AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 5

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I'm not sure the rules of his bond. I know before they stated if he was bonded out that he would have to wear an ankle monitoring bracelet aka home arrest. I always thought that if you're under investigation for acts on minors that you aren't allowed around minors HOWEVER that may not be true, since he's not convicted of a sex crime (just charged), he wouldn't have the same rules as a sex offender.

His bio mom does have small children and I'm not sure about his step mother and bio dad. I think in cases like these, they are told to not have contact with the victim as opposed to not being allowed around minors (till they are registered or convicted). Just my opinion, as I'm not familiar at all with law.

Did le say that DW would have an ankle bracelet on when released, or we're they referring to DK? I forget...

Also, given DW's charges and the fact that Stephanie & Wallace have Payton sometimes, how will this change in circumstance affect their visitation time with her? Or won't it?
Did le say that DW would have an ankle bracelet on when released, or we're they referring to DK? I forget...

Also, given DW's charges and the fact that Stephanie & Wallace have Payton sometimes, how will this change in circumstance affect their visitation time with her? Or won't it?

Morning! You've been a busy bee and I want whatever caffeine you've had because I'm struggling this AM. Anyway, I read it as DW or any one of them being bonded out, but I may have misread it. It was more speak in "the future".

I don't think (but I don't know law) this will affect visitation with Payton right now, not till Derrick (sorry, the initials confuse me) is convicted as a sex offender will there be a stipulation UNLESS the judge is seriously worried and considers him a repeat offender or one with violent crimes. I'm just guessing because i don't know. I would HOPE that the law, federally , is that a person arrested for sex crimes would have a lot of stipulations on bail. More than the normal person on bail. But I know people who have committed less serious stuff and when on bail, go right back to getting high and everything because they aren't being drug tested (yet) or monitored really. None of that starts till after sentencing.
Does anyone else feel like there's going to be a break in the case rather soon? I have a strong gut feeling that this week will bring either more arrests or some information (for once!) about Brittney.

As I covered my kid up for school, said goodbye to my oldest and put the rest of my makeup on for my classes today... I realized how easy it would have been to be Brittney. I wasn't too far off, had a kid at the same age, definitely behaved and conducted myself the same. I did a LOT of stupid things that seriously didn't phase me. I hitchhiked, I moved to NYC with 75.00. I met strange men on mIRC chat rooms and went off to have relationships with them (and this was in the 90's!) they would pay my bus tickets and more than a few times I had to call people collect from payphones because I was stranded in a bad city far away.I had an ID (military) that I purchased from someone, and it gained me access to anywhere I wanted to go. Again, different era - people didn't suspect a military ID as being a fake one some kid would use to get into a bar or a job.

I disappeared into the world of raves/club kids. It wasn't hard at all. Not in the least, and in the end I was dragging a child along with me. Not the brightest or best years but Brittney isn't alone in her choices. She didn't have a good concept of motherhood, she had a child and realized "I'm 17!". That was pretty much what happened to me. I was deemed terrible but truly, I was a kid and having a child doesn't automatically change your perception of the world - not as a teen ... and not if you weren't raised and guided. I may come from wealth but I assure you one thing, I wasn't raised well at all. I was ignored, their (parents) life came before mine, various things like that. And yes, even drugs were present because wealthy people can afford the good stuff and believe me, the people they bring around aren't any better (in fact, I'd venture to say worse off because money is the root of all that's evil). I get it. That's why I'm passionate about this case and hope against it all that she did what I did and took off.

If someone would have taken my son from me or I lost custody, I wouldn't be sitting here today. I would have absolutely over dosed at some point or got myself into a really bad situation that I could NOT have talked my way out of (and believe me, I was raped - beaten, robbed and did overdose but managed to walk away and chalk it up to "that's the scene!...seriously). I talked a good game but like Brittney, I'm pretty small, and someone could have easily over powered me. I'm glad someone DID go to jail for the crimes committed against her. I live with knowing the person who did so to me (one of) is walking around and has children, i"m not his only victim either .. his sister bore his children. So I don't think money, aspects of culture ..really make much of a difference here. All of us girls in the sex industry ended up there with one common thread: abuse and the hole in our hearts where no one protected us or put us first.

I also know that Brittney ran with a tough crowd, or one that thought they were. She isn't a saint either, and could have said something that really upset someone and they finally made good on once idle threats (I've seen more than my share on FB). Her fate may never be known but I hope it is, and I hope it is soon. I hope she's alive because I somehow survived those years and I can't imagine her missing her child growing up and she herself growing into a woman. Right now she's a kid! She's just 2 years older than my son.

I don't judge her or her family. I know this life from both sides of the fence; being the child and being the parent making poor choices at an early age. The thing is, I stopped making those choices, confronted what had went on and owned up to it. I apologized and explained, I feel that was never done for her and if it was, she's far too stubborn and young to listen right now. She has pain that's obvious and part of that is just from growing up and the other end is where she came from. I just hope that anyone who's still recovering from substance abuse issues will continue to recover for her sake. I know it would be easy to "fall off" right now, to numb themselves to escape it but please don't (if you're reading this). It will serve no good, you'll have to face reality at some point.

Anyway, it's pouring rain and I'm off to classes.

Nevermind... class is not happening this morning and I have 61 pages of power point in NOTES to print out. I'll be around lol
When were Donny's cell phone records released? Recently ?

I'm fairly certain they obtained them not long after they discovered he was the last person she was known to be with...

If you are asking whether or not WWH "sounded the alarm" right after she went through Donnie's phone and then "later found out" she was missing... I can't say for certain but based on the social media conversations it certainly does not appear that way to me. IMO - it appeared as though the family had to discover that information their own. I do leave open the possibility of it being a miscommunication/phone tag but not that much.
Granted Brittney and this young girl have little in common with their lifestyle's BUT considering the extenuating circumstances surrounding Brittney's disappearance and that it IS out of character for her to not communicate with ANYONE...

Stories like the one linked below make me scratch & bang my head at the lack of concern shown by LE with the effort to find Brittney and get to the bottom of the sex crimes investigation (which at this point - IMO looks more and more like a sex ring & should have the attention of the FBI).

I wish MPD & BCSO would accept the offers of NCMEC, ABI and the FBI to assist them.
How can CW do this against Donnie & Wendy if she didn't do it against the guy that Zeaux said raped Brittney when she was 9? How could a court take her seriously? Furthermore, Chessie's 3 oldest kids all have had issues & lived elsewhere outside of their mother's home when they were younger for various reasons, so would she be making her own self susceptible to a similar lawsuit? Maybe even one brought on by her own children whom might blame her for some of the more serious problems that they have?

Understand, I wasn't thinking of it in terms of winning monies. But with even a civil suit comes subpoena power, allowing you access to information that you could not otherwise get to. With LE seemingly not being proactive on this case, it was just a thought on a means for the family to get more information on their own if LE isn't doing it.

At the time, I was particularly thinking of Donnie's phone records, which FBM has said they already have, making my thought moot anyhow.
I think Donald Holland is responsible for whatever happend to Brittney.
I do not think she is alive and i believe he had her cell phone with him along with her gun
after he got rid of her....
He couldnt mentally cope with what he had done and killed himself.
I dont think the molestation and rape charges drove him to suicide i think it was killing BW!

I think Donald Holland is responsible for whatever happend to Brittney.
I do not think she is alive and i believe he had her cell phone with him along with her gun
after he got rid of her....
He couldnt mentally cope with what he had done and killed himself.
I dont think the molestation and rape charges drove him to suicide i think it was killing BW!


I also leave open a very high possibility that others were present and either assisted in some way, were directly responsible or at the very least know the details.

Understand, I wasn't thinking of it in terms of winning monies. But with even a civil suit comes subpoena power, allowing you access to information that you could not otherwise get to. With LE seemingly not being proactive on this case, it was just a thought on a means for the family to get more information on their own if LE isn't doing it.

At the time, I was particularly thinking of Donnie's phone records, which FBM has said they already have, making my thought moot anyhow.

Oh yeah, I agree with you...but I'm thinking along another line. I'm taking it back to when Brittney was 9 & questioning it from that point on. Iow, is there a reason a civil suit wasn't brought or charges pressed? Did i miss this record if it did go to court? I mean a 9 y/o is an innocent little child, right? Why no civil suit for psychological help at least? As a matter of fact I'll put it this way: Ever since Zeaux informed that something happened when Britt was 9, I went back to the period in years surrounding Britt's age of 9 & searched court records with Chessie's name (bc she'd have been the adult responsible for Brittney I think) but nothing showed up pertaining to any of it. Forget the fact that it's a juvey record for a sec bc Chessie would have been an adult in her life that could have represented her as guardian, etc...yet I didn't find anything resembling a rape. Zeaux has been truthful & spot on with every single thing she's helped us with so I have absolutely no reason to doubt this story at all. Having said that it makes me wonder if Chessie did anything about Brittney being raped & if she didn't then why not?

That's why I answered the way I did... If she was gonna file suit, why not do it when Britt's 9? Or did she & I just missed that info?

Here's where I'm going with this: when a person files suit for whatever reason, they're provided with certain info they may not otherwise have been able to obtain. That's fine, as long as they're able to handle what they read from that info bc maybe they could end up surprised to see that they theirself are being investigated. Afterall, the biological son of the person that would file for this suit is accused of the sos Donnie was accused of, so it's only natural to look at every person in the immediate family & residence that all of these accused people are in contact with. Matter of fact, his official record is 150% worse than Donnie's - remember that a lot of what Donnie did (& is accused of) went on for years without detection...but DW always seems to get caught, therefore DW looks worse on record than what Donnie did/does...

Again, can she handle bringing a suit?

I think the best person to bring the suit would be P****n's dad. He could do it as a protection method for his daughter's future. Afterall, her mother isn't around to supply child support so if he could bring on a suit & prove they had something to do with Brittney's disappearance, then at the minimum he'd be able to sue for minimum child support per week (as Britt didn't work) times however many years til P****n is out of hs, add in every 3 years cost of living increase, then add in medical out of pocket expenses, then add psych sessions, etc. he stands the biggest chance IMO of a successful suit...
Jersey - I totally agree with you and think that could be a possibility later down the road (by WH at the very least)...

I wish we could somehow get the first steps put into place & into action... like I dunno... maybe some actual effort by LE to take this seriously or turn it over to an agency who would?
FBM (FL native) is sending a big hug to all our LA, AL, MS & FL peeps - Hurricane PARTAY! :toast: :martini:

Stay safe and charge up those lap tops and cell phones before the power goes out.
OT. I think it's gonna miss us Al folks!! MS and LA get ready!
I notice that there is only ONE Wood that WH is still friends with on his FB. What does that mean, if anything?
Yeah, I wanna know his routes. Plus, which company did he work for? Maybe with just a smidgen of this info we could teach search his handle, his repeat stops on regular routes, etc. idk, just think it could open up another ave to search.

Sef edit bc edit option isn't there now for some reason...

Search not teach - omg!
I'm jumping in...

Just read that there is an evacuation order for those by the Styx River...

Prayers for you locals...

and I wonder what BW's family will be doing with these storms?
My husbands business just received Brittney's flyer in the mail. Getting the word out!!
I notice that there is only ONE Wood that WH is still friends with on his FB. What does that mean, if anything?

I am now seriously considering creating a Pearltree to keep all of the information I have gathered organized. The farther these circles and connections move out from Brittney the harder it is to remember who is connected to who and in what capacity. Spreadsheets and screenshots have become unproductive at this point, at least for me.

If no one is familiar with Pearltrees I'm including a link below. I'm curious to know what y'all think or if anyone has any experience with them.

I've never created or used one but I've seen another group who used the tool to track down social media, profile and relationship connections to help find a very infamous & twisted individual.
My husbands business just received Brittney's flyer in the mail. Getting the word out!!

That is AWESOME!!!! Do you know which agency or organization sent it? I'd love to send them a thank you!!!
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