Identified! AL - Huntsville, Skeletal, WhtMale UP2747, 45-60, near Hwy 20 @ I-565, May'08 - Ralph Eric Hucher

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
1713UMAL - Unidentified Male

Date of Discovery: May 7, 2008
Location of Discovery: Huntsville, Limestone County, Alabama
Estimated Date of Death: 1950-2007
State of Remains: Not recognizable - Partial skeletal parts only
Cause of Death: Unknown

Physical Description
Estimated Age: 45 - 60 years old
Race: White
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0", Estimated
Weight: Cannot Estimate
Hair Color: Unknown
Eye Color: Unknown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Unknown

Dentals: Available; Teeth 8,9,24 are missing postmortem. Teeth 10,11,30 are fractured. After extensive review and a second opinion from an othodontist/odontologist, of the dental photographs and dental radiographs, it is not clear if the right and left first or second bicuspids are missing, presumably for othodontic treatment. Commonly the first bicuspids are the teeth extracted for othoodontic treatment, but the angulation of #14 suggest maybe the second bicuspid was extracted. Therefore to not exclude any possible match from NCIC, all maxillary bicuspids will be coded as the default code.
Fingerprints: Not Available
DNA: Available

Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: Unknown
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Eyeglasses.

Circumstances of Discovery
Land surveyors found human remains in a heavily wooded area North of Old Highway 20 near I-565 (between County Line Road and Greenbrier Road).

Human remains found over a decade ago still unidentified


Human remains found eleven years ago by a team of surveyors near the Greenbrier Exit on I-565. There’s no face to put with the story, only belongings, now part of a decades-old riddle.

Huntsville Police Investigator Chris Hines details each piece of evidence from a case dating back to May 6, 2008. Human remains found in a thickly wooded area off of old Highway 20. Our cameras were there that day when investigators removed several bags of evidence from the scene. Eleven years later, we’re getting a first-hand look at what they collected in hopes someone recognizes even one piece. Binoculars, a small flashlight, a pocket knife, a pair of prescription glasses and a dark-colored fleece jacket. There were also bones that were sent off to the forensics lab.
“The remains were found to be of a white male, the age range of 45-60 as best they could tell and height of 6 foot,” said Huntsville Police Investigator Chris Hines.

Investigators believe the person may have disappeared anywhere from 2000 to 2007 because of the condition of the body. And because the person was wearing a fleece jacket, it was likely fall or winter when the victim, who police say was probably on foot, walked into the woods off I-565. Hines is staying quiet on how the person died but did say a gun was found near the remains.

Human remains found over a decade ago still unidentified
Screenshots I took from the video in the article (click on images to enlarge)





The identity of human remains found 15 years ago by a team of surveyors near the Greenbrier Exit on I-565 was released by the Huntsville Police Department on Thursday.

On July 20, HPD identified human remains found in May 2008 as Ralph Eric Hucher, a Vietnam War veteran, and Texas native. He was 52 years old when he was last in heard from in 2002.

The identity of human remains found 15 years ago by a team of surveyors near the Greenbrier Exit on I-565 was released by the Huntsville Police Department on Thursday.

On July 20, HPD identified human remains found in May 2008 as Ralph Eric Hucher, a Vietnam War veteran, and Texas native. He was 52 years old when he was last in heard from in 2002.
The Huntsville Police Department (HPD) has identified human remains found in May 2008 as Ralph Eric Hucher, a Vietnam War veteran and Texas native. Hucher, whose remains went unidentified until July 2023, was 52 years old when he was last in contact with family in 2002.

Throughout the years, HPD investigators have worked to identify the remains found by a team of surveyors in a thickly wooded area off Old Highway 20 in Huntsville-annexed Limestone County. In hopes of identifying the remains, investigators shared information with the public about personal belongings found in the area, including a lighter, binoculars, pocketknife, prescription glasses and a fleece jacket.

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