AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 5

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Not sure if this was already posted but it has info from Brittneys mom and alot of comments.
Photojournalist: Marcus Powe

BALDWIN COUNTY, Ala. (WALA) - The mother of missing teenager Brittney Wood said she believes her daughter was the victim of sexual abuse.

The teen has been missing since May 30, but Chessie Wood said her daughter wouldn't have just walked off.

Chessie Wood believes her daughter Brittney knew arrests were coming in a sex crimes investigation before she disappeared.

She also believes her daughter was sexually abused by her now-dead uncle, Donald Holland, Sr.

"I was told by authorities that Brittney was one of his victims," said Chessie Wood.
Laura, it has been posted but no names of the perps who victimized BW have been released. Some media outlets are saying it's not connected (she, BW and the crimes) and others like this, are leading us to draw our own conclusions.

I think things that were said by family members, people close to the family and friends - in the early stages were most likely holding the answer. As time has gone on a lot of people have either lost interest or were scared enough by questioning to just shut up. Which sucks because I'm sure her friends hold important information.
Laura, it has been posted but no names of the perps who victimized BW have been released. Some media outlets are saying it's not connected (she, BW and the crimes) and others like this, are leading us to draw our own conclusions.

I think things that were said by family members, people close to the family and friends - in the early stages were most likely holding the answer. As time has gone on a lot of people have either lost interest or were scared enough by questioning to just shut up. Which sucks because I'm sure her friends hold important information.

I agree the beginning held the answers. I'm sure her friends do hold important information. I hope they find her.
Hello , i'm new to websleuths , although i've been lurking on this case for ages , so i thought i better sign in :)
This case just keeps getting stranger . If you check out CW profile on facebook at the moment , BW ' dad is letting loose .
Boy, I’m starting to think that maybe additional press, in any form, isn’t helping anyone/anything in this case.

I’m thinking that the only thing that could help LE in discovering what actually happened to BW is for those who knew BW to march themselves down to LE and tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help them drugs and child abuse. I won't be holding my breath on this.

Anything more I would like to add would probably get me permanently banned from WS.

Continuing to hope that BW is alive and safe but thinking the odds were stacked against her; also, not absolving BW for any possible contributing actions.

Peace to all!
I'm new to this and feel a little intimidated as there are so many great posters on this site but as a newbie i'll add my opinion.
I think this is going to explode pretty soon , people are getting angry which means they will leave their guards down more and hopefully let more info out .
I thought CW was handling it very well but i have to say the post of facebook has made me look a little different at her .
MW had commented in support of CW and has now deleted her comment seems they are trying to rile WH (BW dad) up . I believe MW has info also so in normal circumstances wouldn't CW have issues with her , this doesn't appear to be the case .

I'm starting to think their are no innocent adults in this story .
I'm new to this and feel a little intimidated as there are so many great posters on this site but as a newbie i'll add my opinion.
I think this is going to explode pretty soon , people are getting angry which means they will leave their guards down more and hopefully let more info out .
I thought CW was handling it very well but i have to say the post of facebook has made me look a little different at her .
MW had commented in support of CW and has now deleted her comment seems they are trying to rile WH (BW dad) up . I believe MW has info also so in normal circumstances wouldn't CW have issues with her , this doesn't appear to be the case .

I'm starting to think their are no innocent adults in this story .

:welcome4:! And yes I think you're correct, emotions are reaching boiling point now!
Hey y'all! Sorry I've pretty much gone back to lurking but I just feel like I don't have a lot to offer right now. How many locals are on this board now? I've been thinking a lot about all of us getting together and searching. Of course, who knows what's going to happen with this hurricane, but maybe after everything settles down. I'm not sure what it is about Brittney but it is killing me right now thinking that she could just be lying out there somewhere. Pretty soon seasons are going to be changing and her family will have to get through the holidays without her. Can you imagine? I know it's a huge area, I realize she could be just about anywhere, but I just feel in my heart like I need to have my feet on the ground LOOKING for her. She is worth that and so much more. So who'll get on board with me?

Sorry for rambling, this is just really weighing so heavily on my heart right now. I tried to step away, tried to distance myself, but I feel like I have to do something. For those of you that don't know me personally, I have two boys, ages 1 and 2. Needless to say, I have my hands FULL! The other day I was strapping my 1 year old into his car seat. We do this several times a day. My 2 year old knows to stand beside me with his hands on the car. Well, I turned around and he was GONE. I found him 2-3 minutes later in a DIFFERENT parking lot. Feel free to judge, I'm sure I could have prevented that from happening a million different ways, but believe me I have beat myself up enough. My point is, for those 2-3 minutes my whole world had gone dark. I literally don't think I breathed until he was in my arms again. It felt like hours. Every single nightmare scenario raced through my mind.

I know my son running away in a parking lot was not the end of the world - it probably happens many times a day all over the world. But can you imagine not knowing? It's easy to judge other people - parents, especially. You would have protected her, you would have known, you would have done something about it. We've all been there. But I honestly can not imagine the pain and agony her family, the ones who really love her, are facing every single morning when they wake up and have no idea where their daughter is. I'm sure they don't notice sunrise or sunsets. I'm sure they don't care about this stupid hurricane. Physically they keep moving, but their world has come to a standstill. I HAVE to do something.

Almost done, bear with me. I just want to say that I have the utmost respect for all of you sleuthers and everything y'all are doing to make things happen! I hope nothing tragic happens to someone I love but I am comforted knowing that I have an army of Websleuthers that have my back!
RSBM: See Zeaux's post 287 above - he had his phone with him after he left Styx River that evening (it pinged near Tillman's Corner).

Oh and regarding the drugs - depending on what he was on and/or drinking; yes, it is totally possible he could be telling the truth in that he doesn't remember or... he could be lying. My bet is on memory loss because I believe in my gut and heart DH and others are directly connected to her disappearance.

Not only do I think they are directly connected but I think DH's suicide is directly connected as well. Whomever did the deed, the others knew about it. Also DH did not kill himself in 4 months of investigation, it is beyond belief that he did so just bc of the investigation (as mpd seems to think) on the very night Brittney goes missing. Not unless there was something to do with her disappearance as well.

I wish the family had the money to bring suit against MPD for negligence. It is criminal that they are refusing help from both LE and non LE agencies to discover what happened.

Is it known if there are any ties between someone in MPD and the sexual assault suspects? This whole inaction reeks of something like corruption. I can't see any other reason for it.

All in my opinion of course.
I'll catch up in a bit but feel spoiled for everyone's great insights, Zeaux posting again, grateful for new members, and very thankful this thread is moving again!

For some reason this case is special, can't pinpoint it, but really wanna make a difference in these people's lives. This girl needs to be found - dead or alive - and justice needs to be sought. Then her parents & their immediate families need to get the hell outta dodge & start over. Strength in numbers & they've already shown they can come together in such a tough time so why not move away for the sanity of their children & their own relationships?

When a person comes from a family, they don't dream big. When love & guidance is provided, it multiplies, becomes contagious, and helps to spring up new goals in life. I'd prefer to be part of a positive change. It's obvious they need it.

It is different. I left the thread for a long time because without FB and Zeaux's input I felt that it had died. She wasn't one of the charmed girls with not just good looks but good job and well to do family. She had everything against her but continued to try and make her way through life and it seems she was well loved as well by family who may not have been perfect but cared enough to try to get help when she disappeared and were turned away by LE. Turned away cold with almost no investigation and no evidence of her safety while there was a whole lot of evidence of something bad happening. (just being with sexual predator/s the night one commits suicide and you disappear is a big red flag!)

To often girls like Brittney don't get the public attention, and when there is a lot of negatives in the background if they do it dies off quickly with people finding it easier to believe she ran away than anything was done to her. Then they hear about sexual assault arrests and drugs and it seems that a girl who didn't have much of a chance alive has no one willing to fight for her in death. And I do believe she is dead.

Luckily here at WS we do care and I feel ashamed I left the thread when so many believed she was alive bc she hadn't been found.

i don't seem to be making sense but ..
:rocker:Zeaux, FootballMom, Chatty, Jersey, Inthedeteils.........ya'll all need ro take a bow for all the time and information you have devoted. EaCh of you has inspired me in a unique way.:rocker:

It's all for the common good...........FIND BRITTNEY:woohoo:

:please: :great: :fireworks2:

Yo are so right. They have been incredible. Now we just need to find her. And if she is found dead two people need to go to jail. The perp and the person who refused any help and refused to investigate beyond a minimal amount.

not only do i think they are directly connected but i think dh's suicide is directly connected as well. Whomever did the deed, the others knew about it. Also dh did not kill himself in 4 months of investigation, it is beyond belief that he did so just bc of the investigation (as mpd seems to think) on the very night brittney goes missing. Not unless there was something to do with her disappearance as well.

(not exactly...but close... The four month of investigation into dh had come to the point when was expected to turn himself into bsco an hour (or so) before he shot himself. Additionally, there was a 40 hour window between the time brittney left her mother's house and dh shot himself.)

i wish the family had the money to bring suit against mpd for negligence. It is criminal that they are refusing help from both le and non le agencies to discover what happened.

Is it known if there are any ties between someone in mpd and the sexual assault suspects? This whole inaction reeks of something like corruption. I can't see any other reason for it.

(i have found a few le ties even within the families but keep in mind this is relatively small town america. For the most part a significant portion of the local demographic appear to be related in someway, at sometime or at least went to school with one another, etc...

However - given bcso & mpd's lack of effort and dismissal of dps & fbi assistance there has got to be a legitimate reason or it could possibly be one of the most irresponsible decisions ever made by le.

I would love to see a formal investigation launched simply to assure her parents & the public that they are not neglecting their duties. I know for a fact they did drop the ball in at least two key events because myself and others made those calls & followed up.)

all in my opinion of course.

(ditto here, jmo.)

I'm not going to try to fix it but my OCD compels me to at least point out that I did not neglect capitalization - it is just showing up that way for some weird reason...
What does BW’s brother, DW aka “BW’s protector”, think happened to BW? DW must have a pretty good sense what went down since he knows/knew all of the main players, some of their past actions and probably had a good sense of what they are capable. JMO

If DW is now living with his father, DW must be giving WH a pretty good earful if WH wasn’t already informed. JMO
What does BW’s brother, DW aka “BW’s protector”, think happened to BW? DW must have a pretty good sense what went down since he knows/knew all of the main players, some of their past actions and probably had a good sense of what they are capable. JMO

If DW is now living with his father, DW must be giving WH a pretty good earful if WH wasn’t already informed. JMO

I read somewhere, that they couldn't really speak while Derrick was locked up because all phone conversations are recorded. I'm sure they are hashing through everything, Wallace seems to be determined to get to the bottom of everything. His statements since Derrick has been released, tend to reveal loaded anger and direct anger. Derrick struck me as someone who was probably victimized and really does love / miss his sister. If anyone can help shed light on her behavior or maybe even secrets, I feel it's Derrick. I hope at least.

I bet you that Wallace will be instrumental in solving this case, he's that active (as is his wife). When nasty comments are left on MSM sites, they are quick to dispute this stuff. That means this is a 24 hour job. Nothing is slipping out from under him or her. He's doing what any great parent would do, and I'm sure he's talked to Derrick. I really don't believe he would have brought Derrick home if he had any doubts about him. Wallace strikes me as a non BS type, wearing his heart on his sleeve.
I would not bet the farm on anyone with the last name of Wood, Holland, Kent or Brownlee to be confessing anything to anyone anytime soon... if ever... and even then I'd question its reliability.

I read somewhere, that they couldn't really speak while Derrick was locked up because all phone conversations are recorded. I'm sure they are hashing through everything, Wallace seems to be determined to get to the bottom of everything. His statements since Derrick has been released, tend to reveal loaded anger and direct anger. Derrick struck me as someone who was probably victimized and really does love / miss his sister. If anyone can help shed light on her behavior or maybe even secrets, I feel it's Derrick. I hope at least.

I bet you that Wallace will be instrumental in solving this case, he's that active (as is his wife). When nasty comments are left on MSM sites, they are quick to dispute this stuff. That means this is a 24 hour job. Nothing is slipping out from under him or her. He's doing what any great parent would do, and I'm sure he's talked to Derrick. I really don't believe he would have brought Derrick home if he had any doubts about him. Wallace strikes me as a non BS type, wearing his heart on his sleeve.

I agree with you completely. Would DW be allowed to be around children based on the charges? WH does have kids (I think he does). I am sure that DW, being close to Britney and involved at some level with the other arrestees, would have quite a bit of info on what was going on and would share that info with someone who was determined to get to the truth and find Britney. I have no idea what his relationship with his dad is but I bet he would be willing to open up to find his sister.

I'm rooting for WH and believe he will get to the bottom of this. He seems like a man on a mission to say and do whatever it takes to find his daughter

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I agree with you completely. Would DW be allowed to be around children based on the charges? WH does have kids (I think he does). I am sure that DW, being close to Britney and involved at some level with the other arrestees, would have quite a bit of info on what was going on and would share that info with someone who was determined to get to the truth and find Britney. I have no idea what his relationship with his dad is but I bet he would be willing to open up to find his sister.

I'm rooting for WH and believe he will get to the bottom of this. He seems like a man on a mission to say and do whatever it takes to find his daughter

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I'm not sure the rules of his bond. I know before they stated if he was bonded out that he would have to wear an ankle monitoring bracelet aka home arrest. I always thought that if you're under investigation for acts on minors that you aren't allowed around minors HOWEVER that may not be true, since he's not convicted of a sex crime (just charged), he wouldn't have the same rules as a sex offender.

His bio mom does have small children and I'm not sure about his step mother and bio dad. I think in cases like these, they are told to not have contact with the victim as opposed to not being allowed around minors (till they are registered or convicted). Just my opinion, as I'm not familiar at all with law.
Poor Brittney. She goes missing and it seems all her family can do is turn against each other and rant on public forums about each other. I thought her parents, though no longer together, had been putting up a strong, united front and were united in searching for her, despite whatever else was going on with the rest of the family.

Now it seems her daddy has learned something about her mama or someone on her mama's side that has made him no longer be able to be united with her in the search.

I don't know what all is going on here, but I am not sure how you can call out the man who has been searching for your daughter on his own everyday since she went missing as a sperm donor. Something is hinky with at least an entire side of poor Brittney's family.
I would not bet the farm on anyone with the last name of Wood, Holland, Kent or Brownlee to be confessing anything to anyone anytime soon... if ever... and even then I'd question its reliability.


Speaking of... there hasn't been much talk about the family friend, if any at all. What do we know of him, other than he was friends of Donald holland? Sorry, dont' mean to thread jack but he always get lost in the mix here because the family aspect is a tad overwhelming.
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