AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

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That makes sense, but we still don't know for sure if he confessed. Until we do, it's open to speculation.

Any possibility he helped Person A dispose of her, then tried to extort money from him/her after the fact to not tell? Just curious. Really, IK is innocent until proven guilty, because we live in a country that makes sure all of us have rights.

They said they may release cause of death later today. That would be helpful. Especially to rule out if it was accidental and IK or someone panicked and got rid of her body. That could also be the delay on filing charges. There is a huge difference between murdering someone and abuse of a corpse/obstructing justice. (not sure of the legal terms) Just saying. I know someone who spent years and years on death row for a murder committed by someone else, but he did help dispose of a body. In the end after 20 years on death row after being railroaded he was released for time served for disposing of a body across state lines and was very heavily compensated.
Part of taking the shed, if it didn't served as a place to store the body, could also be that if he stored his "ice fishing" supplies, i.e. auger, etc, those items would retain evidence. Most lakes, streams, etc have a unique biological make-up. Certain amoebas, sediment, pH, etc. That could link the water/ice in the shed to the lake. Even if he got rid of the tools, some of the water or ice would end up on the floor.

I have thought about the biological make-up of the water as well. It is a "stocked"/managed lake, and I would be surprised if Fish and Game did not have records of the "biological make-up" for the numerous lakes near Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley that they stock. However, is it really possible that the many lakes in that area, do indeed have significant enough differences in this make-up?

BTW here is a link to a lake map and a little more info on the lake, for anyone interested.

if they can test soil, to a specific county, I would assume lakes would be even easier, due to lack of cross contamination.... just ASSuming, I am not very scientific.
A previous comment. Someone's mother saw something aired in Alaska. The surveillance video has not been aired, for sure.

Someone made a computer animation video. This has gone viral in Alaska and people think it's real. Possibly this is what she saw.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uHcwdKQg9E"]Samantha Koenig: missing barista abducted from coffee stand - YouTube[/ame]


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I have thought about the biological make-up of the water as well. It is a "stocked"/managed lake, and I would be surprised if Fish and Game did not have records of the "biological make-up" for the numerous lakes near Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley that they stock. However, is it really possible that the many lakes in that area, do indeed have significant enough differences in this make-up?

BTW here is a link to a lake map and a little more info on the lake, for anyone interested.


Thank you DadinAK! I think on a microscopic and chemical level there are differences in lakes, ponds, etc even in a same or general area. Part of that includes soil content, sediment, silt, clay deposits, gravel beds, etc. It does affect the oxygen levels, pH, sediment type, organism type, algae, under water grass and even how a lakes freezes. Especially, because the lake is in a state of hibernation under ice. I am not sure how significant it will be to the average person, like me, but if Fish and Game is stocking it they have tremendous data on the lake. Each lake would be unique and before they dump thousands of dollars of fish into any body of water, they have to make certain it is ideal for the fish. :twocents: But, I am not an expert...just someone who grew up in the mountains...
Thank you DadinAK! I think on a microscopic and chemical level there are differences in lakes, ponds, etc even in a same or general area. Part of that includes soil content, sediment, silt, clay deposits, gravel beds, etc. It does affect the oxygen levels, pH, sediment type, organism type, algae, under water grass and even how a lakes freezes. Especially, because the lake is in a state of hibernation under ice. I am not sure how significant it will be to the average person, like me, but if Fish and Game is stocking it they have tremendous data on the lake. Each lake would be unique and before they dump thousands of dollars of fish into any body of water, they have to make certain it is ideal for the fish. :twocents: But, I am not an expert...just someone who grew up in the mountains...

So there may be a possibility then.

So here is a theory, and only a theory. LE, in talking with IK's SO, and having previously searched the property, as they ask questions about his recent movements and activity, then ask the SO "We noticed ice fishing gear in the shed, does he ice fish often?....where does he like to go?" She may have said yes and indicated that he frequents the Kepler Bradley Lake system, or more directly,.... identified Matanuska Lake. LE then pulls "lake data" from ADF&G, seizes the shed, and pulls the "biological lake data" off of frozen water on the bottom of the auger to positively match the so called data. When this portion of the investigation is intitiated, with the added "high profile" nature of the case, and wanting to investigate "all" possibilities, LE decides it is enough to warrant calling in a specialty dive team. .......But, he may have just confessed.....and my opinion of him being a "punk" who would never "man-up" and actually admit to a crime is completely incorrect..........MOO MOO
Maybe I should edit my other post. As I was typing, I was thinking they must have used sonar, but I hadn't read that they did. ROV's can provide excellent information, too. I guess it is possible that a witness reported his truck in the area, and that led them to the lake. Another possibility. LE said right away that they believed she died hours after the abduction. At the time, I thoguht Keyes must have confessed. But if the tip came fron a witness who saw the truck early the next day, that would tell LE when she died.

Question: They may have gotten a tip about the truck from a witness, but in this day and age aren't witness statements questionable? Just because someone saw a white truck near where her body was does not prove it was him does it? Just curious...they will need more proof?
It may have been easier to find her with sonar if he weighted her with something, perhaps by the feet. (Sorry that is bad).

Also, I was wondering about how earlier in the investigation, another body came up at a lake but was male. Is it possible LE had an idea this was how he dumped her, but, they weren't sure which lake until they got more information from the public about where the truck had been. Maybe IK took a sudden interest in ice fishing and the SO said something. It was a matter of time before they got the tip about the "right" lake.

The other body was found by a hiker/snowshoer, and called into LE, IIRC.
So there may be a possibility then.

So here is a theory, and only a theory. LE, in talking with IK's SO, and having previously searched the property, as they ask questions about his recent movements and activity, then ask the SO "We noticed ice fishing gear in the shed, does he ice fish often?....where does he like to go?" She may have said yes and indicated that he frequents the Kepler Bradley Lake system, or more directly,.... identified Matanuska Lake. LE then pulls "lake data" from ADF&G, seizes the shed, and pulls the "biological lake data" off of frozen water on the bottom of the auger to positively match the so called data. When this portion of the investigation is intitiated, with the added "high profile" nature of the case, and wanting to investigate "all" possibilities, LE decides it is enough to warrant calling in a specialty dive team. .......But, he may have just confessed.....and my opinion of him being a "punk" who would never "man-up" and actually admit to a crime is completely incorrect..........MOO MOO

I think they would have to have evidence that physically linked him to the crime scene...maybe from biological lake evidence, etc. I can't imagine them thinking they have a case by a witness seeing a white truck in that area or him fishing there on occasion. That would make a lot of people suspects...LOL. I do find it odd that police found a body in another frozen lake during this search. They may have been waiting for tips on sightings to pin point location.

He may have confessed too. I think it may be to plea as others have suggested? Or maybe because they have limited evidence to say that he "intended to kill her." IDK enough about the legal system.
I think they would have to have evidence that physically linked him to the crime scene...maybe from biological lake evidence, etc. I can't imagine them thinking they have a case by a witness seeing a white truck in that area or him fishing there on occasion. That would make a lot of people suspects...LOL. I do find it odd that police found a body in another frozen lake during this search. They may have been waiting for tips on sightings to pin point location.

He may have confessed too. I think it may be to plea as others have suggested? Or maybe because they have limited evidence to say that he "intended to kill her." IDK enough about the legal system.

Just so it does not get too confusing, and I have seen others describe the Eklutna lake remains as being "in the lake", maybe this is just mis-interpreted wordage on my part, but in that report it sounds like the remains were not "in the lake"(no dive team). I do not think this would have any effect on the theory you are indicating. However, it does "seem" to be factual that that body was not found "in the lake".... just pointing out possible differences in the "MO" I guess..........JMO

Question: They may have gotten a tip about the truck from a witness, but in this day and age aren't witness statements questionable? Just because someone saw a white truck near where her body was does not prove it was him does it? Just curious...they will need more proof?
I didn't say anything about proof. We were speculating on how LE might have located Sam's body. A tip from a witness is just one possibility. It doesn't prove it was IK who put SK in the lake, but it could provide circumstantial evidence. If the witness is credible and willing to testify under oath that he saw a truck matching the description of IK's truck, in the location of the body, and on a date after SK's abduction, providing IK doesn't have an alibi for the time. Alone, it means little. Combined with other evidence, it could be key. IMO
That makes sense, but we still don't know for sure if he confessed. Until we do, it's open to speculation.

JMO that he did confess and I cut to the chase to understand how FBI divers/sonar got there. LE/FBI have to dot their i's and cross those t's because some defense attorney will say Samanatha walked out to Lake Mat all by herself and threw herself in that frozen lake ... or something like that. JMO and all that.
I think they would have to have evidence that physically linked him to the crime scene...maybe from biological lake evidence, etc. I can't imagine them thinking they have a case by a witness seeing a white truck in that area or him fishing there on occasion. That would make a lot of people suspects...LOL. I do find it odd that police found a body in another frozen lake during this search. They may have been waiting for tips on sightings to pin point location.

He may have confessed too. I think it may be to plea as others have suggested? Or maybe because they have limited evidence to say that he "intended to kill her." IDK enough about the legal system.
Respectfully, residue from the water in his shed or on his tools, would have little evidentiary value in prosecuting IK, because he could have been there at any time for legitimate reasons. I do agree with AKdad that trace evidence from the lake found on his tools or the shed might have helped to identify the location of the body.
a pic of Keyes ice fishing with his truck in the background.

I'm fairly certain that you cannot drive down onto the lake from the parking area. Don't have a link.

They are looking for tips from anyone who may have seen the truck. Big problem - there are SO many white extended cab Chevys in Anchorage.
If LE was tipped that he was there, his truck was there or even possibly there and he said, hell no, never been. Then they test the tools and prove his things were there, that would most certainly be able to be introduced in court. Him constantly lying about things already proven to be true would be used to discredit his not guilty plea.
I'm fairly certain that you cannot drive down onto the lake from the parking area. Don't have a link.

They are looking for tips from anyone who may have seen the truck. Big problem - there are SO many white extended cab Chevys in Anchorage.

From what I understand, you couldn't even drive into the parking lot during the winter. They had to plow the parking area before investigators went it. If that is true, I'm curious as to where he would have parked and how far it would be to the lake. Maybe 907 or DadinAK knows?
mustang sally,
hey neighbor. you crack me up; hang in there with your little guy. I'm not sure if chasing kids makes you old or keeps you young.... hope you didn't get the strong wind & hail today.... seems the worst of it was about halfway between your place & mine.

Hey back..bad rain yesterday and today..I need to get to bed..Easter Egg Hunt Tomorrow with 3yo and one Friday with with 6yo...

Dear God..Please Bless the Family of Samantha and give them Strength to Accept the fact that she is now an Angel of God
From what I understand, you couldn't even drive into the parking lot during the winter. They had to plow the parking area before investigators went it. If that is true, I'm curious as to where he would have parked and how far it would be to the lake. Maybe 907 or DadinAK knows?

Assumption pretty much, and yes, I do know the phrase that goes along with assuming: As far as stocked lakes and my experience with them, I recall that most of the time "year round access" is provided to some extent. I am thinking that they may keep the parking lot normally cleared of snow to the extent that the average amount of ice fisherpeople have enough room for parking and access, and that LE had a larger area of the parking lot cleared to accomadate all of their vehicles; cars, trucks with trailers and snowmachines, as well as the two large coaches housing mobile crime labs.

I first ice fished on that lake 30+ years ago and last ice fished there about 25 yrs ago. Now when I went to that lake with my Grandfather, I do not recall the parking lot access area. We would park in a little pullout about 1/2 mile before the location that the parking lot area now exists. It was a good 1/4 mile trek through "private property" (access was allowed with the unspoken rule of respecting the property that you were using as access only). I am only mentioning this because it was a relatively "flat" terrain that we would walk through, and I have been to the parking lot access in the summertime and have walked the path "down" to the lake. Walking the path down to the lake with a sled that has 150 lbs of cargo including gear, one might look rather awkward in controlling the decent of the sled and cargo. I have not had the oppurtunity to fish with such gear, so I do not exactly know how one would normally approach this scenario with a loaded ice fishing sled. Maybe someone else here has used a sled/shanty and would have some insight into this scenario........Just thinking....and rambling, I believe.....MOO
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