AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #7

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What a coward's way out....IK may you rot in the fires of hell for all you have done :furious::furious::furious:
Samantha was soooooo brave and I am so sick after seeing the videos and reading all of the latest information that has been released. I'm so glad this "man" is no longer around to terrorize unexpecting people. But, like others, I just wish he would have given information about all of the people & where they might be found. Now I'm afraid that people will come across all of these places he stashed money and weapons... especially children. I hope it doesn't come to that. And I hope Sam's dad and BF are doing OK... I can't even imagine how they feel. No real sense of justice, I'm sure. But I hope they're able to come to terms with what has happened and find some sort of closure & comfort in knowing that no one else will fall victim to this evil monster. Unfortunately there are more of them out there, but at least one is out of the picture.

Again, RIP sweet Sam & kudos to you and the fight that you put up. I wish you never had to experience this in your last living moments. You'll never be forgotten. <3
Dec. 6, 2012
Confessed serial killer Israel Keyes relished the "rush" he got from traveling the country to execute meticulously planned murders, according to the FBI agent who spent months interviewing him.

"He liked what he was doing," FBI Special Agent Jolene Goeden told "Good Morning America" today. "He talked about the rush he got out of it, the adrenaline and kind of the high from it."

Keyes said he had felt this duality for "14 years."

Article & video:
Dec. 6, 2012
Confessed serial killer Israel Keyes relished the "rush" he got from traveling the country to execute meticulously planned murders, according to the FBI agent who spent months interviewing him.

"He liked what he was doing," FBI Special Agent Jolene Goeden told "Good Morning America" today. "He talked about the rush he got out of it, the adrenaline and kind of the high from it."

Keyes said he had felt this duality for "14 years."

I wondered early on in this case (in a thread way back) if the first time he killed was the same time he got the DUI. Maybe killed someone in the spur of the moment, struggled in his mind especially with the pleasure of it, got drunk to cope, got a DUI, was not caught, and decided to be more meticulous after. He most likely wouldn't confess to that one if it embarrassed him, sloppy, not the better killings he did later, etc. Not much "pride" in that.

Next question. They say IK flew places, rented a car, and left the area to find victims. I am not sure how far back rental car agencies keep records, but, all keep track of milage (even on unlimited milage), couldn't LE figure out approximate areas where he traveled based on the milage. I.e. 200 miles on the rental car would mean 100 miles one way and 100 back. Some sort of radius...Not sure if this is realistic.

"Children off limits
Keyes also told investigators that because of his daughter, children were off limits. That's one reason he chose to kill the Curriers in Vermont -- they had no children.

But that&#8217;s where his morality seemed to end. Keyes spent a long time making his own gun silencer, something he was "extremely proud of," Russo said. But he didn't want to use guns unless he had to. He preferred strangling his victims because he enjoyed watching them suffer, Russo said.

According to Russo, Keyes said his favorite serial killers "are the ones who haven't been caught."

"He goes, 'Oddly the bank robbery I did in New York got more publicity than the person I took and killed,&#8217; " Russo said.

That lack of publicity has frustrated Russo, who said there's no nationwide database for missing adults as there is for children."

Much more at link:
FBI and LE are looking at cases in Oregon to find possible victims from the start of
Israel Keyes crime spree!

"He also told FBI agents he raped a teenage girl in Oregon sometime between 1996 and 1998, and that she was the first victim in a twisted crime spree that ended with his arrest in March 2012 for Koenig's murder."


"Law enforcement agencies across the country are digging into their cold case files of grisly crimes to see whether any might be linked to serial killer Israel Keyes, who died last weekend awaiting trial for murder in Alaska.

One of those cases might be in Oregon.

A timeline released by the FBI shows that in April 2005, Keyes was in Washington state and British Columbia. In July that year, two teachers were found murdered in Oregon's Willamette National Forest.
It fits in that time frame," said Detective Sgt. Cliff Harrold of the Lane County Sheriff's Office. "It's one of the more recent cold cases that we have. It's a double homicide. We'd love to have it solved.

Stevan Haugen, 54, and his girlfriend Jeanette Bauman, 56, were found shot to death near their campsite about 25 miles from their home in Oakridge."


"Children off limits
Keyes also told investigators that because of his daughter, children were off limits. That's one reason he chose to kill the Curriers in Vermont -- they had no children.

But that’s where his morality seemed to end. Keyes spent a long time making his own gun silencer, something he was "extremely proud of," Russo said. But he didn't want to use guns unless he had to. He preferred strangling his victims because he enjoyed watching them suffer, Russo said.

According to Russo, Keyes said his favorite serial killers "are the ones who haven't been caught."

"He goes, 'Oddly the bank robbery I did in New York got more publicity than the person I took and killed,’ " Russo said.

That lack of publicity has frustrated Russo, who said there's no nationwide database for missing adults as there is for children."

Much more at link:

I guess that's why they ruled out Celina Cass as being one of his victims.
I guess I am amazed for lack of a better word, that he left Sam in his shed for an extended period of time while he was gone...

I think most of us figured Sam wasn't his first victim, but I didn't think there would be this many. SMH:what::what::what:
I guess that's why they ruled out Celina Cass as being one of his victims.

Yet Keyes was reluctant to provide details of his killings because he worried about how his family would view him, especially his daughter, who is 10 or 11 years old.

"He was very conscious of his daughter Googling him years from now and having to deal with the fallout from this," Russo said. "This is a guy who really cared about his family. And he would say I'm not trying to kill them or give them heart attacks."

- http://www.alaskadispatch.com/article/alaska-investigators-say-keyes-felt-high-serial-killings

I don't know about you but I think the damage has been done.
I wondered early on in this case (in a thread way back) if the first time he killed was the same time he got the DUI. Maybe killed someone in the spur of the moment, struggled in his mind especially with the pleasure of it, got drunk to cope, got a DUI, was not caught, and decided to be more meticulous after. He most likely wouldn't confess to that one if it embarrassed him, sloppy, not the better killings he did later, etc. Not much "pride" in that.

Next question. They say IK flew places, rented a car, and left the area to find victims. I am not sure how far back rental car agencies keep records, but, all keep track of milage (even on unlimited milage), couldn't LE figure out approximate areas where he traveled based on the milage. I.e. 200 miles on the rental car would mean 100 miles one way and 100 back. Some sort of radius...Not sure if this is realistic.

BBM: That is an EXCELLENT point. Rental companies absolutely do keep records. When cross checked with bank records, and/or cell records, the car rental mileage records may provide an indication of the travel, and if they track the vehicles themselves down, they may provide forensic evidence.

Rental vehicles are traditionally only kept on fleet for 6 months, and in Canada are taken to auction where they are sold to buyers from car lots. So, for some of the more recent rentals, it's possible there has only been one owner after the rental agency.
Keyes was known to follow his victims news stories.

His computer(s) could provide a wealth of historical information for sites that he has visited regarding missing people and accidents etc. It will take a long time to investigate that.

I wish LE would release some information, so we could dig too.
From birth. No surprise on the animal cruelty:

What pushed the Army veteran, raised in Washington, over the edge? "Everyone keeps looking for a push point where this guy went sideways, but in my view it seemed like he was born this way," Russo said. "At some point he realized he was different. He always thought other people were pretending to be nice to other people and then he realized at some point only he was pretending. He described an incident when he was younger -- how he tortured a cat in front of his friends and everybody got sick and ran away from him. He realized he should shut up about this stuff because he was different."

WTF? He wanted to take advantage of hurricane victims left in chaos? That's completely evil.

Yet Keyes wasn't completely without morals, Russo said. He knew it was wrong to kill, though he planned to continue. One Keyes idea involved moving away from Alaska to take advantage of the chaos and potential contracting work left by hurricanes.

"He thought it would provide him good cover to kill people and he'd have good work," Russo said.

Did he target men? This reminds me of the many missing men in BC, where Keyes was known to pass through. I am specifically wondering about Matthew Huszar.

Dead men less noticed

Before killing the Curriers and Koenig, Keyes&#8217; killings didn't attract much attention. He noted that missing men, in particular, didn't get attention. People just assume they've left home.

"He goes, 'Oddly the bank robbery I did in New York got more publicity than the person I took and killed,&#8217; " Russo said.

That lack of publicity has frustrated Russo, who said there's no nationwide database for missing adults as there is for children. Trying to find missing victims has instead involved looking at websites run by family members or others seeking information about the missing.

"It was strange that in this day and age, we were all resorting to Googling," he said.
December 12, 2012 11:13 AM

(AP) ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Before Alaska serial killer Israel Keyes murdered an 18-year-old barista, he also targeted the young woman's boyfriend before changing his mind, according to the lead investigator in the slaying.


"What we found when we interviewed Mr. Keyes was that he knew that the coffee kiosk closed at 8p.m. and he knew that because Samantha didn't have a vehicle there, somebody was going to come and pick her up," Doll told The Associated Press. "He was waiting for her ride to come there because he intended to take that person as well."

Keyes, 34, ended up leaving with Koenig shortly before the arrival of Koenig's boyfriend, Duane Tortolani II.

There is no local phone listing for Tortolani and he did not immediately return a phone message seeking comment Tuesday left with his employer.

Doll said the once-methodical Keyes was losing control before he was arrested. She likened this to a drug addict's need to continue to take more drugs to match the feeling of the initial high.

In Keyes' case, this escalation went from single victims to the desire to kill pairs. Shortly before killing the Vermont couple, Keyes came close to killing a couple parked in a car at an Anchorage park, police said. He also considered shooting the police officer who came to shoo the pair away from the closed park, but abandoned his plan when a backup officer arrived.

In light of learning some (because we still don't have all of them) facts, my opinion of the Alaskan LE is much improved. I was so frustrated early in this case especially because they wouldn't release the video. They were right it wouldn't have been of any value in identifying Keyes. The family and LE knew things we didn't.

Such an eye opener about monsters that live among us. How frightening.

I really hate that his other victim's families did not get the resolutions they so deserve, at least not yet, but maybe the info they did get will lead to some resolutions later.

I have tried to think how I would feel about all of this if I was in Samantha's dads shoes and for me I think the finality of Keyes death might help me in some small way. No lengthy trial or days of feeling frustrated that Keyes is alive while Samantha had her life cut short for no good reason at all. Maybe dad can start to move forward and heal if that is even possible. How does one heal such a gaping wound? God bless you James Koenig. It is impossible to understand why these things happen. JMO
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