Recovered/Located AL - Casey White, prisoner, & Vicky Sue White, CO w/sher office, Lauderdale, 29 Apr'22 *Reward* #2

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I think their Alabama accents are going to stick out like a sore thumb in Canada or the far west. I think Canada would be a huge risk for people who have never been there. They are going to be far too conspicuous.

Mexico? That's a more difficult one for two people that I don't think can speak a bit of Spanish and his height will make him easy to trace.

Maybe they could get away with it in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana.
Places in the Bayou to hide indefinitely. Provided they know the way around back in there. Alabama not so far away so possibly she has been there already.
In the video where they are exiting out of the sally port, I don’t think that she was at all nonchalant. To me she looked in a real hurry to get out of there - rushing out the door, barely holding it open for him and almost impatient with how long it is taking him to get in the vehicle.
She even fumbles with closing the door when she first gets out of the car. She seems nervous/flustered/in a hurry to me, too.
Even if VW lost the state funded contributions to her retirement fund, she will still have a decent amount of her own contributions saved up from her 17-25(?) years of work. She could have withdrawn her own funds with just a 10% federal tax penalty for early withdrawal. If she sold her house for well below it’s worth, it seems she’s more interested in immediate cash and less in getting the full value of anything.

She could have 10s of thousands in mattress money as well. Alabama is fairly affordable living and she's had stable, likely decent, income for years and no children to provide for. She may have been banking a ton of overtime and had little time to spend it through the years.
Where did VW take her vacations? Was it known amongst her friends and family she was a beach-lover? Did she take her mom and nephew to the mountains? What hobbies does she have, especially anything that could aid in their survival, such as gardening, farming, hunting. what about church membership, social clubs, etc.

Its easy to paint her as a lonely single woman easily swayed by CW's charming lies because she's living a solitary life with only work and her elderly mother for company, but I dont think that's true. she had to do something with her time away from the jail, even if she watched TV for 8 hours a day.

Besides being a criminal, does CW have any employment history or special training? especially something he could do for cash under the table. thinking a construction/day laborer type of thing.

have we found any kind of social media for either of them?
I like where you're going with this. Especially because behavioral analysis by those trained to understand criminals could help with the search.

VW is being underestimated because of generalized internalized biases about childless single women. Poor, lonely Vicky is not what I'm seeing. I'm seeing someone who is very calculating & gets what she wants. Someone who has led a secret life for a long time. Someone who knows who CW is and chose him based on what she thought (wrongly, no doubt) he could offer her.

The power dynamic here may not be as traditional and stereotypical as most think.

I'm not an expert in human analysis. But I do know if we eliminate our personal biases (very hard to do!), we can understand others better.

I'm a childless, never married, single woman age 59 & implicit bias of others is something I have experienced in many facets of my life. Other women with more traditional lives & expectations definitely discount my life experience. It's not often "overt or intentional" but can have consequences that are.

Just my opinion.
Brittany Harry WAAY 31 @BrittanyHarryTV via Twitter
New picture just released by the Lauderdale County Sheriff's Office to the @WAAYTV newsroom of the vehicle Vicky White and Casey White could be traveling in. Note minor damage to the bumper. Vicky just purchased this 2007 Ford Edge last week. #VickyWhite #CaseyWhite
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I wonder if Vicky was the Deputy

"During the struggle, he got one of the deputy's holster and gun," the sheriff said. "He never got the gun out of the holster."

Man threatens to jump from courthouse window, grabs deputy's gun

Sheriff Rick Singleton said he's thankful no major injuries were reported. One deputy sustained a minor injury to her head during the struggle.

Judge promises mental evaluation to disarm inmate
That would be the word on the street, yes. I was never able to find an article that called the deputy out by name but did see one that referred to the deputy in question as "she". jmo
Doubt it. I have a pension from retiring as a teacher. The payment comes monthly and is a month behind. So I waited a month for the first payment and receive one monthly now through direct deposit. No choice on the direct deposit thing.

Point is, she'd could have submitted the papers early for a certain date, but then would most likely have to have a bank account listed to receive them starting a month later (as you're still receiving employment $ that last month). And most definitely not all at once, as benefits terminate when the person terminates, iykwim.

Same here. Retired teacher, 25 year career. Pension check at the end of the month, direct deposit. Took I think three months until the checks started coming. This is NY, though, and I don't know if it's different in other states. Checks will end when I die because I chose that option instead of a smaller check with beneficiaries.

However, I also have a TDA that I've paid into my entire career. That's where most of my money resides, and as I'm over 59 1/2, I can withdraw from that at any time. I'm wondering if Vicky had something similar.
Different state, different career, but perhaps a similar option.

I have beneficiaries on my TDA, but if I committed a crime before I was legally retired and lost my pension, I could live the rest of my life on what I've accumulated in that TDA.
She could have 10s of thousands in mattress money as well. Alabama is fairly affordable living and she's had stable, likely decent, income for years and no children to provide for. She may have been banking a ton of overtime and had little time to spend it through the years.

Yes, I think this may be more like the truth.

She saves and plans, but then throws her life's savings away on a career criminal who not only physically abuses women to the point of murder, but is a total loser in life.

She thinks she knows him, but she only knows who he is as an incarcerated man. As others have described, he becomes a different person on the outside and I have to think the temptation of all that money of hers will lead very big trouble for her.
When my husband retired from the state of AL, we were required to attend a day long retirement seminar that in part explained how your funds would be received , the options, etc. all paperwork was signed at that time as to what decisions were made on how to receive the funds including disbursement from the DROP program. Not sure if she qualified for that as it’s since been stopped.
She could have 10s of thousands in mattress money as well. Alabama is fairly affordable living and she's had stable, likely decent, income for years and no children to provide for. She may have been banking a ton of overtime and had little time to spend it through the years.
We are going to see how smart she was. I agree she likely has a suitcase filled with cash. Spending it without drawing attention is going to be their problem.

I think they have help from someone we don't know about yet. Someone who can give them shelter and buy their stuff but not draw attention. A friend with a big farm in the middle of nowhere...
Good catch. No surprise here either. Do you think there would be an additional checkpoint in the parking lot or on the way out that could’ve held her up? Of course if there was, that would just mean yet another checkpoint failed to stop them from breaking policy. Which would also be no surprise.;)
I didn't know, until the Suzanne Morphew case, how much detailed telematics information is tracked by the electronics in current-era vehicles.

Although they only drove the police car a short distance before abandoning it, I wonder if that car has telematics that can solve the question of the exact time they left the jail, and info about anywhere else they went, or longer-than-stoplight stops they made, before switching to the orangemobile.

She had to know it doesn't work that way. She's been in this system for 25 years. She was active duty when she went "missing" and would have remained on active duty until the situation worked itself out. They wouldn't have processed her retirement without her presence. Similar to when we had active duty members go AWOL. They remained on active duty with a status of "UA" (paid or unpaid according to the circumstances). No further processing would be done unless something happened that would trigger that. Person is located. Person is dead. Other than that it just remains in limbo. jmo

ETA: I just saw that she was officially fired today. So that's that. She'll just be processed out of the system as terminated. Not retired.

There has to be some reason she filed for retirement and timed it the way that she did - if not for herself, then for a beneficiary. If she's seen as the victim, I think it would be hard to deny benefits. I could just imagine the uproar if some government employee got kidnapped and disappeared and the government employee's spouse and kids were denied the retirement then went BK in a fictional example.
Brittany Harry WAAY 31 @BrittanyHarryTV via Twitter
New picture just released by the Lauderdale County Sheriff's Office to the @WAAYTV newsroom of the vehicle Vicky White and Casey White could be traveling in. Note minor damage to the bumper. Vicky just purchased this 2007 Ford Edge last week. #VickyWhite #CaseyWhite
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So she bought the vehicle from an actual dealership not a casual roadside or Craigslist kind of thing. I wonder if that's how they found out about her 2nd alias? Is that the name she used to buy the car? And why is Facebook mad at them (the dealership)? jmo
There has to be some reason she filed for retirement and timed it the way that she did - if not for herself, then for a beneficiary. If she's seen as the victim, I think it would be hard to deny benefits. I could just imagine the uproar if some government employee got kidnapped and disappeared and the government employee's spouse and kids were denied the retirement then went BK in a fictional example.
She has no spouse and kids.
I didn't know, until the Suzanne Morphew case, how much detailed telematics information is tracked by the electronics in current-era vehicles.

Although they only drove the police car a short distance before abandoning it, I wonder if that car has telematics that can solve the question of the exact time they left the jail, and info about anywhere else they went, or longer-than-stoplight stops they made, before switching to the orangemobile.

Already know the exact time they left the jail. Videos released showing them walking out together and leaving, at 9:31 AM via the Sally Port camera.
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