All Casey Cell Phone LOGS and PINGS Part#3

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And the 623 number associated with this - made at the exact same time - is to Mark H's number.

At least for this call, it looks to me like she is sending him a MMS.

I think these are calls that she lets go to voicemail. They are all in pairs, all at the same exact time, for the same exact duration and never ping a celltower because they aren't picked up.

You will notice that the call from Casey's phone in the pair is to the 7686 number in every instance. This, I believe, is the voicemail number that the call is forwarded to.

The other number, the one that is called from, is most often from her parents' home or from Mark H.

I also believe that the order in the report is not the order that the calls occurred. Probably just a result of the sort of the report, being that the calls occur at the same exact time.

Also note that in almost every instance a text message comes in from "11". I believe this is an alert message from the service provider that she has voicemail.
I think these are calls that she lets go to voicemail. They are all in pairs, all at the same exact time, for the same exact duration and never ping a celltower because they aren't picked up.

You will notice that the call from Casey's phone in the pair is to the 7686 number in every instance. This, I believe, is the voicemail number that the call is forwarded to.

The other number, the one that is called from, is most often from her parents' home or from Mark H.

I also believe that the order in the report is not the order that the calls occurred. Probably just a result of the sort of the report, being that the calls occur at the same exact time.

Also note that in almost every instance a text message comes in from "11". I believe this is an alert message from the service provider that she has voicemail.

Eliza, I think you may have hit the nail on the head! That makes a lot of sense to me.

And the above bolded part - do you think it's because her phone is turned OFF? That would explain no tower ping. If her phone were on it seems like it would ring and thus cause a tower ping. Off and it goes straight to voicemail.
Eliza, I think you may have hit the nail on the head! That makes a lot of sense to me.

And the above bolded part - do you think it's because her phone is turned OFF? That would explain no tower ping. If her phone were on it seems like it would ring and thus cause a tower ping. Off and it goes straight to voicemail.

I don't know if we can tell for sure that the phone is off.

Take a look at the phone log on 6/28 between 5:01 and 5:08pm.

I don't think the phone could have been off between the 2 sets of texts to/from Jesse. And, of course, because there is one outgoing text BEFORE the Anthony Home phone call and one outgoing text AFTER, we know that she is physically using the phone to make those texts.

It's also quite the coincidence that of the 70 phone calls that were made to Casey's phone from the Anthony home, 50 of them went to voicemail. Of the 47 voice calls that Tony made to Casey's phone, only 1 went to voicemail.
Hey guys - I've just been wondering if anyone has come across any phone #'s in Casey's address book that don't match up? Do we even have what is called the "address book" for comparison? I'm just remembering that info we heard early on about Lee calling #'s from Casey's address book - and the #'s not matching the names - and Lee getting the neighbors or some such on the line and being confused...


I do know that the number listed under "Universal" is actually AT & T account management (bill collection).
I don't know if we can tell for sure that the phone is off.

Take a look at the phone log on 6/28 between 5:01 and 5:08pm.

I don't think the phone could have been off between the 2 sets of texts to/from Jesse. And, of course, because there is one outgoing text BEFORE the Anthony Home phone call and one outgoing text AFTER, we know that she is physically using the phone to make those texts.

It's also quite the coincidence that of the 70 phone calls that were made to Casey's phone from the Anthony home, 50 of them went to voicemail. Of the 47 voice calls that Tony made to Casey's phone, only 1 went to voicemail.

Eliza, I assume you mean 6/29 - no calls like that 6/28.

I see what you mean... Is it possible to send only certain phone numbers directly to voicemail? forwarding them in other words?
Eliza, I assume you mean 6/29 - no calls like that 6/28.

I see what you mean... Is it possible to send only certain phone numbers directly to voicemail? forwarding them in other words?

You mean skipping the ringing...Like if I were to call you....Or do you mean if you were to call me? I know that with some cell phones, if you hit that button on the side or wherever to silence the ringer if you can't pick it up at that time, sometimes it will send the call to voice mail. Make sense? Not sure if I helped or not! :p
Eliza, I assume you mean 6/29 - no calls like that 6/28.

I see what you mean... Is it possible to send only certain phone numbers directly to voicemail? forwarding them in other words?

Yes, you're right. Sorry about that - I meant 6/29.

Do you know the make and model of the cellphone that she had? Not the (imo, imaginary) razor, but the other one?

I know on some phones it is possible to set your security (or parental controls) up so that calls from numbers not in your contacts are blocked and go directly to voicemail. But I don't know if you can block specific numbers.

For example, on some phones, you can set your incoming calls to to "Allow All", "Phone Book Only" or "Special #s" (where you would add the special #s that you would allow your phone to accept). All other calls would go to voicemail.
Yes, you're right. Sorry about that - I meant 6/29.

Do you know the make and model of the cellphone that she had? Not the (imo, imaginary) razor, but the other one?

I know on some phones it is possible to set your security (or parental controls) up so that calls from numbers not in your contacts are blocked and go directly to voicemail. But I don't know if you can block specific numbers.

For example, on some phones, you can set your incoming calls to to "Allow All", "Phone Book Only" or "Special #s" (where you would add the special #s that you would allow your phone to accept). All other calls would go to voicemail.

The phone that was forensically examined was a Nokia 2610, a cheap phone but it did have internet capabilities, among other thngs.
Sorry if this has been asked and/or answered before...but you all are clearly the experts on the cell phone pings.

I was looking at the cell records for June 16th - the day George says was the last time he saw Caylee. If I remember correctly, he stated that he saw Casey and Caylee and that they left the house at around 1:00 pm. I know he later left for work. What bothers me is that the cell phone continues to ping from the same cell tower near the Anthony home that it pinged at earlier in the morning. This continues until after 4:00 pm. So how did they leave and still have the phone pinging on the same tower? What is the theory here...that she drove around the block and parked until George left for work? Why not just wait until he left before coming out of the bedroom? Has anyone discussed this? (My apologies if this has been brought up before)
Sorry if this has been asked and/or answered before...but you all are clearly the experts on the cell phone pings.

I was looking at the cell records for June 16th - the day George says was the last time he saw Caylee. If I remember correctly, he stated that he saw Casey and Caylee and that they left the house at around 1:00 pm. I know he later left for work. What bothers me is that the cell phone continues to ping from the same cell tower near the Anthony home that it pinged at earlier in the morning. This continues until after 4:00 pm. So how did they leave and still have the phone pinging on the same tower? What is the theory here...that she drove around the block and parked until George left for work? Why not just wait until he left before coming out of the bedroom? Has anyone discussed this? (My apologies if this has been brought up before)

Nobody knows for sure. But George could have been lying... many people have been suspicious at the great detail of his memory of what they were wearing, etc, over a month later.
Sorry if this has been asked and/or answered before...but you all are clearly the experts on the cell phone pings.

I was looking at the cell records for June 16th - the day George says was the last time he saw Caylee. If I remember correctly, he stated that he saw Casey and Caylee and that they left the house at around 1:00 pm. I know he later left for work. What bothers me is that the cell phone continues to ping from the same cell tower near the Anthony home that it pinged at earlier in the morning. This continues until after 4:00 pm. So how did they leave and still have the phone pinging on the same tower? What is the theory here...that she drove around the block and parked until George left for work? Why not just wait until he left before coming out of the bedroom? Has anyone discussed this? (My apologies if this has been brought up before)

According to the pings, neither the "left in a huff on the night of the 15th" nor the "left in the morning/afternoon of the 16th" is plain and obvious because of what you just stated--that the pings were coming from the towers around the A home until late afternoon (4'ish). I'm assuming the same cell towers would service Lee's house as the Anthony home. Casey could have driven around the block and waited for GA to leave. She could have driven to Lee's. Or maybe she was simply at home and people are wrong in their recollections. I don't know.

And what "following her pings" makes even more problematic is that she seemingly did not really leave the Greater Orlando area on key dates. Further, the cell towers can service an area of upwards of 3 miles (at least) so the area in which a person can "be" is vast. For example, at the A home you will see two or three main towers servicing that area. At AL's apartment you will also see three main towers servicing that area (and it's a large area). Since Casey did not seem to be that well-travelled it's hard to say if she was at "home" or a boyfriends or simply down the street doing something else but still pinging away from a home tower.
For reference Only

All Casey Cell Phone Logs & Pings Thread posts from 9/8 to 10/2
Continued >
All Casey Cell Phone Logs & Pings Part #2 Thread posts from 10/2 to 10/17
Continued >
All Casey Cell Phone Logs & Pings Part #3 Thread posts from 10/17 to 10/19

The elusive "other" cell phone - the Blackjack Thread post
Just looking @ this pattern Cindy' Cell & Anthony home => Casey, FWIW...

6/15 thru 6/24: Calls are hit & miss during this period. 0 to 2 a day, most <1min. and most from Anthony home. 1 call on 6/24 @ 3:15PM lasts 5mins. (gas cans?)

6/25: Cindy sends her first text msg to Casey (don't have pre-6/15 records yet)

(NOTE: Casey sent her first text to Cindy 6/18 @ 10:52AM...this was first break of silence since "flurry" of calls 6/16)
Casey returns 2 texts messages 6/25.​

6/26: Cindy calls Casey and has almost a 10min conversation + 1 text msg

6/27: Cindy calls 3 times in PM ranging from <1min to 6 mins, + 1 text msg

6/28: No activity

6/29-7/3 Mid-day: All calls are from Anthony home (none from Cindy's Cell) and appears almost all of them are ignored and go to vmail (if interpreting correctly)

7/3 mid-day: Cindy's texting starts to explode. (Day Cindy posts on Myspace)

8 in <3hrs, then 1 call for 11 mins.
Then 4 texts from Cindy,
Then 3 calls from Cindy lasting <3mins
Then 16 texts from Cindy until 11:17PM​

7/4: Morning Cindy calls Casey and they talk for 30mins

7/4 - 7/15: Cindy calls ~1-4/day and most appear to go into vmail. Cindy texts ~4/day
Just looking @ this pattern Cindy' Cell & Anthony home => Casey, FWIW...

6/15 thru 6/24: Calls are hit & miss during this period. 0 to 2 a day, most <1min. and most from Anthony home. 1 call on 6/24 @ 3:15PM lasts 5mins. (gas cans?)

6/25: Cindy sends her first text msg to Casey (don't have pre-6/15 records yet)

(NOTE: Casey sent her first text to Cindy 6/18 @ 10:52AM...this was first break of silence since "flurry" of calls 6/16)
Casey returns 2 texts messages 6/25.​

6/26: Cindy calls Casey and has almost a 10min conversation + 1 text msg

6/27: Cindy calls 3 times in PM ranging from <1min to 6 mins, + 1 text msg

6/28: No activity

6/29-7/3 Mid-day: All calls are from Anthony home (none from Cindy's Cell) and appears almost all of them are ignored and go to vmail (if interpreting correctly)

7/3 mid-day: Cindy's texting starts to explode. (Day Cindy posts on Myspace)

8 in <3hrs, then 1 call for 11 mins.
Then 4 texts from Cindy,
Then 3 calls from Cindy lasting <3mins
Then 16 texts from Cindy until 11:17PM​

7/4: Morning Cindy calls Casey and they talk for 30mins

7/4 - 7/15: Cindy calls ~1-4/day and most appear to go into vmail. Cindy texts ~4/day

Great analysis Bond. Makes it easy to see there was definitely something going on between the two of them.

Would LOVE to see those texts that Cindy sent!!! Hopefully LE got them all and just hasn't released them yet.
Heh. Figured it was about time I added an avatar. One of my idols, and fitting for October. :)

Looking at these odd calls a little more, I found some that don't quite fit with my theory that they are all MMS's. There are 4 of them within a few minutes on July 1 to the Anthony home phone - 1:43 AM (57 second call), 1:51 AM (12 seconds), 1:52 AM (15 seconds), 2:02 AM (10 seconds).

She couldn't be sending MMS's to their home phone, right? (or could be but they wouldn't work right?) What would she be doing calling the house several times at that time of the night?
I have no idea why she would have been calling them at that hour - repeatedly. (Sounds like she was tormenting them, lol.) I just wanted to comment about the date here. This is the night that she pings way out near Andy F's place I think. I have mentioned before that I think that this is one of the only evenings where she didn't have a place to stay and may well have spent the night in her car.


ETA - I believe that this was one of the weeks where CA was on holiday. They had talked about maybe visiting GA's parents or going to the beach. Maybe she was hoping that they weren't home?
Do you think that she ever traveled without the cell phone?

I sure do.

Everyone knows that your phone is traceable. I think it's possible she left it at home when she didn't want it known where she was at


that she went out dumped it in a field by the airport, went somewhere totally different and came back to get the phone. If true she is sitting back laughing at everybody combing the airport, knowing she disposed of her somewhere totally different. :furious: We shall see if she was that smart, I doubt it but you never know!
I sure do.

Everyone knows that your phone is traceable. I think it's possible she left it at home when she didn't want it known where she was at


that she went out dumped it in a field by the airport, went somewhere totally different and came back to get the phone. If true she is sitting back laughing at everybody combing the airport, knowing she disposed of her somewhere totally different. :furious: We shall see if she was that smart, I doubt it but you never know!

Unfortunately, lately...I've starting wondering about something similar as well. :confused:
I have no idea why she would have been calling them at that hour - repeatedly. (Sounds like she was tormenting them, lol.) I just wanted to comment about the date here. This is the night that she pings way out near Andy F's place I think. I have mentioned before that I think that this is one of the only evenings where she didn't have a place to stay and may well have spent the night in her car.


ETA - I believe that this was one of the weeks where CA was on holiday. They had talked about maybe visiting GA's parents or going to the beach. Maybe she was hoping that they weren't home?

On July 1, I believe those calls are calls FROM the Anthony home that go to voicemail.

One thing I find interesting is that between July 1 and July 5 it looks like Casey got very little sleep. Red bull, anyone? Or... something else?
Re: The call from AZ...

I was looking on facebook, and MH has his location listed as Western AZ.
I know this is the same MH that is in the military because I recognize the photo.

So I browsed through his friends and it looks like he has a relative that lives there. (Last name is the same as his mom's)

Here is another friend of his. She is in a lot of photos with KC.

So, how many calls were there to and from AZ?

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