AK, NY Israel Keyes - Who are all of his victims???

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Well, so much for the whole "I don't target dogs" malarkey that I never bought to begin with. I've always suspected the dogs were his girlfriends and he had no special connection to them other than they made him look *normal*. After all, he confessed to torturing small animals (I doubt he limited himself to cats).....

As my beloved neighbor would say...."pants on fire".......

Lucky1.....At this point and time I take nothing supposedly known about IK as TRUE...I also believe he didn't care what type of animal just as long as he could torture them.....and as I've always said from day 1 of them putting out a story on him...I do not believe the number of his victims to be 8 to 11 either.....I feel IK Darkside become more of who he was than his funny side, but to him maybe his funny side showed up when he knew he had killed various victims.....JMO only, but I feel the number will be much greater, after all he admired Ted Bundy, so he has traveled more than Bundy as stated in the above article I posted....I feel known victims will be that of Bundy or maybe even more...He made it known to FBI that he patterned his killings after no-one...All was his ideas and his specific way...also in the article above.....but the numbers will be many I feel
Lucky1....I agree this just reeks IK to me also, Lewis lived atop the mountain and a very long driveway up to his cabin........and in moo--If this was Keyes, may have burgarlized the 1st cabin to get some goodies and just like the home in Texas right before he was caught, he burnt it to the ground......and I'm sure according to the articles below Lewis was known to be a kind, caring person...more than likely he would have been friendly to a stranger that walked up his driveway...but just moo....I looked up Neah's Bay Oregon and also the road these 2 fires were on....a little over a 5 hour drive???



These photo's are very eerie and to know Dave was in this house


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Lucky1.....At this point and time I take nothing supposedly known about IK as TRUE...I also believe he didn't care what type of animal just as long as he could torture them.....and as I've always said from day 1 of them putting out a story on him...I do not believe the number of his victims to be 8 to 11 either.....I feel IK Darkside become more of who he was than his funny side, but to him maybe his funny side showed up when he knew he had killed various victims.....JMO only, but I feel the number will be much greater, after all he admired Ted Bundy, so he has traveled more than Bundy as stated in the above article I posted....I feel known victims will be that of Bundy or maybe even more...He made it known to FBI that he patterned his killings after no-one...All was his ideas and his specific way...also in the article above.....but the numbers will be many I feel

I think he had categories and they worked differently and had entirely different rules. Such as a category for:

1) Couples with an "attractive" (to IK) wife - these were the long term stalking situations he really got off on, which would go on for years.

2) Couples with an "unattractive" (to IK) wife - might be stalked short term but pretty immediately killed and either disposed of or left where they lie depending upon the circumstances (in home - clean up/woods - leave them)

3) Single males - robbed and killed immediately

4) Arson/robbery/general mayhem - to be indulged in whenever/wherever available without being caught

Any and all of the above categories could be mixed a'la carte as the situations and opportunities arose. IMO the dark, weird humor was just him, and slithered out at inopportune times, which was what made the people in his real life think he was a little strange. The "nice" IK was a front IMO. He said it himself in the interviews, the comment about thinking other people were pretending to be nice and realizing he was the only one pretending.

And I don't believe a word that came out of his mouth, other than when he was bragging. 8-11, yeah, right, might be closer to 80 - 100 IMVHO. He didn't want them to know the full extent of his crimes. He only wanted them to know enough to agree to put him to death, fast, before any more details could get out and back to his family. :moo:

And since I've run off the rails speculating on the sick and twisted mind of a (hopefully) dead man.....what do you guys think of him running amok with Samantha's ATM card? Basically leaving a trail leading straight to him? Do you think that all the wailing and gnashing of teeth sermonizing the family did with him spurred him into trying to get caught?? A silly idea that flittered through my mind and refuses to leave......perhaps killing and dismembering Samantha was a little too close to his daughter???

Of course we have no idea how he behaved in crimes prior to this so what do we really know....??
Alrighty then!

I misunderstood Dave Lewis's blog. I thought Troy Carney was found at the cabin that was burned down the road. NOPE. He was found murdered at a truck stop!

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=77709"]OR OR - Troy Dean Carney, 44, murdered in Central Point, Sept 2008 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]


HOLY CRAP a MASK!! (pardon my yelling)


From True Crime Diary blog

Troy Dean Carney, 44, was originally from Maine, but for the last several years he'd been crisscrossing the country working as a "lumper," someone who helps load and unload trucks. While waiting for more work, Carney was camping by the Greenway. He was last seen on videotape on September 1, 2008 walking away from the nearby Pilot Truck stop. His body was found three days later. Police believe he was shot in the head while sleeping in a sleeping bag hidden under some brush. There were no signs of struggle, or robbery.

Police found an abandoned campsite near the murder scene. Someone had left behind a small dome tent and some garbage. Also left behind was a yellow and black Wolverine mask. The mask was propped up eerily as if left on display.


Two murders discovered on the same day in relatively close proximity in an area with normally very little violent crime sparked investigators' interest. Things got even more interesting when, 9 days after Carney's murder, someone returned to the scene and set fire to the campsites. Police believe it was set intentionally in an attempt to cover up evidence.

The Lewis and Carney murders now had fire in common as well. Investigators have also said they've discovered a piece of evidence linking the crimes, but they've stopped short of identifying it.




Artist Frank Miller collaborated with Claremont and helped to revise the character with a four-part eponymous limited series from September to December 1982 in which Wolverine's catchphrase, "I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice," debuted.

The character's official origin story was told in the 2001–2002 miniseries Origin. Wolverine was born as James Howlett in Alberta, Canada, in the late 1880s, to rich farm owners John and Elizabeth Howlett.[26] The "Origin" miniseries insinuates and the Wolverine Goes to Hell story later fully reveals, however, that he is actually the illegitimate son of the Howlett's groundskeeper, Thomas Logan.[27] After being thrown off the Howlett's property for violent actions perpetrated by his other son, named simply Dog, Thomas returns to the Howlett manor and kills John Howlett. In retaliation, young James kills Thomas with bone claws that emerge from the back of his hands as his mutation manifests (a traumatic event in one's youth is often the trigger for mutant powers). James is cast out by his mother (who then kills herself).[28] He flees with his childhood companion, Rose (who closely resembles Jean Grey) and grows into manhood on a mining colony in the Yukon Territory, adopting the name "Logan".[29] After accidentally killing Rose with his claws, Logan leaves the colony and lives for a time in the wilderness among wolves,[30] until returning to civilization, residing with the Blackfoot Indians. Following the death of his Blackfoot lover, Silver Fox, at the hands of Sabretooth,[31] he is ushered into the Canadian military during World War I. Logan then spends some time in Madripoor, before settling in Japan, where he marries Itsu and has a son, Daken.

During World War II, Logan teams up with Captain America[32] and continues a career as a soldier-of-fortune and adventurer. He then serves with the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion[33] during D-Day, and the CIA, before being recruited by Team X, a black ops unit.

As a member of Team X, Logan is given false memory implants. He continues on the team, until he is able to break free of the mental control and joins the Canadian Defense Ministry. Logan is subsequently kidnapped by the Weapon X program, where he remains captive and experimented on, until he escapes, as shown in Barry Windsor-Smith's "Weapon X" storyline which ran in Marvel Comics Presents. It is during his imprisonment by Weapon X that he has unbreakable adamantium forcibly fused onto his bones.

Logan is eventually discovered by James and Heather Hudson, who help him recover his humanity. Following his recovery, Logan, this time under the supervision of Department H, once again works as an intelligence operative for the Canadian government. Logan becomes Wolverine, one of Canada's first superheroes. In his first mission, he is dispatched to stop the destruction caused by a brawl between the Hulk and the Wendigo.[34]

Later on, Professor Charles Xavier recruits Wolverine to a new team of X-Men. Disillusioned with his Canadian intelligence work and intrigued by Xavier's offer, Logan resigns from Department H.[35] It was later revealed, however, that Professor X had wiped Logan's memories and forced him to join the X-Men after Wolverine was sent to assassinate Xavier.[36]
So I'm just jumping in here... I've done a ton of reading about Israel Keyes. He horrifies me, but as the victim of an attempted abduction in NC almost 20 years ago, I read about these creeps to be aware.

Anyway, here's a problem with IK and Lauren Spierer. IK has said that the Currier case (they disappeared less than a week after Lauren) generated more publicity than his prior crimes. However, the Spierer case was well-publicized from the beginning. I recall hearing about it, and I live in GA.

The source link posted below states: "The press about the Koenig kidnapping is more than anything he's ever seen for previous crimes. Even the Curriers, which had given him his first taste of publicity. "My entire goal, up until the Currier thing, was to stay under the radar... and not have there be any... I mean, for a lot of the stuff that was before that, I couldn't even find stories on... there wasn't anything." (97)"


Obviously IK is not exactly a truth-telling boy scout, but I tend to believe him on this point. He flew under the radar and selected low media value victims, which is WHY he got away with so much for so long.



Couple, loyal dog shot to death on camping trip

Story Highlights
Bodies of couple, dog found at Oregon camp site in 2005
Jeanette Bauman, 56, and Steve Haugen, 54, were shot to death
FBI profile suggests that slayings may be related to a suspect's "territory"
Know more? Call 541-682-4167. A $5,000 reward is offered

updated 4:54 p.m. EDT, Tue June 23, 2009



OR OR - Jeanette Bauman and Steve Haugen murdered, Willamette National Forest, June 2005 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community


Thanx for sharing, Island_Chica.. Although the FBI estimates that there are as many as 100 serial killers active in the US at any one time. Imo, this number is very conservative, especially considering the lowering of victim total to two, in 2005.
The Jeanette Bauman and Steve Haugen murders have many similarities to the evil deeds of Gary Michael Hilton(GA). He was active for 4 decades-61 years old when apprehended-had no victim profile-had a female dog Dandy & detested male dogs. As was IK, GMH was a stealth predator, emulator of other SKs prior, had another self, very intelligent & evil, had honed his skills,
would go off the radar/go dark, and collected camping supplies of his victims, etc. Two weeks before his arrest, he was witnessed in a PA campsite with 14 sleeping bags drying on a line.

The State & National Forests were his hunting grounds. Although GMH focused up the eastern US & the Appalachian Trail. According to his mother, GMH travelled out west on occasion and sent her photos of his travels. She had discarded many of them.

Feb. 12, 2008
Hack Saw, *advertiser censored*, Needles, Bong Found In Hilton's Van (video)


ATLANTA — Gary Hilton admitted to Georgia Bureau of Investigation agents what most Georgians already assumed -- the calculating killer was a loner detached from almost everything.“I’m a sociopath man.

Hilton called himself a hunter and a professional. And he caught on as agents tried to chart a timeline of his whereabouts. On the tape, an agent asks where he’s been in the United States and Hilton said, “Oh, I know what you’re getting at…the unsolved murders.”

The Mystery on Blood Mountain, Part 1
Aug. 27: Hiker Meredith Emerson goes missing on Georgia's Blood Mountain on New Year's Day 2008. Law enforcement officers become concerned after finding a police baton with some her possessions on a trail. Dateline NBC's Dennis Murphy reports.
I'm bringing several of Troy's mother's posts forward for information....hope this is ok:

Troy was actually killed the evening of Labor day, sometime after midnight and before 4:am. Sept. 2nd. We know this for sure cause I tried to call him that morning on Sept. 2nd, 6:am Oregon time.
I called him over & over, he didn't answer his phone . I knew something was very wrong. His body was found on Sept. 4th, late afternoon. I spoke with Troy that afternoon. (Labor Day), They found who owned the Mask. It belonged to the guy that was camped near Troy. That was the campsite that was abandoned in a hurry the night Troy was killed. At first the person told Detectives he didn't know anything about the Mask, them later told them it belonged to his kids. He had two son's 9 & twelve years old that were camped with him. He is/was a person of interest.
Another person of interest, Ben Daniel Stephens was also camped near Troy. Almost a year later Stephens was arrested for the Murder of Cody Wade Bruce. Aug. 9, 2009. He is now in OR prison. Judge only gave him ten years.
Troy never ever told anyone where he would camped out. It was just his sleeping bag, no Tent. He was hidden under a bush.
Who ever killed Troy had to know where he was sleeping.. I checked the moon that night, dark moon. Detectives have Troy on survaillance video leaving the Pilot truck stop at 6:pm, Labor day. Video shows him walking across the parking lot, no one following him, & no one would have been able to find him where he was, so had to be one of those two people.
Has to be.. They didn't bother to polygraph them cause they were/are drug addicts. Detectives need to talk to whoever were friends with Stephens & the other guy. They are all trainsients..Linda...Troy's mom

Cops also said people in the area admitted hearing the shot, but no one reported it, so he wasn't found till two & half day's later.
The day Troy was found, that morning about 4am, Dave Lewis was murdered. They say tied him up & burned his house down with him in it.
Had to be more then one person. At that same time they set another cabin on fire to take the focus off Dave's cabin. Cops say there is a link between Troy & Daves murder.
Troy didn't know Dave Lewis, but nine day's after Troy was murdered, someone went back and burned Troy's crime scene. Cop say to get rid of evidence they remembered they left behind. Maybe they remembered the Mask that was left at that other camp site. There was a small dome tent there & the Mask was propped up next to a tree like it was on display.
Very disturbing. Troy's mom

I don't believe there is a link.. I never did. The guy with the 2 son's??
That afternoon I talked to troy, he told me he met this guy camped near him that had 2 kids.. Maybe the guy wore the mask so Troy wouldn't know who he was, but it don't make sence. Why would he care if Troy knew who he was, Troy would be dead. Troy was sleeping when he was killed. Not robbed. He had not been in a fight that day or night cause no marks on his body or hands. No one heard any shouting..Killed about 3:am, very dark. Cops say it was very dry, no rain for a couple weeks. Troy would have heard someone walking up to him. Twigs snapping..

You can ask me anything you want. I will help in any way I can..
I have gone over & over this in my head. The killer had to know where Troy was sleeping. They had too. Wish I could be more help. Detectives tell me next to nothing. Everyone they talked to at the Pilot say he was a very nice friendly guy & were shocked that anyone would want to kill him.

Troy had an MP3 player that he listened to alot. He loved music. I thought maybe he was listening to it & didn't hear the killer walk up to him, but Cops say they found it in his shoe next to his Cell phone. The cord was neatly wrapped around it, so he had put it away before he fell asleep.
The charge had run out on his phone cause I kept calling him over & over those 2 day's. They recharge it & found all my calls, that's how they found me.
I keep trying to put the pieces together.

Detectives told me they were all Drug and alcohol abusers.
They found no trace of drugs in Troy's system or on him.
He wasn't a dealer.. They search the area with medel detectors & divers went down in the creek, no gun found..

For me, I don't think it was bought for holloween cause it was a month before holloween.
Back in February a reporter from NBC Dateline (Eric Mason) called me. I have been sending flyers to business near where Troy was, sent out a hundred sent out 25 more in just this last week, asking poeple to post them in their windows. Erick Mason saw one & picked it up and called me. He also called Dave Lewis sister (Linda Lewis).
He investagated both cases. I don't know what he found out about Dave Lewis, but he said no way did Ben Stephens kill Troy cause he strangled Cody Wade Bruce then beat him over the head with a chunk of wood. Mason said he would have killed Troy that same way.
I think he is wrong, only because it had to be someone that knew where Troy was sleeping. Ben Knew..
I was also told that Stephens killed Cody Bruce cause he was having a sexual thing going on with him & maybe Cody said no that time so Stephens killed him. After I heard that, I wondered if Stephens approached Troy for sex & Troy said no, so Stephens killed him.

IMVHO - IK could have found that mask at the abandoned campsite and it completely could have suited his style and sense of humor to use it when murdering Troy....just because they found it belonged to the children in the next campsite doesn't preclude it from being IK. He could have seen Troy at the Pilot, struck up a conversation (he was very friendly), talked about Maine, talked about Alaska, they parted ways and IK stalked him back to where his sleeping bag was. Just how I see this happening.....
I remember Meredith very well unfortunately and GMH far too well Foxfire. I've read a fair amount about GMH as I live near the AT and used to hike some - Meredith's case really hit me hard. I agree, IK and GMH have many similarities.....GMH was completely what I was thinking about when the person I think was IK headed us off on a hiking trail in the National forest.
I remember Meredith very well unfortunately and GMH far too well Foxfire. I've read a fair amount about GMH as I live near the AT and used to hike some - Meredith's case really hit me hard. I agree, IK and GMH have many similarities.....GMH was completely what I was thinking about when the person I think was IK headed us off on a hiking trail in the National forest.

Lucky1, you may be interested in this new GMH thread:


Is My Unsolved Mystery Connected With Gary Hilton?
FBI Releases Updated Timeline of Israel Keyes' Travels

Seeking more information from the public on the crimes of admitted serial killer Israel Keyes, the FBI released a timeline of his suspected travels Monday, chronicling a 15-year-long trail of murders and rapes.


FBI timeline of Israel Keyes' travels


Very detailed timeline. Too much to bring over in one post.
FBI timeline of Israel Keyes' travels

By Channel 2 News staff
2:15 p.m. AKDT, August 12, 2013

Editor's note: The Anchorage office of the FBI released this timeline of admitted serial killer Israel Keyes' travels Monday, in an attempt to learn more from the public about his crimes before his December suicide.

The following is a timeline that articulates the information provided by Keyes and known to law enforcement about Keyes’ criminal activities. It also includes travel dates/locations investigators believe Keyes may have committed a homicide:

Summer 1997 or Summer 1998: Keyes stated he abducted a female in the late afternoon or early evening while she and friends were tubing on the Deschutes River. Keyes sexually assaulted the female. He let her go and sent her on her tube back down the river. The victim in this case was between 14 and 18 years old. Investigators do not believe this sexual assault was reported to law enforcement. Keyes was living in Maupin, Oregon at the time and the abduction location is believed to be near Maupin.

July 2001: Keyes was discharged from the U.S. Army.

July 2001 to October 2001: Keyes resided in Neah Bay, Washington and committed his first homicide. The identity and location of the victim are unknown.

July 2001 to 2005: Keyes stated he murdered an unidentified couple in Washington. Keyes refused to tell law enforcement if the couple was married or what their relationship to one another was. It is unknown if the victims were residents of Washington, tourists, or residents he abducted from a nearby state and transported to Washington. Keyes alluded to the fact these victims were buried in a location near a valley. Keyes may have moved the victim’s car to place distance between where the vehicle was found and where the crime occurred.

2005 to 2006 (summer/fall months): Keyes admitted that he committed two murders independent of one another. Keyes used his boat to dispose of the bodies of these victims. Keyes stated at least one of the bodies was disposed of in Crescent Lake in Washington where he used anchors to submerge the body. Keyes reported the body was submerged in more than 100 feet of water. Keyes may have moved the victim’s car to place distance between where the vehicle was found and where the crime occurred. The identity of these victims is unknown.

March 1, 2007 to March 9, 2007: Keyes drove from Neah Bay, Washington to Anchorage, Alaska where he resided until is his arrest. Keyes traveled the Alaska-Canadian Highway making known stops in Cache Creek, British Columbia; Watson Lake, Yukon Territory; Destruction Bay, Yukon Territory; and Teslin, Yukon Territory. Keyes crossed the border into Alaska on March 9, 2007.

October 31, 2008 to November 5, 2008: Keyes flew to Seattle following travel to multiple other states, including North Dakota and Arizona. On October 31st, Keyes rented a car (2008 PT Cruiser) in Seattle. On November 2, 2008, Keyes flew from Seattle to Boston. He returned to Seattle and flew back to Anchorage on November 5, 2008. Law enforcement believes Keyes may have engaged in criminal activity on this trip and is seeking any information about Keyes activities during this timeframe.

April 9, 2009: Keyes admitted to abducting a female victim from a state on the east coast and transported that person over multiple state lines into New York. The victim is buried in upstate New York. Investigators do not believe this victim is buried on the property Keyes owns in Constable, New York.

April 10, 2009: Keyes robbed Community Bank in Tupper Lake, New York. After the bank robbery Keyes stated he parked in a nearby campground outside of the area to wait for the emergency response vehicles to pass. He stated he sat in this campground for several hours.

July 9, 2010 to July 12, 2010: Keyes flew from Anchorage to Sacramento, California and traveled to Auburn, California. He rented a vehicle (black Ford Focus) and drove approximately 280 miles during the three days. Law enforcement believes Keyes may have engaged in criminal activity during this travel and is seeking any information about Keyes activities during this trip.

April/May 2011: Keyes staked out a park near Point Woronzof in Anchorage, Alaska. He admitted he intended to shoot a couple sitting in a car but his plans were disrupted by a police officer that pulled into the parking lot. Keyes turned his attention to the police officer and almost shot the officer. Keyes stated he chose not to shoot the officer or the couple when a second police officer drove into the parking lot.

May 2011: Keyes reported he staked out the North Fork Trailhead in Eagle River, Alaska with the intention of abducting someone. He prepared a cache a short distance up the road that contained Drano and a shovel which he intended to use to dispose of the body. Keyes denied taking a victim from this location.

June 8, 2011: Keyes flew from Anchorage to Chicago on June 2, 2011. He rented a car and drove to Essex, Vermont. On June 8, 2011, Keyes admitted to the abduction and murder of Bill and Lorraine Currier. Keyes disposed of a weapon stolen from the Currier home and the gun he used to shoot Bill Currier in Blakes River Falls Reservoir. These weapons and a nearby cache were recovered by the FBI. Following the murder, Keyes traveled around the east coast before driving back to Chicago. On June 15, 2011, Keyes flew from Chicago to San Francisco, only staying one night, returning to Anchorage on June 16, 2011.

February 1, 2012: Keyes admitted to the abduction and murder of Samantha Koenig in Anchorage, Alaska. He disposed of her body in Matanuska Lake near Palmer, Alaska.

February 2, 2012 to February 18, 2012: Keyes flew to New Orleans where he went on a cruise until February 11th. After the cruise, he drove from New Orleans to Texas. Although he denied it, investigators believe Keyes may be responsible for a homicide in Texas or a surrounding state during this time. In the morning hours of February 16, 2012, Keyes set a home on fire in Aledo, Texas. Following the arson, he robbed National Bank of Texas in Azle, Texas.

Additional Caches:

Keyes admitted to burying a cache of money and guns near Green River, Wyoming. Known dates of travel to the Wyoming area are September 2007, July 2008, and September 2011.
Keyes admitted to burying a cache near Port Angeles, WA. Date unknown.

Additional Homicides:

Keyes provided additional details regarding the abduction and murder of a female. The female is described as having pale skin, possibly having a wealthy grandmother, and driving an older car at the time of her abduction.

Keyes indicated he committed only one murder in addition to Samantha Koenig in which the body was recovered. In this homicide, Keyes reported doing something to the victim’s body or moving the body to a location where, if found, it would appear as though the victim died from an accident. In this situation, the body was recovered and authorities ruled the death accidental.

Keyes traveled internationally and it is unknown if he committed any homicides while outside of the United States. In addition to the specific dates below, it is important to note that while living in New York, Keyes was in close proximity to the border with Canada and may have crossed into Canada on multiple occasions. He reported several trips to Montreal in which he sought out prostitutes. In addition, on his way to Alaska in 2007, Keyes drove alone through Canada. Law enforcement is aware of the following dates of international travel:

04/20/2005 to 04/25/2005 British Columbia
10/3/2001 to 10/31/2005 Belize
03/01/2007 to 03/09/2007 Canada (drove to Alaska)
04/24/2007 to 05/04/2007 Mexico
12/11/2008 to 12/25/2008 Mexico

If you have information for law enforcement please contact the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI

Keyes provided additional details regarding the abduction and murder of a female. The female is described as having pale skin, possibly having a wealthy grandmother, and driving an older car at the time of her abduction.

Keyes indicated he committed only one murder in addition to Samantha Koenig in which the body was recovered. In this homicide, Keyes reported doing something to the victim’s body or moving the body to a location where, if found, it would appear as though the victim died from an accident. In this situation, the body was recovered and authorities ruled the death accidental.


Well this just opens up a whole can or worms for sure.....This could be a lot of the female's discussed in this forum!!!!....Guess we would start by looking for someone that has a rich grandmother??
ugh. just as i was gonna take a break from cases to rejeuvinate my faith in humanity, Iz came back to haunt me. (not really complaining, I"m just sick as heck and in a funk).

Hopefully this new info is actually new info, I'd like to have something new to add to my timeline and map. I'll post the updated versions at some point today if there's anything new (standard anti-caffeine + sinus/ear/bronchitis infection disclaimer: when GGE is sick, she tries to do a lot and often fails miserably; pre-caffeine/coffee post may be gibberish, read at your own risk).
FBI timeline of Israel Keyes' travels

April 9, 2009: Keyes admitted to abducting a female victim from a state on the east coast and transported that person over multiple state lines into New York. The victim is buried in upstate New York. Investigators do not believe this victim is buried on the property Keyes owns in Constable, New York.

Additional Homicides:

Keyes provided additional details regarding the abduction and murder of a female. The female is described as having pale skin, possibly having a wealthy grandmother, and driving an older car at the time of her abduction.


Anyone have any feelings about whether the two females mentioned in the FBI release belong together? In other words, IK talked about abducting a female from the east coast.....do you guys think it is this same, pale skinned, wealthy grandmothered female mentioned later? Could we use this to narrow a pool to look at starting with east coast states and disappearances after 4/9/9 of a pale skinned female driving an older model car? I really can't imagine that the FBI didn't already try this.

Would really help me if they would link sources (!) to these statements so we could review them directly without having to wade through all those audio tapes again.....:banghead:

FBI spokesman Eric Gonzalez said the goal of releasing the information is to identify victims who remain unknown, and provide some closure to their families.

"We've exhausted all our investigative leads," Gonzalez said.


The FBI said Keyes admitted frequenting prostitutes, but it's unknown if Keyes met any of his victims this way.

Keyes said he robbed several banks to fund his travels along with money he made as a general contractor, according to the FBI. Keyes also told authorities he broke into as many as 30 homes throughout the country, and he talked about covering up a homicide through arson.

Dave Lewis perhaps?

But wouldn't the FBI have already looked into this link?

Also Troy Carney:

"There is a possibility someone who he had contact with at the Pilot truck stop might have had a hand in Mr. Carney's death," Fagan said.

On Sept. 14, someone set a fire that burned the empty camp sites. Fagan believes the fire was intentionally set by the killer to cover up evidence and keep detectives away.
Eastern seaboard states:
Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. (per wiki)

States he carried her over "multiple" state lines, so that would eliminate New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Leaves us with: Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida! Only 10 states to sift through for a pale skinned female with an older model car who disappeared after 4/9/9.

Of course, that is IF those two statements have any relation to one another.
Sorry for being all over the map, but I'm just posting things as I run across them. Blanche Campbell, 80, homicide and arson in Butte Falls, Oregon, May 2001.

Blanche Campbell, 2001
Originally posted by dreamweaver


Other agencies also have high-profile unsolved cases. Oregon State Police still hope for a break in the case of
Blanche Campbell, whose body was found in the ruins of her burned Butte Falls home in May 2001.
How to help

Anyone with information about any of these open cases are asked to call the Jackson County Sheriff's Department tip line at 774-8333.
original newspaper report:
Fire death is loss for Butte Falls

There was no way to save 'Grandma Blanche' from flames and heat


BUTTE FALLS - The day before she died, Blanche Campbell told a friend that she would never leave her home and move closer to town, despite the fact she was 80 years old.

"She said, 'I wouldn't enjoy going anywhere. This is my home. This is where I'm going to stay,' " Butte Falls City Council member Stan Moore recalls. "She was a very spirited person."

Campbell - a longtime resident who made "the best pies you ever ate in your life," enjoyed quilting and was an active member of the Community Bible Church - died Tuesday in a fire that destroyed her 20-year-old home on Obenchain Road.

According to Butte Falls Volunteer Fire Chief Hugh Simpson, the cause of the fire is still under investigation. Foul play does not appear to be a factor, he added.

The fire, which was reported at 4:40 a.m., apparently began in the southeast portion of Campbell's two-story home, Simpson said. Campbell, a widow who lived alone, may have been downstairs when the fire broke out, Simpson said, possibly sitting on a couch.

Resident Jake Hamann was on his way to work when he spotted the fire. He rushed to Campbell's home after calling for help.

Hamann, 19, often helped Campbell with yard work and called her "Grandma Blanche."

"It was completely engulfed," Hamann said. "It was pretty scary."

Campbell's neighbor, Gary Street, helped Hamann break several windows in an attempt to enter the locked and burning home, but the heat prevented them from entering.

The men saw Campbell's vehicle in her garage and knew she was inside the house.

"You couldn't do anything. The smoke and heat were so bad," Street recalled. "It's such a bad thing to happen. Everybody loved her."

Simpson said the fire had engulfed the home when seven firefighters arrived minutes later, forcing crews to work on containment.

Butte Falls firefighters, with help from Fire District 3, had the fire under control in about an hour.

"There was absolutely nothing we could do," he said. "The trees were charring and burning. Had there been any wind, there would have probably been a forest fire."

Resident and friend Joyce Hailicka remembers Campbell, the mother of one and grandmother of two, fondly and said the community will miss her.

"It's just so hard to imagine that. It's just gone," she said. "She was such a kind woman, who never had a bad word for anybody."

Central Point resident Betty Henson said Campbell worked as a beautician in Arkansas before she moved to the Rogue Valley. Henson, whose friendship with Campbell spanned 50 years, said Campbell lived in Central Point before moving to Butte Falls in 1976.

"Mainly she was a homemaker," Henson recalls. "She was very active. She loved to travel."

Campbell's death has made a major impact on the community, Simpson added.

"We all had tears in our eyes at some point. It was a very heartbreaking experience," Simpson said. "She had a tremendous reputation in this town. so kind and decent. She just made you light up inside."

Homicide, arson suspected in fatal house fire

Butte Falls grandmother, 80, slain; no suspects revealed


BUTTE FALLS - Investigators believe that an 80-year-old woman, affectionately referred to as a second grandmother to her neighbors, was a homicide victim whose home was set ablaze in an attempt to cover up the crime.

Oregon State Police are releasing few details as they continue to investigate the death of longtime Butte Falls resident Blanche Campbell.

Campbell - who lived alone in a two-story home on Obenchain Road - was pronounced dead at the scene after fire crews discovered her body May 8 in the ashes and rubble of her home.

According to volunteer Fire Chief Hugh Simpson, the blaze appears to have started in the southeast portion of Campbell's home. Last week, Simpson said it appeared that Campbell was downstairs, possibly on a couch, when the fire started.

The fire was reported at 4:40 a.m. by an acquaintance of Campbell. The man, who often worked in Campbell's yard and called her "Grandma Blanche," noticed the flames while traveling to work and attempted to enter the locked home with the help of a neighbor.

Oregon State Police detective Maureen Bedell said an autopsy was conducted Friday.

"The manner of death is a homicide," Bedell said, adding the she could not comment on the cause of death or if Campbell was dead before the fire started.

"The detectives are formulating leads and conducting interviews," she said.

Bedell said she can't say if a suspect or a person of interest has been identified, but she said the fire appeared to have been deliberately set.

"The fire was an attempt to cover up evidence," she said.

Officials from the interagency Jackson County Major Assault and Death Investigation unit are spearheading the investigation.

Bedell said members of the Oregon State Police Arson/Explosive Section and State Fire Marshal's Office combed the fire scene on Obenchain Road this weekend, sifting through ashes and rubble looking for clues.

Investigators also have questioned numerous community members, Bedell said, adding that everybody who knew Campbell had something good to say about the woman.

"Right now, we need the community's support to bring closure to this situation," Bedell said. "We're hoping that anybody with information will come forward."

Campbell, who was born in Arkansas, worked as a beautician and later moved to the Rogue Valley.

She lived in Central Point before moving to Butte Falls in 1976, according to friends. During that time, Campbell concentrated on raising her family.

Campbell was an active member of the Community Bible Church. A widow who lived alone since the death of her husband, Campbell was the mother of one and grandmother of two. She was an avid quilter who is remember fondly in the community for baking pies.


Universally frustrating for police officers, family members and the community are Southern Oregon's ... UNSOLVED MURDERS
May 04, 2003
Sarah Lemon
By Sarah Lemon

Blanche Campbell was 80 years old, but she still hauled firewood with her John Deere tractor.

From time to time, friends tried to convince Campbell to leave her isolated residence in Butte Falls. But she wouldn't budge from the home her husband had built on 40 acres off Obenchain Road.

Two years ago, that home burned to the ground. Campbell was found inside ' murdered. No one has been arrested for the crime.

I just don't think they had much to go on, said her son, Rick Campbell. There was nothing left.

Campbell's death is? the most recent of several unresolved homicides in Jackson County. Some ' such as a 1952 double-murder of Charles Patrick Culhane and Albert Marston Jones, two out-of-town businessmen sightseeing at Crater Lake (feaured in a story on July 21, 2002) ' still puzzles police. In ?others, investigators point to killers who never paid for their crimes. This story focuses on four unsolved homicide cases: Campbell's, and those of Nicole H?tu in 1995, Dorothy Kesterson, 1989; and the Cowden family, 1974. The accompanying story below looks at the unsolved homicides of Vida Mae Hirschy in 1984, and Ashland's Ed Kraehl, 1993.

The glow from Blanche Campbell's burning house lit up the sky as Jake Hamann headed off for work the morning of May 8, 2001. Realizing Campbell's home was in flames, Hamann rushed to the scene.

With the help of another neighbor, he broke out several windows in an effort to rescue Campbell. But scorching heat and smoke repelled them. the time firefighters arrived several minutes later, the house was a ball of flames threatening nearby trees.

Roused by a telephone call from Hamann's mother around 5 a.m., Betty Henson arrived at Campbell's home expecting to see her friend of 40 years standing outside wrapped in a blanket. Neighbors' bowed heads and stricken looks explained Campbell's absence. She didn't escape the blaze.

Henson watched the house burn to the ground. She waited throughout the morning and afternoon while detectives sifted through 2 feet of ashes. Twelve hours after the fire, police removed Campbell's badly burned body from the rubble of her living room.

At first, Henson and others believed that Campbell had succumbed to the smoke. A week later, police said she was murdered. The killer set the house ablaze to cover up the crime.

To be prepared to set fire to the house ' that's always been a mystery, Henson said. It's like it was premeditated.

Even before the autopsy, the state of Campbell's body showed she was slain, Bedell said, but she refused to elaborate. Although flames obliterated much of the crime scene, investigators still have enough evidence to convict Campbell's killer, Bedell added.

I think the person that did this spent a lot of time in her home. He wasn't just in and out in a few minutes, Bedell said.

Henson and Bedell both doubt the crime was committed randomly by a person Campbell didn't know.

Why would somebody contact this lady who lives in a remote location? Bedell asked.

There's just things that don't add up, Henson said.

From all accounts, Campbell had no enemies. She was like a surrogate grandmother to many in her close-knit community, friends said. And as detectives continue talking with Butte Falls residents and ruling out rumors, the case is taking shape, Bedell said. Who would want this unsolved crime at their back door?
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