AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 2

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I wouldn't assume WWH changed her relationship status to single because of shock, judging by her "hot doctor just hugged me" comment while her husband was dying. I would guess more likely she is single and ready to mingle. JMO
I've seen this time and time again: people don't seem to believe that a person is a meth addict unless their skin is awful, they're skinny and their teeth ate rotting. This is not the case. I've seen many meth addicts that would easily pass for "normal" people. Depending on the person, it can take a long, long time for meth to take its physical toll on a person. There were photos of BW in an album of CW's that I couldn't believe were of Brittney. She didn't look like the same girl who was in previous albums. The meth was evident to me.

I agree....

Parents are usually very defensive of their children and protective of their reputations. For me to be told by a parent that she is a heavy meth user, I have no reason to doubt it. I'm not saying she's high all the time, but she uses more days than she doesn't.
I wouldn't assume WWH changed her relationship status to single because of shock, judging by her "hot doctor just hugged me" comment while her husband was dying. I would guess more likely she is single and ready to mingle. JMO

She said MWK had changed her status, not WWH. MWK's hubby is out on bond.
I can only tell you what BW's parents knew, not the extended family (especially WWH and MWK). They knew about DH being investigated because he was not staying at home due to the pending investigation. However, I don't know that they believed the allegations [don't shoot the messenger!], maybe because they didn't know much about the facts of the case or what exactly he was accused of. We all know of instances where people are accused of things they are not guilty of, so my guess is they wanted to believe in his innocence. I'm not saying that was right, I'm just saying I believe that's what was going on.

BW's parents & step-parents did NOT KNOW about RSW & DK being investigated. They were only informed after the arrests were made and they were devastated. They're not actors--they were devastated. I knew about DH's pending investigation prior to the MWM reporting it, but I hadn't heard a whisper about anyone else being involved in anything. There may be those who doubt, but of this, I have no doubt.

I wish I could say you are mistaken about BW's drug use, but she was described as heavy into meth. When she had custody of PH, the DHR got involved and that is how AH ended up with custody of PH. But you are right about her having a hard life.

My sincere hope is she had little to no knowledge of the sexual abuse going on. Because of her drug use and the importance it had in her life, I believe many of her actions were motivated by it. I believe she went to see DH relating to her drug use. There was some history there and that's one of the reasons she hung out with him.

I am not attempting to malign anyone, simply provided some personal knowledge of her lifestyle, background, and typical behavior in order to shed light on what may have factored into her disappearance. For those who may not have had the opportunity to read the 45 pages here and those in the previous thread, I am a verified insider in this case and have been given permission to present information without the need for sources based on my personal relationship with BW and her family.

Knowing that DH was involved with drug use as well makes me now question if WWH was also into drugs...even if not she obviously knew DH was. Did she know he was participating with BW in using drugs. This makes me requestion the entire 24 hour period of BW going with no text or calls. Especially since BWs last know venture was to see DH at Styx river and during that 24 hrs before BWs next ping...WWH is said to have gone to visit DH. Were they all three together the day of 05/31 and WWH is just not admitting it? Zeaux are you allowed to say if you know if RSW and DK also participated in drug use with BW and DH or if WWH did?
CW posted a flyer of a missing OHIO girl on her FB. That brought tears to my eyes.
I've seen this time and time again: people don't seem to believe that a person is a meth addict unless their skin is awful, they're skinny and their teeth ate rotting. This is not the case. I've seen many meth addicts that would easily pass for "normal" people. Depending on the person, it can take a long, long time for meth to take its physical toll on a person. There were photos of BW in an album of CW's that I couldn't believe were of Brittney. She didn't look like the same girl who was in previous albums. The meth was evident to me.

If BW was addicted to meth, wouldn't PH been born addicted to meth. She looks completely healthy in all of her pictures.
In looking for an update in the news about the Vigil tonight...
I see we have another missing "Brittany" in Mobile.

MOBILE, Ala.) Mobile Police continue to look for missing girl.

14-year-old Brittany Shante Robinson was last seen 9 days ago.

According to police, she was last seen with her father.

Brittany's mother hasn't been able to get in contact with him or her daughter.
Knowing that DH was involved with drug use as well makes me now question if WWH was also into drugs...even if not she obviously knew DH was. Did she know he was participating with BW in using drugs. This makes me requestion the entire 24 hour period of BW going with no text or calls. Especially since BWs last know venture was to see DH at Styx river and during that 24 hrs before BWs next ping...WWH is said to have gone to visit DH. Were they all three together the day of 05/31 and WWH is just not admitting it? Zeaux are you allowed to say if you know if RSW and DK also participated in drug use with BW and DH or if WWH did?
We have so little info about that day. Surely LE has checked into it. I sure wish we knew FB activity for that day.
Is it even possible to be a "casual" meth user? Everything I read or see about it, it is so highly addictive...I am not sure one can just use meth occasionally, like weed, for instance, JMO.
I've seen this time and time again: people don't seem to believe that a person is a meth addict unless their skin is awful, they're skinny and their teeth ate rotting. This is not the case. I've seen many meth addicts that would easily pass for "normal" people. Depending on the person, it can take a long, long time for meth to take its physical toll on a person. There were photos of BW in an album of CW's that I couldn't believe were of Brittney. She didn't look like the same girl who was in previous albums. The meth was evident to me.

Again, a perfect example is Fergie - drop dead gorgeous even when she was a meth head. So very glad she's clean now but she said in an interview that it's been a hard road travelled.
If BW was addicted to meth, wouldn't PH been born addicted to meth. She looks completely healthy in all of her pictures.

A lot of girls quit while they're pregnant...I know my last post seems a little contradictory -- what I meant is that I've seen many known meth addicts dismissed away because they didn't LOOK like meth addicts. You can never truly tell. I saw MySpace albums, though, that showed definite changes in BW's appearance. Someone who had not seen older photos of her, though, would not know anything was up. It's all missing teeth, but I could tell, knowing what I know about meth addicts, that she was doing some hard drugs.
Knowing that DH was involved with drug use as well makes me now question if WWH was also into drugs...even if not she obviously knew DH was. Did she know he was participating with BW in using drugs. This makes me requestion the entire 24 hour period of BW going with no text or calls. Especially since BWs last know venture was to see DH at Styx river and during that 24 hrs before BWs next ping...WWH is said to have gone to visit DH. Were they all three together the day of 05/31 and WWH is just not admitting it? Zeaux are you allowed to say if you know if RSW and DK also participated in drug use with BW and DH or if WWH did?

I never actually said DH and BW used drugs together. I don't know for a fact that they did. Someone asked if he might have sold drugs, and to that I answered yes, and he shared that activity with BW. I'm not comfortable saying any more about that.

I don't believe it's been established that there was 24 hours between her pings, only that her last ping was over 24 hours from the time she left her mother's house. In fact, I'm almost certain she did use it that day and was in contact with someone who has been questioned by LE.

I knew absolutely nothing bad about RSW and DK before their arrests.
Things have definitely changed since I was a teenaged driver here! Thank you for looking that up. Thank you so much, too, for everything that you wrote re: HS degree! I have my GED. There were 3 students who were shot and killed at my HS in Montgomery and that is partly why I dropped out. FYI, there has not been a single news story in Montgomery about Brittney. I doubt there is a single person besides me who knows her name here.

Just keep educating yourself & you'll come out on top. Seriously.

Wow, no news stories in Montgomery at all? What about posters of Brittney?
If BW was addicted to meth, wouldn't PH been born addicted to meth. She looks completely healthy in all of her pictures.

I just have to say...we have inside info that she was heavily into meth. We should probably believe that it's truth.
I'm personally beginning to believe that her disappearance has less to do with her family and more to do with her drug use.
(have to add, just in case -- whatever BW was involved in does not make her less human...I hope so much that she is ok.)
Something bothers me about her dropping out in 8th grade, though. I mean, that's just not normal. Doesn't a teen have to be the age of 16 before legally being allowed to drop out of school, and age 16 would also require parental signatures. Otherwise, once the age of 18 is reached, a child wouldn't need an adult signature bc they'd have the right to do it theirself. In NJ now, the law is even if you're 18 you can't quit school without parental signature. So how could Brittney quit in 8th grade? That would mean she was 16 in 8th grade? For real? So if that's the case, why wasn't the government involved at that time? What was the reason for quitting? Was something happening to her ?

I definitely dont think this is really important to finding BW. I dont mean that ugly but we are all aware that there were definite issues within the family. I for one do not agree with letting BW just walk out at night to walk and not putting up a fight about it. I also do not agree with posting pics of your sons in rooms that have grafitti on the walls and them apparently giving what looks like gang signs. HOWEVER I will say based off of CWs FB page she cares about her children. She has tons of pics of them and I truely think she is devistated abt BW missing. I can only assume from the family dynamic we are watching unfold, that CW did not have the best up bringing and is doing the best she knows how. ALL parents make mistakes but I can assure you noone ever expects to be in CWs position. Just MOO.
I've been lurking on this site for a few week. I am new to the site, so if I post something I shouldn't please let me know. I knew CW, WWH, and MWK when they were kids over 20 years ago. I am having such a hard time processing everything that has happened in the last few weeks. They were very sweet kids.
Something I can't wrap my head around is there being 3 people in 1 family who commit rape and incest. How do they decide to do this? Who could plan to do such a thing? Doesn't it seem likely there is more to the story? Just my thoughts.
Just a note- MWK changed her status on facebook from married to single.
Did you know RSW and were you surprised by his arrest?
Zeaux, I know it's been investigated & confirmed Donnie shot himself, but I'm not understanding it a bit bc why didn't he just take all of his pain meds and go lay by a river or something? Why choose to do something that would require a professional cleaning up his body matter? Wouldn't he rather have had his wife find him "sleeping" instead of blood & matter all over the truck? Why choose to use a gun?
I definitely dont think this is really important to finding BW. I dont mean that ugly but we are all aware that there were definite issues within the family. I for one do not agree with letting BW just walk out at night to walk and not putting up a fight about it. I also do not agree with posting pics of your sons in rooms that have grafitti on the walls and them apparently giving what looks like gang signs. HOWEVER I will say based off of CWs FB page she cares about her children. She has tons of pics of them and I truely think she is devistated abt BW missing. I can only assume from the family dynamic we are watching unfold, that CW did not have the best up bringing and is doing the best she knows how. ALL parents make mistakes but I can assure you noone ever expects to be in CWs position. Just MOO.

Hi Concerned. I explained why I asked in another post and that question was answered with the exact reason I thought the answer would be. It's in the thread maybe the page or 2 before this one? Hope that explains why. I wasn't asking bc I was being nosy or rude, so please don't think that. ;)
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