All About Chloroform #3

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Hard core opiate addicts sometimes use chloroform to extract and isolate the opiate in Oxycontin and even Methadone. Some even use it to make injection opiates from poppy pods and stems. The substance in the gatorade bottle actually looks like that was what it was used for. The majority of people on this site are most likely going to ignore that, though, because they want KC to be the worst monster they can imagine. I know many here have followed this case closely and it means a lot to people, but there is an overwhelming bias that exists. That is why what I am pointing out is being ignored even though it makes perfect sense. *shrug*

Why would a drug addict go through the convoluted effort to extract using chloroform when some of them were probably taught about cold water extraction in high school? If it is indeed it is a practice to seperate the med from the fillers. I am too old to keep up with this stuff..

As far as this site is concerned, your opinion is just as valuable as the next person. None of the folks here agree with each other all the time. What you think makes perfect sense may not make perfect sense to someone else.

I do know this, every single person here want's justice for that baby. And there is no doubt about that.

Take Care, Robin
My question is about how much liquid chloroform put into the trunk would be sufficient to arrive at the air sample concentration that was found. I'm not sure that we have that kind of answer, or if such an answer can even be given.

I don't even have a ballpark figure.

For example:

Maybe 1/1000th of a drop of liquid chloroform would be all that is necessary to result in the concentration found.

Maybe a pint of this liquid poured into the trunk is necessary to reach the found concentration.

Those are two different extremes, but I don't even have a handle on it to know if either is accurate or not.

I'm trying to get a sense for the possibility of transfer of chloroform which ends up in the trunk. If chloroform was used as a recreational drug (even once) could it somehow make its way to the trunk on clothing or other items? It's probably administered with a napkin or other small cloth. If that brushes clothing and then the clothing goes into the trunk could you get a transfer that accounts for the concentration found in the trunk? What about a trash bag that contains a chloroformed napkin? As the chloroform evaporates from any item and becomes gaseous does it begin to saturate the carpeting in the trunk?

I'm wondering if you can get these levels without actually having a container of liquid chloroform inside or even nearby the trunk. That's why I asked if you'd have to literally pour or spill the stuff into the trunk.

I'm also curious, too, but don't know much about volatile chemicals. Does it stain if poured on fibers like the trunk, would it leave an odor on fibers if spilled, would that much be in the air from just a few drops on a rag, or could it have been sprayed in? I've always thought it may have been sprayed, or somehow wicked into the trunk or little playhouse with the door closed, and mainly because they say she looked up inhalation online. Inhalation isn't just putting some on a rag and laying it over the nose.
KC's behavior (lying, promiscuity, stealing, inappropriate affect/emotional reactions, looking "blank" and unfeeling) are actually pretty typical for incest survivors. Sexual abuse in and of itself leaves deep scars...but when it is incest there are more issues at play. Sometimes the victim of incest believes that they are a "special" case and that their abuser won't touch anyone else. The family relationship can become deeply enmeshed with the sexual abuse.
No one should rule the defense out. They haven't even started yet and I think there are going to be a few bombshells that will blindside the prosecution. I do believe there was incest in the family. I found GA's testimony to be very dishonest. In fact, CA was the only one in the family who I felt was being honest.

If she was abused or mistreated in any way by GA or LA wouldn't you think it would have been advisable for her DT to have her evaluated by Psychiatric professionals, so they could use that to bolster her defense, and also provide the opportunity for counseling ? Surely they would jump at the chance to have her claims verified by their OWN experts.
IIRC they had her examined by two Drs and then dumped their findings pronto, so it is safe to assume their findings would not have benefited the DT in any way.
I am confident the good Drs can tell a bogus claim when they hear one... they are used to assessing liars and malingerers.
The implication is that CA was sedated with chloroform. However, IMO (and I work with the stuff every day) there is NO way that there would be enough still around the body by the time it was placed in the trunk (if that is what happened) to be detectable like that weeks later.

I think the chloroform they detected was either from some material in the car (it is a byproduct in the manufacture of plastics) or bleach was used on something in the car (as a deoderizer for garbage, for example).
None of the testimony about chloroform convinced me that Casey Anthony actually made some and used it on Caylee. Plus, how would she have been able to drive the car around with all that chloroform probably seeping through into the rest of the car? I think that neither the state or the defense wants to admit how much insect poison and cleaning products were used in the car and, especially, in that trunk. Casey probably tried to clean the trunk and must have sprayed a lot of poison in the car because Caylee's body was stored in the trunk and there would have been hundreds of insects inside there. Then I suspect both Anthonys went to work on the car to remove the smell, some of the items in the car, and the flies. When the defense's entomologist testifed about how few flies (in their various stages) were in evidence, I think it was obvious that the reason was that they'd been sprayed and killed several times, by Casey when she was driving the car and, later, by Cindy (or George, or both of them). Who could have stood having a car in the garage that was full of flies and maggots? So they got rid of them. And I believe that the amount and type of insect poison and cleaning products used to try to clean up that car caused chloroform in the trunk.

Has anyone posted this pic yet?
ginger do you have a link where I can see that picture bigger? My eyes aren't what they used to be I"m sorry. Thank you if you do!
I just wanted to bring this back in case there were a few (12) people in court 6th June 2011 that were preoccupied with something else and missed this

By Jacqui Goddard - Last updated at 8:09 PM on 6th June 2011
*Forensic expert says levels of chloroform were highest he'd seen in 20 years
*Describes stench of decomposition in air sample from boot of Anthony's car as 'extremely, overwhelmingly strong'
He said chloroform can be a natural by-product of decomposition, but he told the court it would not produce the levels found in Anthony's 1998 Pontiac Sunfire. He said: 'The chloroform was shockingly high, unusually high.'
He said a stain on a section of carpet in the boot tested positive for the compound at a vastly greater concentration than could be attributed to natural processes.
As a bodily by-product, chloroform is generally measured in parts-per-trillion units. In Anthony’s car, he said, it registered levels quantified in parts-per-million.
'We were shocked. I have never seen chloroform in that level in environmental samples... I never have in 20 years of doing this,' Dr Vass said
(and because there is a photo of Dr. Vass at this url....
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