AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

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If IK plead not guilty, does that mean he didn't talk?

If he plead not guilty, would have to mention insanity right away or could that come later?

I assumed he talked and that's how the located her, but perhaps they got info elsewhere that helped locate her like..what if he told KA that he was going ice fishing at mat lake...? IMO

At this point I am assuming that he didn't talk. I originally thought that he must have and that that is how they knew where to look for her. But if he talked, then how come they are still talking about the death penalty and all of that? If he talked you would think the bare minimum deal he would have gotten is no death penalty.

I've heard that he was spotted at the lake before the abduction but I have no idea if that's true.
One last thing before I have to leave for a while.. I greatly wonder about Keyes state of mind?? Is he all there? I mean really the things this man did are as stupid as stupid gets as far as his getting away with an abduction, murder, ransom, fraud, and all the charges relating to the money stolen.. death penalty worthy charges yet the man did things that would lead directly to his being found, arrested, and an entire treasure Trove of easy to prove evidence to back up all those death penalty worthy charges.. so what gives? Is he legally insane? Is he just one the stupidest men to walk the earth? What?

And all for what? A little over 2 grand that he literally had to play where's Waldo in his state to state withdrawals of a few measly hundred at a time? .. its beyond all I've ever seen and criminals minds are deviant and sick and far too much for us to comprehend but I'm sorry Keyes is on a totally different playing field of ignorant, stupid, and certainly seems for nothing.. no sexual motive.. no real plan to extort large amount of money.. no sadist torturer.. what?

Yea there are lots of answers to our thousands of questions but does it really solve this case and just what the hell was really going on? IMO, no.. what is it?

I don't buy it. No one is THIS stupid. IMO: there is still more going on here than meets the eye. He wouldn't have made it this far in life if he was this clueless.
Hi Bessie! She was named as his girlfriend and the owner of the house they lived in....or do you mean she has to be named as a suspect?

Thank you! Okay, here's the deal. We can discuss her as the gf, owner of the house, and anything else that has been mentioned in the news. We can't sleuth any other personal information or post rumors about her. So far LE has not given us any reason to think she knew what was going on. And if she did suspect something was wrong, for all we know, she gave the information to LE. So for now, we have to regard her as an innocent victim. Keep in mind the hurtful rumors that spread about JK. We surely don't want that to happen to anyone else. :tyou:

ETA: Regarding the above, if the news reports something to the contrary, please give me a heads up. I'm trying to stay current, but you guys are always way ahead of me.
I don't buy it. No one is THIS stupid. IMO: there is still more going on here than meets the eye. He wouldn't have made it this far in life if he was this clueless.

A hardcore drug problem could explain some of the stupid stuff he did. A lot of his actions might make sense to a person who was completely out of their mind.
Good question. The end of the indictment says:

The Grand Jury further finds that:
1. The allegations contained in Count 1 of this Indictment are hereby realleged
as if set forth herein for the purpose of giving notice of special findings as to defendant
2. As to Count 1 of this Indictment, the defendant ISRAEL KEYES:
a. was 18 years or older at the time of the offenses charged (18 U.S.C.
§ 3591(a));
b. intentionally killed Samantha Koenig (18 U.S.C. § 3591(a)(2)(A));
c. intentionally inflicted serious bodily injury that resulted in the death
of Samantha Koenig (18 U.S.C. § 3591(a)(2)(B));
d. intentionally participated in an act, contemplating that the life of a
person would be taken or intending that lethal force would be used in
connection with a person, other than one of the participants in the
offense, and Samantha Koenig died as a direct result of the act (18
U.S.C. § 3591(a)(2)(C));
e. intentionally and specifically engaged in an act of violence, knowing
that the act created a grave risk of death to a person, other than one
of the participants in the offense, such that participation in the act
constituted a reckless disregard for human life and Samantha Koenig
died as a direct result of the act (18 U.S.C. § 3591(a)(2)(D));
f. caused the death, or injury resulting in the death, of Samantha
Koenig during the commission of the offense of kidnapping, in
violation of Title 18, United States Code § 1201 (18 U.S.C.
§ 3592(c)(1));

I'm not familiar with these kinds of legal docs.. is it ALL of these things?

Here is a copy of that law:

Sounds like he did something that led to her death - maybe tried to stop her screaming by choking her, got carried away and strangled her. That makes sense as to why he pled not guilty to murder (guilty of manslaughter = lesser term) OR handed her off to someone who did goodness knows what to her resulting in her death - once again not <directly> guilty.
Thank you! Okay, here's the deal. We can discuss her as the gf, owner of the house, and anything else that has been mentioned in the news. We can't sleuth any other personal information or post rumors about her. So far LE has not given us any reason to think she knew what was going on. And if she did suspect something was wrong, for all we know, she gave the information to LE. So for now, we have to regard her as an innocent victim. Keep in mind the hurtful rumors that spread about JK. We surely don't want that to happen to anyone else. :tyou:

ETA: Regarding the above, if the news reports something to the contrary, please give me a heads up. I'm trying to stay current, but you guys are always way ahead of me.


Did you mean hurtful rumors about CB?

Did you mean hurtful rumors about CB?

I'm assuming this is at least referring to people talking trash about JK related to him spending reward money...not updating fund amounts etc all the while he was tormented day and night in negotiations with a kidnapper... :(

But yes..obviously things were said about CB as well. And two thoughts come to mind about that.

1- I wondered if there's any reason JK seemed so stuck on him. If it was just speculation or if by chance IK and CB were somehow acquainted and that was part of IK's attempt to throw things on with SK's cell? A stretch I know..but I do have to wonder considering messages were sent to JK from SK's cell right away... all just thoughts of my own.

2- After things I've seen recently related to CB (as if the initial wasn't enough), it continues to support that fact that he definitely isn't an outstanding citizen. And that's based on conversation he himself has participated in, in a public forum. ick.
Interesting comment on this article. Might explain how LE knew to look in the lake.


Very good sources state Israel Keyes had a map with Samantha's location on it. The real trouble is, he had other maps with locations as well. Apparently, they also have physical evidence from Mr. Keyes obtained from her. Apparently, there is a hunt to discover what is at the other locations on Mr. Psycho's other maps.

Why can't we just let the bear's slowly eat this scum with no media coverage.
Hi All, first post here, but have been lurking for some time. Been following this case from the beginning. I've had some thoughts about what may have happened.

While it's possible this was about more than money, I feel like it is most likely about money. I get the impression that maybe IK planned to rob the coffee hut, but then found that there was not much money to take. From there, I'm thinking things just spiraled out of control and that he really didn't have a plan for all of this to happen the way it did.

My thought is that he tried to rob the hut and there wasn't very much money in the register and then perhaps tried to steal money from Samantha, but being a young girl, she also did not have a lot of money on her. At this point, he could have just left, but maybe he was angry and determined to get cash. Holding Samantha at gun point, demands she give him money. Being scared, she states she has none on her. Maybe mentions that she does have a debit card, but its not on her. Perhaps she thought if he took her out of the coffee hut and into the streets, someone would see them or perhaps she could escape, or even that this would buy her time. He takes her into his truck and then maybe put her into his shed.

She gets him the card and he finds that there is no money in the account and then maybe kills her in a fit of rage. Does anyone know if the card was inserted into a ATM machine to check the account balance that night she was taken?

At this point, IK had no plan. He just hoped to keep getting as much money as he could while traveling further and further away, but never had this plan in mind. He made a lot of dumb moves, I find it hard to believe that he had this all thought out. JMO.


I agree with your last paragraph. I have seen people (not necessarily criminals) who start out with an ok plan - not perfect, but IMOO there's no such thing as a fail safe plan - and get off to a good start,but once one thing goes wrong it is all downhill. It's like their contingency plans get thrown to the wind and they just start wingin it. I don't even mean "wrong" as in a mistake...just an unexpected result. Or maybe instead of adjusting their plans to accommodate the surprise result, they get fixated on carrying out the rest original plan even though the unexpected thing renders it impractical, dangerous, or just comically dumb.
I find it menacing that IK was into construction and building. This means he was afforded ample opportunity to be alone in people's homes and perhaps alone with women in their homes. I picture him "casing" places.
I find it menacing that IK was into construction and building. This means he was afforded ample opportunity to be alone in people's homes and perhaps alone with women in their homes. I picture him "casing" places.

Also, that he worked in remote national forest/lands. Any women missing in those areas after going for a hike or jog or what not?

I think the boxes were on the truck when it was impounded, but they were off the truck when the truck was captured on the Home Depot's surveillance video in the parking lot the night Samantha was kidnapped judging from the statement I bolded in the following quote. The video might not of actully shown Samantha being forced into the truck, but could have captured a white pickup (without boxes) entering or exiting the parking lot around 8:00 PM that night.

LE was asking for anyone who had Keyes do work fro them to call. LE was also asking for anyone with information about Keyes's truck or for anyone who might of helped Keyes's remove the boxes from his truck to please call them also.

IMO the reason why LE was asking for anyone who had Keyes's do work for them in the past was to see if those people could remember if the boxes were on or off his truck at that time.

Keyes's truck must of been captured on video in the Home Depot parking lot without the racks installed or why would LE have made these requests and statements.


Yeah...license and bond THIS...ya jack***
Also, that he worked in remote national forest/lands. Any women missing in those areas after going for a hike or jog or what not?

Alaska is the missing persons capital of the nation. Also the rape and domestic violence capital. Lots of remote communities+alcohol, wilderness+wildlife to hide or eat corpses. It's so cold that submerged bodies don't bloat and float to the surface, either. I posted this LA times article a few threads back, but it gives a good background on the unique conditions.

It is possible he confessed without any deal. And could still plead not guilty. His lawyer will try to get confession tossed, if that is the case. I think he must have talked, due to the amount of detail LE seems to have on the case. JMO
??? In reference to? I am just curious. I think I may have missed something.

Oh sorry my friends...I was posting in regards to the picture of this "jerks" truck, but I lost the picture when posting.
His truck says licensed and bonded on the side,and all I could think was..."are you licensed to murder an innocent young women also??"
Again,sorry,Im just so emotional about this.:blushing:
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