the Office of Public Advocacy represents adults in criminal cases. An adult is entitled to a court-appointed attorney through OPA if he or she cannot afford to hire an attorney. The court determines if a person lacks sufficient income and assets to hire an attorney. If OPA has a conflict, the agency will assign a contract attorney to represent the person. If you have a question regarding the name of the attorney appointed in a particular case, please call one of our regional offices or the Anchorage Criminal Section direct line at 269-3552."

Perhaps there is a conflict with the public defender's office because they are representing someone else involved in this case, such as a witness?

More information from their site:
"A legal conflict can exist for a variety of reasons. One common type of legal conflict is that the same agency cannot represent co-defendants in the same case or a defendant and a witness. For example, if the state alleges that two or more people have committed a crime together and both co-defendants qualify for court appointed attorneys, the Public Defender Agency would be appointed for one of the defendants and OPA for the other."

So maybe the inmate who has come forth with alleged relevant information is being represented by the Public Defender's office and that causes a conflict? I'm wondering how they decide who has to go through the public advocacy offices and who gets to keep the public defender....maybe whoever had the public defender first? That may make sense since Mechele was only recently declared indigent and began working with the Public Defender's office.

On another note, Mechele's new trial was originally stated in the docket as beginning last week. Not surprisingly, it has been pushed back and is now listed as being scheduled for early January. Of course, that date could change again.
Or she's already slept with him and it has been discovered.
Or she's already slept with him and it has been discovered.

I needed that, Belinda, thank you!!!!!
Wouldn't be the least bit surprised if that indeed is the case! Leopard can't change his spots and all that...

Let's get this case to trial again already...she needs to be back at Hiland instead of shopping for hats and T-shirts that say "Haters [heart] me."
Wow-now there's this wrinkle involving the public defenders? This case seems to have everything, doesn't it? I wonder how they'll rule on that-yes, flourish I agree that whoever retains counsel first should have the right of representation. There must be a case in the past like this that sets precedent, correct?

texas-glad you liked my post, I'm still having a hard time believing that the conviction was overturned myself. And I now agree with you about "The Last Seduction" evidence, it should be allowed. I realize I probably got caught up in some pro-Mechele defense spin regarding Aspiotis' diary. As you mentioned, it doesn't matter whether there is a reference to them viewing it together in the diary, Linehan DID talk to Aspiotis about really admiring the character in the film and wanting to be just like her. I need to watch the trial sentencing video and the movie again--wearing the same turtleneck-a piece of work, indeed. I thought her actions after the verdict were a bit strange. I recently got "Deadly Angel" the Rosen book-yes, it's a pretty uneven effort. Parts of it are informative however. Apparently he also had trouble getting the transcripts from the trial but did have the Aspiotis testimony in it. It didn't seem like she had an intense axe to grind, she got tired of how Linehan was manipulating all the men and had ended their friendship February 27th of '96. I'm also assuming that she knew good and well that Mechele had something to do with it and was willing to testify. I'm sure she's extremely disappointed that there now will be another trial. I couldn't believe it when I read that she'd bedded Hilke when her husband was in Iraq. Well, given her "nature", it was falling back into the old habits. Did this come out in the first trial? I do remember Hilke saying in an interview he felt lucky to be alive, as well he should. Then I find out about this poor guy Fields up in Barrow who was enamored with her as well, the #4 "mark" she was playing who'd let her use his pickup in town and lend her money. And those were just the guys that were mentioned in the trial. I'm sure there were more.

I still don't understand why Leppink's "Letter From the Grave" will not be admissible. I found the sentence "She has a split personality, and the part I fell in love with is very beautiful" very chilling and revealing. And there are people who think this is a suicide note and Leppink paid to have himself killed? Please...Another thing I came away from reading the book is how incredibly rare Desert Eagles were in Alaska at that time-and that Mechele had actually fired Carlin's at a shooting range. It doesn't prove anything, I doubt she was the one who pulled the trigger, but it's obvious why they washed the gun and then disposed of it. And what are the odds that Keppink would be killed with a Desert Eagle owned by someone else other than Carlin? Astronomical.

One final question-since Mechele's sister is now "in country", I assume that she'll have to testify at this trial unlike the first when she was on the lam? I would think she'd possibly be a flight risk again.
New article at, which has also recently updated its comments format, and the comments are, as usual, emotional and include some of the same supporters spouting their same arguments...blech

Judge delays Linehan's second murder trial

KTUU reports the judge will decide next month on a new trial date.

Sigh. I'm not surprised the trial date was pushed back (seems like this is the second time but I could be wrong). It's just annoying to think of her out there conning more and more people while waiting for trial. Hopefully the smart ones will outweigh the suckers and she won't be able to ruin any other lives during her foray into the free world.

On another note, the most recently-aired 48 Hours show was re-edited and "updated," with extra coverage at the end. The most significant omission, to me, was the absence of this exchange, which was in the previously aired episodes:

(I'm paraphrasing from memory):
Mechele to interviewer: "You tell me how a young girl could get grown men to do these things!"

Interviewer stares at Mechele like she's trying to figure out how Mechele manages to lie so unconvincingly while saying such stupid things.

Interviewer finally says: I don't did you?

Mechele: (glaring at interviewer) I think we're gonna have to stop here. I'm starting to feel a little bit attacked.

Yeah, that's all gone. And, despite Colin doing some serious complaining about the news shows and their creative editing a while back on the free mechele blog, I thought it was quite note-worthy that they agreed to do a "follow-up" section for 48 hours, showing Mechele driving away from the prison, sitting in the new apartment, etc.

I had my husband watch the 48 hours with me, and after watching for a few minutes, he was like, "Oh, okay, so this lady's Borderline...they're the scariest! Looks like she's con who finally met a guy whose intelligence she underestimated (Kent)." Just his opinion-- she hasn't been diagnosed with any personality disorders as far as I know.

But Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) wouldn't be a big surprise...manipulative...values approval yet is also a cut-throat narcissistic...I don't know...look up BPD, and tell me what ya'll think.
Just bumping, really.

Not a whole lot going on. At least nothing we're privy to. Please correct me if I am incorrect on any of the following:

  • Pre-trial hearing scheduled today.
  • very seems there are and have been bail motions happening, but there hasn't been anything new on their site for a l o n g time...the freemechele blog also silent and just refers to the new [very quiet] site.
  • It seems like the new site has only actually uploaded one new document since its original inception...the state's motion to get Mechele's prison records.
  • There doesn't seem to be any way to ask questions or comment or interact in any way on the new site, either.
  • No real tweet activity or freemechele facebook group activity, either.
  • No word on new trial date as far as I know.
  • comments keep going around and around like a dog chasing its own tail.

The Alaska courtview system is having technical issues, so it's difficult to get any information there for the time being.

I look forward to people's ongoing thoughts about this case.

I wish a happy "holiday-of-your-choice" to all of you readers and posters out there in WS-land...and beyond!
Hearing Result: Case placed on trailing trial calendar and remains eligible to be called for trial. The following event: Scheduled Trial Week scheduled for 01/03/2011 at 0:00 am has been resulted as follows: Result: Trailing Trial Calendar Judge: Volland, Philip R Location: Courtroom 404, Nesbett Courthouse

What is a "trailing trail calendar"? Is that court-speak for "we're being vague"?
From a completely unrelated case, unrelated court, unrelated state, but possible general definition as to what "trailing trial calendar" means:

Cases not reached for trial in the month scheduled will be carried over to the following month on a trailing trial calendar, and issued subpoenas will continue in force. Counsel, parties, and witnesses shall be available on twenty-four hours notice for trial after the beginning of the trial term. A different District Judge or visiting judge may try the case.
Looks like Mechele's episode of "Snapped" will air at noon PST next Thursday on the oxygen channel.

Additionally, the 48 Hours episode, under the title, "48 Hours: Hard Evidence," will air Friday at 9am PST, on TLC. So, if you're interested in watching, or re-watching those shows, check your local listings to confirm times and channels and set those DVR's :) The 48 Hours has the interview with Mechele, so...IMO, it's well worth a re-review!

I'm sure Mechele is thrilled those will be re-airing. :croc: :innocent:
Additionally, the 48 Hours episode, under the title, "48 Hours: Hard Evidence," will air Friday at 9am PST, on TLC.

Just an additional FYI, the 48 Hours episode is 2 hours long, but this airing they are running it as "Part 1" and "Part 2," which makes your DVR think it's two different shows, so set DVRs accordingly.

I'd feel like I'm talking to myself if I didn't see the view counter thing go up here and see guests viewing. :seeya::seeya:

:seeya: Feel free to join and post, guests! Please read the Websleuths Terms of Service (TOS), though, as there are some definite boundaries for decorum here. That's why WS is so cool, though! :rocker:
"2 charged in '08 prison slaying of John Carlin"

From article:

The indictment contains few specifics about the slaying or the two men, saying only that the slaying occurred on Oct. 27, 2008.

Wow, this article only went up yesterday and is already flooded with :crazy: commentary.

ETA: article also has a link to the indictment for these two men charged with killing Carlin.
Hi Flourish....just wanted to say thanks for all of the updates. I have nothing to add but always appreciate seeing and reading the updates.
Hi Flourish....just wanted to say thanks for all of the updates. I have nothing to add but always appreciate seeing and reading the updates.

Thanks, Blondie!
I do wish Nancy would come back, though...she's super good at this sleuthing stuff and has so much legal expertise. But I'm sure she's super busy and will return when she can...I hope it's soon, though!

In the meantime, I'll do my best to update as things move along.

  • It looks like the next court event is a pre-trial conference on 1/25
  • I've asked one of our verified lawyers here about how common it is for a retrial to be heard in front of the original judge, as Mechele's supporters mention this frequently as though it is a personal thing against Mechele alone.
  • Just re-mentioning how....interesting it is that the site was supposed to illuminate everything for us, but everything is still listed as "coming soon." I guess it depends on what your definition of the word "soon" is.
  • When I was re-watching the "Snapped," episode, which, IMHO, is the most "sensationalized" of the three shows that have featured Mechele, I noticed that after the verdict was read and Colin was able to go up to be with her, it seems like she couldn't look him in the eye. Same with that weird "final embrace" where she re-arranged her purse before hugging Colin while turning her face away from him. Just my own observations, and, as always, opinion.
Ok, I know, I'll shut up soon...I've been home on winter break for too long:):crazy:

So I just re-watched the 48 hours episode which recently aired on TLC. I wanted to compare it the "revised" one aired earlier this summer, which I talk about upthread.

The recently aired one seems to be the originally aired episode, including her heated moment with the interviewer. It also includes a photo of Mechele, topless (censored, of course), which I do not believe is in the "revised" episode. In this recent re-airing of the original episode, it ends the same way it originally did, then shows a screen that states Mechele won her appeal because of the letter and the movie.

So, I'm assuming that Colin and Mechele agreed to be involved in the revised episode on the conditions that the heated moment and topless photo weren't shown. Which leaves me wondering about the airing of the original episode the other day...?

On another topic, I hope that in the retrial, there is more information regarding plane records for Mechele and Scott Hilke for that weekend--provided from either side. It sounds like there could be some better verification there...supposedly she had more than one ID and/or passport so I'm wondering if she used her own name or an alias. I mean, if she had dual ID's, then couldn't she (or he or the both of them, if SH had them too, which I'm not saying he did, I'm being hypothetical) buy two plane earlier than the other, and come home on the earlier one, kill Kent, then use the later one as an alias? I just wonder what all documentation they have regarding the flights. This was pre-911 and all and security wasn't like it is now. But I wonder if they have records of whether or not anyone was actually sitting in the purchased seats.

Of course, if she used an alias, it was "only because she was trying to hide from obsessive Kent," right? :waitasec: :floorlaugh:

I'm also wondering if they can look at the old computers and find more stuff...I mean the technology is even better now than even a few years ago. I think I'm repeating things already stated by other before...sorry, just thinking through my fingers:)

Also--the the end of the original episode, John Carlin III tells the story about John Carlin IV touching the gun and Mechele yelling at him about it then them cleaning it because of that. If that's true, why did John Carlin IV never mention that during his testimony regarding his witnessing Mechele and his dad cleaning the gun? They ask him if he has any idea why his dad would soak a gun in bleach and he says something like, "I dunno, to clean a gun?" :waitasec:

I'd also like to know whatever came of that state's motion for Mechele's prison records. Mechele's website offers the state's motion, but does not provide the defense's response.

I hope the Leppinks, as well as Mechele's husband and child, are holding up all right :( It's got to be so difficult for all of them.
What a great story! Black widow in action.

I think the defence hoped that the squeaky clean husband would gloss over the wife, but I don't think anything can make Mechele clean.

I like the judge's comments about there being two Mechele's.

I actually feel a little sorry for Carlin. His wife died of cancer, and he was really vulnerable. Along comes a young, gold digging, nude dancer, and his life takes a very bad turn.

I feel sorry for her husband. He's a bit of a homely guy, but he's a doctor ... someone that could never believe that he was targeted by someone like a black widow. He is a bright guy, but even bright guys can be swindled.

Did Mechele or her husband write her statement to the Judge after the trial? She seems to trip over the words a little too much for someone that had the words flow from her heart.

Is that Mechele's mom sitting behind her in the courtroom?

What a truly tragic event for Kent Leppink. He strikes me as so many guys ... shy, afraid of women, unsure if he'll be accepted, tripping over himself trying to make her happy. Mechele's email to her mother says it all ... for her, it was a big joke to take advantage of him, to torture him, to ultimately arrange for his murder, and to eventually - as her friend said - change her life to cover her tracks. She saw Kent as the ultimate lottery payoff ... one million in life insurance. I would have loved to have seen the expression on her face when she learned that he had changed the beneficiary a week before her plan was executed.

I have to wonder if her husband will ever look at the evidence objectively; whether he will ever ask himself why she wrote the Hope note, why she participated in luring Kent to Hope, whether he will ever ask himself why she bought an insurance policy for Kent shortly before he was murdered (claiming it was a wedding gift from her grandfather), whether he will ever protect his daughter from the black widow he married.
Thanks, Blondie!
I do wish Nancy would come back, though...she's super good at this sleuthing stuff and has so much legal expertise. But I'm sure she's super busy and will return when she can...I hope it's soon, though!

In the meantime, I'll do my best to update as things move along.

  • It looks like the next court event is a pre-trial conference on 1/25
  • I've asked one of our verified lawyers here about how common it is for a retrial to be heard in front of the original judge, as Mechele's supporters mention this frequently as though it is a personal thing against Mechele alone.
  • Just re-mentioning how....interesting it is that the site was supposed to illuminate everything for us, but everything is still listed as "coming soon." I guess it depends on what your definition of the word "soon" is.
  • When I was re-watching the "Snapped," episode, which, IMHO, is the most "sensationalized" of the three shows that have featured Mechele, I noticed that after the verdict was read and Colin was able to go up to be with her, it seems like she couldn't look him in the eye. Same with that weird "final embrace" where she re-arranged her purse before hugging Colin while turning her face away from him. Just my own observations, and, as always, opinion.

I think everyone will notice how she is as distant from her husband as she was from Kent Leppink. In the photos, he looks engaged, but she is always coldly staring into the camera, or away (like in the birth photo). It's the same in the Leppink photos of Mechele and Kent ... he's engaged, she's looking elsewhere. When the Judge says that her husband can join her for the reading of the verdict, she has her arm firmly around that of her lawyer, not her husband. He seems to be standing there a bit like he's by himself, awkward, and unconnected. When her husband is speaking about her in the courtroom, she seems to have such a hard expression on her face. In fact, she has a hard expression on her face most of the time, unless she's cuing for a cry. He seems to be truly hugging her, but she is already disconnected. Maybe that's why her husband keeps hanging on ... always waiting for a genuine response, one that will never happen.

Her husband was a mark, just like all the other guys she has had in her life. There is always a hidden agenda or ulterior motive with Mechele, and her husband, the doctor, is nothing more than a stepping stone in not only distancing herself from her sordid past, but in painting her with something good.

Why does her husband not mind that she's sleeping with other men while they are married? Is he so brainwashed that he doesn't mind, that he doesn't care if he daughter has that as a role model, that it's okay for him to be dragged through her mud?
Ok, I know, I'll shut up soon...I've been home on winter break for too long:):crazy:

So I just re-watched the 48 hours episode which recently aired on TLC. I wanted to compare it the "revised" one aired earlier this summer, which I talk about upthread.

The recently aired one seems to be the originally aired episode, including her heated moment with the interviewer. It also includes a photo of Mechele, topless (censored, of course), which I do not believe is in the "revised" episode. In this recent re-airing of the original episode, it ends the same way it originally did, then shows a screen that states Mechele won her appeal because of the letter and the movie.

So, I'm assuming that Colin and Mechele agreed to be involved in the revised episode on the conditions that the heated moment and topless photo weren't shown. Which leaves me wondering about the airing of the original episode the other day...?

On another topic, I hope that in the retrial, there is more information regarding plane records for Mechele and Scott Hilke for that weekend--provided from either side. It sounds like there could be some better verification there...supposedly she had more than one ID and/or passport so I'm wondering if she used her own name or an alias. I mean, if she had dual ID's, then couldn't she (or he or the both of them, if SH had them too, which I'm not saying he did, I'm being hypothetical) buy two plane earlier than the other, and come home on the earlier one, kill Kent, then use the later one as an alias? I just wonder what all documentation they have regarding the flights. This was pre-911 and all and security wasn't like it is now. But I wonder if they have records of whether or not anyone was actually sitting in the purchased seats.

Of course, if she used an alias, it was "only because she was trying to hide from obsessive Kent," right? :waitasec: :floorlaugh:

I'm also wondering if they can look at the old computers and find more stuff...I mean the technology is even better now than even a few years ago. I think I'm repeating things already stated by other before...sorry, just thinking through my fingers:)

Also--the the end of the original episode, John Carlin III tells the story about John Carlin IV touching the gun and Mechele yelling at him about it then them cleaning it because of that. If that's true, why did John Carlin IV never mention that during his testimony regarding his witnessing Mechele and his dad cleaning the gun? They ask him if he has any idea why his dad would soak a gun in bleach and he says something like, "I dunno, to clean a gun?" :waitasec:

I'd also like to know whatever came of that state's motion for Mechele's prison records. Mechele's website offers the state's motion, but does not provide the defense's response.

I hope the Leppinks, as well as Mechele's husband and child, are holding up all right :( It's got to be so difficult for all of them.

Wouldn't it have been in her best interests to use her own name while traveling to visit Scott Hilke if only to ensure that she had a solid alibi for the day that Kent was shot? It was her bad luck that Kent's body was found so quickly, but assuming that the report would be that Kent disappeared while she was away for the weekend - perhaps depressed and sad and suicidal - then it would be best for her to have a record of being out of town. As it was, there was no report about a missing Kent, and no opportunity for her to spin a web about him.

Interesting thought about killing Kent herself - took me a minute to catch your drift ... that does seem to be what Carlin was telling Dateline ... that there were no imprints in the mud behind Kent, so it had to be someone that weighed less than he did. Still, Carlin was not exactly forthcoming in any of his testimony. She did say the gun was big ... but ... did she ever shoot guns while in Alaska? The Hope note is about luring Kent to Hope. Have you checked whether the timeline between 2:19 and 2 hours later gives Carlin enough time to drive Kent to Hope, kill him, and drive back to use the computer? John said that Kent was on the computer until 2:19, and then he was on the computer 2 hours later. The interviewer asks if his son was on the computer two hours later, and that is not answered. I'm not familiar with the Anchorage/Hope travel time.

I get the impression that Carlin IV was a reluctant witness, but that he did acknowledge that he saw the gun in the sink. His father gives more information. I think the gun is probably buried in the yard, because when the dateline guy asks if he buried the gun in the yard because he was scared, he says that he was scared of Mechele. This was after he said that he threw the gun in the dumpster, but he doesn't disagree when asked why he buried it in the yard. Someone should take a metal detector to the yard ... see if it's there. If it is, then it could come back to having been buried by Mechele or John ... kind of strengthening the case against her. Although John says that he buried the gun, or put it in the dumpster, his conviction is vacated by his death ... but if Mechele wants to introduce his testimony in her appeal, wouldn't that open the door to the whole can of worms?
Is Mechele still living and working comfortably in Anchorage while the appeal is stalled, or is she in jail? Last I heard she was on bail, working, living a relatively normal life albeit without her family or the income of a stripper. It's interesting that her husband did not move to Anchorage to be with her. Any thought on that? It can't be that he couldn't set up a practice in Anchorage or that the military wouldn't let him move.

Maybe he's not giving her a complete pass after all, but instead standing by her during this trying time ... being a faithful husband to an unfaithful, murdering wife.

Have the friends that initially stood by Mechele moved on? Life goes on ... have people begun to shed their emotional attachments to the manipulative "fur wearing animal lover", to see the silver tongued black widow for who she is? When will her daughter question the facts of the case?
I have to say that Kent, sad as it is, could see what was happening, could see it coming, knew who was behind it, but was so controlled by, and obsessed with, Mechele that he was unable to help himself. At least he was able to help himself insofar as to transfer the life insurance policy out of her name and write to his parents to give them a heads up about the situation, but he was unable to walk away and keep himself alive. He must have trusted that Carlin, whom he believed knew of the location of the cabin, would take him to Mechele, that he could then know for sure that things were not as he had hoped. It is like he hung on to that last thread of hope that they could be together, but when he transferred the policy and wrote to his parents, it was like he was finally coming to terms with the reality of the situation (there would be no marriage), coming out of her spell and was making the right decisions. Mechele, probably sensing that she was losing control, probably became desperate to put the plan in motion that week.

I agree that the booking dates of the plane tickets and reservations would be very interesting. Did she book the flights before or after the insurance policy was changed ... or at about the same time? When did Mechele learn that Kent's father was visiting. Killing Kent right after his father left was good planning, as it would be understandable on his parent's behalf if Kent went silent for a couple of days ... since they had just had a visit. Did his father go to Anchorage for a visit because he was concerned? Kent was unable to produce his fiance during the visit, and the father expressed concern, but Kent said that he had it all under control. Everyone knew he didn't.

I think Mechele Hughes Linehan should serve 99 years in jail for taking advantage of such a naive guy, someone that would go to the end of the earth for a woman he loved, someone that saw his own demise, but who was so smitten he couldn't help himself.

I think her husband is, in a way, as vulnerable as Kent. I think he is logical enough to review the facts and see that there are far too many irregularities in the big picture for everything to be on the up and up, but at the same time ... he is smitten. It doesn't matter what he sees, and what he knows, just like Kent, he cannot help but want more of her. It resulted in Kent walking to his own death in the remote Alaskan landscape, the murder of her accomplice in jail, and her husband sacrificing his life to support her existence in jail. Sad. I guess her husband is going to continue with the botox and facial work while she is in jail ... but ... what happens the day he realizes that he will never feel a genuine embrace from her, that she is a facade with a hollow interior, that he has wasted his life, and compromised that of his daughter, for an illusion?

I'm pretty sure that without her husband, she would be a madling, like Knox ... women that spin for an audience, but wilt quickly without one.

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