Found Alive AL - Lisa Holman, 45, Pelham, 10 Feb 2018

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Once when I was younger I was in a wreck on the way to work. I hit a tree also and head injury occurred. I was found walking on the side of the road with my head split open. I never lost consciousness according to the man that found me and drove me to the hospital. I remember finally being aware of my surroundings about 2 hours later. In this time I never lost consciousness per hospital personnel. I still don't remember any of it, don't remember the guy that picked me up, don't remember the wreck, getting out of the car, walking on road nothing, nada. So I definitely can see where she could wonder off and "come to" and be totally lost. I could also see a scenario where she lays down and never wakes. So sad
I wonder at what time her teenagers noticed she didnt come home that night. I would just assume she stayed over night at her friends place, i probably wouldnt be calling over there that early in the morning. As always, we don't really have many details yet. IMO
Once when I was younger I was in a wreck on the way to work. I hit a tree also and head injury occurred. I was found walking on the side of the road with my head split open. I never lost consciousness according to the man that found me and drove me to the hospital. I remember finally being aware of my surroundings about 2 hours later. In this time I never lost consciousness per hospital personnel. I still don't remember any of it, don't remember the guy that picked me up, don't remember the wreck, getting out of the car, walking on road nothing, nada. So I definitely can see where she could wonder off and "come to" and be totally lost. I could also see a scenario where she lays down and never wakes. So sad

Thank you for sharing this story- it gives me hope that she could still be alive out there.

What an awful experience you had there- so sorry you went through that. It might be merciful that you don't recall it happening.
I wonder at what time her teenagers noticed she didnt come home that night. I would just assume she stayed over night at her friends place, i probably wouldnt be calling over there that early in the morning. As always, we don't really have many details yet. IMO

I think the article said they noticed the next morning she wasn't home and they went out looking for her and found her car.
I'm wondering if the father didn't live with them, because it said that the kids called their father when they found her car. I could be wrong, though.

My hinky meter is going off a bit because of the fact that her phone was in the car, and I would think she would try to call 911 at least if she was able to. Her car was in a wreck- what did she hit to cause that? Another car, light post, tree? Did someone hit her car and take off? I would imagine that there would have to be damage to another vehicle somewhere for her car to be in that shape.

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I think the article said they noticed the next morning she wasn't home and they went out looking for her and found her car.

I understand it was very early in the morning, too early to be calling her friends place to see if she was there IMO. The average teenager isnt likely to be up that early on a Saturday morning. They must have tried calling her that night. IMO
I understand it was very early in the morning, too early to be calling her friends place to see if she was there IMO. The average teenager isnt likely to be up that early on a Saturday morning. They must have tried calling her that night. IMO

Teens do have to catch buses for sports, or they might have rehearsals for a play, chorus or band. Dance lessons. Church events. School? All sorts of reasons for many teens to be awake. Also, jobs? Not every teen sleeps in until noon time.
By Saturday evening police were asking the public for help when the search begins again early Sunday morning. Those who want to help should meet at Chelsea High School at 6 a.m. Sunday.

Good morning everyone!
I'm wondering if the father didn't live with them, because it said that the kids called their father when they found her car. I could be wrong, though.

My hinky meter is going off a bit because of the fact that her phone was in the car, and I would think she would try to call 911 at least if she was able to. Her car was in a wreck- what did she hit to cause that? Another car, light post, tree? Did someone hit her car and take off? I would imagine that there would have to be damage to another vehicle somewhere for her car to be in that shape.

with all the woods surrounding the area car was found she may have hit a deer. Would be helpful to know where damage is on car, if airbags deployed, etc.

Larissa Scott

9m9 minutes ago
First bus full of volunteers going to search site. Officials tell me there are two separate sites they think Lisa Holman could be. @WVTM13

That sounds to me like they have some idea of what happened. I hope she is found soon so that she can get the medical attention she needs.

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Pelham, Alabama Police Department
41 mins ·
(7:00a.m. Sunday)

The search is resuming as we speak. Because of the overwhelming response, the number of volunteers will be capped at 200 this morning.

We'll need more volunteers this afternoon, so if you were not able to make it out this morning, please meet at Chelsea High School no later than 12:00p.m. Sunday.

All volunteers must be at least 18 years old, and you must have a cellphone. Again, thank you to everyone for offering time and resources in the effort to find Lisa Holman.

Such beautiful photos of her and her children on her Facebook, but like someone else posted, no husband so they may be separated. If she had wondered off with injuries, I would think she can't have gone far. I really hope this is just a tragic accident and she is found soon.
Such beautiful photos of her and her children on her Facebook, but like someone else posted, no husband so they may be separated. If she had wondered off with injuries, I would think she can't have gone far. I really hope this is just a tragic accident and she is found soon.

Barring an abduction, I think she will be. I was studying the topographic map of the area of the crash and I just can't see her going too far off the road. The road sits lower then the surrounding topography, so for her to have wandered far off the road she would have to climb a steep hill on either side of the road, something I can't imagine someone with a head injury serious enough to cause disorientation to be able to do successfully, in the dark, on a country road.

I think she's going to be found off to the side of the road, either in brush or in the woods on the residential side of the street.
I wonder if her car was not a ways off the road. It seems like someone would have passed by and seen it otherwise. The father may have found it because he was actually looking for it.

I don't know what wildlife is like in the area but where I live deer are always running across roads. I wonder if they can tell if her car hit an animal. I guess at this point it is more important to find her than worry about how the accident happened.

Praying she is found safely and soon.
She has been found! According to her Facebook page - and she is talking. No details yet and nothing in MSM yet - just wnated y’all to know and this is her family posting. ����

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