AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 6

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Are there crocodiles/alligators in AL? In the Styx River? How far away?

Could this be a case where remains might not be found due crocs/gators?
I understand why AJ doesn't want to come within a 10 foot pole of Brittney's case. He has millions of dollars riding in the upcoming draft and where you fall in the draft is so much about PR. He could get good PR from trying to help Brittney but the downside is that he would have that much more negative fallout because of the case against his uncle. If it were just Brittney, I would hope he would try to help, even if he never met her. If I found out a relative, even distant, had gone missing, I would do what I could to try to help if I was in his position. Unfortunately, it's not just Brittney missing and his handlers won't let him any where near this even if he wanted to.

What I am shocked about is that reporters haven't jumped all over that angle. No, he isn't blood. No, he isn't involved in any way. But how many times do you see reporters go for the sensational headlines or stories. On the one hand, I am surprised that the media hasn't jumped on that angle because it would catch people's eyes and increase sales. On the flip side, my impression is that football is almost a religion to many in Alabama and possibly local media fears the backlash if the star player's name is mentioned in the same sentence as a missing girl/sex abuse investigation.

I think I said it before, but these rape charges are far reaching. Not just the immediate victims, but Brittney's investigation. Look at what the University of Louisiana-Lafayette did in the Shunick case. I think they wore a resemblance of her on their helmets, and there was no relative on the football team, distant or not. Can you imagine the exposure Brittney's case could get from Alabama doing something similar in the national championship game? Never going to happen because of the rape charges. Sad in so many ways.

I don't know about making millions in the's not about that, really, for the media,because he's not quite at that talent level, and he won't be like RG3 or Cam Newton. It's about protecting his university and the current football season, and the BCS. The in-state media is protecting the institution more than the individual, and the millions of dollars at stake for that school. It's been that way for about 50 years. This is nothing new, and he's far from the first athlete from that school to be attached to a scandal that the media doesn't want to cover. If he played elsewhere, they'd be all over it.
But in this case, it's probably just as well, since the QB is not responsible for BW's disappearance.

Poor Brittney. No one wants to kick up a fuss about her. If she's ever found it will be due to an accidental discovery. It really is sad.
I am still not understanding why the Alabama media can't report on Brittney's disappearance without bringing her cousin into it. There are many cases that got more local coverage than this one and the media did not go into detail about the extended family. The BCS game is this week. Will we finally see coverage after that? Would the media still ignore the case if Brittney was an adorable blonde 5-year-old girl kidnapped from her bedroom in an upper middle home? I am not denying that the football connection made them avoid the case, but I do wonder if her being a teenager, and a mother too, made it easier for them to look the other way.

In most cases on here, unless the family member (not talking parents) talks to the media or is named a POI/suspect, the most you will know about them is their name.
If you google Brittney Wood and Wallace Hanke, you'll find he's spoken out for Brittney. He was out searching on his own every day. The fact remains that Brittney was allegedly last seen leaving Chessie's house.

IMO Mr Hanke has good reason to get a little emotional. Chessie's continuous fibbing comes to mind. :waitasec:

Brittney's step mom really does a wonderful job when meeting with reporters.

Not personal to you at all, but I hope nobody thought I was implying Brittney's dad was reluctant to speak out. I think it's the opposite in fact, and it seems to me journalists are taking the easy option in interviewing SH, instead of him. Or ignoring him, and concentrating on CW.

I can't help it, I've got a soft spot for Brittney's dad. I don't think he's anywhere near perfect, I don't think he's doing things right at all, media wise. I think he shouts in caps, when he shouldn't.

But I do think, of all people, he's the one who makes me think, he really loves Brittney. He'd do anything, say anything, to bring her home. It is just so heartwarming to know there is at least one person like that on Brittney's side. Even though he's a loose cannon. I want him to carry on just as he does really, but would like to see some good journalists and other professionals guiding him, in the best way to highlight Brittney's case and bring her home.
I am still not understanding why the Alabama media can't report on Brittney's disappearance without bringing her cousin into it. There are many cases that got more local coverage than this one and the media did not go into detail about the extended family. The BCS game is this week. Will we finally see coverage after that? Would the media still ignore the case if Brittney was an adorable blonde 5-year-old girl kidnapped from her bedroom in an upper middle home? I am not denying that the football connection made them avoid the case, but I do wonder if her being a teenager, and a mother too, made it easier for them to look the other way.


That would have little to do with it IMHO. There have been other missing teens and young women who have gotten a fair amount of local media coverage. There was a young single mom missing from Homewood, AL who received quite a bit of attention.IMHO... Brittney could be made a sympathetic figure due to her past if anyone wanted to spin it that way. I certainly feel bad for her.

Brittney's case is just the perfect storm.....the salacious details of the sex ring battling with the need to protect the victims and the QB/university, then add in her family's inability to advocate for her....and this is where we are.
I don't know about making millions in the's not about that, really, for the media,because he's not quite at that talent level, and he won't be like RG3 or Cam Newton. It's about protecting his university and the current football season, and the BCS. The in-state media is protecting the institution more than the individual, and the millions of dollars at stake for that school. It's been that way for about 50 years. This is nothing new, and he's far from the first athlete from that school to be attached to a scandal that the media doesn't want to cover. If he played elsewhere, they'd be all over it.
But in this case, it's probably just as well, since the QB is not responsible for BW's disappearance.

Poor Brittney. No one wants to kick up a fuss about her. If she's ever found it will be due to an accidental discovery. It really is sad.

Whether he is as good as those other players or not is your opinion and rather irrelevant. However even if he was already an NFL player or still a college QB from Alabama I think we can thank CW and her repeated misinformation for the non interest of the media, not because her cousin is a football player.

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Whether he is as good as those other players or not is your opinion and rather irrelevant. However even if he was already an NFL player or still a college QB from Alabama I think we can thank CW and her repeated misinformation for the non interest of the media, not because her cousin is a football player.

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Also, when BW first went missing I think the official party line from LE for the first few weeks (if not longer) was that they believed Brittney was alive but "hiding." LE also seemed to insist for a long time that the child sex ring was probably unrelated to BW going missing; now the LE seems to view the connection as much more possible.

This also probably hurt her case's coverage & local attention. If LE says an adult is hiding, what can the public (and LE) really be expected to do? I think interest dipped off in her case due to some of her family members' behavior & when word got out about the child sx ring/meth use by the family couple with many people still believing she is in hiding since LE originally said so (people who may not keep up with her case).

That would have little to do with it IMHO. There have been other missing teens and young women who have gotten a fair amount of local media coverage. There was a young single mom missing from Homewood, AL who received quite a bit of attention.IMHO... Brittney could be made a sympathetic figure due to her past if anyone wanted to spin it that way. I certainly feel bad for her.

Brittney's case is just the perfect storm.....the salacious details of the sex ring battling with the need to protect the victims and the QB/university, then add in her family's inability to advocate for her....and this is where we are.

BBM I think this is the key phrase.

We have agreed to disagree about the AJ element being the primary reason for lack of media coverage in this case. I don't believe for a minute that his QB status at The University has had any bearing on the attention this case has received. I will never believe there is some mass conspiracy to protect The University of Alabama - unless you want to believe that all television news organizations in Alabama are major BAMA fans and/or boosters. IMO, there are plenty of haters on the other side with influential fans who could shift the focus to AJ if the media/public was interested.

If you lived in this area, I think you would see this is about par for coverage. Example: Brittany Robinson disappeared about a week or two after our Brittney. Google Brittany and see how much coverage she has received. Very little.
Whether he is as good as those other players or not is your opinion and rather irrelevant. However even if he was already an NFL player or still a college QB from Alabama I think we can thank CW and her repeated misinformation for the non interest of the media, not because her cousin is a football player.

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Really respectfully, in a really English way because I hate disagreeing with anyone; but I think the misinformation IS the story here.

I just can't understand the lack of follow up.
BBM I think this is the key phrase.

We have agreed to disagree about the AJ element being the primary reason for lack of media coverage in this case. I don't believe for a minute that his QB status at The University has had any bearing on the attention this case has received. I will never believe there is some mass conspiracy to protect The University of Alabama - unless you want to believe that all television news organizations in Alabama are major BAMA fans and/or boosters. IMO, there are plenty of haters on the other side with influential fans who could shift the focus to AJ if the media/public was interested.

If you lived in this area, I think you would see this is about par for coverage. Example: Brittany Robinson disappeared about a week or two after our Brittney. Google Brittany and see how much coverage she has received. Very little.

I live in Alabama, and have for my entire life. I do know how the media works here. There has been a lot on the line for the university in the past few months. It's naive to think that none of that has played ANY part in the media backing away from this story.
As an example....with all that's going on in the world at this moment in time....the LEAD STORY in all local media this afternoon was that the football team had landed in South Florida. It was in big bold letters everywhere. That's how seriously people take football from that school. It surpasses everything else at times, and there is a huge lack of perspective about it.

The fact that her own mother has clouded the issue should have gotten the attention of a nosy local journalist....and yet no one has.
Whether he is as good as those other players or not is your opinion and rather irrelevant. However even if he was already an NFL player or still a college QB from Alabama I think we can thank CW and her repeated misinformation for the non interest of the media, not because her cousin is a football player.

Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2

From the perspective of who and what is being protected and why....I personally think it is relevant.

The oddity of a mother behaving as Chessie has is just another part of it as I said.
Not sure if I have posted in this thread, but I have been reading.

MOO - at this point, if CW has something to say, people go for the popcorn - kwim?

This case is so sick and convoluted that people (outsiders) are disgusted that this happened in their backyard. Seriously, would you want to be associated with this clan? - How 'bout that football game?

When my family gets together, we used to play football/basketball (now the kids do it - we watch) - not @#$% each other.

Anybody associated with it changes the subject - it is too unbelievable to even discuss. kwim?

If you are not associated with it, you are overcome by horror.

If Brittney's case was not associated with the other, I think it would have been dealt with differently. As it stands, no-one wants to touch it with a ten-foot pole.

Just to clarify my thoughts, I don't think the lack of coverage is due to AJ and some conspiracy to protect him and/or the University. What I do think is that a wonderful opportunity is understandably lost whereby AJ and/or the University could bring Brittney's case to the forefront. This opportunity is lost because of all the rape cases. If it were simply Brittney's case and there were no rape/abuse allegations, I think AJ and/or the University may have been willing to do something to shed light on her case.
Do people really consider the FB player and Brittney cousins? Or are you just saying that because it's easier than typing out the entire relationship? Because I can think of people who would be related to me like FB player is to Brittney, and I don't consider them "cousins" at all, but that could just be because they are all weird and annoying. LOL. I know growing up, you had the cousins from the dad's side and the cousins from the mom's side, and they never considered themselves to be related.
Just to clarify my thoughts, I don't think the lack of coverage is due to AJ and some conspiracy to protect him and/or the University. What I do think is that a wonderful opportunity is understandably lost whereby AJ and/or the University could bring Brittney's case to the forefront. This opportunity is lost because of all the rape cases. If it were simply Brittney's case and there were no rape/abuse allegations, I think AJ and/or the University may have been willing to do something to shed light on her case.

Let's remember they are not cousins. If looking for opportunities for Brittney coverage from the football fanatic state, what about the Senior Bowl 2013, right there in Brittney's back, I mean, front yard? This venue draws players and fans from across the nation.

This case sadly reminds me of the Haliegh Cummings case in Florida. The child is still missing, but several family members and cohorts are in jail for drug charges. The ones who know what happened are in jail and not talking, IMO.
IMO her family hasn't been able to advocate for her because they're too busy being arrested and in jail..
IMO her family hasn't been able to advocate for her because they're too busy being arrested and in jail..
While other family members have been busy trying to solicit funds for bail $money$ to get them out of jail...:banghead:
Let's remember they are not cousins. If looking for opportunities for Brittney coverage from the football fanatic state, what about the Senior Bowl 2013, right there in Brittney's back, I mean, front yard? This venue draws players and fans from across the nation.

This case sadly reminds me of the Haliegh Cummings case in Florida. The child is still missing, but several family members and cohorts are in jail for drug charges. The ones who know what happened are in jail and not talking, IMO.

I don't believe I said cousins, but if I did I apologize. Second cousins twice removed or whatever that makes them. The point is that there is a relation. I also believe it's in AJ's nature to help others. I have read he has done it with complete strangers. Knowing that, I have to believe that he would have done what he could to help someone who is in some way related to him, more so than a complete stranger. However, the alleged and deprived acts of Brittney's more immediate family have understandably cut that off as even a possibility. That's not a slight on AJ. That's just an example of yet another way the allegations of rape/abuse have harmed Brittney or her investigation.
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