Alec Baldwin

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Holy Cow, I just listened to this voicemail and I would be shaking in my boots if my dad said he was going to "straighten me out" over and over the way he did. He is threatening this poor child. What a jerk, why dont he pick on someone his own freakin size! He is a bully! :loser: I can tell you as a mother, I would NOT want my child to go with him.
Harvey Levin stated that TMZ recieved the recording legally and debated whther to run it since it involved a child. They made the decision to run it because Ireland Baldwin wanted it to to be public.

i believe that ........ she probably figured the truth might set her free ....... as a minor child, she has little power ...... cell phone messages are on ?radioFrequency? and not private, as hard-wire phone lines are ...... it's possible that ireland was so scared by alec baldwin's threats that giving her permission to copy was a cry for help from the "community."

being the brunt of that insulting, foul-mouthed tirade from a hollywood insider with clout could scare a kid big time!
FLmom... Although I thought your was an artculate post I am not sure its applicable in this case.

IMO Alec is a control freak and has a history of verbal tyrades.
I cannot justify how he spoke to his 11 YO in that message.
Degrading her mother is certainly not the right thing to do.

He is an adult and in that capacity he could have gone to his lawyer and gone to court to address this situation of Irland not taking his calls.
A more appropriate message would have been "sweetie, its dad.. remember I was suppose to call today? We are going to have to talk about this as its often hard for me to drop everything and call you and when I do its important you be there."

Somewho being called a little pig IMO is not going to encourage her to speak to him. From the way it spewed out of his mouth I am willing to bet this was not the first time he behaved this way towards her.
This custody battles has gone on for 6 years because Alec is a control freak and wants to get even with Kim.
Does Alec Baldwin know his daughter's age or not? I don't know her age myself, so I can't say if she's 11 or 12 yrs old. Did she recently have a birthday or is one coming up where I could understand him screwing up her age?

My daughter once rec'd a birthday card from my ex/her dad saying "Happy 8th Birthday!" when she was 10!!!!! We laugh about it now, but she didn't get why he didn't know how old she was back then.

I heard Bo Dietl :sick: on Geraldo last night try to defend Baldwin's actions and he was practically run off the set. He said that the release of the recording to the public was more hurtful to Ireland than anything else. :doh:

i'm sorry that happened to your daughter, Taximom, but i'm glad you brought this up ..... i've been wondering about that too! :)

somewhere in there alec baldwin yells:
i dont give a
that youre 12 years old or 11 years old or that youre a child or that your mother is a thoughtless
. . .

that might be the part of the diatribe that embarrasses
ireland the most .... her father not even knowing her age!
I noticed the age comments as well.

Didn't Baldwin once take a swing at a photog for taking pics of him, Kim and Ireland when she was a baby? I seem to remember that. I think I posted this before, he had a bad temper for a long time, but I think Kim B. is probably equally at fault -- both are vengeful toward the other and poor Ireland is caught in the middle.
It wouldn't surprise me if Kim were in fear of her life while she lived with this man and she would do anything to ensure her daughter was never in a position to have a physical attack from this man.

"He's out of control" is an understatement. he's a bona fide lunatic who i would try to keep any child away from. :furious:
I noticed the age comments as well.

Didn't Baldwin once take a swing at a photog for taking pics of him, Kim and Ireland when she was a baby? I seem to remember that. I think I posted this before, he had a bad temper for a long time, but I think Kim B. is probably equally at fault -- both are vengeful toward the other and poor Ireland is caught in the middle.

i was wondering that also, RT!

i started remembering an incident when, i believe, AB was bringing kim home from the hospital after she had given birth to ?ireland? (she's not their only child, is she?) ...... if that was 11 years ago, i must have been having a lot of fun! ...... he's had other incidents, but that particular photog sued him .....i dont remember what the judgment was
Great post and very clearly expressed! I too think we are jumping the gun by blasting Baldwin for his response when we don't know the entire story leading up to his phone call.
For those who are ready to hang Baldwin after hearing this message to his daughter, stop first and see if you can't remember how you too got to a point where you lashed out at your child.
To me I hear more frustration in Baldwin's than anger. The games played in post divorce by both parties are wicked.

Excellent post!
This custody battles has gone on for 6 years because Alec is a control freak and wants to get even with Kim.

In part, this custody battle has been going on for 6 years because of Baldwin's character defects....but the fire has been fueled just as heavily by Kim's. Neither parent deserves a pass in this situation.
This may not come out exactly right, but I'm going to give it a go.

I think, in the limited scope of what I know, that neither mom or dad is doing a bang up job of raising this child. One of the main tenents of a custody order and choosing where the child will go in an initial determination or modification of custody is something along the lines of "the willingness of the parent to nurture the child's relationship with the other parent". Both of these parents, lost in their own venom and spite, have let Ireland down in this department.

I'm kind of ambivelent in who is right in this. Let me explain why. As someone who has been involved in the whole custody thing over the years, I'm not really suprised at this tape.

Your children reach an age where you expect all of the love you've showered upon them and all of the things you've done for them to mean something. You break your back to make their worlds a little better, and you think that it really means something. Then, as soon as they get back in the other home, you are bashed beyond belief. It's not suprising---children sometimes have to mentally survive by identifying with whom they're with at the time, and if one parent is peeved at a loving relationship between the child and the other parent, the nastiness is then passed onto the child.

But there's that age thing again. They're grown up enough for this and that, but when it comes to standing up to the offending parent, they just slump and give in. It's extremely frustrating.

There are conversations I've had with my kids--not custody related-- where I would probably be mortified to see a transcript of or hear a tape of. Teenagers and pre-teens can make you want to bang your head against a wall. Yes, dad went overboard here and let his anger get the best of him, but sadly, I know where's he's coming from.

Sometimes I feel like I've been made a fool of also.

For what it's worth,

Another great post which made a lot of sense to me. I think we are on the same page about this.
It wouldn't surprise me if Kim were in fear of her life while she lived with this man and she would do anything to ensure her daughter was never in a position to have a physical attack from this man.

"He's out of control" is an understatement. he's a bona fide lunatic who i would try to keep any child away from. :furious:
i cant help thinking along those lines too, Floh!

after listening to it a couple times, i cant help wondering whether AB might have had some alcohol or other substance on board .... because he's actually talking to her as if she were an adult, some girlfriend who had stood him up, or something ..... he's down on a childish level of frustration, instead of being the adult/being the parent ..... setting a terrible example of acting out ..... and then there's that threatening>>>

"I am gonna get on a plane ...
i'm gonna fly out there for the DAY
i'm gonna straighten your a$$ OUT when i see you!
you understand me?
I'm gonna make sure you REALLY get it!

then i'm gonna get on a plane, turn around, and come home."

i positively loved Amraann's suggestion>>>
A more appropriate message would have been "sweetie, its dad.. remember I was suppose to call today? We are going to have to talk about this as its often hard for me to drop everything and call you and when I do its important you be there."
i positively loved Amraann's suggestion>>>

Same here. I thought Amraann hit the nail squarely on the head. If you want your child to WANT to spend time with you, it's far better to say something like "Hey, Sweetie. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to connect with you by phone. I love you and it makes me sad when I can't speak with you. Maybe next time."

It may be true that his ex-wife has made visitation hard for him but her actions have nothing to do with his child, and an 11-year-old shouldn't bear the brunt of his out-of-control maniacal rages that he's so famous for!
I'm also remembering my ex's frustration at being able to contact my daughter when she was 11, er, 12 yrs old. (ha) That's about the time school activities pick up and being with your girlfriends is a little more important than being with your DAD. (For a girl anyway.) It worked out for us because her father would rather golf than make time for her during his regularly-scheduled visits; and she often wasn't home when he decided to call. She didn't have a cell phone then!

Granted it sounds like this phone call time was scheduled (how sad), but maybe she was in the bathroom or something?! Or maybe she was on the other line and it went right to VM? Girls are always on the phone! Or maybe the phone wasn't in a calling area and it went right to VM?
It may be true that his ex-wife has made visitation hard for him but her actions have nothing to do with his child, and an 11-year-old shouldn't bear the brunt of his out-of-control maniacal rages that he's so famous for!

that may be ... does she have a webpage as alec B does? where she posts her side of things?

either way, alec's behaviour seems completely unguarded, completely unaware (or simply arrogant) about the fact that he is leaving a voice mail message and, from the time voice mail began years ago, everyone knows it's leaving recorded evidence that can be used in a court of law because the person leaving the message knows s/he is being recorded, thus consenting to being recorded by the very act of leaving the message.

that's why it seems AB must have been under the influence of something ..... perhaps it was just his rage, but after these "years" as he says on his blog, of having his buttons pushed ..... wouldnt a competent individual bend over backward, even if he had to bite his tongue, to at least wait until he saw the individual in person before he allowed himself to go off like that? either that, or he's so used to behaving in that manner that he simply doesnt give it a second thought anymore.

It may be true that his ex-wife has made visitation hard for him but her actions have nothing to do with his child, and an 11-year-old shouldn't bear the brunt of his out-of-control maniacal rages that he's so famous for!
Exactly. My compassion re his parental frustrations ended the moment he took his verbal/emotional weapons and aimed them directly at the heart of his child.
...or he's so used to behaving in that manner that he simply doesnt give it a second thought anymore.
This would be my guess. I think he's a typical powerful bully used to getting away with pushing people around.
It wouldn't surprise me if Kim were in fear of her life while she lived with this man and she would do anything to ensure her daughter was never in a position to have a physical attack from this man.

"He's out of control" is an understatement. he's a bona fide lunatic who i would try to keep any child away from. :furious:
I agree, Floh, and in my personal opinion, I think this is exactly the situation here. I think Kim has always only tried to protect her child however she could.

And IMO Baldwin and his team have been doing PR spin for years... but the tape exposes the "real" Baldwin for the world to see.
In part, this custody battle has been going on for 6 years because of Baldwin's character defects....but the fire has been fueled just as heavily by Kim's. Neither parent deserves a pass in this situation.

I have not read of anything over the years that indicates that Kim has done anything but try to protect her daughter from Alec's bad temper.

I don't know if I would classify her attmepts to protect her daughter in a court as the same as I feel about his very public tyrades.
Although this tape was not suppose to be released... It was and I am not convinced it was Kim's doing.
To be totally honest after 6 years I would almost not blame her for wanted the public to see what Alec is really like.
I don't recall Kim commenting to much about Alec over the years.
I have not read of anything over the years that indicates that Kim has done anything but try to protect her daughter from Alec's bad temper.

I don't know if I would classify her attmepts to protect her daughter in a court as the same as I feel about his very public tyrades.
Although this tape was not suppose to be released... It was and I am not convinced it was Kim's doing.
To be totally honest after 6 years I would almost not blame her for wanted the public to see what Alec is really like.
I don't recall Kim commenting to much about Alec over the years.

Kim has commented publically and derisively about Alec and their divorce so much that a Gag order had to be entered (for the protection of the child) and she has been held in contempt of that Order at least once.

Additionally, there is evidence of Kim's campaign to make her daughter hate her father.

Alec Baldwin is out there and everywhere. The public can and does see what he is like because, as you point out, his temper makes the news repeatedly.

Kim doesn't need to hang him out to dry - he does that to himself. Kim hangs him out to dry to satisfy her own bloodthirst. And she does it at the expense of their daughter.

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