CA Alison Chao, 15-year-old girl Missing in San Gabriel Valley Last seen 7/16/24

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The website has been set up by the family so the public is able to upload doorbell cameras/porch cameras directly to the family/investigators.

If you scroll to the bottom of the 1st page, it's all there.

Getting the word out about the website may be the best first step. I do feel like the website should have more pics of her other then close face shots... but there are more pics out there.
Thank you. I’m catching up - reading from the beginning. This case has LOTS of question marks and loads of variables. I just hope the PD is investigating this and following the facts while sorting through all the info. How does one simply DISAPPEAR?!?
One group of family members suspicious of the other one..?
My impression is that there is a dispute within the family and that Alison's going missing may be closely related to that dispute. But beyond that nothing is clear. I would hope that if one side of the family knew where she was, they would tell law enforcement. But clearly that hasn't happened, so maybe neither side knows where she is. I hope that wherever she is, she's safe.

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It's now confirmed to be Alison on the tracker map.

But you're right, it does seem to be beyond where she would be expected to turn off 6th Street if she was heading to her Aunt's house. Presumably she was either going somewhere else, or was taking a longer route for fun.

The location marked on the tracker map is accurate to where the image was taken; you can see the house at that location on Google maps. I've placed the tracker map image next to the Google street view:

View attachment 519205

Amazing info and images. Thank you for the update and concise details.
She had an alternate location in mind. Oh boy!

I am sure LE is doing a deep dive into her online activities. It should tell them something.

Fingers crossed.
This is what I am hoping for as well. Social media holds so many vital clues. They simply have to connect all the dots. And at her age, I would suspect that there are a LOT of DOTS. ‍♀️⚫
These sec.
Is this the photo?

There appears to be an Easy Up at the bottom.

At any rate, I've circled her.

Here you go:

Is this the photo?

There appears to be an Easy Up at the bottom.

At any rate, I've circled her.

Here you go:

View attachment 519347
Excellent. THANK YOU! It’s incredible how invaluable all the home sec. Cam footage has become over the years to aid LE in such investigations. They are irreplaceable and priceless in many serious cases across the planet. We are fortunate to live in a time where they are made possible and feasible to the masses.
Sadly it's looking more and more like Alison was either meeting someone nobody knew about, or running away.

Her new route is very concerning.
My instinct is the former. The latter is always a possibility - yet many factors (ie: age, grades, lifestyle) make be think she was meeting someone in full secret. That’s never a good idea when you are 15. Yet, at 15 I believed I knew what was BEST for me too. I questioned adults and authority. Never to the point of any similar actions. I’m just saying that many 15 year old girls with a little sense of self and autonomy - feel they can make decisions without involving or consulting adult (or any for that matter) family members.
Or maybe was going to a store. But that far out away from her aunts is concerning. I also wonder if maybe she was being followed and got scared. I was followed in my car once and didn’t drive home directly I drove as far away as I could and called the cops.
Ugh. This happened to me while driving (around the age of 16), and I drove straight to the closest PD where the dispatcher had two officers waiting for my vehicle out front. That was such a relief. The man who was following me stopped behind me in the street (either he saw the cops or recognized the front of the police department), and did a U-turn. They assured me they have security cameras which will give them all the info they need to contact the suspected stalker. They got into their police car and followed me to the front of my home. Made sure I went inside before driving away. I have so many friends with similar stories. It’s like a Margaret Atwood missive about this female rite of passage. It’s unnerving enough for any woman at any age, even more so at 15. I’ve also been stalked by a male or males while riding my bike and walking. It’s dangerous out there.
This is bea
Here’s the map of her path so far: I added a black arrow to the yellow dot representing the last confirmed sighting thus far. The bottom right where the red mark is is where she started out on N Ynez Ave.
View attachment 519355
This is beautiful. I’m in awe of such skills. Thank you for sharing this info and work. Beyond impressive.
She had no phone, or map, so wherever she's headed, it's muscle memory. It could very well be that she knows exactly where she's going and I'd wager it's somewhere she's been before.
That’s great insight. I agree with every word. She’s familiar with the destination and has taken that same route before.
Good catch.

Yeah, if she turned right on Via Marisol, her options are almost limitless. I really am wondering if she knows this area and she's been there before. Needless to say, this is a big search area, and if she's running away, it's made all the more difficult because you're looking for someone that's actively trying NOT to be found.
That last statement. Profoundly accurate and true. It’s much more difficult to find someone who is trying NOT to be found. Even if she met-up with someone unknown to her inner circle, she could still be working tenaciously NOT to be discovered.
Interesting comments about halfway down the page, made by LT.

Well, that's certainly a reason to run away, isn't it? Finding out your mother is planning to send you there? If what this random person is saying is real, that is.

Anyway if her grandpa's house in on Marisol as a poster here said, then Alison knew the route as she's probably been there several times before. Now, where is she after that?
Leaving without her phone is significant imo. To me that means she disappeared on purpose and doesn’t want to be found. MOO
OR…perhaps she was counting on returning in a short time. Leaving it behind may indicate that she shared her location with someone and wanted them to think she was still at the house. Puzzling for sure.
I could be wrong, but it sounds to me like LE knows who she has met upon with and they are trying to catch up to them?

It's also a possibility she wanted to go live with Dad or his family instead of Moms? IDK...
The last sentence. spot on. She is only 15, so under the law (unless she petitions or challenges it) - her parents decide under which roof she will sleep.
Judging from Alison's grandmother's post on social media, I wonder if the dad, someone on the dad's side, or someone close to the dad is watching over her somewhere? I'm praying this is the outcome as this seems to be the best one.

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