AL - Jack Wiley & Glenna Cavender for child sexual abuse, Conecuh County, Jan 2006

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DNA Solves
Shadow205 said:
I'm glad that the test results are back. It ends alot of wondering about who these children are. I honestly didn't expect the results to turn out the way that they did. Now what? I wonder what the chances are of their fathers coming forward to take custudy of them? It was mentioned early on that Glenna Faye's family has expressed interest in taking custody of the kids.
That's assuming that the mother even knows who the fathers are. As it is, the woman looks borderline retarded. I'm not terribly sure the state will automatically hand the children over to blood relatives, given the situation re this case.
Is it known how Glenna and Jack are related? Did they also do dna testing to see if they are father/daughter or not?
That's what I would like to know. Given the age of the little girl and the time Glenna Faye has been with the &^%$ I want to know who the father of this child could be.!? And then you have the 17 year old! This case has infuriated me from the beginning! I thought we would get answers but the results have just given us more questions! She (Glenna) needs to just fess up and get it all out in the open...

I am glad though that he is not the father because now I don't have to sit back and watch him fight for rights!
Marie said:
Is it known how Glenna and Jack are related? Did they also do dna testing to see if they are father/daughter or not?
It would be fairly easy to do if they have the results--all they would have to do would be overlay the two x-ray-type developments on a light board. Since they didn't say anything about it in the news report, I assume they're not related.
Glenna Wiley also said she might pursue an insanity defense against the child abuse charges she faces. She has now consented to a psychological evaluation to prove she is competent to stand trial.

Prosecutors say that's the only way she can prove her credibility with jurors.

Conecuh County has worked with police in all those states, the ABI and the FBI, and so far, nobody's found any other victims.

Tommy Chapman says delays in receiving additional DNA evidence from the state lab means it will probably be next year before the case goes to trial. He would not rule out a plea deal for Glenna Wiley in exchange for her testimony.
:confused: I wonder what the additional dna is for.
Just bumping this up to see if anyone has heard anything new.
I'm wondering where the two children went to live. Sorry, but I hope that it isn't with her relatives.
Police arrested Jack and Glenna Wiley. They wanted to know if the two children with them were their children. DNA test results confirm Glenna Wiley is the mother of both children, but Jack Wiley is not a blood relative.

Prosecutors also say Jack and Glenna Wiley were drifters. The couple spent about 20 years together, and in that time, police agencies across America learned their names.

"In Florida, Texas, California, uh, Alaska,"said District Attorney Tommy Chapman.

In particular, prosecutors say Jack Wiley was fascinated with the northwest.

"They lived in Alaska for several years, and they went back and forth there quite a bit over the years," said Chapman.

That is, when they weren't fighting. Glenna Wiley filed domestic violence charges against Jack Wiley everywhere they lived.

"She's gotten restraining orders against him in other states, at which time, they'd move," said Chapman. "

I would bet that there are other victims out there, probably victims who never filed a report. I hope that the children are in a safe happy enviroment now. They sure deserve to be after all they have been through.

EVERGREEN - An accused child sex abuser rejected a Conecuh County prosecutor's offer, even after state forensics workers reported finding his semen on the nightgown of his alleged victim.
Jack Wiley was charged with two rape counts in connection with a three-year-old girl and with sodomy in connection with a 17-year-old boy.

Wiley's attorney, Sally Stoddard, said yesterday they offered him 25 years on two counts, to run concurrently.

The case drew national attention in January after a Georgia woman saw Wiley and the three-year-old in a Conecuh County convenience store. Officers arrested the 58-year-old Wiley and his wife, 40-year-old Glenna Faye Cavender Marshall. Investigations showed both had a long list of aliases and criminal records.

The girl and boy who were found in the couple's care were examined and investigators said a doctor found evidence the young girl had been repeatedly raped.

Authorities said Marshall, who was charged with child abuse, told investigators that Wiley had molested the girl and possibly others. Wiley and Marshall remain in the Conecuh County Jail.

The children were placed in foster care.

Wiley maintains his innocence. District Attorney Tommy Chapman said the case could go to trial as early as next month.

Copyright 2006 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
What an idiot....his semen on a 3 year old's nightgown and evidence that she had been repeatedly raped....he's crazy to go to trial. The children can testify and the DNA will be impossible to overlook.
thanks for the update this is one little girl that is on my mind frequently. I wonder how she and the boy are really doing. I had heard the lady who is responsible for saving them had wanted to adopt the little girl.
EVERGREEN -- A 42-year-old woman charged in a 2006 sex abuse case that made national headlines pleaded guilty Tuesday to two felonies and was sentenced to two 10-year terms in prison, according to Conecuh County District Attorney Tommy Chapman.
Chapman said Glenna Faye Wiley appeared before appointed Circuit Judge James Hard and pleaded guilty to sexual abuse and child abuse in connection with her young daughter.
There was no plea bargain in the case, Chapman said, meaning the woman took her chances on sentencing. She will have to serve at least three years of the two concurrent sentences before she is eligible for parole, Chapman said.
more @ link.

thanks for the update this is one little girl that is on my mind frequently. I wonder how she and the boy are really doing. I had heard the lady who is responsible for saving them had wanted to adopt the little girl.
Both children remain in state custody, officials said, and both were doing well with foster families.
this quote is from the second link. i wish the child was with her hero.
Thanks for the update on this. I think of her too. The alleged mother didn't get near enough time. Jack goes to trial in Nov. I hope he gets life.
I wonder if they have ever found any of his other victims?
Thanks for the update on this. I think of her too. The alleged mother didn't get near enough time. Jack goes to trial in Nov. I hope he gets life.
I wonder if they have ever found any of his other victims?
i looked for info on other victims. the mom said they had other victims but due to the fact they moved with nascar to sell keychains she cant remember where. the police are unsure if they should believe a word she says. without names and locations its hard for police to do anymore.
Thanks for the updates on this. I agree that "mom" didn't get enough time in my opinion. :furious: :furious:

I guess this statements solves the DNA question.

State-ordered DNA tests showed that the children were biologically hers but were unrelated to her husband. Jack Wiley's trial is set for November, Chapman said.

Such monsters. :furious: :furious:

I pray that those children are in a loving stable home now.
Kudos to this lady for being observant and persistant! She saved the lives of these children, and maybe more!

A West Virginia woman has been sentenced to 10 years in prison in a child sexual abuse case that developed only because a Georgia woman on a trip doggedly pursued her suspicions that a young girl at a south Alabama convenience store was in danger.

Glenna Faye Wiley, 42, of Big Chimney, near Charleston, W. Va., must serve at least three years before she's eligible for parole, Conecuh County District Attorney Tommy Chapman said.


Wiley pleaded guilty Tuesday to felony sexual abuse and child abuse involving her daughter, who was 3 years old at the time of the arrest last year. She also had been charged with child abuse involving her son, who was 17, but her plea involved only the daughter.

Her husband, Jack Wiley, 59, also is charged with sexually molesting the girl and boy, with trial set for November. State-ordered DNA tests determined Glenna Wiley is the mother but he is not the father of the two children.

An investigation began after Tracie Lee Dean of Atlanta, who was driving through Alabama, saw the young girl at a convenience store off Interstate 65 in rural Conecuh County on Jan. 19, 2006, and suspected something was wrong. She said the girl's eyes haunted her and the man with the child seemed threatening.

Dean alerted authorities, but got nowhere at first. She began checking online sites and hot lines for missing children and eventually drove 300 miles back to the store, where she got a deputy to look at the surveillance tape. It showed the girl accompanied by Jack Wiley and helped authorities locate the couple and two children in a dilapidated trailer home in the county.

"I had to go through hell before anyone would listen to me," Dean told the Press-Register after the children were found a few days after her encounter with Wiley and the child at the store. "I thought I was going crazy. I'm just glad she's safe."

Entire Article Here
God bless this woman for following her gut and preventing more harm to those children..
That lady is amazing. Some people out there truly do care.

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