AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 5

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I still think it would be worth searching around the Styx river area. Someone got rid of her body. If it was Donnie, then doubt he moved her far.(as in a hundred miles) If it was one of the others i would search around areas they are known to be comfortable in.

I would also look at all the areas the RSW searched and make a map of where he avoided and search there. It always seemed hinky to me that he was so involved in the search, almost the face of the if he was trying to be as close to the investigation as possible bc he was the perp.


BBM I totally agree, but I think LE (or PI or family or ??) needs to look at the phone records for WWH and her BFF during the hours just before Uncle D killed himself. IMO Uncle D killed BW (accidental overdose or ??) and called WWH because he was freaking out. WWH was pizzed off because now she had to get rid of the body and cover up the evidence (hence all the deleting of phone messages and trying to create an alibi via facebook posts, sick kid at 1am, etc, etc..) In the meantime, Uncle D knew he had gone to far this time and with the pending interview with LE that morning and the ongoing rape/sodomy/molestation investigation, he did not see any other way out, so he committed suicide (because that is what cowards do). I do not think WWH knew hubby was going to kill himself, but she knew he was upset because he accidentally killed his "favorite niece" so she knew he would be at the place in the woods where he would go to think (or do drugs). That would explain how WWH and her BFF were able to find him in the woods with a bullet in his head from BW's gun (another reason I think she is already dead, she would NOT run without her gun).

So, by knowing which cell towers their phones pinged (WWH and her BFF) off of during the hours just before the suicide, a search area could be mapped out and BW hopefully will be found. I only wish that BW found soon for the sake of her daughter, dad and stepmom. I also pray that PH does not grow up in the same environment that BW did...BW did not stand a chance. Get that child away from the Wood family before she becomes another victim of that sick, twisted bunch of freaks. They all make me sick!! puke:

All of this is just my opinion based on all the information here on WS, LE, MSM and the reactions and movements of all the players involved...that's it from me, back to lurking I go. :lurk:
Ok, here are the facts, and I know this because I have personally spoken with the MPD myself as well as others close to WH and SH. The MPD is not communicating with them because, according to the department, they are only obligated to speak to the one who filed the missing person's report. The MPD does not like how WH, SH and supporters have called the department out for it's handling, or more appropriately mishandling, of Brittney's case. My understanding is that, initially, they were giving the same information to both sides of the family but after several supporters contacted the Chief of Police for Mobile and expressed their displeasure at the way the department was handling the case (refusal to accept free outside assistance from state and federal agencies, neglecting to add Brittney to missing person databases freeing up money and resources to aid the family and investigators and the labeling of Brittney as just a runaway while ruling out any possibility of foul play early on) and that is one possible reason for why the detective has refused to give information to WH and SH. While the detective is certainly operating within department policy I don't understand the judgement call here. That means that WH can only get information from CW because that is the only person MPD will speak with and we all know how volatile a situation that is.

Thanks and that is pretty much what I figured. Just from a human standpoint, not so much a legal standpoint, I don't know how you refuse to talk to the father of a missing girl, even if he has called the investigation into question. I could be wrong, but I don't recall him being public with any criticism either. If I had to guess, most of his public rants probably started after he was cut off from the flow of information and he was left with little other choice. It seemed to me we didn't hear from him at all at the outset and then he seemed to burst on the scene, at least his public postings, which would seem to coincide with him being cut off by MPD. Some real ego problems at MPD if they can't deal with and understand a father who wants ANYTHING and EVERYTHING done to find a missing daughter. If it were me, I'd be questioning anything and everything too. Just my thoughts.
Ok, here are the facts, and I know this because I have personally spoken with the MPD myself as well as others close to WH and SH. The MPD is not communicating with them because, according to the department, they are only obligated to speak to the one who filed the missing person's report. The MPD does not like how WH, SH and supporters have called the department out for it's handling, or more appropriately mishandling, of Brittney's case. My understanding is that, initially, they were giving the same information to both sides of the family but after several supporters contacted the Chief of Police for Mobile and expressed their displeasure at the way the department was handling the case (refusal to accept free outside assistance from state and federal agencies, neglecting to add Brittney to missing person databases freeing up money and resources to aid the family and investigators and the labeling of Brittney as just a runaway while ruling out any possibility of foul play early on) and that is one possible reason for why the detective has refused to give information to WH and SH. While the detective is certainly operating within department policy I don't understand the judgement call here. That means that WH can only get information from CW because that is the only person MPD will speak with and we all know how volatile a situation that is.

Well, I think that is just childish bullsh@@ on the part of MPD. I mean good grief, how many times would it take talking to CW to realize what you are dealing with. One would think MPD would seek out a family member without ties to the twins, or any of the arrested participants. :banghead:
BW is 19, she has a child. I see no rule that says LE only gives info to the person that calls in the missing person report. She is not a minor and the mom has custody. That just makes no sense. WH is her father why shouldnt he be told exactly the same thing CW is?
I actually think that he hasgrounds to sue that LE department or someone on it.
BW is 19, she has a child. I see no rule that says LE only gives info to the person that calls in the missing person report. She is not a minor and the mom has custody. That just makes no sense. WH is her father why shouldnt he be told exactly the same thing CW is?
I actually think that he hasgrounds to sue that LE department or someone on it.

The thing is, BW is not a minor, just as you say, so as an adult she has a right to privacy, and LE has no obligation to report to her parents.
No, they don't, Lanie. In fact, as you know, even when the missing person is a minor, LE often withholds information from the parents. Where there is concern that a family member will wittingly, or unwittingly, repeat sensitive information, LE is tight lipped because their first obligation is to the victim.

My heart breaks a little more each day for Brittney. Even now that she is missing and possibly deceased, she is exploited and denied dignity. That, in itself, should be a crime. IMO
No, they don't, Lanie. In fact, as you know, even when the missing person is a minor, LE often withholds information from the parents. Where there is concern that a family member will wittingly, or unwittingly, repeat sensitive information, LE is tight lipped because their first obligation is to the victim.

My heart breaks a little more each day for Brittney. Even now that she is missing and possibly deceased, she is exploited and denied dignity. That, in itself, should be a crime. IMO

IMO Brittney has been exploited and denied dignity for most of her young life. Imo Brittney's been the most xploited of that group, proably because she was fed to the wolves so to speak. No protection or guidance, not before she had a child so young and certainly not after that. I can't even begin to imagine the abuse that all of the females in this family have proably been put through, endured, accepted.

What can I do about all the other girls in that family who have sat and watched their cousin Brittney "disappear" and all the talk that I imagine is going on about the rape/sodomy/incest charges. I feel helpless. I hate that it takes someone "disappearing" before I see the horror. And now I feel like a hypocrite sitting here wanting to help Brittney when in reality there are so many right in that family alone that need help right this minute. If LE and the courts can't/don't remove children or even search for children when they "disappear" what can I do?? I just want to go stand in front of my youngest son"s middle school and scream "If you need someone to listen to you, I will! If you need somewhere to go, come to me, I will help you! It is not ok for any adult to touch you inappropriatly!"

A lil' frustrated with the lack of movement to find Brittney.
Brittney endured such a traumatic childhood…my heart aches for her. Sexual abuse is a vicious cycle that leaves scars that never truly heal and changes who you are. Exposing all of this information is a step in the right direction. Having the lies hidden only allows for the abuse to continue. There are so many skeletons in this family's closet that needed to come out a long time ago. I believe that the only way to find the TRUTH about Brittney Wood is to paint a real picture of her life. It's time for the abuse to stop and time for the protection of the innocent children be the priority. My hope is the family comes together for the greater good and sees the light that Brittney is shining on this devastating reality. Praying that Brittney is found soon!

Brittney endured such a traumatic childhood…my heart aches for her. Sexual abuse is a vicious cycle that leaves scars that never truly heal and changes who you are. Exposing all of this information is a step in the right direction. Having the lies hidden only allows for the abuse to continue. There are so many skeletons in this family's closet that needed to come out a long time ago. I believe that the only way to find the TRUTH about Brittney Wood is to paint a real picture of her life. It's time for the abuse to stop and time for the protection of the innocent children be the priority. My hope is the family comes together for the greater good and sees the light that Brittney is shining on this devastating reality. Praying that Brittney is found soon!


Great post, Buggs! I agree 100%.

I couldn't help but cry for Brittney when I read the links you posted.
All of the children in that family need to be seen by a counsellor to figure out what's going on. I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing ANY children are with that family.
All of the children in that family need to be seen by a counsellor to figure out what's going on. I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing ANY children are with that family.

I totally agree. No child is safe with this family. It is just hard to comprehend.
"Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord." Eventually, all of these people, this family, WILL be dealt with by a higher court. That is our only solace as we watch this case unfold. Horrified.

Amen!! I agree
All of the children in that family need to be seen by a counsellor to figure out what's going on. I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing ANY children are with that family.

They better have frickin' done this by now. I am hoping they are doing a h*ll of a lot more than we are seeing.

Apologize for the language although I AM REALLY HOLDING BACK RIGHT NOW. These poor kids. Will someone please get them all clear of this family!?? My gawd!
The thing is, BW is not a minor, just as you say, so as an adult she has a right to privacy, and LE has no obligation to report to her parents.

OH I think they do! This young woman is missing under some very very shady circumstances...As i see it they dont have much to go on so what the problem in telling both sets of parents whats going on! What is it going to hurt?

It seems by reading some things online. this young girl has gone thru an awful lot in her short life. I do not see CW as the better parent. It seems this child was abused at a very early age.

Maybe she did run away who would blame her! Her child is in a safe place
away from her insane family... Maybe she took the chance to get away also.

I hope and say a little prayer that this is what she did!
Hi all! Just reminding everyone that Brittney's birthday is Sept 25th. Many people are lighting candles that day, because we are all so scattered around and can't attend a vigil. Hope all are well and looking forward to the day we know where Brittney is :)
Hi all! Just reminding everyone that Brittney's birthday is Sept 25th. Many people are lighting candles that day, because we are all so scattered around and can't attend a vigil. Hope all are well and looking forward to the day we know where Brittney is :)

Good to see you back! Thought we lost ya here!!
IMO there isn't enough manpower or foster homes or money to try a take all these children out of the home. I wish. I really do. I volunteer my home. I'm a licensed adult foster care provider, but in another state so they won't be sent to me. My bet is most of the kids would say they want to stay in their own home. I wonder if the child that the perps are charged w/ violating is in their own home. And there are incest charges here!
Maybe the adult woman (who IMO know all and can effect all in her home) should unite w/ other women, even other female heads of households with in their own families, sisters even, where they know abuse went on years ago, maybe even to them. They have common bonds and maybe if they were stronger, self sufficiant, more united, they could end the abuse of current children. ?? Tho I'm hoping the rape/sodomy/incest charges have halted any activity. And of course one of the main perps offing himself. (just makes me sad knowing he prolly did so after he "disappeared" Brittney)

OH I think they do! This young woman is missing under some very very shady circumstances...As i see it they dont have much to go on so what the problem in telling both sets of parents whats going on! What is it going to hurt?

It seems by reading some things online. this young girl has gone thru an awful lot in her short life. I do not see CW as the better parent. It seems this child was abused at a very early age.

Maybe she did run away who would blame her! Her child is in a safe place
away from her insane family... Maybe she took the chance to get away also.

I hope and say a little prayer that this is what she did!

Me too! I have believed this from the beginning. I keep thinking/ wishing there was a thread here on WS just for discussion and evidence that supports the theory that BW ran away, and/ or is in witness relocation.
IMO there isn't enough manpower or foster homes or money to try a take all these children out of the home. I wish. I really do. I volunteer my home. I'm a licensed adult foster care provider, but in another state so they won't be sent to me. My bet is most of the kids would say they want to stay in their own home. I wonder if the child that the perps are charged w/ violating is in their own home. And there are incest charges here!
Maybe the adult woman (who IMO know all and can effect all in her home) should unite w/ other women, even other female heads of households with in their own families, sisters even, where they know abuse went on years ago, maybe even to them. They have common bonds and maybe if they were stronger, self sufficiant, more united, they could end the abuse of current children. ?? Tho I'm hoping the rape/sodomy/incest charges have halted any activity. And of course one of the main perps offing himself. (just makes me sad knowing he prolly did so after he "disappeared" Brittney)


Bless you for your kind heart and opening your home to kids who need help.

Yes the child was removed from the home months ago and is doing well. An insider posted that in one of the Britney threads.

Two other children were removed from their home when mom was busted

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